Forums / Roleplaying / The Stormborn

The Stormborn
14:25:19 Dec 22nd 07 - Sir Revenge:

The men stroled down to the ship, some cleaning their blades, others blcnking their faces, they got back to the ship after a while and met up with the men that they left there to guard the boat
" Hey there ! " Cried Revenge to the bored men
" Hey " was the call back

Might sat down and got some futher medical attention as he still was quite saw, Revenge walked in and got a nice cold beer out the cellar in the bottom of the ship

The men were happy that there were no more casulaties

18:43:17 Dec 22nd 07 - Lord Ragnarr:

As everyone went to the ships and met their old friends, ale was taken out and it seemed as if a large feast would follow.
The sun had hidden behind the red, barren horizon and a light fresh breeze disperced the crushing heat.
Ragnarr went on board the beached Blue Ray and spotted Lord Seloc.
"Old friend, how was it? Any problems while we were gone?"...

[ A long post will follow soon about the setting off for the Lonely Islands. Until then, its solid amounts of alcohol on deck. ]

21:58:06 Dec 22nd 07 - Lord Ragnarr:

XIII. The Long Night of Drinking Horns

The two longships were already drawn onto the sand, beached, about ten meters from one another. The men quickly chopped off some nearby dry olive trees and formed them into long posts. They were palced between the ships and soon after, a large cloth was placed so that it covered above the decks and in between the two ships, creating an excellent, chilly shelter. Torches were lit and a fire was started for the meat.
Crude benches were created in between the ships with the dry olive wood. All the ale from both ships was taken out - dark beer, northern mead, Stormpeak whisky, fine Mullendore wine, Eilemittan brandy and everything else found. 
Ragnarr stood on the commander's deck, overlooking everyone, both those on the decks and in between the ships, already drinking and feasting on the roasted meat.
"We know were Silverwind is." he said.
There was a cheerful roar, which was silenced after a while by the captain's look.
"We are almost at the end of this quest, brothers. You have been very strong, both in will and body, to reach here, where few survive. And when we find Aeron, we shall all go home to our families, rich and wealthy - there will be sagas and songs about you and your courage."
He raised his drinking horn, full with mead.
"By the will of the Old Gods, this quest shall be victorious, and your names shall live forever!"
Another cheerful roar followed, after which the feast began - noisy and joyous.  

01:41:07 Dec 30th 07 - Lord Jonny Bacardi The Grand Master:

Jonny drank. And then he drank some more.
This place was starting to give him the creeps.

21:54:35 Dec 30th 07 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

*Might sipped his bear and observed his allies.*

01:11:01 Dec 31st 07 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

Erunion sat with his Elves, giving them orders to cover any and all eventualities. That way, no one would be left confused.

09:20:36 Jan 1st 08 - Prince Cephorus Septim IV:

Septim sat in the corner with a whetstone, sharpening Firengard. Septim then sheathed his blade and strolled over to Erunion.

"I am going to examine my objects closer, if you would like to join me I shall be in my room..."

Septim went down into his cabin and pulled the egg and the ring from his chest and pulled out some books, he began studying them in order to find any mention of the ring or the egg's properties and origins.

17:32:10 Jan 1st 08 - Lord Ragnarr:

[ Well, I guess we should continue this,. Happy New Year by the way, (: ]

As the sun rays of first light appeared, the feast had silenced, most of the sailers, crew men, warriors and northmen sleeping, still with drinking horns and bottles in their hands.
When Ragnarr woke up, he found himself at the Stormborn's bow, leaning clumsily on the elegant and fierce figurehead at its front. After refreshing himself from the night, he found Septim on the commander's deck, half asleep over an old book. Ragnarr placed his hand on his shoulder.
"It's time, my friend. We should leave this place."

Slowly, slowly, the men awakened from the lazy sleep and cleaned up quickly the mess, created on the feast. Then they ran to their morning duty positions, awaiting orders.
Ragnarr was talking with Lord Seloc.
"Have the Blue Ray pushed back into water, as the Stormborn also will. Then we take a north-western course, to here." He pointed at a spot on the map he was holding, which Seloc was observing. He took it from Ragnarr's hands and studied it for a moment, rubbing his chin...
"Alright. Although we will have to go round the shallows here. I have a sailer on board who explains these waters here were quite treterous,..."
Ragnarr nodded. "I'm not surprized. Then so shall it be. Get the longship ready for sailing."

After a few moments all was ready and the crews were infront of their ships.
Ragnarr was standing in front of the bow, while the others organized themselves along its length.
"On three. One,.. two,...heave!"
He pressed his mighty hands onto the wooden bow and pushed with his whole force, his feet burrying against the sand. After a few hard tries, the men pushed the Stormborn into the shallows.
They all boarded the longship quickly. Northmen manned the oars and rowed away from the shore, leaving nothing behind.
The two longships soon set sails and headed towards their north-eastern destination...

20:40:42 Jan 3rd 08 - Sir Revenge:

Revenge was tired and looked on into the oceon wondering hat would quite happen next
He help out the crew will a little rowing and then retired to his room with a bottle of scotch and drank until his face turned green

[ Is this what you call slow or dying ? ]

20:51:55 Jan 3rd 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

*Might practiced his skills with Septim (Or whoever is on my Ship)*

22:07:20 Jan 3rd 08 - Prince Cephorus Septim IV:

*Septim continues examining the egg.

[[OOC: I am leaving again for five days...]]

22:56:31 Jan 3rd 08 - Lord Ragnarr:

[ I don't understand you Revenge, but if you're asking why the thread is going on so unwell, it is because I do not have much time to make the important posts (however expect one in the coming 12 hours). Also, around this time of the year no one is active. ]

02:28:20 Jan 4th 08 - Lord Jonny Bacardi The Grand Master:

Jonny stood upon the deck with a few of his mates, sharpening the weapons that had been dulled lately. As captain-at-arms, he had asked all men to have their weapons inspected, and he and a few others where making minor adjustments in the weapons that needed them.

10:01:53 Jan 4th 08 - Lord Ragnarr:


A few days passed. The sandy wind was lost behind to the southern horizon for most of the northmen's relief. The mists also dissapeared as the two longships entered deeper in the sea, for which Kormac was extremely greatful, along with others. True, they were all experienced sailers, yet the fogs always hid an unseen terror which froze the hearts of most northmen.

Ragnarr was walking around the deck, to see how the men were doing. It was still hot in these parts, so those who had no work at the mast or anything else had sat on the deck, under improvised shades, gambling, talking, boasting, or simply slumbering.
A metallic "tin" echoed. Ragnarr turned around to see Lord Bacardi, working on the weapons.
"Just a few minor ajustments here and there, as well as sharpening the dulled blades and they're ready, Ragnarr." he said quickly over his work, still focusing on it.
"Very well,..."
Ragnarr moved on. He noticed that Revenge, Erunion and Septim were at the bow, discussing silently a book Septim was holding. Verll and Might were, on the other hand, near the commander's deck, laughing over some joke one of them said.
It seemed all was going well.

Ragnarr returned to the commander's deck, were Thoren was holding the rudder oar and Kormac was observing the wind-indicators. Ragnarr looked over board, watching the white, foaming line the longship left behind.
There was another one like that line, parrallel to the ship, yet nothing seemed to cause it. Unless it was below water.
"I didn't know whales lived in these waters,.." said Kormac cheerfully, noticing Ragnarr's look at the white track.
Ragnarr didn't answer. The white line suddenly stopped. He slowly took hold of his sword hilt.
There was a disturbance in the usual pattern of the waves. It was as if something was emerging out of them. And there was,...
A sudden splash.
"Sea Serpent!" someone yelled.
There was sudden chaos on the longship while everyone ran for they're weapons and armour.
The sea beast stared at Ragnarr before it struck. Ragnarr jumped out of the way and soon where he was became flying shards and pieced of wood.

[ Come on, LADS, I need you to unleash those RP-ing skills of yours now! (: ]

16:11:38 Jan 4th 08 - Sir Revenge:

Revenge hadn't yet come across a beast like this, its green and black slim body whistled in the waters as it gashed at some of the crew

He was taken  by surprise like nearly the rest of the crew, and had left his armour and large longsword in the cabin, he ran oiver to the cabin with the others trying to gather their own equipment , he threw his thin armour on and tied it quickly, grabbed a small crossbow , it wasnt his but it was needed quickly

 He ran on deck to see chaos,a  few crew were being nocked overboard into cold sea, and the boat had had damage in the middle and if you looked down you could see the food store in the bowls of the ships, luckily it had not pierced further down.

Revenge fired the at the beat aiming towards its large black eyes, a few hit the forehead and the throat but the serpents neck was thick skinned , only a close range attack could do damage perhaps. Revenge look at where he could get close to the serpent, perhaps a diversion was needed....

19:18:37 Jan 4th 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

*Once the Sea Serpent struck Might and Verll jumped up and rolled for cover when they saw Revenge shooting futilely at the large Serpent with a small crossbow.

Might jumped and rolled his way over to Ragnarr who was busy dodging and hacking away at the Serpents head. Might Yelled over to Ragnarr, " Ragnarr, try to keep its attention while I try and organize this ships defensives!"

[Does this ship have any kind of siege/Ballista equipment? Revenge, that small crossbow would even pierce the eye because most Sea Serpents have some kind of thick layering in it. Also the only thing that might be able to kill it is a ballista/Magic bolt of some kind.]

21:31:42 Jan 4th 08 - Lord Ragnarr:

[ Might, it is a longship - no balistas or catapults are present. ]

"Fine,.." Ragnarr answered, before dodging the diving head of the serpent, which tried to catch him with its fangs. While vurnerable, with its head nearly touching the deck, failed to devour the northman, Ragnarr struck with his greatsword onto the serpents neck.
It was as if he had hit stone or something with its hardness. The sword barely scratched the scales of the beast.
That caught its attention, though, it tried to attack Ragnarr again, failed again, then it dived into the water again and emerged where the bow was.
The rest had managed to organize into defence. Kormac had the archers lined on the commander's deck, and once the beast emerged from the clashing waves, he gave the order.
The arrows flew and directly hit the sea serpent's neck and face, yet that seemed to have only enraged it,...

02:54:12 Jan 5th 08 - Lord Jonny Bacardi The Grand Master:

As Jonny watched the commotion, he sat back a bit, not too disturbed by the sea monsters presence. It was expected really. However, now the fun was over, and the monster was really angry.
"Boyz, stop playing around. There's only one way you're going to be able to kill this beast. You've got to taunt it. Then when it strikes, you jump, and every one stab at it with whatever they've got."
With those words, Jonny got up onto the rail, and started taunting the great big serpent for all he was worth.

18:23:31 Jan 5th 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

*Might ran around getting everyone to taunt in one organized mass while Ragnarr jumped and dogded his way out of the Sea Serpents attacks.*


"You there! Start taunting!"

11:18:01 Jan 7th 08 - Lord Ragnarr:

Ragnarr raised his greatsword, holding its hilt and supporting its blade with the other hand.
"You heard him, seven hells, taunt the bloody serpent!"
It was as if it was the Midgard Serpent, Jörmungandr!
At Ragnarr's iron words, all the northmen prepared their weapons for a slash, gathered at the bow before the hesitating sea beast and started taunting the creature.
"I've seen worms fiercer than you!"
"By the Gods, my manhood is larger than you!"
"This axe shall go clean through you, cripple!"
A sudden flame in the sea beast's eyes appeared. Who ever thought that beasts do not understand human tongue was obviously misinformed, as the creature dived onto the bow deck in an immediate attack. The ones in its way jumped away. The beast hit the planks, nearly piercing them with its scaley head.
"Unleash Hell!" Kormac screamed, being the first one to charge the vurnerable creature with his battle axe.
Everyone followed into a charge...

[ Meowman, you can post now. (:   ]

13:00:30 Jan 7th 08 - Mr. Meowman:

A second later the dieing screams of the great beast was heard as several dozen swords cut through it's neck, A spasm rocked the creatures body, and then it lay still, never to move of it's own accord again. Cheers went up from the decks, but quitened as they noticed another sound which was still coming from the serpant; a quiet moaning, which sounded agonised, but too weak to scream. Then, to the great shock of the aboard men, the greatsword of their captain slowly but surely removed itself from the worms's body, seemingly pushed out from the inside. Suddenly, a sword, roughly the length of the arm of a child of 11 summers, burst out of the neck of the monster, and the men noticed runes of an unfamiliar tongue etched onto the side. Slowly, the sword cut off the neck of the abomination, and the head was pushed away. A short man crawled out from the inside of the horrid thing's neck, holding the sword in his hand. His ribs were easy to see through the rags which he wore, and he had a freshly bleeding wound in his leg, which was apparently the cause of his moaning. "Greetings, great travallers, and thank you for slaying this godforsaken beast, and I would gladly receive a hundred of the wounds I received by one of your swords rather then by swallowed again anytime soon.This, as you could well imagine, stirred the mens interests, and the man soon found himself repeating his tale... " I come from a small island, far to the south, which was attacked and overtaking by pirates some months ago," he began. "There force was twice our numbers, and we were soon forced to retreat. I was one of the few survivers who could fight, being of the king's royal guard. And so the survivers, only enough to fill one ship, set out to find a place to make a new start. Alas, it was not to be." At these words the man started to weep, and spoke through tears. " For the men of my land, of the far south, are used to fighting hosts of beings of roughly the shape of a man, be it man, orc, elf, hobbit or dwarf. But we are quite unprepared for battles with great monsters of legend... and now I am the last of my race." The man regains control. " But I owe you the full story, my friends, as you slayed the creature, and saved me... the man then explains how his ship, the Streaking Swordfish, was attacked and destroyed by the sea monster roughly 4 days ago. He, luckily being intensly vertically challenged, was swallowed whole by the monster instead of being chewed to pieces, and managed to impale my dagger in the osophagus, but unfortunatly the osophagus only not the windpipe, which is the reason the foul monster did not die that day, of the monster, and, useing it as a handhold, managed to halt his desent into the stomach below, from whence he could hear the agonised screams of my surviving fellow crew members. Once the beast was felled, and the turbulence of the ride in the animal stopped,I used my sword to cut my way out of it's throat. "However, I have not eaten or drunk for the last 4 days, and am in serious need of these things, as well as rest and medical attention." He said at the end of his tale. "However, first tell me, who is the captain of this fine vessel" The crew gesture to Ragnarr. " Then I offer you my sword," says the man, kneeling to him. " I offer you Gladernora, for indeed, that is her name, as is written on the side." "I also offer you my power of the wind, for indeed I was a mage and a worshipper of the wind-god of our temples, and will be able to deliver you with small examples of the power of the wind if the need arrises." " If allowed to draw a pentacle, I may also be able to provide you with a fairer wind and provide your ship with long-lasting speed. "But come," says the man, suddenly remembering and clutching at his wounds. "I must drink much ale and eat much bread before I shall be in a fit sword to fight or perform magic. Would one of you brave men please lead me to a place to rest?" And with these words the man collapses asleep, exhausted.

(I've let my imagination run away with me a bit since I pmed you, ragnarr)

13:01:09 Jan 7th 08 - Mr. Meowman:

(also I wont post such a long one again, thats your job)

13:20:03 Jan 7th 08 - Lord Ragnarr:

[ Lad, as I have said before, long posts are more than welcome. It is only a problem if one rushes to the end of a situation, not letting the others post how they respond to it. Only then. ]

15:39:36 Jan 7th 08 - Sir Revenge:

Revenge heaped the small man onto his broad shoulder and carried him to a suitable place to sleep

" Ill put him in then.." murmoured Revenge as the others looked at the damage to the ship

Revenge layed the man then returned to deck where most of the men were repairing parts of the ship, and elves epairing harder to get to places. Revenge sat on a small chair and watched on as the ship was repaired, cleaning his sword which was dreanched with the gut renching smell of this creatures blood
Once done , Revenge walked into the storage at the bowls of the ship and returned with a few kegs of ale and some wild boar they had killed while on the island and had kept in ale
" A littl help here " Revenge said smoothly, An elf walked up and levitated the piece of meat before cooking it in the air
" Wow, Spit-roast bore...."
The young elf was quite pleased with his work and after returned to work. Revenge sliced into the piece of meat with a sharp knife , chopping large parts off so the men could hold it firmly
" Anyone want some ale and boar?" shouted Revenge
A large sound of footsteps clobbed along the deck as people crowded round and took their helping
Of course Ragnarr and the higher members of crew were first , there after the rest took their share
Revenge left some over and took it to the cabin of where the small man lay and perched a tanker and some boar on the small desk to the side

It would be a fair few days perhaps before arriving at the osland of where they wished to travel

[ Nice post there Meowman  ^^ ]

22:48:37 Jan 7th 08 - Lord Ragnarr:

Ragnarr placed a set of ringmail armor and some clothes near where the man that emerged from the sea serpent slept.
"Erunion, make sure one of your elves sees to this man's health,..."


Ragnarr returned to his post at the commander's deck and looked around. The small repairs were nearly done. The deck needed a few planks to be changed and the boards fixed up. Some cordages were damaged, but quickly replaced.
"Ragnarr, the Blue Ray is close behind, we can continue on course,..." said Thoren.
Ragnarr nodded.
They set on north again, the winds being good - not to strong and not to weak. There was plenty of time for resting and preperations. What the northmen did most often was gather on the deck and boast about their weapons - how they were forged, aquired or bought, how balanced it was, sharp and steady, easy to find the best slash, how many foes it has taken down, how and when,... that they loved.
Other than that, northmen enjoyed sagas and heroic stories more than anything. Each man had one.
Several days passed so...

[ I'll post the next-chapter post later. ]

02:03:58 Jan 8th 08 - Mr. Meowman:

(OK, this is my first time RPing)

02:07:52 Jan 8th 08 - Mr. Meowman:

(oops, forgot to put something important into my story...)

A sailer walked into the room in which the man wass recovering with surprising speed. "Excuse me for my intrusion, sir," he said, "but in your exhaustion you neglected to mention your name." "Oh, I did?" Exclaimed the man. "How silly. My name is Meowman"

(just to get it into the story)

02:33:25 Jan 8th 08 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

Erunion awoke from his coma below decks a trifle the worse for wear.
A few days ago he had decided it was time to study the amulet, and he had tested it to see how it would work in the fabric of this world, hoping and praying that this world was stronger than the last he had been in.
It was. Fortunately, there was no risk of this world being literally torn apart, the fabric of reality destroyed. That was a blessing. The base upon which this world had been created was strong and tough, strong enough even to withstand the power of the amulet. As he had learned, here one could not rearrange the time, only matter.
Thankfully, his men had managed to maintain the illusion that he was still healthy and on board so as to allay worry and searching questions...

Climbing on deck Erunion heard the call for someone to assist an injured man, and instantaneously went to see to the problem, but Johansen was already dealing with it.
Looking around, Erunion saw the quick-hid smiles of his men as they saw that he was really out of his coma. Elven eyes are not as easily decieved by illusion as human ones. At least Naergothrendarin soldiers were all taught illusion as a basic strength, even the ones who could not levitate a pebble could pierce an illusion, or create a simple one.
Erunion turned to Alteran, and asked that he be filled in on what had happened during his absence. Alteran was more than glad to assist, and the two were seen disappearing below decks.

{Sorry about my absence Ragnarr, and here's a little bit of insight into the amulet, finally... Hope it's all satisfactory.}

15:53:56 Jan 8th 08 - Sir Revenge:

{ Yours is allways better than satisfactory ^^ }

Revenge sat and listened as mostly Might blabbed on about stories, blanking most of it out, while he thought of an explaination of Erunion coming up then going back down sharply..

Revenge took a tanker of beer froma keg and sat down to listen again mostly to might blabbing on... he loked over at Ragnarr conversing with Thoreon near the sail, he overheard a little about the Blue Ray, not enough really to get the jist of the conversation

He began to shapen his long sword, mostly with his spit as lubricant....

16:00:04 Jan 8th 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

[Revenge, I never blab on about Stories. I would appreciate it if you wouldn't play my character for me.]

16:01:07 Jan 8th 08 - Sir Revenge:

[ Im not, Its a bit of a joke lol ]

11:45:32 Jan 9th 08 - Mr. Meowman:

Meowman recovered with remarkable speed, for although the Father of the Wind had little power when it came to healing, the hospitality and medicines of the elves had deep effect. Indeed, it was soon that the wound was not a problem, and the thing that continued to confine him was his exhaustion and hunger. Within 3 days, however, the man was up on decks and was conversing with the crew, helping the men where he could, and was slowly increasing his skill with the sail, rope and oar, for he had been a man of fighting, magic and worship, not of labour. through his discussions with the men he learned of their past adventures, and came to know what the men knew of the apparent reason of their quest, this 'Aeron Silverwind'. He asked Ragnarr of the length of time to their destination, although he did not ask of the destination itself, prefering to let Ragnarr tell him when he saw fit. "We should be there by sunset tomorow, with fair winds," Ragnarr replied. "But I fear we shall not have them, for the wind has lessend it's strength of late, and shows no sign of getting better." "But have you forgotten my expertise?" excclaimed Meowman. "Allow me to draw a pentacle in my cabin, and a fair wind  I shall summon." So Meowman was given some chalk, and in his room a pentacle was drawn, with runes of an unfamilliar tongue drawn round the side. "This is no ordinary magic," said Meowman to any who cared to listen. "In this ritual I shall comune with the wind-god, for he has long favoured our people, as we have long worshipped him, due to our rely on sea trade, which relied upon the wind... at least, while our people lasted..." "This may be news to some of you, who thought that all magic was drawn from the elements themselves. Not all though. However, as a general rule of thumb, no one civilization has ever had the favour of more then one of the gods, be they the Old or New. The exeption, of course, are the legendery fair elves of the Faromin, who were said to be the first to walk this earth other then the gods, and they have the favour of all gods, except the greatest of the unholy... but wether their race still lives, or even ever did, or, if so, where they live, is unknown, although most say a land at the farthest north edge of the world, far beyond the edge of the map, where the sea stops, though naught know what comes after." Meowman's tongue runs wild with ancient tales and lore, and though most was known to most of the men, the supposed.locationer of the Faromin had not reached many of their ears. However, Meowman saw that he had wasted many an hour with his lore, and set about begining the ritual...

[[OOC: I thought that we might be able to include these Faromin after we have found Silverwind in order to keep the thread going, cos its doin well.]]

12:31:03 Jan 9th 08 - Mr. Meowman:

After a mere 3 hours in his trance, with 2 of those hours being blessed with fair winds, Meowman emerged from his cabin. "An elf!" he cried. "An elf among us if decieving us!" There was general hubub among the crew at these words, and Ragnarr steped forward to question Meowman. "What makes you think that?" he asked, giving Meowman a peircing look. Meowman did not flinch. "The wisdom of the wind god is limited; his power comes in strength. But in my talk with him, I heard faint outlines of these words, strung together as a single thought: 'Elf, conceals, present, purposes'. The wind is a here and now thing, and I can tell by the condition of these thoughts that this happed a few days ago. However, they seem to say that an elf who is present conceals something, but his purposes, be they good or evil, I cannot tell." The look on Ragnarr's face at the thought of this man sugesting that the trusty elves in his servise lieing to him sugested that the only keeping him from running the man through was the truth in his power to comune with the god, as the change in the wind and the ship's speed had been noticable. "Untill you find some proof of this," Ragnarr said in a cold voice, "I do not want to hear of this again!" At these words, Meowman walked back down to his cabin, thinking: 'Interesting... I must learn more about this, and not just for the crew's sake. If I do not prove this then I shall not have the trust of many men for months to come...' Most of the men watched Meowman with new-found mistrust, but Revenge, who had noticed Erunions earlier starange behaiviour, wondered wether to follow him down or not...

[[OOC: Revenge time for you to post!]]

20:49:12 Jan 10th 08 - Lord Ragnarr:

XIV. Fyllora et Dominisye

Part I. The Clash with the Unkown

 Ragnarr had a few shots of the strongest mead from Stormguard, one he kept safe in his chest. That cleared up his mind of the dark thoughts lurking.
He returned to his post at the rudder oars. It was late morning, and the sun beautifully broke through the clouds with gentle rays, creating the most scenic view.
The breeze was exactly on their advantage, coming right from behind them. Meowman's ritual really had a result and for a moment he thought if he was in fact a follower of Njordr, one of the Old Gods, the one of the wind and seamanship.
Before he had the chance to ask him,  Verll cried out from his watch post at the bow.
"Ragnarr, two shapes on the horizon!"
Ragnarr left the rudder oars to Thoren and walked over the deck to the bow where Verll and several others were watching in the distance.
One of Erunion's elves grinned and took out a shiny tube with a glass at the end, or an elven-spyglass. He looked at the distance for a moment before giving it to Ragnarr. The northman took it and looked through towards the direction Verll was pointing.
Indeed, two shapes, like towers, stood out from the water.
"Land." said someone briefly.
Ragnarr gave back the scope to the elf.
"We're there." he said kurtly.
Soon the shapes got closer and closer until they passed between them.
A majestic opening in the large bay, its entrance flanked by two huge towers and statues, glorious and old. Guardians of the land, no doubt, for they held massive two-handed swords.
Here the wind lost its power and the oars were taken out and put into use. Ragnarr took out Ivor Strongsteel's old map of these lands and read the runes.
"We should be at some port, called Victavyre, by nighfall."....

[ Meowman, I'm not sure about your offer, about continueing this thread after Silverwind is found. I'll consider it, yet I doubt it will happen. ]
[ Sorry the post was late, I had problems with my internet connection. ]

21:07:34 Jan 10th 08 - Sir Revenge:

Revenge awoke from a daze as the light reflected lightly off the water
He took his knife from his long pocket and cut into a large apple sicing into chunks, the juice seeped onto Revenge's hands and he looked at Ragnarr at ' The Helm '
He was looking down and a map with Meowman, Verll and a group of others were lightly rowing with a small current, strangly for a bay....
Revenge watched as the light current became a little more rapid.....
The water seemed to move towards the center of the bay....

23:23:13 Jan 10th 08 - Mr. Meowman:

[[OOC OK. also lets ignore my last post to cos now it looks like it is hours later in the story and that means it wouldn't work... IGNORE MY LAST POST!]]

[[By the way, if you take out these OOCs and *beep*s from the start (Like advertising mongeese) and change the names that sound weird (Like mine and might's) then this might make a good book...]]

23:37:22 Jan 10th 08 - Lord Jonny Bacardi The Grand Master:

Jonny stood on deck, giving the weapons a last one over. As he he whetted the edge of a rather mean looking curved sword, he heard the call for land.
"Finally," grumbled Jonny. He hadn't given much thought to anything, and this was sure to give him something to think about.
As he caught sight of the giant stone guardians, a feeling of dread slowly crept up his stomach.
"I've seen those things before," whispered Jonny to Septim.
"Aye lad, me too," was the only response he got. They continued working on the weapons in a gloomy silence.

07:58:26 Jan 11th 08 - Prince Cephorus Septim IV:

[[OOC: When have I ever said lad? I am supposed to be a man from the West, a Cidellian.]]

10:10:42 Jan 11th 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

[OOC: Yeah Septim would have said something like, "Yar?"]

12:06:03 Jan 11th 08 - Lord Jonny Bacardi The Grand Master:

[OOC: hey hey hey! I want you to say lad, because you remind me of an old person. There ya go.]

15:23:54 Jan 11th 08 - Sir Revenge:


Thats some funny shizzle

15:35:41 Jan 11th 08 - Lord Ragnarr:

[ Hey, now, I say lad, and am I old? ]

16:24:02 Jan 11th 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

[Ragnarr WANTS to be old im guessing ^^]

16:31:44 Jan 11th 08 - Lord Ragnarr:

[ No.]
[ Now come on, let's end this and get back to real writing, eh? (:   ]

16:45:42 Jan 11th 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

*Might drank some water while admiring the craftsmanship of the Stone Giants.*

05:31:56 Jan 12th 08 - Mr. Meowman:

As the sun grew old in the sky and night approached, Meowman emerged from his cabin and ritual, which he had returned to after looking over the map with Revenge, knowing that soon the ship would be porting and that oars would be used, not wind. He saw the port and knew the ship would be landing soon in a dangerous place, but he had a more pressing matter on his mind; a small piece of knowledge bestowed upon him by the wind god. "The wisdom of the wind god is limited; his power comes in strength. But in my talk with him, I heard faint outlines of these words, strung together as a single thought: 'Elf, conceals, present, purposes'. The wind is a here and now thing, and I can tell by the condition of these thoughts that this happed a few days ago. However, they seem to say that an elf who is present conceals something, but his purposes, be they good or evil, I cannot tell." These words he spoke softly to himself, but cought himself, cursing softly, when 2 of his newfound crewmates wandered by. "You *beep*, Meowman!" he thought to himself. "No-one else must hear of this untill you know more." But still he feared what the intentions of this elf, whichever one it may be, were, and decieded to keep a close eye on their leader, for if he was in on it and the intentions were evil, then a conspiracy or mutiny would definatly soon arise...

07:17:55 Jan 12th 08 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

Erunion took the amulet in hand and walked slowly over to Septim's rooms. Closing the door behind himself, he threw a shield around the room, no sound could come in or out.
"Septim, this amulet, it is yours. Do with it as you wi*beep* is a rearranger. You can change almost anything you wish with it. But be careful, the power of this is immense."
Erunion placed the amulet on the table, leaving the slightly stunned Septim behind, and praying that he had made the right choice.

08:13:45 Jan 12th 08 - Mr. Meowman:

Meowman watched Erunion walk into Septim's cabin, holding something in his hand, from the decks. After he disapeared inside Meowman walked up to the door, wondering if Septim was in on the plot, and tried to listen in, but relized that a sheild had been cast. Cursing, he sprang away from the door and slipped into the next room, and not a moment too soon. Meowman peeked out of the doorway. Erunion came out of the door not 2 seconds after Meowman had hidden, and he seemed troubled, as if all had not gone to plan, or he was not sure of himself. Meowman mused over this, and came to 1 conclusion: he must confront Erunion, and soon, before they made port in a couple of hours time, even. Meowman was startled, therefore, when he saw the one who had foremost in his thoughts had just walked past him. Meowman had thought he would have been going in the direction he came from, and had not expected this, but seized the oppertunity.

"Hail, Erunion!" he shouted, jogging towards the elf. "Oh, hello, newcomer," he replied. "You know, I'd love to continue with the pleasentries," said Meowman in a voice that made Erunion stop and listen, "but they do get tedious, so I think I'll just cut to the chase. What are you hiding from us, why do you hide it from us, and what is your purpose with it?

[[OOC: This is getting exciting isn't it?]]

09:30:48 Jan 12th 08 - Sir Revenge:

[ Ragnarr & Erunion this normally doesnt come from me but can we save this?]

11:51:19 Jan 12th 08 - Mr. Meowman:

[[OOC: save this? What does that mean?]]

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