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The Journeys
00:52:53 Feb 10th 08 - Mr. Killer:

Yeah, I realised that afterwards...

09:39:46 Feb 10th 08 - Mr. Demonsul:

[Well, its changed now, and I hope you guys don't notice-or at least don't recognize Demonsul as the apprentice... ; )]

21:33:07 Feb 10th 08 - Mr. Killer:

*Killer wondered where the others went. There was still a few there, but Drallon had gone, and one or two of the other apprentices. Bearnor came back, and said they would set off in the morning with, or without the others. Killer went back to his bed, and slept soundly, but with his knife near him.*

23:43:51 Feb 10th 08 - Mr. Meowman:

*Meowman is still asleep*

01:21:18 Feb 11th 08 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

Erunion went to bed with his bowstave beside him

17:21:59 Feb 11th 08 - Mr. Demonsul:

Demonsul slept uncomfortably, despite the bed's softness, as he worried he would be discovered before they left town...

15:26:40 Feb 12th 08 - Mr. Killer:

*Killer awoke. They were all there in the morning. He yawned. He got up out of his bed, and saw Bearnor awake already, with Drallon at his side. "Ah, the first of them is up. Wake the others." Killer did this, and they were ready after a while. They had a quick breakfast, and were off. Bearnor lead them for a while, until they came to a large house just outside the town. He spoke to the apprentices before going in. "These are my friends. There are rogues, rangers, mages, healers and warriors here, and they're all coming with us. They are good fighters, but most of them are a bit quick-tempered. We will get our provisions here, and also mounts to ride. We won't be going  fast, so you will learn how to ride." With this he entered. They were in a room with a dozen or so men and woman. Bearnor introduced all of them to each other, not saying much about the apprentices as there was not much to say. Drallon stood uneasily, he had been in these people's company before, Killer reckoned.
            In total of the people in the house, there was fourteen. There were five warriors, three rangers, one healer, two rogues and two mages. There was one man who specialised in all of these. There were five women, of whom two were warriors, one a ranger, one a rogue, and one mage. All of them were young enough, apart from one of the mages and the healer. They left the house after getting provisions ready, and went into the stables. There were many fine beasts there. Most were ponies and horses, but there were other creatures there too. All the apprentices apart from Drallon and Killer got a pony. Killer would have gotten a pony too, but only for the fact that a beast came over to him and sniffed at him and slobbered over him. Killer stared at it. Everyone else laughed. One of the warriors explained what the creature was between fits of laughter. "He's old, and was never really strong or fast. I never saw him take to anyone before, but you'll have to ride him,  I'm afraid, as he will follow us anyway. He may be old, but he is sneaky and wise, and you'll be the only one light enough to ride him. Well, maybe one of the other apprentices could, but he's taken a liking to you. So, it'll have to be him for you I'm afraid. He is enduring enough, and should just be able to keep up with the others." Everyone had stopped laughing by now, though there was a snigger or two. Killer was a bit disappointed at having to ride this creature. He examined it carefully.
               It was old, that was clear. It's face was wrinkled. It had piercing blue eyes, it most have been somewhere cold. It had a short snout, long legs, and wide paws. It's teeth had been grinded down over the years. It was slightly smaller than a pony, but was bit fatter than them. Killer pondered over what it was. He knew that he would be slower than the rest of them. Drallon rode on a horse, like the rest of them, apart from one of the warriors, a tall woman, who rode a Griffin. Killer wondered how it had been tamed. They set off, with provisions on spare ponies.*

[Describe your pony, and sorry, but you can't have anything better for a while yet, and it has to be like a normal pony, nothing too special. It can be slightly faster of whatever, but not by much. My creature isn't any better, it'll be slower.]

00:48:04 Feb 13th 08 - Mr. Meowman:

Meowman was presented a pony by 2 of the warriors, which had the colouring of a stallion, but it's shape sugested that it would be slower then a 3-legged tortoise. "Oh well," Meowman sighed.

16:56:34 Feb 13th 08 - Mr. Demonsul:

Demonsul got probably one of the better ponies, it was grey but looked reasonably quick.

[Describing ponies?? How did it come to this?]

18:10:41 Feb 13th 08 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

Erunion's pony was black, pitch black. It's eyes, mane and coat were all black.
Erunion tapped the creature on it's head with his staff and spoke a simple spell.
The pony would now respond to it's riders thoughts...

{I hope that's not too good, the ponies still rather slow, but it'll keep my hands free so that I can use my bow from horseback.}

13:40:13 Feb 14th 08 - Mr. Meowman:

[[I think making a horse phycic is a bit too much for apprentice...]]

19:16:15 Feb 15th 08 - Mr. Demonsul:

[can we skip the pony stuff, blah blah blah, everyone gets a regular pony, can we get to the next event now?]

21:22:26 Feb 15th 08 - Mr. Killer:

Yeah, right... Erunion, I'm afraid you can't make a link with your brain and another's, especially one that doesn't see it in it's best interest. That'll take you a while to be able to do.

*They ride on through the day, stopping twice to eat. The day passes uneventfully, and Bearnor announces in the evening they'll reach the treasure just before night-fall. They manage to do this, and see the sea, with a bunch of caves and rocks around the place. Bearnor halts them, and announces this is the place. "It's in one of these ten caves near us", he says, pointing at ten big caves in a group of about thirty, the rest small, little more than holes. They all dismount, and split up, into groups of three, and one of two, at a total of eight. Killer finds himself having ended up with two warriors, one male, one female. They head off into one of the caves. They search into the cave, but find nothing, and come back out, where one of the other groups are waiting, and they wait for the rest of them to come out.*
[pick who's in your group, and if you pick another apprentice, they have to come with you. However, you are not to find the treasure, but can find other stuff. The only other group you can't pick apart from mine is Bearnor, Drallon and Revenge]

01:02:42 Feb 16th 08 - Mr. Meowman:

I pick me, a warrior (female) and healer (male).

09:38:42 Feb 16th 08 - Mr. Demonsul:

I go with just another rogue-there might be scary stuff in the cave and I dont want some warrior attracting attention by waving a sword and yelling

10:15:46 Feb 16th 08 - Sir Egnever:

Egnever strolled down the small path, he heard some noise
He decided to check it out, he came across a cave with som people out side
He was alone and had been that way since his friend had left his side
He and his small sheathed sword were the only ones left, he knew a little of magic, enough to do a little levitation
His sword was of a decent quality , the priest in his town had ' Enchanted ' it, aparently it would make the metal stronger....
He stood in a long robe, ripped near the bottom and on his arms as well
He wore sandals, broken though they were. He was only at a small age of 15 and had some survival training he under-took with his father
He strolled over to the group outside
" May I join your small group? "
" I have been alone for a while and would like to join some people, I need to head to Rimroth, I have map which may be of some use to you...."

19:45:16 Feb 16th 08 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

{Ah well. At least I can make it obey spoken orders, with or without magic.}

Erunion walked over to where a mage and a ranger were standing.

"Well, let's get going shall we?"

22:23:12 Feb 16th 08 - Mr. Killer:

[Errmm... you're supposed to go into the caves, and then say what you see and stuff, but no-one can find the treasure. Don't go finding anything too powerful, or it might kill you, but you can get an item or two if it's not too strong.]

01:07:27 Feb 17th 08 - Mr. Meowman:

As Meowman walked in the cave, leaving the pony tied to a tree outside, he imediatly began to search, dreaming of untold wealth like none of his homeland had ever known, treasures witch, with his share, he could use to train himself and buy powerful weapons with witch to avenge his hometown. Sadly though, the treasure was apparently not in this particular cave, with only a few daggers lieing around, which Meowman took, and a sword, which  was taken by the warrior.

10:27:57 Feb 17th 08 - Mr. Demonsul:

Demonsul progressed stealthily into the cave, following the rogue. How easy it was to make little sound when you didn't have to worry about the light.

A while later, Demonsul and the rogue still hadn't left the cave...

[come and get]

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