Forums / Roleplaying / The Endless Battle

The Endless Battle
00:12:46 Dec 8th 07 - Sir Verll:

Verll looked at his wall. The mammoth had trampled hundreds of zombies, but it was to mach of them. His monkey archers and magicians had plucked down thousands upon thousands of zombies but it was to many of them. Some of the zombies had made there way to the wall but had been killed by archers, but when more and more were felled outside the wall they bunged up. It was so many dead zombies that some of there zombies climbed of the corpses and they were coming closer and closer.

Verll ordered his elefant magicians(very powerful, but not so skilled) to lift the corpses away with magic. All working together they managed to lift all the corpses ad it worked. Soon enough all the corpses were away and they released it on the hordes of zombies coming to fight. It killed hundreds of them.

01:32:22 Dec 8th 07 - Mr. Might:

*Mights wall was extremely easy to defend because every now and then Might would order some of his men to pore burning oil of the piles of corpses which decreased the size of the pile of bodys.

  Might was sitting back watching his men push the ladders enjoying a cup of coffee when he saw some zombie ogres charging up the hill with large clubs.        

Find out next time what happens to the gang!

11:17:44 Dec 8th 07 - Mr. Revenge Sweet:

[might, isnt each post meant to be 100 words plus?]


the first lot if undead were easily defended, but gradualy more and more came, those that had been subdued getting back up. the only way to stop them was to tar them to theground, but the tar was fast running out.

'men, prepare to fight! the next lot is coming in!'

with that, the men charged forward. they all held out huge spears, and had several undead impaled on each one. the spears were then thrown over the walls edge, into the middle were the wall curved slightly, so that tar could be poured over them. but there was only enough tar left for one more assault, and the undead were still coming.......

'anyone got their treacle pudding left over from dinner yesterday? get the treacle, heat it, there is our tar replacement!'

none of the men had eaten it, as it was not nice, no-one knew ho to cook, so this had been pre-packed several weeks ago, and was rock hard

'quick! get it onto them!'

the men quickly took it in turns to go and get their treacle pudding, and to pour it onto the undead, while the rest continued the spearing of the undead.

'fight! fight or die! when we have no treacle left, this is going to be almost impossible! but we can do it! sound the horn! call in help!



17:45:56 Dec 8th 07 - Mr. Revenge:

The Zombies got closer but his men shot them down, Revenge decided he didnt want to just stand there, he took out his cross-bow and fired at some of the oncoming Zombies, he began to run out of ammo so he took up his sword to the sky and the clouds swirled with his sword, he brought it down and the wind flew at the Zombies crushing there bones into the ground, Revenge cried out to one of his swordmen

" You there, inform the other kings there is a small cluster of nazguls heading this way"

He readied him self, this war was going to get harder, he walked to the ladder and climbed down to where the gate was with a group of his finest warriors, he signaled the gates to be opened, he and his men ran out and negan assaoulting the Zombies in the field in front of the wall, he hoped his fellow kings would follow but he wasnt sure if they had the balls to do it,

He slashed into a few zombies working with his fellow men, as he sliced a zombies leg off he brought his boot down onto the skull......

00:40:12 Dec 10th 07 - Mr. Erunion Telcontar:

Explosions were harrying the Zombified horde, but it was still a horde. Those in the pit were cooked, thanks to the mages, but they still came, walking over their own dead, using themselves as bridges.
"Ladders at the walls, your grace! They are coming forward!"
Erunion heard the warning, and yelled.
"Hold fire! Now! Draw arrows! Aim! FIRE!"
The zombies on that had come up onto the lip of the wall were torn apart, the ladders themselves shattering.
"Independent, Fire at will!"
Fire and explosions devastated the horde, but they came on, ever renewing in numbers...
I didn't know that this many people had died in the whole world.... Bloody grave-robbing necromancers...

03:49:10 Dec 10th 07 - Lord Jonny Bacardi The Grand Master:

The men laughed heartily as the zombies, turned stupid during zombification tried to constantly put ladders on the paladin wall. The men would wait, then push the ladders over when the zombies where almost there. They had even made a game out of it, seeing which group could wait the longest before pushing their ladder over. It was all great fun.

08:36:16 Dec 10th 07 - Lord Seloc:

  1. Lewatha,
  2. Septim,
  3. Patton,
  4. Ragnarr,
  5. Goldsie, 
  6. Killer, 
  7. Verll,
  8. Might,
  9. Revenge sweet,
  10. Revenge,
  11. Erunion,
  12. Jonny,
  13. Seloc. 

I'm going to start killing people off now, 1 a round starting next round.
The person to get killed will be the worst roleplayer. A good RP is based on, how long it is, how interesting it is, and whether your godmoding or not.

Seige towers approch your walls, manned by half-dead Warlocks!
Guard your walls with your lives!

17:47:11 Dec 10th 07 - Pirate Lewatha:

on came the zombies, they kept on pouring over the hills, like water falling from a cliff.

A horn was called and the zombies looked backwards, 5 siege towers, pushed by 4 trolls each, and full of Warlocks. Rolled onto the battlefield, towards the pirate wall.

The ice, still being on the ground, managed to make a few trolls slip, the utter right tower, fell down, because a troll stumbeled over the ice and pushed the tower. The second one from the left, was pushed off the hill, but due to the ice, it started gliding off the hill and fell over. Most warlocks in the towers were critically damaged and those that could still march, added themselves to the undead horde.

*Lewatha yelled: "Archers, prepare fire arrows, aim at the entrances of the towers!"*


About 100 arrows flew through the air, most missing their target, a few hitting the towers. One tower catched fire immediatly, all warlocks inside were screaming and most of them burned or suffocated to death.

There was no time to cheer , since the 2 remaining towers were about 10 metres away from the wall!

Try as they might, lewatha's archers did not manage to enflame the 2 remaining towers. They attacked to the wall and the warlocks came out of them, like there was no end. Swordmen stood ready at the exits of the towers, and clashed into them like drunken barny (every Pirate knows that big , always drunk scallywag)  on a keg of beer. Slashing and hacking, Lewatha's pirates fought of the warlocks, about 10 swordmen died untill lewatha had another great idea.

"Rum carriers! enflame your alcoholic drinks and throw them inside the towers!"

The rum carriers immediatly did what Lewatha commanded them. And the remaining 2 towers, were burnt to ashes.

16:25:21 Dec 11th 07 - Sir Ron Jeremy:

Fizban was smoking on his pipe as the battle continued to rage outside when one of his knights ran into his room and yelled, "Sir, they're bringing forward mages and siege towers, what are your orders?"

Fizban walked out to his balcony and surveyed the battle before him. The undead zombies pushed 4 towers forward, and on top of their towers the warlocks started casting 'dispel magic' spells to attempt to remove the flames, with some success. As knights rushed to those sections of the walls, the warlocks began to call down fire and lightning to strike them, sending them flying.

Fizban spoke to the knight behind him, "Have the clerics tend to the injured and dead, I'll handle this one. Perfectly good fire walls going to waste....." Fizban rolled his sleeves up and began muttering a counterspell as the warlocks began their next volley of spells to fire at the clerics. A fireball flew from one of the warlocks' fingers, however halfway through the flight, it 'bounced' back and struck the siege engine he was on. Soon, a large pillar of flame was seen in their ranks, taking that warlock with it.

The clerics, seeing the attack coming at them, took matters into their own hands. Speaking prayers to Paladine, (and incidently, causing a 'buzz' in Fizban's ears as he was casting) they prayed for pillars of fire to come from above. Paladine complied, and multiple columns came down towards the towers. The warlocks saw this threat coming and started their own counterspells. Two of them escaped unscathed, however another one was struck down. Two towers remained.

The two towers tried to seperate themselves from each other in fear of another fiery attack, however Fizban wasn't going to let them escape. He started his favorite incantation, and soon a small pea-sized ball of flame shoot from his fingers. It streaked across the battlefield and struck in-between the two towers. The small ball caused a giant explosion and sent flying, fiery corpses everywhere. Needless to say, the towers didn't stand a chance either.

Fizban nodded, "Not a bad job..." Then went to inspect the cleric's work at raising the dead.

17:06:02 Dec 11th 07 - Lord Ragnarr:

"Shield wall!" Ragnarr yelled. "Shield wall!"
A war horn was sounded mightily from one of the towers. The wind blew furiously and the large Wolven Banner flapped vicously.
Three siege towers slowly crawled closer and closer to the stone wall, their wheels creaking and rummbling on the barren grounds before them.
The northmen's supply of arrows had finished.They had nothing to kill off the ones, pushing and dragging the towers. Their catapult on one of the towers was burnt up, now in black ashes.
A volley of arrows flew from the tops of the towers, their steel tips flashing before landing, pounding onto the heavy shields of the northmen.
"Aah!.." Sigurd's eye was pierced by one of the arrows.
He was on Ragnarr's right at the shield wall.
"Guthrum, take his place."
The wounded man was dragged away from the front line, as another took his place.
The siege towers reached the walls and stopped. There was a silence before the storm. There was an absence of noise, which seemed to last for ages - they all knew what followed next.
The bridges fell heavily on the battlements and a swarm of undeads rushed forward, lead by several figures, armored with darksteel, wielding enchanted swordstaffs that hissed as the pure rain touched their demonic blades.
"AXES!" Ragnarr yelled so all could hear him.
At that moment, the warriors raised their light axes above their shield rims and threw them at the attacking swarms with all the strength they had.
It was a wave of devestation.
And then there was havoc.
Half dead soldiers flooded the walls, running forward after the ones before them had died. They were great in numbers, but clumsy fighters, not as quick as the blades of the northmen.
The wall had turned into a battlefield of pain and chaos for a moment, before the undead were pushed back to their towers.
The bridges were hacked off. The siege towers had lost their efficiency. The charge was defeated, but at what cost?
Olaf, Jens, Thorwald, Ricmorn, Eadlwulf,...many more... they were now in Valhalla.

08:40:53 Dec 12th 07 - Lord Seloc:

[Skipping Goldsie, : (]

12:06:50 Dec 12th 07 - Mr. Goldsie:

Never! (I was out today...)

The undead neared the Jungle, the shambling, plague ridden horde advanced slowly towards the wall. As they funneled into the center of the wall and neared the bushes there was a sudden shuffle in the bushes nearest to the front. There was a high pitched whistle as blow-darts flew forward, the front rank collapsed as the nervous systems of the zombies shut down while the fast acting neuro-poison coursed through their veins, shutting off the ability of the muscles to respond to the commands issued by what little was left of these creatures brains. In unison the giant bows unleashed their blots which tore down the great siege towers and left mighty holes in the ranks of the undead, but these were quickly filled with fresh cannon-fodder, the remaining warlocks unleashed foul magics upon the wall, successfully smashing apart one bow and damaging another. The second undead rank tried to halt the advance but the push from behind forced them forward and they stumbled and tripped on the corpses at the front, they were promptly ground into the ground by hundreds of gangrenous feet. The undead continued, fighting against the volleys of blow darts decimating their lines. Finally the volleys stopped and the undead marched forward with a triumphant moan, but this was cut short by the vicious war cry of the saurus'. These mighty beasts had been waiting in ambush, and with undead within a hairsbreadth they sprang, their scaled and spiked body  collided with the undead fount rank, piercing their rotting body's and sent them tumbling backwards into their comrades. With that the Carnosaur's charged forward, covering the distance in seconds with powerful strides, they trampled zombies and sent them flying with brute strength and weight. Krok-Garr and Tlaxkai, impaled many with their lances, in the fashion of some sort of zombie skewer. They then dropped their lances and drew large blades spiked with piranha teeth and proceeded to hack through the horde. Goldsie decapitated several with his powersword, which carved through their flesh like a hot knife through butter. 'Withdraw to the jungle, let them come to us and may the push from behind prevent those at the fount from withdrawing or finding a better path, they will not make the same mistake again.' The remaining siege towers rolled towards the jungle but quickly became entangled in the roots and vines surrounding the walls and due to their lack of intelligence successfully overbalanced and came crashing to the ground.

(Next time I'll focus more on the introduced forces... I was still introducing everyone/everything that time around)

18:31:48 Dec 12th 07 - Mr. Killer:

This closed on me when I was nearly done... It might be a bit shorter...

*Killer surveyed the landscape. It was black with the hordes travelling across it. Grullin, from som
e foreign country, spoke with a curious accent. "Ho-ho, these rotten bounders won't get far," he exclaimed. Swindywl, a young recruit, unknowing in the ways of war, but with keen eyes, said to Killer worriedly, "Sir, they have siege towers." "They won't get far" replied Killer, trying to put him at ease, "They won't get past the logs." The siege towers crashed over the logs, apart from two. They continued onwards. "They still won't get past these spears jutting out of this wall," said Killer, his voice quivering ever so slightly. One tumbled down on to the ground. "See," said Killer, his hopes raised. The other tower continues onwards. "Sir," said Swindywl, " There are Warlocks upon those siege towers." Killer wondered what they were. He couldn't recall. The siege tower was still being pushed up the hill, it was crashed against the wall, and fell backwards luckily, at least in the opinion of the troops on the wall. However, a Warlock leaped out of the siege tower onto the wall. Killer now remembered what they were. Powerful mages, strongly built. He sighed. Only one thing to do... Killer stuck his knife into the Warlock and watched him tumble off the side of the wall. That didn't take much, he thought...*

18:15:27 Dec 13th 07 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

*Might sees the Siege towers and orders his rangers  to launch buckets of oil on to the towers. Then he orders them to shoot flaming arrows at the towers.

A ranger runs up to Might and looks at him with awe, "Sir, that breliante! I would have never thought of that!"

Just then a large nazgul bit Might on the leg and carried him off into the sky...*

[OOC: I ain't dead]

19:30:12 Dec 13th 07 - Lord Seloc:

  1. Lewatha,
  2. Septim,
  3. Ron Jeremy, 
  4. Ragnarr,
  5. Goldsie, 
  6. Killer, 
  7. Verll,
  8. Might the god of cows,
  9. Vengence,
  10. Revenge,
  11. Erunion Telcontar,
  12. Jonny Barcardi the Grand Master,
  13. Arzun (As this is the first round Arzun and no-ones been kicked yet, you can join now, but I'm expectinbg an extra good/long post from you, discribing you wall and everything.)
  14. Seloc. 

I've put your names in full as I know who to pm, something I forgot to mention, if someone skips then they are killed, if a post still isn't recieved from them at the end of the round.

  • If you skip a turn, and want to post, pm me your rp instead, if anyone posts out of order it will be reported.

Might your is pathectic, nothing personnal, but I will have no suciders in this game.

  • If you fail to reach 100 words, you will be killed, this can again be negated by pm-ing me your rp. (So Might if you want to try again pm it to me.)

Any late comers pm me and I'll fit you in, no new people will be accepted after I've made my post!
People will only die when it's my turn to post, the ones who skip or fail to reach 100 words will die badly, those that die because of bad roleplaying will be submitted to an honorable death. Some will die because of bad roleplaying anyway, for example, if Might and Verll don't pm me an rp, and everyone else completes there's, Might, Verll, and the bad roleplayer will die.

If anyone who's currently not in the game, has a view on how's roleplay is the worst pm me, your point of veiw will be ignored if it's posted on this thread.

(I should say worst roleplayer instead of bad roleplayer.)

20:31:39 Dec 13th 07 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

[I have no time for this so I am purposefully killing myself for you. It was fun though!]

17:46:44 Dec 14th 07 - Mr. Vengence:

The men on the wall were tiring, but they continued to fend off the attack, knowing there lives may depend on it. Then, a General came up to Vengence, who was stepping back from the battle to see how things were working out.

'here is the battle report sir'

said the General, bafore quickly stepping away. He knew it was unwise to linger near Vengence, as he was liable to flip out at his soldiers if things were going badly.

As he read the report Vengence continued to surveyy the scene in front of him, and the beginnings of a plan started to emerge. It might ork, it just might.


fearing he was in for a beating, the general came hesitantly, but to his relief Vegence's mind was on other things.

'you know the supply of ropes we found? well, get some troops and sew em together.'

knowing better than to question orders, was was done straight away

Then once that was done, the net was spread out across the wal. this held the undead back, but it wouldnt hold for long. but it would hold long enough for the soldiers to gt some rest

'soldiers, get some rest, be ready once the ropes fail!'

With that, Vengence started to stride along the wall, stabbing undead through the rope as he went.

21:50:22 Dec 15th 07 - Lord Seloc:

[Skipping Revenge.]

22:27:18 Dec 15th 07 - Sir Revenge:

Revenge continued to attack on the main battlefield with his finest men, breaking the ones of the Undead and avoiding slash after slash, his men stood strong and tired to hold off the vast horde, they where losing, Revenge held his sword and a great light came out, the zombies retreated away from him as his soldiers fled back to the wall, once there Revenge ordered his men to let fire with there arrows, he enchanted them as they flew into the indead causing them to explode on impact, setting fire to near by undead as well, he noticed in the distance a battalion of undead, these where different , higher trained perhaps because they carried a flag with the of a black club corss with a small orc face, these undead carried armour unlike the others and larger weapons, behind them was again a small clan, but these carried large pots, explosives perhaps, Revenge warned the others on the walls to stop these troops getting closer, we couldnt have the wall fall this early in the war, he set fire to an arrow enchanted it and fired it, magically guided at the more highly trained men, it refelected into weaker soldiers, and froze them to death, there was some magic protection, he knew what to do, he set fire 4 other arrows alike this one and one normal one, the protection moved the other arrows but the normal arrow passed into the carriers head, he dropped the explosive but it wasnt lit,lucky for them, but more arrows now flew at them from the rest of the wall....

[ Sorry its late  ]

00:01:02 Dec 16th 07 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

Erunion stood on the wall, staring down on the hordes. It seemed that they had had enough of being slaughtered on their ladders, and had siege towers rolling up.
"Burn them." Arrows shot forth towards the towers, but strangely almost none made contact...
Someone yelled; "THEY HAVE MAGES!"
Then sphere after sphere of energy ripped from the towers towards the wall, crumbling sections of the inner guard-wall, and tearing Elves apart.
"Mages! Stop them!"
Quickly, the dark spheres started to evaporate, or prematurely explode, as the elf mages went to work, but the damage had been done, dozens of siege towers unloaded their hordes on the wall, the arrows tearing them apart, but they came on, a seemingly endless stream in the face of the devastating explosions from the arrows...

11:18:58 Dec 16th 07 - Lord Seloc:

[Thats fine.]

Another last minute addition:

  1. Lewatha,
  2. Septim,
  3. Ron Jeremy, 
  4. Ragnarr,
  5. Goldsie, 
  6. Killer, 
  7. Verll,
  8. Might the god of cows,
  9. Vengence,
  10. Revenge,
  11. Erunion Telcontar,
  12. Jonny Barcardi the Grand Master,
  13. Arzun,
  14. Gaius Aureliae,
  15. Seloc. 

13:36:17 Dec 16th 07 - Lord Jonny Bacardi The Grand Master:

As the Paladin Knights stood, watching the massacre, as the mindless undead kept getting cut down, war drums started to beat. Many of the undead started to slow down, and part. Then they saw them, gargantuan siege towers, seven of them, slowly rolling towards the wall.
"Sit, what do we do?" asked one of the knights, standing directly behind Jonny.
"We prepare," was the only response. "Archerers, keep firing. The rest of you, come with me."
As most of them men on the top section of the wall followed Jonny, the archerers started to slacken their pace, going not to much for speed, as they where for accuracy. The men where formed into companies, and leaders hwere picked, assignments drawn. As the men went back up to their posts, the leader stayed behind with Jonny. He grabbed some glass bottles, and poured, what appeared to be their best mead, almost half of it out.
"Sir, what are you doing?"
He ignored the question. Instead, he ripped off a piece of cloth. He stuck half of it in the bottle.
"Some one light this cloth." One of them men pulled out some matches, and lit it. Jonny then threw the bottle at a section of the wall. The battle burst, and flames erupted. The men where spellbound. They quickly started doing the same thing.
"Wait till those things are close enough, then throw these things inside them. That will end them.
By the time the leaders got back up to the walls and explained what was going to happen, the towers where almost at the wall.
As the slowly reached within distance to be able to drop their brides, the commanders, and the archerers readied themselves. No sound could be heard, it seemed as though the battles on the other sections of the wall where distant, and unheard.
Then there was a rattle, and the bridges where dropped. One tower underestimated where they where, and their bridge dropped straight down, missing the wall, and many undead fell down the tower, onto the ground. However, an angry swarm of arrows, some tipped with fire, where immediately sent inside the towers. The bottles too, where flung, three into every tower. Only four undead made it onto the wall itself, the fighting was not very fierce. As the towers slowly burned that night, the undead forces could be seen waiting.
"What are they planning for us next, sir?"
"I don't know man," was Jonny's reply. "I just don't know."

01:47:13 Dec 17th 07 - Duke Arzun:

The red beams of light shone off the white stones of the High Clerist’s tower. Arzun paced the battlements and watched as the Knights of Solamnia marched in formation down the road from Palanthas and into the Stronghold of the Knights. The sun was slowly setting over the mountains that protected the western flank of the Tower. A long wall sealed off the remaining gaps. The tower was made of strong white marble, and was in an octangon form. But the first thing most people noticed about it, was that the man who designed the tower, must have been atleast half gully dwarf, if not the Highbulp himself. For everyone knows a good fort has but one gate, while the High Clerist Tower had eight! The Knights all wore the ceremonic armor of their order, and wielding bow and longsword lined themselves on the walls, their commanders in front. Some soldiers had still been only entering the keep when the tower erupted in cheer, rising as the sun set over the mountains, came the glory of the Knights. The dragons. White, Silver and Bronze, all bearing noble and couragous knights on their backs, armed with the deadly Dragonlance.


As the dragons came over the mountains, a single being came over the hills to the south. Even at such a far distance, the chill of death could be felt as a spectre in the armor of a knight of Solamnia stood alone on the hill. His armor however, was burnt so that it was black, and instead of a knight, stood a soul of the Abyss. As he moved forward towards the Keep, legions of Dread Knights, sworn to serve their master in life and death, moved in on the Knights. Arzun stood high and proud with his men, he could live in no better company, and would gladly die with them. As he took off his helmet to give his last words before battle, his light brown hair touched his shoulders, and his moustace which represented the knights of Solamnia moved proudly in the wind. “Men, tonight we fight for the inhabitants of Palanthas, the citizens of this free nation whom we have sworn to protect by the Oath and the Messure. Tonight we shall rid this world of these spawned curses of the Abyss, and free Dargaard Keep of its beholder once and for all. Tonight, Lord Soth dies for the second and last time! Ready your blades men! May Paladine guard your sword!” The Knights cheered and gave their salute to the ennemy, as the first ranks of cavalry charged forward to meet the Dread Knights and Lord Soth.


Meanwhile, the High Clerist himself, an elderly man known as Loren Weis, sat at his throne, and stared into a sphere the size of a human head, perched atop a pedestal. It swirled green and whispered words of deceit, and of persuasion, trying to lure the man into it’s depths. But Loren was too powerful for its tricks, he would not fall prey to the Dragon Orb as so many others had, no, it would do the work for him. Slowly he put his hands around the orb, and seized control. Power surged into his veins, he could feel the power of the Gold Dragons, the Silvers and the Bronze. But there were others out there, Black, Green, Red and Blue. A small smile crept onto his lips. “Come to me beasts of the Abyss,  the gates open at your awfullness, the archers cower in your presence, the riches of your hearts lie within these walls… you need only seize it.” His voice was silent, yet it was head as the beat of a drum to the evil dragons, who, without the consent of their masters, obeyed. Not all of them headed towards the tower however, one in particular, a giant Black named Zerial, hovered over the fields and watched in disgust as the weak and young dragons went to their demise. Roaring as the ocean does in a storm, he brought those nearest him to the ground, and gatherd up most who tried to leave. “Fools…” the great black landed near his master Lord Soth. “They hear the call of the Dragon Orb and fly to their deaths. We must kill these mortals quickly before too many of our own are slaughtered on this night.” The Death Knight stared into the fields beyond where his Knights had charged forward to meet the Solamnics. “This battle is ours, I see no possible way of failure. Even with the entire force of the Solamnics in their impenetrable tower they will fail. We will take the tower, and with it Palanthas. The time of Lord Soth is about to comence, let these humans know the pain I have endured for centuries, and will endure for all time. Crush their souls! Burn their pathetic tower and kill their dragons!”Zerial bellowed greatly and soared into the air, Lord Soth on his back, headed towards the tower, headed towards Arzun. The battle for the High Clerist’s Tower had begun.

02:06:54 Dec 17th 07 - Sir Gaius Aureliae:

When Gaius arrived at the wall, he noticed this wasn´t going to be an easy fight. His nine hundred and ninety-nine men, most of them too old or young to fight, seemed scared. The segment of the wall the were going to defend was one of the weakest ones... It was only four meters high, and there was only one tower guarding it. One of the gates was also there. It wasn´t too big, but should it fell the enemy army would rush in easily.
Gaius spoke to his friend and second in command, named Hytlodeo: "send the archers to the tower. And I want half of the men on top of the wall, to stop the ladders and ropes. I will go up there with them. You, stay here. You must defend the gate at all costs."
The night was calm... Gaius knew this fight would be difficult. When he reached the top of the wall he noticed there were enemies wherever his sight could reach. "Millions...", whispered someone behind him. Gaius told his men not to panic: "The red guard is coming, we just need to make some time".
As the sun arose, the enemies commenced their attack. Gaius saw over a thousand men coming up the walls through ladders and siege tower. "Give them a shower". Hundreds of arrows fell upon the incoming attackers, killing them like if they were mere insects. But for every one that died, two filled his spot.
Gaius saw his sword, Uthrim, was red because of the reflection of the arising sun. And so the great battle began...

20:30:48 Dec 17th 07 - Lord Seloc:

[Lol Arzun try to keep at least some of it oringinal....Also I've read some dragonlance, but I started with time of the twins, war of the twins, test of the twins.....
I'm not posting the deaths as another person wants to join]

00:59:42 Dec 18th 07 - Mr. Leonidus:

*From the east a mass of black clad figures approaches. The banner above them is that of the Masters of the Plane. Leading them is a human so scarred and bulky as to look a troll. Behind four hundreds hobgoblins there are 40 beserkers with hands an feet bound in chains. The chais are rigged so that unlocking one of segments will unlock them all. With each beserker is a retinue of 4 warlords and behind them all there are 50 rockthrowers. There are no mages in the army. The run at a dead sprint towards a section of a wall that has been knocked down. "Men repair the wall with the bodies of fallen foe. Rockthrowers line up on the sides of the breach the remnants of the wall should provide as many rocks as you need. Warlords prepare to release the beserkers at my signal." boomed the leader. "We serve the masters and the masters in return serve the people of their plane." Leonidus hefted his massive broadsword. "hobgoblins make a phalanxs after the wall is rerpaired. Lets hope the zombies as bad as the persians at fighting..."  


19:22:11 Dec 18th 07 - Lord Seloc:

I'm sorry all but this is a lot more popular than I though it would be, an I currently don't have the time to write about the deaths. So I will just annouce the deaths, and try and get an Rp writen up about them as soon as I can. This may involve asking others to write the deaths, they are then free to make the deaths as pathetic or extravigant as they want, (to an extent), so if your worried you can write your own deaths. This goes for those still alive you can pm me the deaths you want to die in rp form, and I'll post that when you die.
If you don't like someone you can pm me the death of that person, I will then post that rp when that person dies unless they send in there own death before hand.
Sort of like writing your will, but remember no winning. You may make your wall impassable afterwards, otherwise all the undead will swarm over you and kill all your women and children.

The deaths this round are as follows:

2 dishonorable deaths:
Septim, (Failed to reach 100 words)
Might. (Failed to reach 100 words)

1 honorable death:
Vengence. (Worst roleplaying.)

If you send me your death now it doesn't mean you die, but it means I will post that death when you eventually die.

Next round starts.

  1. Lewatha,
  2. Ron Jeremy, 
  3. Ragnarr,
  4. Goldsie, 
  5. Killer, 
  6. Verll, 
  7. Revenge,
  8. Erunion Telcontar,
  9. Jonny Barcardi the Grand Master,
  10. Arzun,
  11. Gaius Aureliae,
  12. Leonidus,
  13. Seloc. 

21:31:36 Dec 18th 07 - Lord Seloc:

The sky darkens, a flare of red fire.
The nazguls of coming, but not just any nazguls. These nazgul were horrifing everything about them spoke of death. They were death. Death with wings.

Undead nazguls next. (This is just a guide line, if you get stuck.)

13:03:11 Dec 19th 07 - Pirate Lewatha:

A scream went through the pirates.

They were gruesome, those Nazgulls. There must have been about 20 of them, fear struck Lewatha. These Nazgulls wouldn't be as easy to defeat as the towers were.

"Archers, aim at the nazgull, swordsmen, keep concentrating on the oncoming zombies! Spear men, when a nazgull tries to fly close to the wall. Aim your spear for the neck and the heart, that's where their armor is the weakest!"

2 Nazgull flew down, near the wall. One grabbed a swordsman between it's claws, flew up, high into the sky. And let the swordsman fall. The swordsman screamed and fell down like a rock, in between the zombie horde. Where it was eaten by the zombies and converted to one of them.

The other nazgull had less luck though, as it flew close, trying to grab it's target. A spear man managed to throw his spear, right into the heart of the nazgull. It let out a horrible noise, so load, that Lewatha had to cover her ears. and fell into the crowd of zombies, where it squashed another 5 zombies.

The other nazgulls, afraid to have the same faith as their fallen brother. Flew away, onwards to other parts of the wall. Looking for an easier prey.

02:50:08 Dec 20th 07 - Prince Cephorus Septim IV:

Septim pulls out Firengard and his shortsword, Icesting, and begins slashing at the unfathomable ocean of zombies rising up to the top of the wall. Septim kicks one and stabs another, Septim then looks at his mages.

"Mages! FIRE!!!"

An ocean of fire counters the ocean of zombies. A huge putrid smell erupts from the battle and the zombies burn to the ground.

"Good work mages, rest again, and when I need you, be ready to fire."

Mages: "Yes sir..."

*Septim notices that the archers' arrow supply is getting low.

"One of you needs to go get more arrows, CG1-34, go!"

CG1-34: "Yes Sir!"

The clone goes to get more arrows while Septim readies his bow.

"Alright men, ready bows!"

The archers ready their bows.


A cloud of arrows lands on the field of zombies, many fall, but for every one that falls, another takes their place. Septim wonders why the Gods would condemn the living to such horrors, but then remembers that there is always a price for living.

02:52:34 Dec 20th 07 - Sir Ron Jeremy:

Fizban looked out from his tower and chuckled at the flying dead that were coming towards him. "Eh, nice little things there, however as in many things in life, size DOES matter." Fizban signaled to his dragons. They took up their riders and took to the skies.

As the battle against the skeleton and zombie hordes continued below them, the nazguls, to their credit, were rather agile in the skies and put up quite a fight against the dragons. The dragons had managed to shield their riders from many death strokes, however it started to take their toll. Then an old Gold dragon took to the skies, its rider was none other than Fizban himself.

"Alright now Pyrite, do try and keep me steady, y'hear?" Pirate grumbled, "I had fought in many battles before this one, I remember all the way back to the time of Huma, I do." Fizban nodded, "Ah yes, Huma was a good guy, I knew him well..... oh look! There they are!"

Pyrite and Fizban came across their first encounter, as they closed in, Fizban's form briefly flickered to that of a young man, decked in silver plate mail and a sword sheathed in holy flame. One slash of the sword disintegrated the nazgul. The dragons roared in triumph, as they knew who fought among them.

The nazguls were soon routed, and Fizban was back at the top of his tower, musing aloud, "A shame, I didn't get to use my fireball on them..."

22:24:24 Dec 20th 07 - Lord Ragnarr:

[ Sorry I'm posting late. ]

More ladders were placed by the walls. The hooks struck in the stone battlements and an oncoming mass of undead started climbing.
"Hack the wood off!" someone was shouting among the warriors, rushing to take positions. "Hack the bloody wood off!"
Axes struck heavily, yet new ladders were leaned onto the old stone.
And then a screech from the seventh hell tore tha air around them.
Ragnarr looked above. A huge shape flew right above his head, barely leaving him time to duck and prevent being pushed off the wall by a massive scaley wing.
"Nazguls!" Ricmorn cried out. He was a hardened warrior and often felt immense joy in the heat of battle, yet this was completely different. Horror and terror.
Another black rider flew his winged beast low above the wall, causing havoc, many falling off the edge of the fortifications.
"Kormac, rally the archers!" Ragnarr yelled.
There were not many northmen who were skillful at a bow, but those who were were true masters in their art of elegance and accuracy.
They gathered on the towers and waited for a nazgul to fly low. Two just made that mistake.
They loosened the arrows right into its belly.
The beasts screeched in pain and glided sharply down, crashing into the army of dead.
One other made its attack right in the middle, between the towers. Men hurried to hide where they could, raising their shields. Silent prayers to the Old Gods sounded.
Thsi just couldn't go on.
Ragnarr stood at the middle, holding his greatsword at his side, waiting for the nazgul to make its dive. He clearly had no chance, yet something had to be done.
A few others stood up and took position beside Ragnarr. More stood up, raising their blades.
The beast made another dive, quite oblivious to the strong battle spirit of those beneath.
There was a clash and a screech. Chaos and shouts. Terror.
The beast fell to the land into its own army.
The other three flew away, leaving the northmen to treat their numerous wounded.

10:02:03 Dec 21st 07 - Mr. Goldsie:

As Goldsie’s forces withdrew back into the Jungle a terrifying screech filled the air. Goldsie turned too see twelve huge, grotesque figures soaring through the air towards them ‘Nazgulls!’ Roared Krok-Gar, the troops who were still fighting rearguard paused for a movement and then withdrew out of sight, within moments the Jungle was still again and any undead that entered were promptly struck down. The remaining bows atop the wall altered their trajectory and unleashed hell on the approaching Nazgulls. The first volley was a complete miss, but the gunners now had their ranges the second volley pierced the neck of one of the Nazgulls, smashing through bone, tearing through meat and almost ripping it asunder. Foul fluids sprayed from the wound and rained down upon the battlefield while the Nazgul plummeted into the undead horde. Another bolt pierced a Nazgul through the chest sending the Nazgul lurching to the side and into another Nazgul where the bolt became lodged, connecting the two together. The two Nazgulls then dragged each other down, like two drowning swimmers clinging to each other, onto the hard ground below. Once again the skinks loaded up and fired, the bolts streaked through the air and found their mark. One Nazgul had its wing completely removed by a well timed shot, its one remaining wing flapping futilely as it fell. One direct hit pierced a Nazgul in the eye and travelled straight through, emerging out of its lower back in an explosion of gore. But as the Skinks continued fighting it appeared that the Nazgulls had learned, the Nazgulls swerved and dived with unnatural grace too avoid the incoming shots. The Nazguls were barely 100 meters away and were preparing to dive onto the helpless victim atop the wall when directly in front of them a huge wall of fire appeared, most of the Nazgulls couldn’t avoid it, they were travelling too fast and too straight. The fire seared their skin, and clung too their bodies like napalm, continually dissolving them away, five flaming corpes fell from the sky and obliterated the undead nearest too the wall. One of the Nazgulls made a sharp dive too avoid the flames, righted up just above the treetops and continued at the wall. The Skinks atop the wall looked into its gaping maw as it sped towards them, but moments before impact it was snatched out of the air in the jaws of a Carnosaur. The Nazgul was promptly dragged down and onto the forest floor where it was set upon by hordes of insects, Lizards alongside Saurus’ and Skinks who carved it apart. Goldsie paused from stopping the latest undead incursion into the jungle and smiled as he watched the brutal efficiency of his troops in action. ‘That’s enough boys, back to the front line, this isn’t over yet…’

15:56:22 Dec 21st 07 - Mr. Killer:

*Killer saw shapes moving along the sky. He hadn't thought Nazguls would appear this quick. " Swindywl, come here," he says, gesturing for him to come, knowing he couldn't be sure about the shapes. "Tell me, what are those shapes?" Swindywl looks at them, and his face goes white... "Those... those... are Naz..Nazguls" he manages to finish. Killer noticed the ripple of fear amoung his troops. Killer, worried about Swindywl, but knows he has to know how many there are. "How many are there, Swindywl?" he asks. Swindywl replies with a small stutter "Ten...ten, sir."       
            Killer thinks quickly. "Archers, set alight your arrows, and if possible put spells of light upon them. The nazguls were drawing into range. "Fire!" he roars. Arrows fly to meet the beasts, four hitting a Nazgul, but no others, but Killer didn't worry about that too much, as it would take several arrows to take down a nazgul, and they were able creatures in the sky, even for their size. No, what he was more interested in was the light. Several Nazguls veered away from the wall, leaving only three continueing onwards, as Nazguls hated much light, and so veered away, much to the distress of their riders. They were still coming in fast however, and Killer did not know if they would get another volley of arrows. They did, and one Nazgul was struck down, full of arrows, and one other Nazguls veered away to follow  the rest of his companions, who were regrouping to try again.
             One continued onwards, and Killer knew another volley of arrows was near impossible now. He took out a spear from a rack himself, and hurled it to hit the rider of the Nazgul. That is precisely what it did. The rider fell down onto the black mass. Killer leaped onto the Nazgul, and steered him away from the wall, but a very close call it was. Killer had never been on a Nazgul before, or for that matter, any other beast that flew. He managed to steer the Nazgul in the general direction of the other Nazguls, who were regrouping still, and were about to have another go at the wall. He flew uncontollably at them, the Nazgul snapping at the other Nazguls, as they often did, quarrelsome creatures that they were. Killer managed to struggle with his bow and take it out. He shot two of the riders, but the other Nazguls flew on behind him. He directed the Nazgul down, flying at quite a pace. When the Naazgul realised what he was doing, he started up again, but was flying at an awsome pace downwards, and it was a while before he started actually flying upwards, and they were near the ground. Three of the other Nazuls crashed to the ground, and another was spiked by the undead they were flying over. Killer turned around to see three still following. He send a blast of light at them, and the Nazguls flew in circles, two crashing to the ground. The other, when having regained his senses, started to follow once again.
             Killer saw him, and he headed towards the wall, too weary to cast another spell. He saw a patch of hills, and brought his Nazgul down towards them. He flew in neat patterns around them, and the other Nazgul following, flew upwards. Killer decided that he was lucky in getting the Nazgul that he did. He continued on towards the wall, the other Nazgul having lost him. He enjoyed the flying, even though he was weary with the effort. When at the wall, several men shot at him, until 
Swindywl told them that it was him. Killer landed on the wall, on the Nazgul. Nazguls, not being evil beasts, would not harm unless threatened, or hungry, of perhaps accidently. True, they were used for dark deeds, but that didn't make them evil, and so Killer remained mounted on him, ready to lift off again. Still though, no-one else came near...*

19:03:11 Dec 21st 07 - Lord Seloc:

[Umm yeh Septim, your dead, you failed to reach 100 words in your previous post.]

20:56:14 Dec 22nd 07 - Lord Seloc:

[Skipping Verll]

21:56:15 Dec 22nd 07 - Lord Verll:

Verll looked up as the fire break over the heaven. He gave his monkey advisor a quizzed look

“What is it that comes this time?” he asked him in the monkey language

“It is Nazguls, the horror above all horrors!” was the answer.

“Finally something spooky comes along!” Verll said with a thrilled voice and looked at his troops. The towers had been easily brought down by fire arrows from his baboon archers and the undead had been hold at bay. The mammoth must have trampled thousands of undead by now, if not for the chimpanzee magicians refreshing it by magic all the time.

Verll looked up at the sky again; it had to be 15 or so Nazguls coming for his wall. He ordered all his magicians to work together and create a magnificent blast of light and fire at the Nazguls. After some minutes with intense incantation the blast came. It was centered in between the group of Nazguls. They blast was magnificent as he had asked from the magicians. 11 of the Nazguls died, and felled down on the ground, the beasts they ride crushed undeads as they hit the ground. Verll then took a whistles that was hanging from his neck in a golden necklace. As he blew the whistle hundreds of all kinds of birds came from behind his wall. The birds flew right at the remaining Nazguls attacking; some of the eagles were off so big size that two of them were almost as big as the beast the Nazguls ride! After some moments the Nazguls were dead, they hadn’t stood a chance against the birds.

Smiling Verll said to his advisor “Now that wasn’t too dangerous, let’s hope they have something worse so we don’t get bored.” The advisor gave him a look which made Verll laugh, “I was only joking, let’s just hope that was all.”

[Now look at that! I made it ^^]

12:11:33 Dec 24th 07 - Lord Seloc:

[Skipping Revenge.]

18:00:23 Dec 24th 07 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

Erunion sat on the wall, watching the carnage. The Undead hadn't made it to the walls for a while.
Suddenly, the transparent image of an elf flashed before Erunion.
"Your grace! You must leave, you are neaded!"
With those cryptic words, Erunion ordered all his mages to gather 'round.
Joining all their powers into one, Erunion placed a wall of magic on the ground. When an undead stepped through it, they would be burnt to the crisp.
Erunion then created a porthole between this wall and someplace else, through which all the Elves ran at an order. The porthole closed, and their was no one left on that segment of wall...

{Sorry guys, I just don't have the time.}

14:04:28 Dec 29th 07 - Lord Seloc:

Vengence if you read my post your dead, you can still write your own death if you want, but pm it to me.

@goldsie: I took an unoffical christmas break.

19:05:10 Dec 29th 07 - Prince Cephorus Septim IV:

[[OOC: Let me at least make a post where I die...]]

Septim stood upon his wall and saw that his archers were out of ammo. Septim turned towards his mages to see that they had no energy left for another round of fireballs.

"Men! Draw swords!"

Septim drew Firengard and roared a mighty battle cry just as a wave of zombies came down upon the wall, Septim slashed one's arm off and plunged his blade into the beast's chest. Septim then pulled it out and cut another zombie in half. Septim then stabs his blade into three zombies at once and is unable to pull his blade out, so he abandons it and punches a zombie in the face, shattering its skull. Septim then breaks anothers neck and kicks one off the wall before a zombie sinks its fangs into his neck. Septim looks to see that all of his men had shared the same fate.


Septim raises his arms and explodes into an enormous ball of fire that sweeps throughout the zombie ranks, destroying almost all of them. But of course, the zombies came back nonetheless.

01:39:53 Dec 30th 07 - Lord Jonny Bacardi The Grand Master:

Jonny stood on his section of the wall, looking out into the ranks of zombies. He sniffed the air, and muttered a single word.

As if on cue, ten undeed nazguls, each with undead princes on their backs, swept up from the horizon. Just at that moment, a messenger arrived.
"From Lord Seloc sir."
As Jonny looked at the message, his heart fell. He turned to his second in command, a big strong man named Darius, and whispered "The men from Cidel have fallen. Those of the warrior Vengence have done the same. The Naergothians have left the field, but their wall is unbreachable now. We will have to hold out for a little while longer."
Darius looked grim but determined. He thought of his wife and two children back home, and knew that his prince too, was thinking of his young wife-to-be, if Lothon where to let him ever see home again.
Jonny took charge swiftly. He walked, and chose his best sharp shooters and mages. He then had some of his bravest (and most fool hardy) men stand atop the wall, luring the Nazguls in.
When the nazguls where close enough, his sharp shooters fired arrows into the weakpoints of their bodies, and the mages, who had enchanted the arrows, saw to is that the arrows exploded inside the beasts, causeing many to crash down. Three nazguls remained, but their riders, who where not full dead, became afraid, and turned back.
They had won the day.......for now.

02:01:26 Dec 30th 07 - Mr. Allan:

*From atop the cliff Allan watched over the battle, a very cunning human man with a well built body. Clad in Obsidian Plate, weilding the sword Grudgebringer and the shield of 1000 eyes he finnaly lept into battle, slicing a zombies head off then watching it burn. Then some of the zombies turned to him, and Allan lept into action, casting enflame sending a ring of fire shooting from out of his sword, scorching a score of zombies, but more came, slice left, duck, lunge stab, slash right. Platoon after platoon of zombies were cut down. Allan then noticed that the zombies were thinning out a bit, he jumped atop of a rock and yelled to his honourable comrades.*

"They are thinning out lads!, Keep it up!"

*Allan pulls out his Father's Bow, notches three arrows, and mutters an enchantment and cast the arrows aflame with a blue hue. Then he pulls back as far as he can pull, then fires. The three arrows seperated into six, then 12, then 24! The power of the arrows sailed through a zombie turning the zombies to a black ash. Allan then started repeatevly firing arrow after arrow at the fleeing Nazguls, and there Riders, stricking two of the Nazguls and bringing down another.*

13:47:14 Dec 30th 07 - Lord Seloc:

[Allen sorry your too late to join in this round...]

18:48:05 Dec 30th 07 - Mr. Allan:

[aww :( alright won't do anymore, scratch that last statement :\]

21:55:29 Dec 31st 07 - Lord Seloc:

It's new years day.......and you want me to work, ok Arzun has 24hours.

13:55:30 Jan 1st 08 - Lord Seloc:

[Skipping Arzun.]

22:40:19 Jan 1st 08 - Sir Gaius Aureliae:

Thousands of enemies were trying to climb the wall, and Gaius could see the despair in his men´s eyes. He had already killed a dozen of enemies, and they kept coming... The sky was dark because of the hundreds of arrows that were in the sky. His army had slain hundreds, and it seemed as if they hadn´t done anything.
To his right, Gaius saw one of his men fall under the sharp edge of one of the undead enemies´ blade. A river of dark, malicious blood poured from the bodies that lied on the floor .
Gaius ran towards one of the towers. There, Hytlodeo was fighting fiercely, and the corpses of his enemies were numerous. "Use the acid", Gaius ordered. A couple men came in with a cauldron that held a strange liquid, and pured it on into one of the enemy´s ladders. At least five enemies fell to the ground, all with their faces completely burned.
"Use fire arrows!", he yelled.  The archers lit their arrows´ heads, and fire fell upon the undead warriors.
Hytlodeo came to speak with Gaius at that moment. "Where is the red guard?", he asked. "I don´t know...", his commander answered. Gaius knew they wouldn´t survive for long if the red guard didn´t appear soon.
Suddenly, a horrible yell paralyzed the heatrs of Gaius´ army.
"Nazguls!", someone shouted. The archers aimed for the sky, but the beasts were to fast; only one fell. Gaius ran hastily towards the wall, to encourage his men. And while he ran, he noticed something that made his hearth unease. The sun was going down. He would have to face an enormous enemy in the dark; for these creatures did not show any sign of thinking on retreating any time soon...

03:08:53 Jan 3rd 08 - Mr. Leonidus:

Leonidus stared into the zombie hoarde. After a few minutes a small group of creatures cuaght his eye. They were hidden underneath a dark pall but even with this pecaution the faint outline of wngs could still be seen. "They have Nazguls." Leonidus's voice boomed, "Prepare to realease the bezerkers." As if knowing that their cover was blown, 10 nazguls burst out from under the covering blankets. As they loomed closer the hobgoblins began to break ranks. "HOLD THE LINE YOU RATS" was leonidus's responce to this. When the Nazguls were less than 100 feet away (30 Meters) The order came "Fall back and release the 'Zerkers". As the nazguls tried to approach the Trolls the felt the hammers of the bezerkers on after the other their brains got bashed out by cold steel. Finally one nazgul had the sence to fly over the mob of zerkers and as he approaced the comand squad he chains that had previously held the mad trolls fell over him

13:35:42 Jan 3rd 08 - Lord Seloc:

1 honorable death:
Erunion, (Worst roleplaying, absolutly terrible you can't just leave the wall!)

2 unhonorable deaths:
Arzun, (Didn't post)
Revenge. (Didn't post)

I'm going to start shuffling the order, (Say if you don't like this idea, please.)

  1. Jonny Bacardi the Grand Master,
  2. Ron Jeremy, 
  3. Verll, 
  4. Goldsie, 
  5. Leonidus, 
  6. Ragnarr,
  7. Lewatha,
  8. Gaius Aureliae,
  9. Killer,
  10. Seloc. 

As before you'll have to write the deaths.
This round is working out well I think, shame I timed it wrong, everyone is allways busy around christmas...speaking of which around mid january I'll get even busyer and MAY not be able to contiune hosting this game, if your willing to take my place, say so at the end of your rp in a little note, otherwise I may have to end it. But nothing is definate.

The shadows lengthen, as the sun sets in the east.
The relentless attack contiunes, night or day, rain or shine, for the undead are sleepless kept awake from their endless evil?
With a new time comes a new evil, berzerker pulling battering rams, and lifting giant ladders, onto the walls of the defending armies.

A wagon arrives below the wall, upon it sat an old man sporting a rather big straw hat, and grinding a strand of straw between his teeth. The men on the wall cheered unexpectedly at the sight, which startaled their commander. A short man whom until recently had been a farmer, with a wife and 2 sons, he was new the his post, and questioned his p.a.
Napoleon: "Why do their cheer so?"
Adrei: "The wagon carries stamina potions, a man can fight for 3 days and night on these alone."

All alone the great wall simular wagons were arriving at their destination, allways greeted by a rousing cheer.

P.S. Don't write in italics, I have to read your rps you know.

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