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The Great War
02:04:47 Jan 13th 09 - Sir Delran Silver:

Karl was inspecting his new frigate, KSLF-3. It's name was KS Vengeance. With him were Lieutenant Sharpe and Ensign Tumar. He brought them with him on his new ship. Upon arriving to the flight deck, the fighter pilots were assembled in formation.
"Sir!" one of the pilots addressed him "I am Lieutenant Ingwe, commander of the fighter wings, we are ready for inspection!"
"Very good, Lieutenant! These are Lieutenant Sharpe and Ensign Tumar. Give me a status on the fighter wings!"
"Yes Sir! We have three wings here on the Vengeance! They are Alpha, Beta and Delta! All our pilots have seen combat and Vengeance just got out of the dry dock. Our last CO died in battle several weeks ago. Vengeance has been updated and now has modern state of the art equipment that all new commisioned frigates have. Only thing we are lacking is the AI. WE still have a basic one! Standard protocol."
Before Ingwe could say anything more, the command deck relayed this message:
"This is Fleet Admiral Hoffman! Nukrell is under attack by a Qalik fleet! All standing ships that do not need repairs are to proceed towards Nukrell and defend it under command of Admiral Septim!"
"It seems that I will get the chance to see what this crew can do! Sharpe, Tumar! To the command deck! Lieutenant Ingwe, ready your men!"
The three arrived at the command deck minutes later.
"Captain on deck!" said one one crew member.
All on deck saluted the new commander. Delran seated in the captain's chair.
"Ensign Tumar! Take the helm! Lieutenant Sharpe! First mate chair! Men, you heard the Admiral! One of our planets is under attack! We make for Nukrell!"
Delran turned on the ships internal ComLink.
"This is Captain Dark! All hands battle stations! This is not a drill! The ship is heading towards Nukrell! I repeat! All ships actions stations!"
"This is Ensign Tumar! All hands prepare to leave the docks!"
The ship left the dock and headed for the flag ship.
"Lieutenant Sharpe! Hail the flag ship!"
"Yes Sir! We have them on ComRadio!"
"Admiral Septim, Sir! This is Captain Dark of the KS Vengeance! What are your orders, Sir!"

02:19:03 Jan 13th 09 - Duke Michael Deallus:

Gordon was actually on the bridge of his ship still when he recieved the news about Nukrell.  He reached for the comm panel and activated it.  "All crew report to combat positions immediately! All crew report to combat positions immediately! This is not a drill, I repeat, this is not a drill!" he announced across the ship.  Soon Ensign Tiffin, Lieutenant Mace, and other important crew members were on the bridge.  "Alright we are heading to Nukrell, Mr. Tiffin set the coordinates for the jump and activate the engines as soon as we move away from the station.  Mr. Kharis, order the rest of the fleet to move after us immediately." he ordered.  Ensign Michael Kharis was the second pilot and also communications man that helped Julius Tiffin out.  "Engaging engines sir." said Tiffin as the ship suddenly lurched and entered hyperspace.

A short time later the KS Tolriel appeared near Nukrell with the rest of the support ships.  "Lieutenant Avery, make sure your men are ready as soon as we engage the enemy fleet." ordered Gordon.  "Yes sir." said his comm panel.  Soon the fleet began moving closer.  "Order all fighters to launch and form up.  Ready defenses, load warheads and torpedoes, and ready turrets." said Gordon and his orders were quickly followed.  "Here we go."

07:35:33 Jan 13th 09 - Prince Valan Septim:

"All ships prepare for WormTravel on my count...3...2...1!" and with that, the fifth fleet out of Koam flew towards the Garan system and the planet Nukrell.


The Titan flew out of the wormhole, followed by the other ships of his fleet. They all came out in perfect formation. On their sensors were around thirty ships: one heavy cruiser, two carriers, two cruisers, four large frigates, eight small frigates, and thirteen destroyers. There were also twenty or so corvettes and a lot of fighters.
"Release fighters," said Septim.
The commanders of the other ships followed his order as they cruised toward their enemy, finally, he said "Deploy shipbusters."
"Yes sir," said Alice as the shipbusters fired.
The two missiles flew through space and split apart around a mile from their target, they then flew individually into several key parts of the ship, such as the sensors and the bridge. Within seconds, the heavy cruiser was blown apart.
"Excellent job," said Septim, "Lets mop up these bastards and go home..."
And with those words, the Battle of Nukrell began.

01:47:59 Jan 14th 09 - Sir Delran Silver:

Vengeance exited the wormhole shortly after the fleet. It's radar picked up the enemy fleet. The battle has just began. A Qalik heavy cruiser was blown up and the fighters engaged the enemy while the fleet was firing at the large ships.
"Ensign Tumar, battle speed! Take us in!"
Karl turned the internal ComLink on.
"This is Captain Dark! All fighters prepare for launching! Engage the enemy fighters and keep them away from our ships! If possible fire upon their larger ships!"
Within five minutes, all fighters were deployed and were flying in formation towards the enemy. The formation broke at the contact as the fighters joined the battle along their comrades from others ships.
"Dark to the Armory! Prepare all tubes! Full round at my command, scatter shot!"
Turning towards the display screens, Karl eyed the carriers.
"Target that carrier!" he ordered, marking one of them. "Aim for the hangar bays! Fire all tubes, now!"
A volley of missiles headed from Vengeance towards the nearest carrier. All hit it disabling them from launching any fighters or pods. Another volley destroyed it's auto-turrets, rendering it defenseless.
"This is Dark! All soldiers prepare for boarding! We are going on an enemy carrier! Lieutenant Sharpe, hail the fleet and tell them that we are boarding one of the carriers!"
Vengeance approached the carrier and launched the boarding pods, while firing at other ships.

02:15:07 Jan 14th 09 - Duke Michael Deallus:

The Tolriel and support ships moved closer towards the enemy fleet.
"Captain Dark, that carrier is directly in the middle of their fleet.  Their hive mind would tell them that you are going to board it and they would most likely destroy it before you can take it.  They would probably even wait until your men are onboard!"

Gordon cursed under his breath before calling Lieutenant Avery.  "Fire all warheads at the other carrier and a cruiser.  Fire torpedoes at the smaller frigates." Gordon said.  "Yes sir, firing salvo now." replied Avery.  The Tolriel lurched ever so slightly as a number of warheads struck the remaining enemy carrier, blasting it into pieces.  More warheads pounded away at a cruiser until a hole punctured the hull and it decompressed.  Torpedoes barraged two of the light frigates, crippling one and decompressing the other.  "That was a hell of a salvo there Avery! We got three ships at least! Maybe four!" shouted Gordon over the ship comm.  "Reload and fire again at the other cruiser and some large frigates!" ordered Gordon.

02:27:16 Jan 14th 09 - Sir Delran Silver:

"Understood that Admiral! For now, Vengeance will resume to fire at their ships from long range! Awaiting further orders!"

Vengeance made a 360 turn and pulled away from the fighting until reached one of the fleet's ships, then turned once more and began firing salvo after salvo at the enemy fleet. The other cruiser was crippled and began drifting in space. Along it several other ships were hit, including destroyers, corvettes and frigates. A couple of ships were destroyed. All this time, Vengeance was doing evasive maneuvers while firing. It's size and enhancements allowed it to dodge missiles and it's energetic shields enabled it to even take a few hits, but not many.

03:32:53 Jan 14th 09 - Mr. Electric:

Matthew climbed up to the bridge and worm-traveled to the battle. "Sorry I'm late." said Matthew. He fired all his warheads at the enemy ships and destroyed 1 heavy Frigate and destroyed 3 Light Frigates. He fired a torpedo and critically damaged a cruisers engine. 3 Fighter groups launched and destroyed a corvette. "We're back in the game!" said Matthew.

19:51:42 Jan 14th 09 - Prince Valan Septim:

The battle carried on, and the Keraitians, with their superior firepower, managed to win.
"This is the fifth fleet, this system is secure," said Septim to Nukrell.
"Thank you, Admiral," said the Com Officer at Nukrell, "Wait, we're getting a transmission from Koam...oh god...they're under attack. This was just a diversion! Get your fleet back there, now!"
"Ace! Get us back to Koam, now! Fifth fleet! Get back to Koam" ordered Septim.
"Yes sir!" yelled Ace as the Titan entered WormTravel.

20:07:58 Jan 14th 09 - Duke Michael Deallus:

Gordon cursed and swore several times as he shouted orders.  "Mr. Tiffin get us back to Koam ASAP! Lieutenant Avery reload everything and be ready for another attack.  Koam is under attack! All crew prepare to fight again.  All support ships gather up fighters and get moving." shouted Gordon over the comm links as he slammed his fist down on the arm of his chair.

Within a minute the fighters had managed to return to the ships and were secure enough.  The KS Tolriel managed to follow the KS Titan into the wormhole as quickly as he could.  Gordon thought for a moment about how he was going to make the Qalik pay for this.

22:34:14 Jan 14th 09 - Mr. Electric:

"Agh..this day really hasn't been going well for me.." said Matthew. He ordered worm-travel immediately. Right before the worm-hole generator started up, a shudder followed by a loud bang sounded. "What the heck was that!?" screamed Matthew. A crew member came up and screamed, "THE DEBRIS IS RAMMING THE SHIP!!! "Evasive action!" said Matthew. The ship suddenly jolted and moved out of the debris field. It soon generated the worm-hole and entered worm travel.

23:04:31 Jan 14th 09 - Sir Delran Silver:

"All fighters back to the ship now!" ordered Karl as soon as he heard the admiral.
The fighters flew directly towards the hangar bays without entering formations. It was a risky maneuver, but all were experienced fighters. As soon as the last fighter was secured, Karl opened the ships call link.

"Men, it was a good job! I am proud of you! But this day doesn't end here! Koam is under attack! You have seen part of the fleet leaving! We are going to follow them and most likely we will arrive in full warzone! Do not leave your stations! All pilots remain in your fighters, you will be released again into combat as soon as we arrive. Ensign Tumar, take us back to Koam, full speed!"
"Aye aye, Captain!"

Vengeance opened the wormhole and passed through it, following the Titan.

19:10:25 Jan 16th 09 - Prince Valan Septim:

The fleet came out of WormTravel to true terrifying magnificence: the Qalik Royal Fleet, the only fleet with a commander: the Qalik Queen. The fleet was massive, with one mothership (the size of five dreadnoughts, flagship of the Queen), ten dreadnoughts, fifty battleships, and countless other ships. The Royal Fleet was five times the size of the entire Keraitian Navy.
"Septim!" said Hoffman's voice over the ComConsole, "Welcome back. We need to protect the Chairman at all co-"
Hoffman was cut off.
"Welcome humans," said a female voice over the ComConsole.
"Who the hell are you?" asked Septim.
"I am the Queen," said the voice, "And are a bunch of primates. A disgrace upon life. You, the Crotians, the Venerol, all of them will meet their end, because the Qalik are the only ones truely capable of running the galaxy."
The Queen? Must be on the mothership...impossible. Can't kill it, not today, we lose...
"Protect the Kerait until High Command and the Chairman can get out of the system," said Septim over FleetCom, "Then pull out!"

19:24:40 Jan 16th 09 - Duke Michael Deallus:

"Engaging hostiles!" screamed Gordon over the comm system as his ship exited the wormhole.  Fighters launched and then weapons fired.  "Fighters, engage hostiles and keep them busy until we can get the chairman out of here! Mr. Tiffin begin evasive manuevers.  Lieutenant Avery fire everything we have at their ships!" Gordon screamed again.  "Firing for maximum effect sir!" replied Avery as the ship lurched with the emptying of all of the torpedo and warhead tubes.  A cruiser and two large frigates were immediately taken out of the fight with a massive display of firepower. 

The KS Lorias was on the right side of the KS Tolriel when it wa*beep* by a massive beam.  "Sh*t! Just like before!" gasped Gordon as the Lorias got a hole blasted into the side.  "Those goddamn bastards!" said Lieutenant Mace.  "Sending more of those f*ckers straight to hell!" said Lieutenant Avery.  "Admiral Kyphus, this is Captain Lindon of the KS Lorias, we are gonna have to pull out of the fight.  We have taken heavy damage and are barely holding together." the captain said weakly.  "KS Telrion, cover the retreat of the Lorias until it is safely away." ordered Gordon.  "Roger that Admiral!" replied Commander Indigo of the Telrion. 

The KS Tolriel fired salvo after salvo, but it was not doing enough damage.  Gordon already has lost dozens of fighters, a handful of corvettes, several small frigates, and one large frigate.  "We are taking too many casualties likes this! We cannot hold on much longer sir." said a crewman.  A number of rockets slammed into the shields of the Tolriel and Gordon was thrown off of his feet.  "Report!" he screamed as he got to his feet.  "Sir! Command controls for the warhead launchers has been disabled." replied Avery over the comm systems.  "I am working on launching them manually!" he continued.  "Get it done lieutenant! I am counting on you!" said Gordon.  "Sir! Shields are at about 25% after that hit.  We cannot take another or else we may not make it out of here." said Mr. Tiffin.  "Realign the shields to where the enemy fire is coming from.  Manually shift the power distribution." Gordon said.  "Yes sir." replied Mr. Tiffin.  "Mr. Wilson how are the engines holding up?" said Gordon over the comm.  "They are doing fine at the moment sir.  Don't get them hit and we should be good." was the reply.

22:05:36 Jan 16th 09 - Sir Karzun Demonsul:

[[Sorry, I just have to do something epic. My absence has made me itchy for something awesome to do.]]

Suddenly, a massive wormhole opened up several miles from the battlefield. The huge roaring vortex was almost as large as the Qalik mothership, and easily dwarfed a dreadnought. Anyone who was quick enough on the uptake to make a scan immediately recognized it as Qalik technology. Something big was coming.
The battle seemed to falter for a second. Missiles thudded dully into their targets and guns spun to a stop, as every set of eyes turned to the open portal. The Kieraitian Navy was in terrible trouble, whatever was coming through would almost certainly spell their doom. But even the Qaliks were confused.
Then, all of a sudden, the centre of the portal rippled and parted, and a mass of rock floated through. A medium-sized meteor flew forwards, and bounced off of the hull of the massive mothership.
Suddenly, the air was filled with asteroids. Hundreds and hundreds came pouring out of the portal, all flying towards the Royal Fleet. Clouds of fighters were flattened, corvettes were obliterated and even the frigates were shattered into chunks of hull. One battleship took a heavy hit and broke in half. Carriers were riddled with puncture holes, yet the mothership was merely knocked to one side, undamaged.

As the seemingly random bombardment continued, a voice crackled over the intercom. "This is the best I can do, it won't last forever!" the voice was human, but the broadcast point could not be found.
Before anything more could happen, a unusual Qalik cruiser came drifting sideways out of the portal. Rotating slowly, it was clear it had no armor, and was probably a utility vessel. There were blts of electricity lancing from it to nearby rocks and ships, and it seemed to be completely uncontrolled.
Then, a line of light shot out the side, and an explosion followed. As the ship buckled and split into two, a single frigate came flying out the side. The remains of the cruiser suffered firther explosions, and the vortex closed abruptly.
As the frigate cruised towards the Keraitian lines, it was finally identified as Scythe, the captured Qalik vessel piloted by Demonsul.
As the last rocks from the portal hit their targets, it became clear that although losses had been catastrophic, the Qalik Royal Fleet had far more ships than could be killed by a meteor shower.
The com systems cracked one more time: "Damn."

22:14:02 Jan 16th 09 - Mr. Electric:

Matthew was inraged when he popped out of worm-travel and rammed an enemy Destroyer. "WHAT IS UP WITH THESE ACCURSED WORM-ENGINES?!" he screamed. He fired all warheads and torpedoes and destroyed a battleships engines before the entire rear exploded internally. "Wow...did I do that!?" said Matthew. A loud explosion engulfed a large frigate accomponied with a huge ball of fire. "Maybe they had a self destruct button?" joked Matthew. A torpedo just barely missed the ship, exploding right in front of it. For about 5 seconds, Matthew couldn't see. When he could, he saw a large beam cut a hole through the KS Lorias. He fired all his guns and another warhead that had just been reloaded at another Cruiser, and it made a spectacular explosion. When the debris cleared, the ship was more-or-less intact, but the entire rear had been blown open, and the vacuum of space crushed everything inside. Just at that moment, a large UO (Unidentified Object) slammed into his ship. "Holy..that thing smashed one of the auto turrets and almost destroyed a fighter hangar!"

10 Minutes later in the battle, 3 Fighter squads and one bomber squad emerged. The bombers shot their bombs at a cruiser, wrecking the controls and bridge. The fighters destroyed most of the warhead launchers, while some of the warheads went off before launch, resulting in a massive fireball that engulfed 2 Light Frigates.

Matthew heard a loud roar a short time later, and saw a torpedo smash into the shields. "Agh..shields at 75%!" said a Drew. Another torpedo hit the shields and penetrated, smashing off 5 auto turrets and destroying 3 fighters that were trying to shoot down enemy fighters. "This has just turned from bad to worse!" screamed Matthew as another explsion was deflected. "Shields can't hold out!We'll have to try and focus all shield force in front if we want to survive!" said Drew back to Matthew.

22:31:07 Jan 16th 09 - Sir Karzun Demonsul:

[[Vacuums don't crush things...they make them explode! Also where are my meteors?]]

22:36:39 Jan 16th 09 - Sir Delran Silver:

Vengeance exited the wormhole several minutes after the Titan. It arrived in full war zone. He picked up Hoffman's transmission.
"Deploy fighters! One wing is to escort the chairman out of here, the rest are to support the fighters from the other ships! Prepare all tubes, I want salvo after salvo shot at the enemy. Target carefully, as I do not wish to lose to many warheads. They outnumber us and if we remain without munition, we are dead!"

The battle was raging on as the Keraitian fleet fired salvo after salvo against the Qalik fleet. When the vortex appeared, Karl took his ship to safe distance and continued to fire at the Qalik's. His shields were almost out of power but he ordered the auxiliary systems of the ship to be closed and energy diverted to life support, weapons and shields. That enabled him to recharge the shields partialy. The fighters were sustaining medium loses, so he kept the into battle.

After hering a human voice telling everyone that he cannot do more and scanning the space near the vortex more carefully, he received a ray of hope. But that was little, as the Qalik fleet was to large.

"Lieutenant, hail the Titan!"
"Aye Aye, Captain! We have them on ComRadio."
"This is Captain Karl Dark of KS Vengeance! Admiral, if the chairman doesn't leave soon and we need more time, I will take my ship and ram it into theit mother ship! If you disagree, then I await your orders!"

23:18:33 Jan 18th 09 - Mr. Electric:

Matthew stared at the enormous vortex after wrecking a large frigate. "Thats impressive..." he mumbled. He shot every last gun he had, and utterly decimated a Cruiser. He reloaded the warheads and shot one at a pack of Corvettes, oblitherating 5 of them. He shot 3 torpedoes at a Cruiser, and destroyed the engines, and a catastrophic exposion sealed its fate.

05:19:13 Jan 20th 09 - Prince Valan Septim:

The battle raged on for several minutes, with the Titan destroying many ships. Eventually, the Chairman and High Command escaped through a Wormhole, and Septim turned to Ace.
"Engage wormdrives! Follow the escape plan! Go to Harakin," said Septim.
"Yes, Admiral," said Ace as he pressed several buttons, the other men in the bridge did the same, and a few seconds later, the ship pulled out through a wormhole. Septim hoped that the others in his fleet would do the same rather than fight for their homeworld.

00:19:42 Jan 21st 09 - Sir Delran Silver:

Seeing that the flag ship is retreating, Karl ordered his ship to guard the retreat of the fleet and then follow them. After firing a last salvo at the enemy fleet, Karl ordered Tumar to enter a wormhole after the fleet.

03:01:23 Jan 21st 09 - Mr. Electric:

Matthew fired all his guns twice at the mothership, creating a pretty good fireworks display on the auto turrets and warhead launchers, but otherwise leaving it intact. Suddenly he heard a slowly loudening groan. He screamed as his boat was helplessly dragged into the vortex, slamming into the side of Admiral Septim's ship. The auto turrets started firing until he turned them off, logging the ship as friendly.

18:03:14 Jan 21st 09 - Sir Karzun Demonsul:

Demonsul engaged the Scythe's own hyperdrives, sending the ship flying towards Harakin.

After a brief journey, Demonsul tapped at the holographic controls. The Scythe's superior drives had got them to Harakin quickly, but it was only a minute before a large wormhole opened and the Keraitian fleet pulled through.
Demonsul wasted no time and attempted to open a channel to Admiral Septim. The meteor tactic Demonsul had used was going to cost significantly more than standard involvement, and Demonsul was tired of having to take the initiative in the deals. But still, he thought, it was better than waking up with Kerait destroyed and no-one to hire him.

18:50:12 Jan 21st 09 - Prince Valan Septim:

The KS Titan pulled out of WormTravel and the rest of the fifth fleet was behind him. Before him was the Harak system, with Harakin being the capital planet of the system and the second most populated planet in the Keraitian Empire behind Koam. It housed the main shipyards for the Kerait Navy, along with the second most productive and well funded research stations in the Empire, again, right behind Koam. The planet itself was a Koamlike world, with fifty-six percent of the planet covered in water.
"Alice, perform a diagnostic, I need to know what is damaged," said Septim.
"Right away, Admiral," said Alice.
"You all did good out there," said Septim, "Koam is lost, and there was nothing we could do. Admiral Septim out," said Septim.
"Freelancer Demonsul is trying to contact us, Admiral," said Communications Officer Maxwell Levun.
"Patch him through," said Septim.
After a few seconds, the Scythe was linked with the Titan.
"We meet again, Demonsul. That meteor trick helped a lot, I'm sure Benson will be generous. Was there a reason you tried to contact me? The KS Kerait has Grand Admiral Candor and Chairman Benson on board. I would think that they would be better people to contact," said Septim, "But, you never do something without reason, that I know, so there has to be a specific reason that you contacted me rather than them..."

18:41:11 Jan 23rd 09 - Prince Valan Septim:

[[OOC: Waiting for Demonsul to post...and Electric...and Delran...]]

18:54:00 Jan 23rd 09 - Sir Karzun Demonsul:

[[Get on the IRC then...]]

19:07:26 Jan 23rd 09 - Prince Valan Septim:

[[OOC: I can't! Get on VU Chat, it will lag for me, but it's better than nothing! :-S]]

19:07:41 Jan 23rd 09 - Mr. Electric:

[[OOC: ...]]

Matthew emerged from the same vortex and smashed into a meteor. "This is really not my lucky day, and now Koam is destroyed!" he said. He shot a warhead at the meteor and made it violently explode. "Those warheads don't have that much explosive power!Theres got to be some kind of mineral in there!" Matthew said. He tried shooting auto turrets at another until it cracked, then saw a glowing, silvery-blue metal come flying out. I wonder what that is, and if the Qalik are using it!  he thought. He sent out fighters to tow it in for inspection.

19:09:36 Jan 23rd 09 - Prince Valan Septim:

[[OOC: Koam is not destroyed, it's captured! No alien conqueror species would ever destroy a planet like that because they can. O_O]]

09:32:35 Jan 24th 09 - Sir Delran Silver:

[OOC: Can you deal without me for a while? Consider my ship has taken heavy damage and it's in the dry dock. As I said in the tavern, I can't login to much now, as I have exams.]

17:41:45 Jan 24th 09 - Prince Valan Septim:

[[OOC: Deallus, now you. It's only Electric, Demonsul, and I left. If anybody else leaves, consider this dead. I'm just about to as Demonsul still hasn't posted! ><]]

20:14:52 Jan 24th 09 - Sir Karzun Demonsul:

/me quits

Screw it.

20:16:55 Jan 24th 09 - Mr. Electric:


20:35:01 Jan 24th 09 - Mr. Electric:


21:16:41 Jan 24th 09 - Prince Valan Septim:

[[OOC: Dammit...]]

11:52:38 Jan 25th 09 - Sir Karzun Demonsul:

[[There are too few people for this to be worthwhile, so yes screw it.]]

17:20:04 Jan 25th 09 - Prince Valan Septim:

[[OOC: I will continue this in story form...dangit, this is another one added to my long list of stories that I havn't completed. XD. By the way, Demonsul, I'm on IRC.]]

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