Forums / Roleplaying / The Stormborn

The Stormborn
09:53:05 Jan 15th 08 - Mr. Meowman:

[[OOC: Aye, but that overpowers you a bit doesn't it? Anyway, I'm a mage too, so lets just keep it that I can.]]

Meowman saw that Erunion, though helping Revenge, was drawing himself closer to death with every second. With only a moments hesitation, he began to sap his own strength, channeling it into Erunions body. And with his power, he sent a thought: "If you are to die, or I am to die, then let us die friends" He waited for a reply, even as he felt himself weakening...

11:12:22 Jan 15th 08 - Lord Ragnarr:

As soon as the battle began, with out paying attention to the events behind him, Ragnarr bolted towards the commander and rammed into him, dodging his heavy spear. The elven-like creature fell to the ground. Ragnarr then hacked towards the ones around, wounding one and ending the other. Septim and Baccardi charged the ones around, leaving Ragnarr some time to deal with the commander.
"Where is Aeron??!" he yelled, holding the collar of the elven commander, raised him up and started ramming him into a column near by. "Where is Silverwind??!"
The captain of the guards choked out, and hardly had enough breath to squeeze out the words "Coastal Fort". Ragnarr then threw him to the ground and left him in his pain.
He stabbed some elven guard that was attacking him before parrying the spear and slashed to another nearby to make way through. "Everyone after me!"
After which he was running back to the port to find the coastal fort. As the rest finished off their opponets and followed him, from the far part of the alley a company of guards emerged, obviously to follow...

15:51:38 Jan 15th 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

*Might lifted up his noes and smelled something.*

"Ragnarr, there is something following us..."

20:53:33 Jan 15th 08 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

{Hmm, to slightly different events here. I guess that you guys didn't notice the reinforcements (that's you too Might) and that myself and Revenge were a little bit farther back then you.}

21:00:35 Jan 15th 08 - Lord Ragnarr:

[ Erunion, I did, but my character rushed forward. With out paying attention to what is happening behind. I do not reject what you wrote, it is actually a very important part of the whole storyline what you wrote, but I just wanted to show with what haste and chaos everything happens. Let the "reinforcments" hold off the guards while the work is done. I guess that is why they appeared... ]

22:09:12 Jan 15th 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

[I smelled em though.*

22:21:03 Jan 15th 08 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

{Thanks for clearing that up. That's what I was thinking too. And yes Might, you can smell them...}

09:18:58 Jan 16th 08 - Mr. Meowman:

[[OOC: C'mon Erunion, what say you to my offer? And thhis little bit of our own better end soon, so we can catch up with the others, but I don't want to play you guys...]]

18:11:25 Jan 16th 08 - Sir Revenge:

[ My last post in this RP, Its been a pleasure people ;) ]

Even with the amulet reversing some of the effects, the arrow itself had done enough damage, punchering his kidney,
Revenge lay flat on his stomach with his face on the deck
Blood dribbled from his mouth, nearly black, his eyes creeped open for perhaps the last time
He looked out to the shimmering ocean with the sun setting, it had been a shorter journey than perhaps he would of liked, but he had made more friends, and gave his life for one....

18:14:07 Jan 16th 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

[Revenge is dead! PARTY AT MY CASTLE!]

18:32:52 Jan 16th 08 - Lord Ragnarr:

[ Might,..... no comment. ]
[ It was great having you here Revenge. ]

Part II: The Northern Way

Yet Ragnarr and the other great warriors, except for the elf Erunion and the mage Meowman, were not at the deck of the Stormborn to witness the end of their dear friend. They had left behind the stone guardians, summoned by the amulet to dely the elf-like creatures while they headed towards the southern port, were the Coastal Fortress was located.
They ran and ran down a marble-tiled alley, until the towers of the sea castle were visable. They turned left at the first large stairway and continued upwards, passing through a few column-flanked passages, a few bridges and many more stairways, until they were a height of at least thirty to fourty meters above the sea level - it was easy to estimate, for they were right by the docks, in front of the gates of the fortress.
It was all so silent and quite - no movements, no guards - obviously all were expecting them else where or distracted by the summoned ones.
The gates were symbolic, there for a decoration - the engineers of the fort didn't expect someone attacking from the inside. They simply smashed through them...

[ Next post to be expected very soon (after 2-4 hours, explaning about how we find Silverwind. ]

18:42:15 Jan 16th 08 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

{Meowman, you can send thoughts, but if you try to read mine, you will be KOed. I am fine with working with you as a friend, but I'm kind of useless for a few hours...}

21:13:00 Jan 16th 08 - Lord Ragnarr:

[ It happened a bit messy, but I'll try to arrange things again. ]

... and they entered a small room with two doors and a staircase upwards.
"Where might he be?" asked Eyjolf, who Ragnarr didn't notice had come.
"Damn! If Erunion was with us, he might have helped,..."
That moment the door infront of them crashed open and ten guards poured into the room. They didn't seem to expect someone would stand in their way while in the fortress, and certainly not the ones they where sent to capture. Or slay.
A quick command from their captain and they reformed into battle position, as much as the room allowed it, but the warriors were already hammering blow after blow onto them, and three of the guards fell dead and the rest fled the room, calling out in their strange tongue. There was a sudden ring of a bell and alarmed voices.
"Quick, through here!" Septim yelled and ran through the other door, entering some small hall.
It was obvious that Loki the cheater was distracting Odinn from him wathcing over the warriors, as they had entered, with out realizing until it was too late, the main hall of the garrison. Many of the elf-like ones had been sitting a while ago around ebony tables over a cup of delight and splenodor. Now they were running towards the arches that lead out, obvioulsy to fetch weaponary. And then they saw that they had been attacked in their own grounds.
Ragnarr, with out wasting much time, grabbed the nearest table and lifted its edge, letting it fall on the ground as a barrier between him and the ones who still haven't left to get their weapons. They jumped over the table quickly with short blades drawn, but were not able to stand much resistance.
"The doors! Lock them, or this place will soon be flooded of them!"
Septim ran to lock the northern doors, Baccardi ran for the one they had entered through, Verll and Might went for the Eastern one. The rest stood around Ragnarr, waiting for orders.
As soon as the gates were blocked, from the outside the troops started banging on to it and kicking in hope to enter. It was an absolute trap and a mess.
"No, wait, these stairs here!" Baccardi pointed at the far end of the hall. As soon as everyone was convinced he was right, they rushed up them.
"Erunion, where are you when I need you!..." Ragnarr told himself,...

[ You have more freedom to post here (don't await posts to know how to continue), but I'll post about how we find Aeron.after you people post some (:   ]

22:44:00 Jan 16th 08 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

Erunion was still sitting on the deck, but the life was starting to come back into his legs. They were starting to work again.
Erunion was staring intently at an object in his hands, it was the crystal, a replica of the one he had given Ragnarr weeks ago, the one that was still in Ragnarr's belt pouch. Inside Erunion's head, the entire battle was being viewed. One of his feet twitched.
Almost, almost back.
His knee moved, he could walk again! Standing up, he turned to Johansen who was beside him, and handed him the amulet.
"I cast a shield around it, they shouldn't be able to sense it, but be careful. You and Toreanan will defend the ship. Alteran! Come with me! We go to help our friends."
Erunion then started to walk down the plank shadowed by Alteran, his walk turned into a run as his legs regained their usefulness.

05:35:00 Jan 17th 08 - Prince Cephorus Septim IV:

Septim sprinted up the stairs and drew Firengard and a shortsword he called Weswyr. He held his longsword facing upright and his shortsword downwards, he saw that the hall ahead was filled with ten guards who were running to ambush them.

"Attack men! It's either down to the masses or through the few!", yelled Septim as he ran into combat, a soldier attacked Septim and he blocked the blade with his shortsword while stabbing him with his longsword. He blocked two blades with each of his swords and parried them after, he then plunged both blades into each of the two soldiers.

11:43:33 Jan 17th 08 - Mr. Meowman:

Meowman had departed after stowing away the body of Revenge aboard the Stormborn to receive a proper burial later, pleased that his feud with Erunion was over. He jogged back to the spot where the battle had taken place and looked for a sign of where his companiens had gone, but there was no sign. However, after a minute or 2 of fruitless searching, his luck turned. An elf-man from the corner groaned. Meowman went over to him and observed that he was fatally wounded. He drew Gladernora from it's sheath and pointed the tip at the man's throat. "Silverwind," he said. "Tell me of the.locationerer of Silverwind, and I'll ease your sufferin*beep*e, Silverwind," came the feeble reply, so quiet that it was barely audible. "Coastal Fortress. Now kill me!" Meowman did so without hesitation or regret, for these things were almost certainly entities of evil. After cleaning and sheathing his sword, he started on his way...

[[Yes, Erunion, your right. But when you probe me, I can dedect a fuzzy outline of your thoughts.]]

18:37:09 Jan 17th 08 - Lord Ragnarr:

As Septim rushed into the inevetable battle ahead of them, Ragnarr spotted a captain among these elf-like troops and, killing a few in the way with two slashes, reached him and charged. The captain parried the hack with a long, thin, slightly curved blade, supporting its end with the palm of his hand. He smiled with irony at Ragnarr's straight forwards attack, and then pushed him away. Then he charged, slashing high, then low, then spinning and an attempt to stab through. This Ragnarr averted, but not with ease, for if he had learned something by now, it is that elves, or elf-like creatures are extremely quick and elegant with their attacks.
However, Ragnarr lacked elegance in combat when needed. He simply kicked the captain in the belly, leaving him fly to the ground, then placed the sword edge above his neck.
"Where is the prisoner Aeron Silverwind?" Ragnarr asked, him being the one smiling this time, though it was an icey shadow of a smile.
"Main keep,... the triple tower,...." the one murmered.
Ragnarr raised his eyes and saw what lay before them - a long archway corridor, leading to what seemed to be three towers, connected in the base, then dividing one from another, with numerous bridges in between them.
He raised his blade and let the wretch stand up clumsily and run away to some direction,...

09:30:40 Jan 18th 08 - Mr. Meowman:

When Meowman reached the fortress, he couldn't help but feel a slight sence of foreboading. When he went round and saw the door being smashed open by a bunch of elf-men, he knew why. "Either a civil war, or Ragnarr and the others locked them out. He knew which one was more likely. He searched for another way in, and found one in a strange combination of three towers. He lifted himself up on a gust of his element and started towards it. His accent was uneventful, being spotted by only one guard, who fell to his death via an unfortunate gust of wind from behind before he had time to recover from the shock. Meowman landed on the base of the towers and looked around. He saw an archway, peered through it and..."Holy Renegar Massiah!" He exclaimed at the unexpected sight of his companions pitted against a plantoon of the elves. "Well," he thought grimmly, "they won't be expecting an attack  from the rear..." Without further ado, we drew Gladernora and let out a battle-cry in the tongue of his land, charging into the chaos...

17:08:15 Jan 18th 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

[Ragnarr. Remember what im becoming? This is where it gets useful!]

*Might grabbed a chair and ripped off the leg and proceeded to smash a a unfortunate elf into a bloody mass on the floor. Might looked up and growled and lept over the crowd of elves.*

[Whats behind the crowd of elves?]

18:06:50 Jan 18th 08 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

Erunion ran up into the gates of the fortress and up to where he knew Ragnarr would be.
He then charged forward into the mass of these creatures, trying to support his friends.

05:12:05 Jan 19th 08 - Prince Cephorus Septim IV:

Septim blocked a blow with his shortsword, kicked the elf in the stomach and plunged his blade into the soldier's throat. Septim then blocked another blow with his longsword and slashed the hand off of the elf, he kicked that enemy into a crowd of enemies and suddenly felt a blade from behind. He turned to see that the blade was that of a northman, and saw that one named Versung had stabbed him.

Versung: "I am sorry Septim, but the glory of battle is nothing compared to the gold of your enemies..."

With that he pulled the blade out and kicked Septim out a window, as Septim fell he saw a light, and then he fell through the roof of a straw roofed building.


Versung watched his former ally fall into the darkness below and turned around.

"One down, only a few to go...", said Versung slyly.

05:17:20 Jan 19th 08 - Mr. Meowman:

No-one expected an attack from the rear, and Meowman cut down 2 before anyone realized he was there. However, when the elf-men got their acts together, they weren't a pushover, or at least not as much as men. He slashed left, then right, and cut down a foe with each stroke. He stabbed at an elf in front of him, but he dogged, and lunged back at Meowman. Meowman realized that there was an elf with a sword raised, and sent out a gust of wind; not a moment too soon, as the blade which had been only a few inches above his head flew away. Before the thing had time to recover from it's shock it's head was cleaved from it's shoulders with a spinning attack from Meowman, who then turned back to his opponent. This one was not easy though, and the quality of his sword showed that he had some authority. They took turns in thrusts, parries, slashes and stabs for roughly 20 seconds before something interesting happened. The elf-man struck out with his sword, and Meowman parried. But something he didn't expect happened: the elf twisted his sword, and Gladernora flew out of Meowman's hand. The creature caught it, and grinned evilly. Meowman sent out a gust and threw himself back through the archway. As the thing charged towards him , words flew out of his mouth. "Elenizon Tuonasia Harandun!" A gust of wind, more powerful then Meowman had intended, sprung from the floor, sending the elf-man flying into the air, and pushing the swords out of his grasp. Meowman caught Gladernora daintily, and held it up to the point where the thing would land. It landed on the sword, let out a groan, and died. Meowman kicked the body off his weapon, panting with the effort of that last burst of energy. He surveyed the battle's progress while he caught his breath...

[[Ragnarr how many of these thing are there?]]

11:31:46 Jan 20th 08 - Lord Ragnarr:

[ A lot. And sorry for not posting recently, I got a lot of work recently.]
[ Septim and I had a quick conversation about the storyline. I need to tell it to you in order no misunderstandings occur. They outnumber us and there is already a traitor among our ranks (Versung, as Septim wrote). We are taken into captivity and escorted to the triple tower, were we meet Aeron. Septim, somehow survives from his fall, sneeks in and then we go back to the longship. ]

"On me!" yelled Ragnarr, who ran forward towards the towers, trying to break through the elf-like ones' grip. He raised his sword high and made a powerful hack at the enemy infront, swirling the sword on its way, taking two foes down. Then followed a stab and a parry, and he undertsood that this battle was over. They were surrounded. And the others knew it too.
They formed a circle, keeping each other's back and defended the space with furious slashes and charges.
As Ragnarr blocked a sword coming for him, he suddenly felt a dull object striking him on the head from behind. He fell to the ground, unconsious, still gripping his sword.

Ragnarr opened his eyes.
At first he only saw a blur and unclear images, and there was a deafning sound in his ears. Then he heard Versung the Traitor's voice.
"The job was done quite well, as you required. Now reward. And, oh yes, I keep the longships."
Ragnarr now saw that he was talking to an elf-like commander, who had an aura of egoism and arrogance.
"Once a traitor, always a traitor."
He drove his fine sword right through Versung, who made a surprized yell.
Ragnarr tried to move, but noticed his hand were tied at his back. The he jumped to his feet, that were still free.
A guard strook him with the staff of the spear in his belly. Ragnarr fell down again. He saw his battle commrades, leaning to a wall, with hands tied behind their back and numerous guards near them. Verll nodded sadly at Ragnarr.
"You fought bravely, but everything has an end." he turned to a guard who was holding a fine longsword. "You may proceed."
Two guard picked up the closest warrior, leaning to the wall. It was Halfdan. They made him kneel, with his neck streched out. The elf with the longsword made a clean cut right through the neck.
Ragnarr by instinct reached out to touch his charm around his neck, but his hands were tied.
"What in Zelmos are you doing? Their commander first! He must die now!" yelled the elven commander angrily.
Two pairs of hands picked up Ragnarr and threw him near the elf with the longsword.
"One last wish," Ragnarr spoke. "My hair is my pride. The cut of the sword will cut it too. I wish some one to hold it so it doesn't get damaged."
The commander was amused. "Fine. Arlem, hold his hair."
An elf gathered all the hair in his grasp and held it so that it was streched before Ragnarr's forehead.
"Now strike!" the commader yelled.
The longsword cut the air downwards gently and quickly.
Ragnarr pulled his head backwards with his whole force and the one holding his hair was pulled forward, surprized. The blade went right through his hands, cutting them off. The elf screamed and was taken away by some otehr guards.
"You northmen, damn,...take them to the dungeons,..."

[ Yes, the act just now is from the legend of the Jomsvikings, I know (:   ]

They were taken up the stairs of the triple tower dungeon. Ragnarr had the chance to look several times out of the narrow windows - they were very high above the city, and the clear view was magnificent. There was a calm sunrise above the water and the sky was again in an orange-yellowish colour.
On their way up the cold stone stairs, they passed by numreous doors. Behind some there was silence, behind others,...
They reached the highest chambers. A steel door was unlocked and teh dungeon keepers pushed all the warriors inside. Baccardi resisted and punched one of the guards in the face, but the other quickly kicked him inside.
 They had taken away all their armor and weapons. They then locked the door behind them.
The chamber was dark, save for the soft light coming from two narrow windows. The corners were black from the dark.
"This isn't quite bad for a dungeon. At least there is some space." one of the northmen tried to cheer up the others.
"We came here for Aeron, and this is what we found - darkness."
"Who said my name!" someone yelled in the northern tongue, from the darkness in the corner. "Who is it?"
They all fell silent, surprize enscribed on their faces.
"Aeron? Aeron Silverwind?" asked Ragnarr.
"I haven;t heard the northern tongue in ages!"
A figure came out of the shadows. Tall, yet thin from the long stay in the dungeon. His blond hair was uncut from ages and it reached his waste. Somehow he had managed to keep his moustache and beard trimmed neatly. His green eyes had a spark of joy, seeing friends. Increadibly pale, but he still had muscles on him and looked as if he could enter a battle any time now.
"Ragnarr!" he yelled and rushed forward. The two friends handshaked and gripped the other's shoulder.
"What the hell brought you here?"
"You." said Ragnarr, this time smiling.
"Well, you found me. So,... you came here to set me free?" asked Aeron.
"Things didn't work out very well."
He turned to look at his battle commrades. There was Erunion, whispering some spell - obviously the elf-like ones forgot that he was a mage, or simply didn't know, and that is why they didn't place him in an anti-spell chamber.. Might, Verll, Baccardi and Meowman, standing together, looking at Aeron with wonder and slight satisfaction that their quest was half done. Others as well. Septim,...Septim wasn't with them.
"Where's Septim?" Ragnarr asked.

19:48:06 Jan 20th 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

[Ragnarr I probably would have escaped with my characters abilities but o.k.]

11:49:18 Jan 21st 08 - Mr. Meowman:

Meowman tried to summon his power, but he wasto tired to summon anything worthwhile, and the gods had forsaken this wretched place. Later, when he tried again, he realized that this prison was anti-spelled, and he couldn't break out, even at the height of his power. He hoped mildly that erunion would be powerful enough to break out, but he had a fearful suspicion that it was not so; this was one strong cell. Meowman sat there, feeling no satisfaction in the fact that they had half finished they're quest, for he knew that they would likely never fini*beep*. And so he awaited the doom of them all...

23:02:24 Jan 22nd 08 - Mr. Meowman:

[[C'mon ppl!]]

23:52:59 Jan 22nd 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

*Might stared at the wall with his eyes glowing yellow in the night. Strangely they resembled wolfs eyes....*

07:41:52 Jan 23rd 08 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

Erunion leaned against the wall, chuckling to himself.

He cast a wall of silence upon the dungeon, so that no one could listen in.
"Ragnarr! You remember that I am not from this world? I came here from a different world, and the rules of magic or whatever you wish to call it have not been set in stone by the creator. For each world, their is a different type, and they haven't the foggiest idea which I use! The walls unfortunately won't be broken, but if I do not use the magic of this land they cannot sense what I do do, and once I find a crack in their defense I can break this wall down. Better yet, I can still use my magic inside this place, so if the door opens..."

10:45:17 Jan 23rd 08 - Mr. Meowman:

[[to fit in with the supposed storyline, lets assume you dont find a crack in their defence, unless septim hasnt rescued us in like, 3 days or somethin...]]

13:51:22 Jan 24th 08 - Mr. Meowman:

[[Come on ppl!!! Someone post, and lets get on with it!!!]]

15:34:38 Jan 24th 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

[ I already posted!]

18:06:20 Jan 24th 08 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

{Don't worry, Ragnarr will be along eventually.}

19:32:07 Jan 24th 08 - Sir Revenge:

{ Your missing me! }

22:13:43 Jan 24th 08 - Lord Ragnarr:

[ I shouldn't have made this turn in the storyline but it is already made. I sent Septim a few PMs so just wait a bit more, until he makes the continuing post. Sorry for this, but obviously he's not near a PC right about now,... ]

11:57:36 Jan 26th 08 - Mr. Meowman:

[[If septim doesnt post by the end of tomorow, lets just get on with it, and assume he died when he fell]]

10:48:58 Jan 27th 08 - Prince Cephorus Septim IV:

Septim screamed in pain as he landed in a massive pile of straw.

"Very...conveniantly...placed", said Septim as he stumbled out of the hay. He leaned against a wall and felt his left arm, it was broken.

"I use my right anyways..."

Septim picked up his longsword nearby, but couldn't find his shortsword.

"Don't need it, Ragnarr needs help..."

Septim grabbed a roll of cloth and used his sword to cut a large piece off, he then grabbed a straight stick and put it on his left arm. He tied it on using a piece of cloth and then used the large sheet to hold it up. Septim then sheathed his sword and walked out of the house. He walked around two corners and hid behind a third, where he heard two guards.

Guard: "-I can't believe how many of our men those men took out...I am just glad that we were able to get the situation under control, aren't you Resgond?"

Resgond: "Of course Hathi-"

His words were interupted by a blade going through his neck, Septim then held the longsword to Hathil's throat.

"Tell me where they are...", said Septim.

"I-I-I...who are you?"

"That does not matter, where are they?", asked Septim.

"W-Where did you come from?"

Septim smacked the guard with the hilt of his sword.

"Tell me", said Septim.

"They are in the prison, cell nine", said the guard.

"Good", said Septim as he knocked the guard out.


Septim reached the prison and surveyed the area, light guard of a soldier on watch outside, and one inside...along with a whole batalion of backup. Septim came up behind the guard outside and slit his throat, he then dragged the corpse into the bushes, the second guard came outside and Septim smashed his skull with the hilt of Firengard. Septim hid the body in the same location, took the keys, and walked inside. He saw in the dim light that Ragnarr was standing up, his eyes piercing the darkness of the jailhouse.

"Hello Ragnarr, I have come to free you...", said Septim as he unlocked the door.

[[OOC: Back from a long and boring trip to L.A.]]

11:06:46 Jan 27th 08 - Lord Ragnarr:

"Erunion, that won't be necessary."
The door was unlocked and Septim came in, with a ring of keys swirling around his finger.
There hardly was a time when Ragnarr saw everyone so happy to see Septim. True, he was second in command, a great warrior and a good drinker, but in that moment, everyone jumped to their feet and rushed to tap his shoulder, laughing.
"Someone here said you were dead." Ragnarr spoke, smiling.
"I guess I'm quicker than death then." Septim grinned.
Ragnarr turned to the rest. "Let's get the hell out of here."
Septim explained briefly about the situation in the tripple tower dungeon - he had neutralized a few guards on the way, but they would have to walk quietly and hide behind the shadows, as the fort was overcrowded with elf-like ones.
"At least they won't be expecting us."
They quietly walked out of the dungeon cell, along with Aeron Silverwind, who had a green fire in his eyes - the fire of freedom.
"We have to pass through the guardhouse to get out armor and weapons back, though."...

11:06:56 Jan 27th 08 - Mr. Strandatalent:

When Septim opend the door he heard a voice in the cell 8.

"Lucky boy Ragnarr, would you let out me to? please...."

It was an young boy sitting there and seemed to die cuz he hadn't got enough food.

11:09:42 Jan 27th 08 - Prince Cephorus Septim IV:

"It's up to you Ragnarr...", said Septim.

11:41:10 Jan 27th 08 - Lord Ragnarr:

[ I hope you know the thread rules, Strandatalent. We're almost at he end of the storyline, but it's no problem, you can join. (:   ]

"Unlock it as well. I'll go and take the weapons and armor. Everyone else, stay low and wait for me."
Ragnarr ran off quietly along a columned corridor and dissapeared from their sight. After a few minutes, his soft footsteps were heard. He was walking towards them with a leather bag that seemed full.
He tossed it in front of them.
"That was quick." spoke Aeron Silverwind.
"So it was - those guards were half asleep. Take waht you need only. We'll need to be as quick as deer and as silent as shadows to get out of here."
He placed on his heavy belt with the greatsword hanging from it, then he hesitated whether to put the ringmail shirt, and decided not too.
"We're all ready?"
Aeron picked up an old short sword, recognized it as his own and donned it along with a belt.

12:25:25 Jan 27th 08 - Mr. Meowman:

"At last," thought Meowman as Septim opened the door. As he walked along, he felt slightly guilty for doubting Septim's abilities... but only slightly. After all, he was one of those who had led him on that wild goose chase to find the source of his troubles. "So now we're even," he thought to himself. As they opened the door to cell 8 and released the boy, who introduced himself with the name Strandotalent, he realized that he had 2 goals and a question. His goals where to first get back to the ship alive, and second to make sure the amulet was safe. For although he senced that this reality was strong enough to hold it's own against the power of the amulet, he also knew that if left unadended for too long it would disrupt the continum of reality around it, and he only hoped that they could get back in time for Erunion and himself to cast the spells around it that would hold it's power, the spells that had been cast on it for hundreds of years before Septim found it. His question was this: Why? Why had Silverwind braved this land? What had driven him to come here, and bring us in search of him? Then it struck him: He wanted to know, but he didn't need to. These people had saved him from the sea serpent and fought by him as one of their own. He trusted them so much that he had come to a decision: he was going to tell them, tell them what he swore he would tell no-one. But not now. When they got back to the ship...

21:16:18 Jan 27th 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

*Might stared at the "boy" walking out of cell 8 and wondered why his "friends" even bothered. Might was hungry and that boy looked appetizing.*

"Ragnarr, I need food otherwise it might not be safe to be around me...."

20:54:43 Jan 28th 08 - Lord Ragnarr:

"We're trying to escape from a dungeon and you think of food?" asked Ragnarr slowly, looking directly at Might's eyes. "You can have all the food you want when we get back to the longship,... if it is still there,..."
Everyone picked up from something from the pile and put it on him. Soon they were all ready.
They walked quietly along the corridor until they reached the staircase, which had two guards. Ragnarr made a sign to Baccardi, pointing at one of the guards, and he himself headed to the other.
The elf-like one never expected the blunt strike on his head, which threw him to the ground, unconsious. Ragnarr saw that Baccardi too had dealt with the other in a similar way.
They then went down the stairs, down, down, until they seemed to reach the ground level. Two more guards were neutralized and then Ragnarr spoke quietly to the rest.
"We are too much to get out of here unseen. We should split into groups of two-three each and get the hell out of here. I, Aeron and Sigurd will take the northern way, leading to the port. When we clear out the way, we'll send you a signal, so you can pass. Silently. The darkness of the night will help us. Now wait for my signal..."
Ragnarr, Silverwind and Sigurd ran silently across the courtyard, staying close to the walls, then passing through a gate and leaving the others' sights.
It was a small bridge, which lead to a small tower, stairs, and the way to the port.
Three guards had gathered on the bridge, looking at the sea's horizon and speaking softly.
They're speach was silenced in the black night. Three soft thumps on the cobble stone, then a light rattle of  "objects" dragged away.
Ragnarr ran silently back and spoke to the others quietly.
"Let's go."....
As they slipped through the courtyard, a patrol of five emerged from out the citadel keep, speaking with each other, not aware of the warriors escaping. Yet they would soon if nothing was done...

21:25:52 Jan 28th 08 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

{Meowman, the amulet is a relatively recent arrival to this place, only about 100 years tops.}

Erunion had used his powers in a limited fashion to put his full armour back on. He was quite pleased to be reunited to his weapons.
Erunion whispered to those beside him;
"Alright lads, let's go. Quiet now!"
They went across the courtyard like so many shadows, but then they noticed the patrol. Erunion whispered fiercely into Ragnarr's ear.
"They aren't wearing armour on their faces. Quick now, daggers to throats and eyes, no noise."
A few of the shadows started to shift towards either side of the path. When the guards passed they had no chance. Unfortunately, one of the men wasn't fast enough with the dagger, and a brief cry emanated from the group...

{Ragnarr, when this plotlines over, we can always start another! If you are willing to do so, I'll be more than happy to join in.}

21:43:37 Jan 28th 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:


00:00:01 Jan 29th 08 - Mr. Meowman:

[[Sorry runion, couldn't be bothered to go back through the thread to find the place where u pick it up. Just change that to 'A hundred']]

"So now what? Do we stick to the shadows still or run?"

[[You know the bit about I'll tell them on the ship and stuff? I was actually trying to use that to set up a sequel...]]

00:24:23 Jan 29th 08 - Prince Cephorus Septim IV:

[[OOC: I have a plot all layed out for the amulet, the ring, and the egg. They will come into play in a naval battle that Ragnarr and I have scheduled...]]

09:23:51 Jan 29th 08 - Lord Ragnarr:

Part III : The Escape in the Dark

"Run!" said Ragnarr quietly in the dark.
The soft sound of boots thumping on the cobblestone courtyard hummed their escape.
The brief cry of the fifth guard broke out to the sight of his fellow commrades lying dead, with daggers through their blooded throats.
It was as if the sky lit up suddenly. Some powerful spell triggered the flames of hundreds of torches they didn't notice in the dark, since they were not lit. It was as bright as day.
Fortunatley, the warriors were not in the courtyard anymore.
Ragnarr was rushing up the narrow stairs of the tower, with everyone else following. They bashed the small gate open and ended up at the stone bridge above the entrance of the port, were Sigurd and Aeron were waiting silently.
The Stormborn was not where they had left it. Obviously, the elf-like ones hadn't forgotten it, as it remained at dock while the events took place in the citadel and city of towers.
"Wait, no, there it is!"
Sigurd was pointing to the east, were the shadow of a longship crawled above the low waves, splashing softly. It seemed to notice their presance, as it was heading their direction.
"Move to the lower battlements!" Ragnarr spoke to the rest. "Septim, stay here, we'll hold the lot of them off while the longship gets closer..."
The rest were already down on the level of the sea battlements, when the first wave of guards came from the small bridge.
"You know they'll eventually find a way around us and come from both sides,..." Aeron spoke.
Ragnarr turned, surprized. "You're still here?"
Silverwind shrugged. "You sacrificed so much for my person, why should I not help you to get out of the bloody mess I got you in?"
Septim grinned, then turned to face the attacking guards and made the first slash.
The longship was already at the fort's dock, and everyone was getting aboard it. Yet soon, before they could signal the ones holding the bridge to come, they were persuaded to leave the dock, as a division of archers took positions on the tower, opposite the bridge, with a good killing position for both the ship and the stone bridge.
"Ragnarr, get the hell out of there!" Kormac was yelling from the deck.
Ragnarr made to high slashes and a stab, then looked around.
If they didn't  change their position fast, they would be dead men.
"There they are..." said Aeron. Around fourty other guards were rushing from the the other side of the bridge.
Ragnarr kicked off the enemies close to him, placed his sword tightly in the sheath and stood at the edge of the bridge.
"Come on!" he said, just before jumping from around twenty to thirty meters above the sea waves.
There was first the rush of wind through his face, and then a sharp diving splash, and he was in the kingdom of the seas. Vast, darkblue, eternal. He swam to the surface, just when Septim and Aeron were splashing in the water.
All northmen were born good swimmers. That was part of life.
As soon as the other two emerged from beneath the waves, gasping for air, they started swimming to the longship with the whole of the force they had left, for arrows were diving into the watre around them, trying to stop them. Forever.

09:44:23 Jan 29th 08 - Mr. Meowman:

"For the love of the Gods, what am I doing?" The words came from Meowman's mouth as he dove into the sea, arrows flying around him. He took in the fact that some of the arrows were tipped with the poison that had killed Revenge, and they seemed to come from the best archers, for a few of them whipped startalingly close to him, with one banging luckily off the sheathed Gladernora, whom had been recovered from the weapons sack, and landing with a splash in the water. Meowman was glad when he hit the water as he realized that the effects of the poison would be neutralized in contact with with water. However, they were still deadly arrows... Meowman's thought was interupted by his task: To get out of their alive. As the water splashed around him, littered with arrows, he put all his energy into putting on a steady rhythm, pull, kick, pull, kick, occasionally looking up to make sure he was on course. Just as he thought he was out of accurate arrowshot, he noticed a new patrol of guards, on the shores near to them. As they started shooting, it became clear that hese were far better trained then the others. An arrow thudded into Meowman's arm, and he let out a cry of pain as the blood flowed into the sea. 'Oh gods... I hope this place doesn't have sharks...' He wrenched the arrow out of his arm, swimming on as best he could...

16:14:28 Jan 29th 08 - Prince Cephorus Septim IV:

Now, for my backstory:

Septim swam a bit slower than Ragnarr, but Aeron was malnutritiuoned, yet he still swam surprisingly fast. Septim was a Westerner, whose home was the shore, not the water or boat, yet Septim, as a child, was always facinated with the seas, and was drafted into the Cidellian navy. He followed orders well, and gained ranks quickly, up to the rank of Commander, yet he was forced to retire due to his ailing mother. After his mother died he became a mercanary, which is how he met Ragnarr Stormguard. Ragnarr taught Septim things about the seas that they didn't teach in the Cidellian academy, and Septim soon rose to the position of Second in Command.

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