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The Stormborn: Evomort Isles
18:13:24 May 31st 08 - Prince Bertilius Septim II:

"Of course my good friend, prepare yourself for a voyage at sea, we will meet you there. You may also take anybody with you that will come."

Septim rises and pats Ragnarr on the shoulder before walking off to the Stormborn, but he takes a detour on the way there, he buys supplies and asks about the Emperor and the herbs he was to gather for his friend's son.

"Well, we heard about a large bandit fortress around two hundred miles away, they might have your Emperor. And your herbs are grown on this island here!", says the man, he pulls out a sack and hands it to Septim.

"Free of charge!", he says.

"Thanks", says Septim before walking off to the Stormborn, he debates with himself whether to bring the herbs back to the Western Empire, or to follow the Emperor's trail. He chooses to find the Emperor and stuffs the sack into his chest. He approaches the large map of the Evomort Isles and calls Ant in, they begin to chart a course to the Island of Boestor, where the bandit camp stands strong.

18:42:43 May 31st 08 - Mr. Ant:

ant walked in and looked at some other people only 2 he recognised he politey accepted there offer of a drink and planned a course, that would allow the crew to attack the weakest front of the fortess quickly, which meant sailing round the back of the isle in the night to allow the attack to happen before dawn.

21:07:09 May 31st 08 - Lord Ragnarr:

Meanwhile, Ragnarr headed to his own small place he called (with bitterness) home on this isle - it was a typical northern longhouse he built by himself with the help of a few others of the ones who saved him and brought him here to Hrov.
He entered it and grabbed his leather bag. He placed what he needed in it (a few parchments, three potions and a piece of white silk, with a small emerald hanging sadly from it - the only thing left from a woman he grew to love in this forsaken by the Gods "colony", for she was slain by the local savages. Her name e often told to himself - Freygerd). He placed on his armor - a ring-male shirt, with a belt over it, from it hanging the leather bag and his greatsword. Another leather bag for a few other, rather useless items and that was all. He strode out of the longhouse, his heavy boots making a hollow echoe. He did not look back.
On the door of the longhouse he carved a few runes, which protected the house of evil spirits and hoped luck for the next inhabbitant.
He spoke to the Lord of Hrov, who understood Ragnarr's will to leave, although he was reluctant on letting go one of the good fighters, protecting the town.
"Mind you, you can only take two more with you, we need all the fighting men here we can get." the Lord spoke before they bid each other farewell.
Ragnarr headed to the longhouse of Aethelwulf after that, and once he told him he was leaving with the Stormborn, and offered him to come with him, his friend accepted with joy.
"You'll find the longship easily - it is the only ship in the docks, the only one in a hell of a long time..."
Ragnarr was just about to head to the docks to see the longship he loved so much, but then was stopped by a band of friends he had. They persuaded him to come to a last feast, in honour of his leave. Reluctant, Ragnarr accepted - he would go to the Stormborn on the morning, although with a splitting headache from a lot of mead and alcohol...

16:59:09 Jun 2nd 08 - Mr. Ant:

well as the crew is back on the ship Ant asked the captain, "do we set sail?"

17:22:09 Jun 2nd 08 - Sir Ernie The Orange:

*Ernie looks at the sun*

"Yes two days have past...and he got on the ship yesterday morning" =p

18:52:45 Jun 2nd 08 - Lord Ragnarr:

And when Ragnarr boarded the Stomborn on the morning, with a headache he shall remember years on, he had a feeling of pride and joy to be back on the longship. The Stormborn - he remembered when he was building it back in his Northern home with his friends.
Ragnarr noticed new faces and crew men on board and greeted each and every one, trying to remember their names and positions.
Which reminded him to ask the new captain something.
"Lord Septim, which post shall I have on this longship?"

19:56:39 Jun 2nd 08 - Mr. Arvious V:

Arvious approaches Ragnarr.

"If you want, you may take my place," Arvious said. "I'll be the medic."

20:28:05 Jun 2nd 08 - Sir Ernie The Orange:

*Ernie approached Ragnarr*

"Hello I am Ernie The Orange.  I have been the master archer for the Stormborn since its last adventure.  You won't know me for sure because I only lately joined the crew.

21:04:43 Jun 2nd 08 - Lord Ragnarr:

"As far as I know, you were magic master, Arvious? I was never well with magic...and hello, Ernie. My comrade Aethelwulf is very skillfull with archery, so he might be of good use to you."
Ragnarr tilts his head at Aethelwulf behind him, who was grinning.
"So, when did Lord Septim say we're setting sail? And to where?"

21:21:35 Jun 2nd 08 - Mr. Killer:

*Killer looks gladly at the new supplies, meats of all kinds, succulent and tender, fruits and herbs, and most importantly of all, alcohol. Killer never cared for it much, but give most people a swig of ale and they'd forget what the meal tasted like. He offers his fishing-rod to the people, but they look at it with concealed scorn, so he knows now that it wasn't due to his horrific fishing skills but to the fishing-rod. At least, that's what he blamed it on. Still, he kept the fishing-rod as the people didn't want it. Instead he gave them the best damn meal he could, which wasn't as good as he wished. He reckoned he was getting the knack of it though, eventually...*

23:28:04 Jun 2nd 08 - Prince Bertilius Septim II:

"Ragnarr, you will be my cabin boy!", says Septim.

Septim sees the angry look on Ragnarr's face.

"I was kidding my good friend! You will be the Quartermaster, if anybody lacks in their duties, whip 'em into shape, I'm sure that job would be good for you, and if you don't like that job you can make a suggestion", says Septim.

Septim turns to the crew.

"Alright men! Prepare to set sail for the island of Boestor! It is one hundred miles northeast of our current position, so lets get going!", yells Septim.

06:44:05 Jun 3rd 08 - Sir Ernie The Orange:

Aethelwulf gave some lessons to Ernie since he was much more experienced.  He also beat Ernie in every single challenge he could think of.  This feeling was similar to being his over the head with a club and then beat to a pulp...Ernie still had a lot of room for improvement X_x

16:55:28 Jun 3rd 08 - Mr. Ant:

Ant moved the ship round to face the right way, then let the sails push the boat along the course he had set a few days ago.

16:57:21 Jun 3rd 08 - Lord Ragnarr:

Ragnarr shruged at what Septim told him. He then placed his few belongings in an empty chest one of crew men gave him, and placed the chest on his part of the deck - it was a longship, not a luxury galley, and most of the crewmen slept on the deck itself, only furs between them and the salty planks of the deck.
He was pleased to see Hrov in the growing distance.
Then Ragnarr walked around the longship, a rush of memories of how to use the ship in the most effective way hit him: These here cordages must be loosened a bit, and this rope is tied to tight - and that knot is not good enough, and the mast is tilted a bit too back...
The northman decided his post was good for him, as at least his old crew listened to his every word, obeyed him and at the same time had him as a close commrade and friend.

19:20:11 Jun 4th 08 - Sir Ernie The Orange:

Ernie went back to his usual observation post high up in the ships masts and watched for signs of anything

19:21:46 Jun 4th 08 - Mr. Ant:

ant tells the crew that tomorrow they should be able to see the isle and its fort

22:08:52 Jun 4th 08 - Lord Ragnarr:

[ Hell, you people really are writing a lot - you know small posts like that just kill the fun... at least try a minimum of 100 words...]

The more time passed with the longship flying across the waves, the more Ragnarr reminded himself of seamanship skills. Not only that - it was years since he last was on a ship, and he missed it so, for he grew up with it. Longships and ports were his second home.
It was awkwardly quite on the longship though - what he remembered of his voyages was almost always, apart from the duties on the ship, the sailors gathering and boasting, speaking, explaining old tales, laughing together, drinking their way through the sea. There was not a moment of bordem - except when there was no wind - then the sun baked everything alive onboard, and life seemed to stop, as well as the ship, with the sails hanging lazily.
Yet now, the wind was strong and the waves low, perfect for sea voyage.
The northman noticed a sailor (he remembered that his name might have been Mathias) slacking his duty through by not paying much attention to the slight irregular wind gusts in a different direction, which affected the shape of the sail, and its end was slightly bending inwards every few moments. It seemed small, but in the needed times everything counted.
Ragnarr approached him without Mathias noticing, until he came too close - then the sailor nearly jumped from surprize and almost slipped on the deck.
"What in the name of seven hells do you think you're doing?" Ragnarr asked quietly, almost calmly, if it was not for the cold tone and the freezing eyes piercing through the sight of Mathias.
"I'm at post, sir,..." a small reply came out.
"Do you see that sail there?" Ragnarr asked quietly. "Do you?" his last words had a shadow of anger.
"Yes, sir..."
"If I see it slacking like that one more time because of your utter incompetance, I shall throw you overboard so you could live your last moments in the cold water, screaming for salvation. You hear?" Ragnarr's vocie was ever so cold and intimidating.
"Yes sir.."
Ragnarr turned away and went to his belongings, were he started cleaning his ring-mail shirt.

22:18:58 Jun 4th 08 - Sir Ernie The Orange:

[[I started out making longer posts but im sleepy =p]]

Ernie watched as the sun started to go down from his observation post high up on the mast. The wind blew through his hair and cloak and The sailing weather was perfect. 

Ernie watched as Ragnarr scared the living hell out of a sailor and laughed to himself since he was glad that Ragnarr never yelled at him like that....only Aethelwulf.  It was usually only during some archery practice that that ever happened. 

Ernie sighed to himself and kept his eyes open while he cut some more arrow shafts with his knife and attached arrow heads.  He then took some feathers he had from his pack and added them to finish his arrows.  He hoped that something exciting would happen soon or he would have too many arrows to carry.  Ernie then decided to just restring his bows instead of going overkill on arrows.

05:28:36 Jun 5th 08 - Prince Bertilius Septim II:

Septim walks out to the front of the ship to see a landmass in distant view, he draws his spyglass and looks at it.

"The island of Bervon...this is going to be interesting", mutters Septim, he turns to his crew.

"Bervon, home to an ancient dark elven people who worship the dreadgod Umavor, not a good place to find yourself, if we weren't running low on food, I'd steer clear, but it's the last island until Boestor", says Septim, "Besides", he laughs, "Who knows, they could be friendly!"

05:37:20 Jun 5th 08 - Sir Ernie The Orange:

*Ernie kind of gives a quiet laugh to himself at Septim's poor choice of a joke....especially when there is little chance that the people could be friendly....they would probably try sacrificing the Stormborn crew knowing their luck with these things.....Ernie then gathered his gear together for the trip to the shore....and whatever awaited them*

09:10:33 Jun 5th 08 - Lord Ragnarr:

Ragnarr observed and studied the land ahead with his eagle eye sight.
Gods, not dark elves again... he thought to himself. He still remembered the sight of Ivar Ironside's crew, returning from their voyage - half were dead, the other half plauged and insane, and the captain himself died the moment he stepped on land. When Ragnarr took his journal and maps, he understood that they too had stopped at an island to resupply, yet it was inhabbited by dark elves, who mastered the skills of utter poisoning and stealth attacks. In fact, he too stopped at that island on his journey, he remembered, and were lucky to get out of it alive. That was actually the island were Aeron Silverwind had got lost, and that is why they went to search for him.
What actually happened to Aeron? Ragnarr asked himself, so he decided ask the same question to his captain, Septim.

15:33:23 Jun 5th 08 - Mr. Arvious V:

Arvious glances at the island, feeling worried, and what Septim said made him feel even worse.  Dark elves...   Only 1 of the dark elves Arvious had met had been friendly.  The dark elves practiced the most gruesome and horrible rituals, and controlled the serpents.  And as he always feels when there's a land mass (plot point) coming up, he has a bad feeling about this...

17:43:18 Jun 5th 08 - Prince Bertilius Septim II:

"Aeron Silverwind, ahh, please, let us take a seat", says Septim.

The two sit, and Septim begins talking.

"Aeron Silverwind and his crew set out of a northern port, they went to a strange area where immortality and the ability to roam the seas swifter than the fastest ship was rumored to be given. Upon landing and going up to the basin at the  top of the temple, they were transformed, their human bodies dropped, and they turned into ghosts. Their ghostly form reflected their human form, so when the bodies started to decay, they did too. They boarded a ghostly ship and began terrorizing western cities. I was hired by the Empire to stop it, so I took the Stormborn and some of the old crew, some of the new crew, out to defeat it. We were defeated a few times before finding that the Black Staff of the East could be used to destroy a ghost. So after learning the commands from an old man in the east I went into battle with the ghosts. The black staff couldn't destroy ghosts itself, it could give weapons the power to destroy ghosts. So after battling Aeron Silverwind with my sword, Firengard, I defeated him in a swordfight. I then ran down into the bottom of the ghost ship and struck the ghost well, which was drawing upon the many souls that had died at sea. After striking it I got off the ghost ship as quickly as possible, after jumping the gap between the Stormborn and the Ghost Ship, the damage that should have been done to the ghost ship over the years, ballista fire, arrow damage to the sails, and it being burned with western flamethrowers, became apparant, it was destroyed before our eyes. And now you know what became of your friend, Aeron Silverwind."

Septim rises and sees that they are getting close to the island.

"Wait, don't get too close, this doesn't loo-"

Septim is interupted by catapult fire coming from the trees.

"Dammit! Swing the ship around, man the ballista!", yells Septim, "Fire it wherever the catapult projectiles are coming from!"

The Stormborn sends many projectiles into the trees, and dodges the catapults, being too quick for them. Eventually the catapults are destroyed, and Septim leads one of the landing parties, Ragnarr leading the second, Erunion leading the third.

18:23:00 Jun 5th 08 - Lord Erunion Telcontar:

"Men! Do not get separated. When fighting Dark Elves on their own turf, being separated means death. Stay together, Or die alone!"
"Hartelar, take the second squad, Jeskar, take the third. I'll take the first. We land, I'll head northeast, Hartelar will head northwest, Jeskar will secure the landing zone and remain here. We look for the catapults, then destroy. If you are a half-mile or more away from the coast and haven't found anything, return to shore."
The boat skidded silently onto the sandy beach.
"Landing parties, advance!"
Squads one and two advanced into the jungle...

18:28:31 Jun 5th 08 - Mr. Ant:

Ant apon hearing the comands, thinks to himself is Septim right; 'Septim leads one of the landing parties, Ragnarr leading the second, Erunion leading the third.' or is Erunion;'Hartelar, take the second squad, Jeskar, take the third.'

Ant though it didn't really matter to him as he would stay on the ship unless he was asked to join in an attack party.

Ant got a sword and shield out ready anyway incase he was needed to help in an attack or to help defend the boat.

18:36:39 Jun 5th 08 - Prince Bertilius Septim II:

[[OOC: Erunion must be dividing HIS group into three parties.]]

Septim walks out onto shore, he turns to his group.

"Alright men, this is a search and acquire mission, Erunion's taking care of the catapults, meaning we are taking care of the food and water, Ragnarr can take his pick...", says Septim.

"Yes sir!", yells the crew.

"Keep your voices down you fools!"


Septim begins leading his men into the island.

Septim leads the men through the junbl

18:42:19 Jun 5th 08 - Mr. Ant:

Ant was scared as he didn't like creatres of the 'junbl' as they were evil and crept around in the dark. It was also told that they took peoples children to rape and that they children grew into the creatres and wanted revenge on the people that had failed to defend them.

19:12:25 Jun 5th 08 - Sir Ernie The Orange:

Ernie joined Septim's squad as they headed into the jungle....he had his short bow out and walked carefully through the terrain.  He had an uneasy feeling about this as he kept an arrow notched in his bow and had it ready to fire.  He also had his sword ready to draw in case of attack.....He could feel the tension in the air and it seemed to be weighing down on him.  Something was not right

19:28:27 Jun 5th 08 - Lord Ragnarr:

Ragnarr chose five northerners, all tough sailors, for his group.
"Don't wander off the group, follow me, and walk silently and quickly."
They rowed their way through the shallows and beached a little farther south of Septim's boat. They all entered into the island's wild forests, cutting their way through branches, leaves, vines and bushes.
After a minute of wandering forward, Ragnarr stopped, making the whole column to halt.
"What is wrong?" asked Sigurd from the back.
"Look." spoke Ragnarr.
Just ahead was a small clearing, with a fireplace and improvised tables from stone, covered richly in a wide variaty of foods - fruits, meats, vegetables, fish, meals, drinks, water, wines,... the dream of a hungry sailor.
"Let's get 'em.." spoke Thorgils, who rushed forward, but was stopped by Ragnarr's strong hand.
"It's a damned trap, it's so obvious - you think food just lays around here?"

20:26:39 Jun 5th 08 - Prince Bertilius Septim II:

Septim walks through the wilderness, his crossbow ready to fire, his longsword ready to draw. Suddenly, from nowhere, an arrow strikes Septim in the arm, Septim falls to the floor, knocked out. An experienced sailor named Xarxes draws his crossbow and shoots where the arrow came from, a thud is heard, and from the trees ten dark elves rush. Xarxes draws his sword and begins fighting, Ernie (sorry) shoots three the instant they appear. After the fight, which results in the deaths of two sailors. They pick up Septim and take him back to the boat. The flesh around the arrow wound grows dark and strange. Ant (sorry again) rushes forward and pours a liquid on the wound, the darkness stops spreading and begins receding.

"There are two possibilities", Ant says, "One is that he will be fine, the other is that he will lose his mind..."

20:53:14 Jun 5th 08 - Lord Ragnarr:

Not knowing what was happening with Septim's group, Ragnarr spoke:
"Let's get away from this place, they probably know we're here..."
The sailor at the back of the column turned around and started walking quickly towards the beach, and everyone did so, with Ragnarr as the rear guard.
Ragnarr noticed movement from the trees that were now behind, and he could have sworn he heard the tension of a bow string building up.
"Get down, lads!" Ragnarr yelled.
They all ducked as if they knew it was coming. A few arrows flew just above their heads.
"Run!" someone spoke, but it did not matter, since they were all now doing so.
Another few arrows came flew towards them, of which two hit Gutred. He gave out a yelp and fell to the wet ground, dying,.
"Gutred!" Ragnarr yelled and lifted his commrade up. "Hold on,.."
Gutred nodded, but then a gush of red blood trickled from his mouth and down his chin. He started choking blood and managed to speak.
"Save your own skin..." were his last words.
Ragnarr left him and ran towards the beach, were he hoped he could fight off the dark elves in the open, where he could see them.

20:53:52 Jun 5th 08 - Mr. Ant:

"the most likely of these is that he will lose this mind, and possible turn into a junbl creatre" Ant spoke with a calm voice "this" indicting to the botttle of liquid "is the best cure we know but it ofter fails to work, but we can still hope"

Ant told the crew to keep the wound in the light as it has oftern been linked to saving the mind and flesh from a Dark Elf attack.

21:07:19 Jun 5th 08 - Sir Ernie The Orange:

Ernie patrolled the side of the ship closest to the shore watching in case Dark Elves try an attack upon the ship.  He also wondered what was happening with Ragnarr and Erunion's squads....they had not returned yet and birds were flying away from several areas as if scared of something......He hoped the others still out there were ok.

21:40:01 Jun 5th 08 - Prince Bertilius Septim II:

Septim wakes in his cabin, he rises, he doesn't know where he is, but he knows that the door reminds him of a jorbnul, and the ceiling of a vedowack. Septim walks outside, and looks out at the horizon, he pokes Ernie on the shoulder.

"Lets continue to the pie shop! I want apple pie!" said Septim, clearly insane, but clearly not a forest creature. The liquid had done the work of preventing him from becoming a forest creature, but he had lost his sanity.

21:53:04 Jun 5th 08 - Mr. Ant:

Ant was pleased that Septim wasn't an evil junbl creatre, and he said "it is quite common for a man to be insane after a Dark Elf attack and that is known that the effects can were off after a few days". Still i though i never know i could do all that medic stuff as well as sailing a ship

Ant went to find Erine the Orange to see if he should set a new course to the last isle, he was asked if he could get Septim in to his room so that he can keep an eye on his patient while setting the course

22:00:43 Jun 5th 08 - Lord Ragnarr:

Ragnarr and his men finally reached the beach, only to notice that Septim's boat was not therem, but was at the longship.
"To the boat, they might think we're dead and leave with out us!"
"What about Erunion?" Sigurd asked.
Ragnarr stopped. He looked around and saw where Erunion's squad's boat was. He did not want to leave his old friend behind.
"Well seven hells, man, you go to the longship and tell them not sail off, and I'll go search for Erunion - when I'm alone I'm not such a target."
Ragnarr ran off to where Erunion had advanced through the wilderness, while the sailors reluctantly, but glad to leave the island, started rowing towards the Stormborn.

05:03:47 Jun 6th 08 - Sir Ernie The Orange:

*Ernie was startled by Septim poking him on the shoulder and asking for apple pie....then suddenly Ernie realized something also*

"Heyyy....I want apple pie too....Hey cook! See if you have any apples for making apple may calm Septim down and help return him to....well his pessimistic and dreary self" =D

And then Ernie was Ragnarr and his remaining men get to the beach and then saw Ragnarr run off in the same direction Erunion went

"Now where the hell is he going by himself????"

The members of Ragnarr's group started rowing towards the ship and were pulled aboard to tell their tale of what happened.

05:10:20 Jun 6th 08 - Prince Bertilius Septim II:

Septim suddenly punches one of the crewmembers and has to be tied down, his behavior starts to get violent as he screams and yells while he's tied to his bed.

05:19:30 Jun 6th 08 - Sir Ernie The Orange:

*Ernie looks for apple pie for Septim....and is glad that he was not the crewmember that was punched.....*

"Oh yeah no one call Septim pessimistic or dreary or he may attack again" >_>

16:53:58 Jun 6th 08 - Mr. Arvious V:

Arvious was in Erunion's group, standing in the back, covering their tracks.  He soon sees a flesh covered arrow.  Arvious feels chills ripple down his spine, as they walk forward, deeper and deeper into the jungle.  Arvious muttered several incantations to protect this group, but if those damned dark elf arrows are shot at us, they were hopelessly doomed then...

17:15:26 Jun 6th 08 - Mr. Ant:

Ant looked into the junbl and hope that no more injured will come to his needed liquid, as the amount left was pitifull. It was then that he saw i dark line move under the cover of the leaves of the junbl plants.

Ant raised the alarm sying "either the evil junbl creatres are here, or this is an attack from the Dark Elves them selves" Ant drew is sword and hoped that the creatres won't be able to cross the water to the boat

17:53:58 Jun 6th 08 - Lord Erunion Telcontar:

{I'll do teensy bit of character control if you don't mind Ragnarr...}

As a search party entered the jungle looking for Erunion, Erunion's second and third squads appeared on the shore.
They hailed the ship, saying that the catapults were down but they had wounded. Then the dark line started rustling the bushes...


Ragnarr was looking through the jungle, methodically searching for his friend. About a hundred meters in he found some messy tracks, and a bit of blood...
Following the blood, he ran through the jungle until he found a battle site.
There was blood everywhere, some clearly Dark Elven, some human. Several of the trees were smoldering, and most of the Dark Elven blood had charred bits floating in it.
There were three human bodies on the forest floor.
There had been death here, and fire...
Came a weakened call.
Ragnarr looked at the bodies, and found one partially buried in the jungle, but rustling slightly.
"Thank the gods!" A relieved but badly wounded soldier rose up. {Arvious, that soldier is supposed to be you, but it can be someone else.}
"They ambushed us. We fought them off for some time, which is to say, Erunion did, but then something happened. Erunion ran into the jungle with three other men, then the rest of us were taken away. I remained here by hiding under a body. Which was moved."

17:56:25 Jun 6th 08 - Mr. Killer:

*Killer wonders where the hell he's going to get apple pie from. He gets some apples, sugar and flour, but not enough to make an apple pie. He starts to make an apple crumble instead, and gets it nice and crispy and brings it to Septim. He decides the best thing to do is splosh a load of wine over it and so make him drunk. He hands it to Septim, stick at the ready in case of attack.*

18:29:07 Jun 6th 08 - Prince Bertilius Septim II:

*Septim couldn't do anything if he wanted to as his arms and legs are tied down.

18:48:37 Jun 6th 08 - Sir Ernie The Orange:

*Ernie walks in and feeds Septim the apple pie and

(Controlling Septim here) =D

He likes it (which is good considering Killer's cooking)*

18:48:55 Jun 6th 08 - Mr. Arvious V:

[[I'm fine with that, Erunion.]]

"They ran farther into the jungle, close by that river, I think.  Take care.. I-i think ican walk back to the ship... you just get Erunion."

Arvious stumbles back toward the ship, just barely making it to shore.

[[Ernie, Killer made that pie.]]

18:51:59 Jun 6th 08 - Sir Ernie The Orange:

*Ernie sees Arvious on the beach and grabs a crewmember.  Together they take a boat to the beach and grab Arvious, row back to the ship, and get him to a room for medical treatment*

19:52:18 Jun 6th 08 - Prince Bertilius Septim II:

*Septim's behavior gets worse as he tries to kill himself...

20:26:48 Jun 6th 08 - Mr. Killer:

*Killer struggles to feed Septim the apple crumble. He knocks it flying out of his hand. Killer thinks carefully for a moment, then stares at Septim to try and calm him. It doesn't work. He whacks him over the head with his stick, and shoves a bottle of rum into his mouth and hopes to gods that he doesn't get shot, slashed and hacked at.*

21:16:35 Jun 6th 08 - Prince Bertilius Septim II:

*Septim falls asleep, and Xarxes walks in.

"I hope he gets better...a ship without a Captain is not a ship at all..."


The Stormborn sails onwards towards her destination (Lets just say everybody got back to the ship...that lived), regardless of Septim's health. They soon reach the Bandit Fortress, and the way of attacking it is heavily debated.

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