Forums / Roleplaying / The place...

The place...
20:08:46 Mar 7th 08 - Mr. Zyrike:

Zyriek buys his shop an now has 100 food and 5 gold

20:09:35 Mar 7th 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

*Might does a job and ranks up....*

20:12:07 Mar 7th 08 - Mr. Wraith:

[[[Can I buy Steel Chainmail and how much would it cost? Also, what is the best wooden Longbow I can buy made from and how much would that cost?]]]


*Wraith is awaiting orders while training.*

Jack Hood
Nickname: Jay
Rank: Corporal
Armed with: Longbow, Iron Dagger
Armored with: Full Leather Armour

Robin Hood
Nickname: Robin
Rank: Corporal
Armed with: Composite Bow, Iron Shortsword
Armored with: Iron Chainmail

Jane Loxsley
Nickname: JL
Rank: Private
Armed with: Composite Bow, Iron Dagger
Armored with: Full Leather Armour

Chris Bergedahl
Nickname: Pussy
Rank: Private
Armed with: Shortbow, Staff
Armored with: Full Leather Armour

Leather Armour
Rusty Dagger
Oak Shortbow
Leather gloves
5260 Gold - ((Steel Chainmail)  = ??)
100 Food]

20:40:47 Mar 7th 08 - Mr. Killer:

*Killer works for another day. He walks into town to find a worker to work on the farm to help him, deciding to give him/her the room in the  inn. He offers a 50 gold & 10 food a day & a room at the Lord's Keep to the person.* Items: 530 gold, one room house w/kitchen, land(giving 480 a day(counting seed cost) and cattle & tools.*

{Septim, you can decide if I get a worker or not, or if I have to up my price. I know it's kind of pointless, but s/he should be handy when I get more land, hopefully.}

20:56:22 Mar 7th 08 - Prince Calus Septim V:

Fosa, the worker, agrees.


Xarxes does his mission for the day, taking out a murderer and his two accomplices down at the wharf.

21:56:33 Mar 7th 08 - Mr. Zyrike:

(OOC: how much gold per day do i get?)

23:20:06 Mar 7th 08 - Prince Calus Septim V:

[[OOC: 750 gold a day...]]

11:33:09 Mar 8th 08 - Mr. Delran:

*Delran is now promoted to Major*

[ Naret Shivan
Nickname: Nar
Rank: Corporal

Armed with: ironshort sword,

Armored with: iron chainmail shirt, iron boots

Ifias Sharpe
Nickname: Ifi
Rank: Corporal
Armed with: iron shortsword
Armored with: iron chainmail shirt, iron boots

Ufern Dark
Nickname: Ud

Rank: Private

Armed with: iron shortsword
Armored with: iron chainmail shirt

Velkon Akejer

Nickname: Vel
Rank: Private
Armed with: iron shortsword
Armored with: iron chainmail shirt

2295 gold   80 food

iron plate mail (full) steel double bladed sword

small castle]

17:08:14 Mar 8th 08 - Prince Calus Septim V:

[[OOC: Might, you need to do four more jobs to become Guildmaster, I need to do three. You can't say you rank up...because you didn't...]]

*Septim does his job for the day, two more until the post of Guildmaster.

[[OOC: There can only be one Guildmaster whom appoints his second in command...the 2nd in command gets 800 gold a day.]]

Mr. Might The God of Cows


3/7/2008 12:09:35 PM

*Might does a job and ranks up....*

17:47:24 Mar 8th 08 - Mr. Zyrike:

Zyrike works and has a great day getting 750 gold...

755g and how much food do i get?

2 days left at drunken dragon

17:50:41 Mar 8th 08 - Mr. Wraith:

[I'm guessing 0. It's a shop, not a restaurant]


[[[Again, I ask: Can I buy Steel Chainmail and how much would it cost? Also, what is the best wooden Longbow I can buy made from and how much would that cost?]]]


*Wraith is awaiting orders while training.*

Jack Hood
Nickname: Jay
Rank: Corporal
Armed with: Longbow, Iron Dagger
Armored with: Full Leather Armour

Robin Hood
Nickname: Robin
Rank: Corporal
Armed with: Composite Bow, Iron Shortsword
Armored with: Iron Chainmail

Jane Loxsley
Nickname: JL
Rank: Private
Armed with: Composite Bow, Iron Dagger
Armored with: Full Leather Armour

Chris Bergedahl
Nickname: Pussy
Rank: Private
Armed with: Shortbow, Staff
Armored with: Full Leather Armour

Leather Armour
Rusty Dagger
Oak Shortbow
Leather gloves
5760 Gold - ((Steel Chainmail+Longbow)  = ??)
100 Food
One roomed house with kitchen]

19:00:43 Mar 8th 08 - Prince Calus Septim V:

[[OOC: Sorry, the best is the Greatbow of War, and it costs 3000 gold. Steel chainmail is about 500 gold...]]

19:33:16 Mar 8th 08 - Mr. Killer:

*Killer works for another day. He found a worker to work for him, Fosa. He sets him to work, and works hard enough himself, making Fosa do most of the work... * Items: 910 gold, 20 food, one room house w/kitchen, land(giving 480 a day(counting seed cost) and cattle & tools, worker Fosa(costs 50 gold and 10 food a day) with 7 days at the lord's keep.*

23:44:04 Mar 8th 08 - Mr. Wraith:

[Can I go on an assassination or take part in a war or something?]

Jack Hood
Nickname: Jay
Rank: Corporal
Armed with: Longbow, Iron Dagger
Armored with: Full Leather Armour

Robin Hood
Nickname: Robin
Rank: Corporal
Armed with: Composite Bow, Iron Shortsword
Armored with: Iron Chainmail

Jane Loxsley
Nickname: JL
Rank: Private
Armed with: Composite Bow, Iron Dagger
Armored with: Full Leather Armour

Chris Bergedahl
Nickname: Pussy
Rank: Private
Armed with: Shortbow, Staff
Armored with: Full Leather Armour

Leather Armour
Rusty Dagger
Oak Shortbow
Leather gloves
(5760 Gold - 3500  =) 2260
100 Food
One roomed house with kitchen]

07:53:23 Mar 9th 08 - Prince Calus Septim V:

On the horizon, Banditia's forces loom. Their great numbers of heartless raiders strike fear into the most hardened of warriors. Their leader, Quickblade, stands at the head. His skill in magic, assassination, combat, stealth, agility, and his endurance are renowned across the continent. He grabs a horn from the man at his side and blows into it, a great sound passes over Erabor, freezing the hearts of Eraborians and making the Banditians all the more bloodthirsty. Emperor Septim comes forth.

"What is it that you want Quickblade?!", asks Septim.

"Your skull added to my collection!", says Quickblade, brandishing a large collection of skulls attached to a leather strip, "The Emperor of Erabor's would make a fine addition!"

Septim sighs, "If you believe you can take Erabor, then go right ahead and try. I will see you on the battlefield...", says Septim as he turns around, his General comes forth.

"Prepare the troops, hire mercs, whatever you have to do...", says Septim.


All men in the city are sent notices.


The Guildmaster steps forth, his four Lieutenants, Septim, Might, Gorris Farilor, and Gaius Essilin, step forth, along with the four hundred mercenaries in the mercs guild.

"Mercenaries! My second in command has chickened out! Therefore Xarxes, the best by a small margin of my Lieutenants (I've done the most jobs...) will be my new second in command! Should I die, my titles and holdings will go to him! Come here Antonis!", says the Guildmaster. Xarxes steps forth.

"Antonis Xarxes, Lieutenants of the Erabor Mercenaries Guild, I now promote you to be my Second in Command. You answer to nobody but me", says the Guildmaster.

"Yes sir", says Xarxes.

[[OOC: The Guildmaster will die towards the end by Quickblade's hands, then I will be Guildmaster. This battle will go on for two days, so it will be the same amount of time as if I had done the two jobs to become Guildmaster. Nobody try to fight Quickblade, he is stronger than anybody here, I will write his death. He will die by Emperor Septim's hand, as Septim is the strongest character in the place...]]

17:46:10 Mar 9th 08 - Mr. Delran:

*Delran, now a Major, went to the Emperor to await orders about the defense of the city and if he will get more men.*

Naret Shivan
Nickname: Nar
Rank: Corporal

Armed with: ironshort sword,

Armored with: iron chainmail shirt, iron boots

Ifias Sharpe
Nickname: Ifi
Rank: Corporal
Armed with: iron shortsword
Armored with: iron chainmail shirt, iron boots

Ufern Dark
Nickname: Ud

Rank: Private

Armed with: iron shortsword
Armored with: iron chainmail shirt

Velkon Akejer

Nickname: Vel
Rank: Private
Armed with: iron shortsword
Armored with: iron chainmail shirt

2895 gold   80 food

iron plate mail (full) steel double bladed sword

small castle]

17:53:10 Mar 9th 08 - Mr. Wraith:

[How did you become a Major?]

*Wraith collects his recruits and tells them about the war. They nood and march off together to the rendezvous point.*

18:04:13 Mar 9th 08 - Prince Calus Septim V:

General Gaius Gondolin promotes Wraith, Telcontar, and Delran to the rank of Major.

Second in Command Antonis Xarxes marches his eight men down to the front gate, he tells six to go up on the wall and shoot arrows as the enemies approach.

"Once they break through the gate, get back down here, understand?", asks Xarxes.

"Yes sir", says the six men, as they run up to the top. The two he keeps with him are the new ones, Garius and Jeris.


Emperor Septim marches his personal guard of a hundred men down to the gate. He holds in one hand a staff, in the other a longsword called Firengard. He has Icengard sheathed on his back as well.

18:19:56 Mar 9th 08 - Mr. Wraith:

[Why don't I go to the wall? After all, my soldiers are all Archers. ]

18:20:26 Mar 9th 08 - Prince Calus Septim V:

[[OOC: You can go where you like...]]

18:23:59 Mar 9th 08 - Mr. Wraith:

[Usually in a war you get orders from your higher powers.....]

*Wraith calls his squad. he points at the top of the wall and they nod their understanding. They quickly climb up their and start shooting at the barbarians.*

18:25:59 Mar 9th 08 - Prince Calus Septim V:

[[OOC: Fine...]]

General Gaius Gondolin, 2nd in command of Eraborian Forces, approaches Wraith.

"Soldier! Get your men up on the wall!"

18:36:11 Mar 9th 08 - Mr. Delran:

*Delran took his four men squad and went to guard the gate. He orderd all soldiers arround the gate to enforce the gates and be ready to defend them to the last man. If the attack will be reppeled, they would launch a counter attack, benefitting from the chaos of the enemies retreat.*

[Do I get more men if I am a Major? And why are Erunion and Wraith Majors? They weren't Captains. This is a little unfair.]

18:37:35 Mar 9th 08 - Mr. Wraith:

[I was a Captain actually]

18:43:15 Mar 9th 08 - Mr. Delran:

[Yeah, sry about that. But I still didn't saw you past any duels. I posted one every day.]

18:46:09 Mar 9th 08 - Mr. Wraith:

[I cant duel... I'm an archer -_-]

Edit: But I spent everyday training and got an expert once or twice

19:11:39 Mar 9th 08 - Mr. Killer:

*Killer works on the farm. He has 1,390 gold, and so goes to the farmer and enquires whether he can buy more land or not.*
Items: 1,390 gold, 20 food, one room house w/kitchen, land(giving 480 a day(counting seed cost) and cattle & tools, worker Fosa(costs 50 gold and 10 food a day) with 6 days at the lord's keep.

[How many pieces of land can I have altogether, or is there no limit?]

20:16:56 Mar 9th 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

*Might runs over to Xarxes.*

"Well old friend, it seems that you have advanced! We must have a celebration after this fight. Tell me where to go and I will be there with my men."

00:48:34 Mar 10th 08 - Prince Calus Septim V:

"I will be at the Lord's Keep, along with my men", says Xarxes.


Emperor Septim, on top of the gate, looks out to see the enemy masses approaching.

"Many men, no finesse, this should be good", says Septim.


The men run towards the gate roaring like lions, their hearts full of greed, anger, and violence. They are shot down by the many great archers on the walls, and they retreat back to their camps.


Septim laughs, "We won the first battle, but they'll be back tomorrow...more organized I hope."


15:33:20 Mar 10th 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

*Might does his job for the day.*

15:35:27 Mar 10th 08 - Prince Calus Septim V:

*Xarxes does his job for the day*

[[OOC: Will post the second day of the battle soon...]]

19:56:07 Mar 10th 08 - Prince Calus Septim V:

The demons march slowly forward in line formation, their shields in front to block arrows.

"Unleash the beasts!", yells Septim.

Ten elephants, imported from Tigaria, run out through the gates, they charge the line and they break formation as the elephants trample and impale many men. When they break the cavalry comes in and hacks many down, they retreat finally and the cavalry rides off, the archers begin shooting as they run away.

19:59:48 Mar 10th 08 - Mr. Verthias X:

[Is it just me, or is this returning to the wargame that you were trying to avoid by resetting in the first place?]

20:02:00 Mar 10th 08 - Prince Calus Septim V:

[[OOC: I am not going to take their lands, I will do a counter attack which involves attacking their capital and taking their gold. But then we return to Erabor and leave their city...]]

21:51:20 Mar 10th 08 - Mr. Killer:

[Yo, Spetim, how many pieces of land can I have altogether, and how much will another piece cost?]

00:35:23 Mar 11th 08 - Prince Calus Septim V:

[[OOC: You can have up to two acres of land...the other will cost about 500]]

14:00:36 Mar 11th 08 - Prince Calus Septim V:

Septim again looks out across the land as the enemy approaches.

"They seem bigger, pass me my spyglass", says Septim.

His servant gives him his spyglass and he looks out.

"Reinforcments from the other bandit cities. They are tightly grouped together, fire the catapults", says Septim.

The catapults fire their flaming projectiles at the enemy, killing hundreds. They fire again and again, but this time the enemies don't give up. They reach the gates and they open.

"Cursed bandits, they must have spies", says Septim.

Septim jumps down off the wall and uses magic to slow his fall, he draws Firengard and aims his staff at the enemy, and sends men flying.


Guildmaster Verdelet Zerisar stands up in front of his men.

"To the death!", he roars with a furious battlecry, he draws his longsword and holds his shield, he charges into combat. He slashes and hacks through many men, before finding the bandit King. He runs at him and stabs at him, the blade goes into his leg, but the man hardly notices. He turns around and grabs Verdelet by his neck. He tightens his grip and picks Verdelet up off of his feet, he stabs his sword into him and Verdelet falls do the ground, dead.


Xarxes sees Verdelet fall.

"No! I'll kill you!!!", says Xarxes in rage.

He runs at Quickblade, but Septim grabs him and throws him away.

"He's a bit out of your league boy, let me handle this", says Septim.


Septim turns around and walks towards Quickblade, Quickblade charges and Septim rolls out of the way, Septim aims his staff at the giant of a man and fires, the man falls down with his back entirely burnt through to the middle. Septim then goes forth and cuts off his head, he holds it up to the victorious battle.

"Men! We've won!"


Xarxes sits on the floor, Septim comes over.

"Hello kid, sorry about Zerisar, I knew him, he was a good man", he says, he then walks away.

Xarxes rises and walks over to the Lieutenants, whom salute him.

"Sir!", says the Lieutenants.

Antonis Xarxes is now the Guildmaster of the Mercs Guild, Xarxes approaches Might.

"I offer you the position of Second in Command, do you accept?", asks Xarxes.

14:14:16 Mar 11th 08 - Mr. Zyrike:

Zyrike works for the day and is getting stronger in the magi profession.

1500 gold and 100 food

14:26:50 Mar 11th 08 - Prince Calus Septim V:

Xarxes walks off (I assume Might accepted) to his house and goes to sleep. A knock comes to his door later and he answers it.

"Hello sir, I have come to deliver two thousand five hundred gold pieces for you services in war", he says.

Septim accepts the massive chest, and afterwards another man walks up and hands Septim a bundle of steel platemail, a deed to a house, two thousand gold, a crate of food, a mithril longsword, and a strong steel shield.

"Mr. Zerisar, in his will, gives you all of these things...he had no family", says the man.

Septim accepts, and pushes the crate of food into the corner, he then puts the bundle of steel platemail on the armor rack, leans the shield up next to it, and buckles the mithril longsword. Septim then walks out and over to the house described, it is a small castle. Septim proceeds to move all of his items from his three room house to the castle, and keeps the three room house. He puts his armor stand with the steel ar*beep* it in the armory, his fortune of 7,000 gold coins into the vault, and the crate of food into the kitchen. Afterwards Xarxes goes to his three room house and converts it to a bunkhouse, with seven bunkbeds and a kitchen. He tells his ten men to stay instead of the inn and goes off to his castle.

[[OOC: When you gain the highest rank, you will get whatever the highest ranked person had...unless he retires...]]

14:32:00 Mar 11th 08 - Mr. Zyrike:

(OOC: i thought Septim was the Emperor)

14:36:09 Mar 11th 08 - Prince Calus Septim V:

[[OOC: You know, having four different people under your control gets you confused. It was Xarxes whom accepted the food in everything...]]

15:15:38 Mar 11th 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

[Woops I was sleeping :P I accept ofc!]

*Might buys a castle on a hill outside the city for[How much?]*

15:18:09 Mar 11th 08 - Prince Calus Septim V:

[[OOC: Small castles are about 6,000 gold, large castles are 10,000 gold. I'm guessing you have around 7,000 gold.]]

All participants in the battle are Knighted by Emperor Septim, they are also given 2,500 apiece (which I already got in my last post...). Each participant also gets a one room house with a kitchen.


Xarxes walks to the mercenaries guild and is greeted by the man at the desk.

"Sir, your jobs are big, really big, you are hired when a government needs to be overthrown. You go in there with ten men and assassinate several key figures, and then the rebels move in and take the army out. So anyways, you are hired to do that once a week and you get payed 2,000 gold for doing that. But, you get payed 1,000 gold a day regardless for just sitting in your office...", says the man at the desk.

"Thanks", says Xarxes, he walks into his office and sits at his desk. He begins doing paperwork and signing contracts given to him to give to his men.

15:22:15 Mar 11th 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

*Might walks into Xarxes office.*

"Lets celebrate! Come to my house tonight. Im inviting several members of the Mercs Guild. Well celebrate both our promotions. Oh....and I need a job"

15:27:23 Mar 11th 08 - Prince Calus Septim V:

"Your job is to come with me once a week to overthrow a government my friend, other than that you get payed 800 gold a day to sit on your butt in your office...and I'll be there..."


Rank: Veteran Merc
Nickname: Bart
Armed with: iron longsword.
Armored with: full leather armor

Rank: Veteran Merc
Nickname: Ace
Armed with: iron longsword
Armored with: full leather armor

Jonas Topal
Nickname: Jon
Rank: Seasoned Merc
Armed with: iron longsword
Armored with: full leather armor

Wessius Conwell
Nickname: Wes
Rank: Seasoned Merc
Armed with: iron longsword
Armored with: full leather armor

Gaius Faltor
Nickname: Fal
Rank: Mercenary
Armed with: Iron longsword, iron shortsword
Armored with: full leather armor

Garius Hasilldor
Nickname: Has
Rank: Mercenary
Armed with: Iron longsword
Armored with: Full leather armor

Wulf Eskar
Nickname: Wulf
Rank: Mercanary
Armed with: Iron longsword
Armored with: Full leather armor

Aesar Silverscar
Nickname: Scar
Rank: Mercenary
Armed with: iron longsword
Armored with: Full leather armor

Arco Fasilor
Nickname: Arco
Rank: Mercenary
Armed with: Iron longsword
Armored with: Full leather armor

Cecil Harcoff
Nickname: Ces
Rank: Mercenary
Armed with: Iron longsword
Armored with: Full leather armor]]

15:55:18 Mar 11th 08 - Mr. Zyrike:

(OOC: dang thats a ton of men...)

16:17:10 Mar 11th 08 - Mr. Delran:

[ Naret Shivan
Nickname: Nar
Rank: Corporal

Armed with: ironshort sword,

Armored with: iron chainmail shirt, iron boots

Ifias Sharpe
Nickname: Ifi
Rank: Corporal
Armed with: iron shortsword
Armored with: iron chainmail shirt, iron boots

Ufern Dark
Nickname: Ud

Rank: Private

Armed with: iron shortsword
Armored with: iron chainmail shirt

Velkon Akejer

Nickname: Vel
Rank: Private
Armed with: iron shortsword
Armored with: iron chainmail shirt

6500 gold   80 food

iron plate mail (full) steel double bladed sword

small castle]

[I am temporarily leaving this RP game. I will put my character to sleep if this is alowed. If not, Septim feel free to kill it.]

17:45:29 Mar 11th 08 - Prince Calus Septim V:

[[OOC: Make him go on a journey to a distant land, then come back when you're ready...]]


23:16:07 Mar 11th 08 - Mr. Killer:

*Killer buys another acre of land for 500 gold. He works on the farm again.*
Items: 1,390 gold, 20 food, one room house w/kitchen, land(giving 960 a day(counting seed cost) and cattle & tools, worker Fosa(costs 50 gold and 10 food a day) with 5 days at the lord's keep.

[Tell me if anything is wrong with that Septim, I'm presuming I've got the tools and cattle over from the other land, but have to buy seeds each day. I'm not counting any gold got today, as i just got the land...]

00:03:02 Mar 12th 08 - Prince Calus Septim V:

[[OOC: Yep, that's fine...]]

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