Forums / Roleplaying / The Stormborn - Stormsong

The Stormborn - Stormsong
18:41:18 Mar 8th 09 - Prince Pelagius Septim VII:

"Wait here, I have an idea," said Ciwulf as he walked outside and down a few houses. Sitting there was a large shed. Ciwulf stripped the soldiers he had killed earlier of their armor and weapons and brought a set back to Vulkoslav. Vulkoslav put the ar*beep* and Ciwulf led the way through the city cleverly disguised as a Genevesian.

19:18:32 Mar 8th 09 - Demonslayer Scientist:

John staggered down a street with the sound of fighting behind him.  He had a long slash along his right arm and blood was dripping from the wound.  He winced in pain and cursed at his stupidity for charging into a battle with a slow attacking flamberge sword.  John wondered if anyone had survived the battle that was still raging, but he knew he was of no help with his strong arm injured.  The shield he had fought with was nothing more than a hunk of splintered wood strapped to his left arm, but he did not have the strength to remove it.  He just continued moving towards the ship, hoping to find some sort of medicinal aid or some bandages to tend to himself with.  John then wondered if the ship was even safe.  He did not remember if Vulkoslav left any guards, but then assumed that there would have been some.  He sighed to himself, hoping not to attract anymore attackers.

21:29:32 Mar 8th 09 - Duke Ragnarr:

Ragnarrson struggled in following Ciwulf with the heavy Genevesian armour he was given. He simply could not imagine what it would be like when one was in the heat of battle in this kind of weather. Now, it was night, and the light breeze cooled the air, so it was bearable to walk in the open while wearing a thick wool tunic, chainmail on top, a heraldic surcoat and a steel helm, while carrying along a sword and a large shield. His wounds ached with every step, but he moved on.

The two passed by several patrols, which did nothing more than greet them in their own language - their lack of response was not accepted as something unusual. Ciwulf and Vulkoslav crossed a wide street, which was obviously beautiful before the siege began - now the houses, mansions, markets, temples and libraries were being pillaged, some were burning, and dead bodies, broken weapons and drunken Genevesians littered the place.

The two continued south, passing through an alley, when a rushing figure ran into them. It was a heavily wounded man, who was surprisingly still on his feet. His left arm bared a broken shield that hung freely, and his right arm gripped a magnificent sword. The man cursed in surprise and raised his weapon quickly in an attack, when Ciwulf suddenly roared with amazement:


The man hesitated, then lowered his sword, being exhausted from just this action, and coughed lightly before speaking:

"Ciwulf?" he then looked towards Ragnarrson. "Vulkoslav?" he then smiled.

"You look like you have fought Fafnir himself!" grinned Ragnarrson.

"We must not be heard speaking…we're heading towards the longship, now follow me." Ciwulf spoke quietly before the leading the way...

23:19:55 Mar 8th 09 - Demonslayer Scientist:

John has been surprised greatly by the Genevesian that happened to be Vulkoslav.  He was so tired that he barely halted his attack and let his sword drop to the ground.
"I cannot think clearly right now.  I am losing too much blood." whispered John as he dragged his sword behind him with his weak arm.  He managed to follow Ciwulf as best as he could with the thought of possible rest in the future.  He had torn away most of his tunic and had it wrapped around his arm loosely, trying to do his best to stop the bleeding.  It had slowed since the battle, but it was still flowing.  He thought he saw the ship in the distance or he was beginning to hallucinate.

13:18:33 Mar 9th 09 - Duke Ragnarr:

The longship was before them once the reached the river bank. However, it was docked just opposite, on the Qauqji side. Obviously those from the crew that survived the massacre docked the Stormsong on the other side.

Vulkoslav, Ciwulf and Berkeley observed the scene before them. Several abandoned and wrecked Genevesian gallies flowed with no direction on the river Hatul. They burnt ferociously, being slowly consumed by the flames which reached over to the crumbling masts. A battle to cross the river was fought here a while ago. Vast quantities of Genevesian warriors were leaving the battlefield towards the city, where they would seek shelter for the night. However, at least a few hundred stayed behind to guard the central bridge, around which the whole battle had been fought. The bridge itself was crudely barricaded on both sides and well defended. Several regiments of archers were positioned behind a quickly built palisade, behind which they shot a few arrows from time to time towards the other side. Everyone seemed tired though the night was fresh and cool, lacking any unbearable heat or thick with sand and dirt air.

Nobody noticed the three, who silently stared across, until Vulkoslav spoke:

"How are to cross without being thought an enemy by our own?"...

21:46:13 Mar 10th 09 - Duke Ragnarr:

They all remained silent, nothing coming to mind. Then Ragnarrson paced ahead towards the bridge, where there were still corpses from the recently fought battle laying around. He picked up a spear, then looked around for a Genevess who wore a white surcoat. Once he found one, he a bit tore off from the dead warrior, who certainly did not need anything material any more. Ragnarrson knot the cloth around the spear's shaft, turned round and made a gesture towards the others to follow him. He then headed towards the Genevesian defenses on the bridge.

"Where the hell are you going?" some knighted grunted at Vulkoslav in the Genevess tongue, but even if Vulkoslav understood him, he still would not reply. He raised his banner of truce high above him and walked forward. Vulkoslav continued limping by the knight, past a barricade of carts, a dozen archers and spearmen and by the palisade. He, being followed by Berkeley and Ciwulf, started going across, going round piles of stacked corpses.  Halfway through, someone from the other side, behind the crude defenses, started shouting in Qauqjian.

"Tell them we come to offer terms," Ragnarrson told Ciwulf, who was quick to do so. Someone yelled a reply.

"They say that if we come any closer, they'll fire a volley at us." Ciwulf breathed slowly.

"Tell them if they would dishonour themselves to kill unarmed soldiers coming to offer terms." Vulkoslav did not stop walking forward.

Ciwulf translated. No one replied. Obviously they had hit the Qauqjian weak spot. Their religious beliefs revolved around the principles of wisdom, politeness, and honour. Ragnarrson threw off the shield he was carrying and unbuckled the belt that was carrying his sword, leaving it to fall to the ground. Ciwulf, his sword being precious to him, placed his blade in its sheath and walked ahead. Berkeley did the same - in the thick darkness, no one would actually see from that kind of distance.

The three went across the bridge, lit by the burning remains of gallies, and reached the Qauqjian barricade. Several warriors immediately surrounded them, and one yelled out alarmingly, obviously noticing that some of them carried weapons. Five of the warriors drew their scimitars out and the scene would have ended differently if someone did not yell an order from the back, halting the warriors. A figure made its way through the defender's lines. It was Sir Roderick, who did not recognize the three at first.

"What are your offers. Make it quick," he spoke in a threat.

"Sir Roderick, don't you recognize old friends?" Ciwulf stepped before him. The knight did not understand at first what was going on, but then a sudden shock appeared on his face, quickly replaced by a smile.

"Well I'll be damned, we thought you were food for the ravens…"

21:49:31 Mar 10th 09 - Prince Pelagius Septim VII:

"You of all people should know that I am not an easy man to slay," said Ciwulf with a smirk, "Let us come inside your fortifications, Vulkoslav has things to discuss with you."

22:24:08 Mar 10th 09 - Duke Ragnarr:

"By all means. Give me that…" he grabbed the spear Ragnarrson carried and threw it over the fortifications onto the bridge. He then led the three past the heavily defended positions, across the river shore avenue into a green courtyard nearby.

"Before we continue I have to say your crew was very helpful with getting most of the army across the Hatul in time." He noticed the sudden look of Ragnarrson, who was by then looking aimlessly into the miniature pond in the middle. "They're around twenty of them, and your longship, as you might have seen, is safe." He sighed. "What did you want to discuss with me?"

Vulkoslav's determination to speak over this issue had disappeared once he had seen the sorrowful position the Qauqjians were in. Yet he had to speak in interest of his crewmates.

"We fought side by side with you. We bled with you, and our blood mixed in the puddles. Nord warriors died and now lay by Qauqjian warriors." He looked up again. "I hope your God helps you with this war, and I shall pray to mine for your victory. But I must leave and continue on with my journey."

There was disappointment on Roderick's face. He remained silent for a while before answering. "First Imad Al-Nasser's death, now this…"

The news for the constable's death was new to Ragnarrson, and Roderick realized this. "He insisted on holding off the Genevesians along with fifty other brave ones while the rest of the army rushed to cross this bridge two days ago." He looked down to the ground. "An arrow pierced through his neck while he was fighting. Then, before he collapsed from the arrow's impact, he was cut down." Sir Roderick stood up, paced around for a while, the stopped, keeping his back towards Vulkoslav. "Twenty Nords cannot change the course of the battle. You may continue on with your journey." He paused. "Both river gates were crumbled down to prevent crossings of Genevesians, so the only problems you should meet are the stone remains blocking part of the way out." He finally turned towards Vulkoslav. "Even though this was not your fight, you helped us, for which I thank you. May the Almighty look upon you and grant you successful journeys."

"Salemat, saidi." Ragnarrson stood up and left.

"Wa' Alaykum As-Salaam" was the response.

Vulkoslav left the courtyard, followed by Berkeley, leaving Ciwulf alone with Roderick...

22:59:46 Mar 10th 09 - Prince Pelagius Septim VII:

"Don't get yourself killed when I'm not here to babysit you, old friend," said Ciwulf with a smile.
"It's you I have to worry about, running off with nords now? You know the crazy stuff they get into," said Roderick.
"I doubt any of them have done worse than I," said Ciwulf.
"Too true," said Roderick, "And I've been in worse than this, remember Hardow?"
"How could I forget?" asked Ciwulf.
Roderick laughed and turned back to his men.
"I wish to talk more when we meet again, but right now I've got a war to fight," said Roderick.
"And I've got a nord to protect," said Ciwulf, smiling.
"Until we meet again," said Roderick.
"Until then," said Ciwulf as he walked off towards the Stormsong.

07:15:13 Mar 12th 09 - Demonslayer Scientist:

John listened solemnly, but also managed to get some bandages from a healer nearby.  He had his arm bandaged up and then followed Vulkoslav out of the courtyard.  John cursed to himself when the pain shot up his arm, but he bit his lip and walked onwards.  He followed Vulkoslav towards the Stormsong.

22:54:14 Mar 13th 09 - Duke Ragnarr:

The Stormsong was docked a hundred meters west of the bridge Ragnarrson and Ciwulf crossed. It was easily recognizable in the night due to the raging, burning remains, still floating in the river.

Vulkoslav and Berkeley were soon joined by Ciwulf and the three approached the longship together. As soon as they entered the torch lights, they recognized Lanoc and Yaroslav yelling some orders, Ivarr standing near the rudder oar, looking important, and twenty other nords carrying dead, wounded, captured plunder in the form of weapons and armor, and supplies. Minor repairs were being made to the longship. No one seemed to notice the "newcomers".

"Imad Al-Nasser has released us from our duty." Vulkoslav's voice was loud and made of steel as he paced onto the deck, looking into no one's eyes in particular, finding his away amongst the surprised nords to the commander's post. "I assume the ship was resupplied."

Yaroslav coughed. "Uh…yes, we were at it. Yes, it is."

"Then we shall continue east. Now." Ciwulf and Berkeley were standing still beside their lord.

"You heard him, men. Let's get the hell out of here." Ivarr roared.

The ropes were untied once the last few barrels were taken aboard. The longship departed from the decorated shore, and pushed against the river's flow with rudder strokes. Ragnarrson navigated it past the burning wrecks and below the bridge, the Qauqjian warriors staring silently. Did they see him as a deserter to the cause or as a noble foreigner who did what he could? He had a harder time to try to understand the suspicious looks his crew often gave him. All he could do was look back coldly, which resulted in the other to avert his eyes quickly.

Several arrows flew over from the northern, Genevesian controlled shore, but did nothing. Soon, the Stormsong had passed through another three bridges and had reached the eastern river gate, which stood collapsed, a pile of rubble and stones blocking the passage by half. With skill, Ragnarrson avoided the rocks, dodged through ruin and got the longship out of the falling city. Everyone rowed silently upstream. The shelter they had made of cloth in the beginning still stood and created the breezy night into a cool night.

Four hours passed before the longship halted, dropped anchor and the men went to rest in what ever way they chose.

Vulkoslav's inherited battle axe was lost during the battle, his helm and armor as well. He took a brief look at the spare weapons and equipment stored on board, but instead he came across a small barrel of mead, somehow survived the journey all the way from Slavyarus. He took advantage of the unexpected find and woke up after four hours when the sun rose to continue the journey to the east...

15:33:30 Mar 14th 09 - Mr. Killer:

Lanoc was gladdened that they were finally back on the longship and off again, despite his uneasiness on the water. He hadn't been able to keep up with the rest on land, and so and wandered back to where the Stormsong was docked, dodging past anyone and everyone. He had done what little he could to repair the vessel and had made a new bow from some stray wood from a majestic oak which had been cut in preparation for the battle. He gathered a few arrows for his quiver, and spent the rest of the time ordering preparations for when they would eventually leave, not able to do any more with his injured arm. He was surprised at the return of all three, but glad of it.
          They raced across the water, and Lanoc sat back contentedly, looking out for any debris as he could do nothing else. Ragnarrson needed no guidance however, his eyes were sharper than Lanoc's, and they swiftly raced through the water. They eventually anchored, and Lanoc settled into dreamless sleep, his shallow breathing giving way to snores.

17:56:54 Mar 14th 09 - Demonslayer Scientist:

John sat upon the ship, not fit to do any of the tasks due to his injured arm.  He did attempt to help but was told to rest and recover faster so that he was capable of helping the crew again.  Saddened, John had sat down upon the deck and watched the stone gates of the city pass by.  He wondered if they really could have done anything more for the Quaqjians, but the entire death of the crew would probably be the result.

19:18:53 Mar 14th 09 - Prince Pelagius Septim VII:

When Vulkoslav had passed out, Ciwulf had sat beside him for the entire four hours. Thirty minutes of which he had slept himself, for he did not want to be tired when an actual threat came. Ciwulf drew several comparisons between Vulkoslav and Ragnarr the Wolf, and one of them was the fact that they both had their love of mead. When Vulkoslav finally woke up, he saw Ciwulf sitting next to the bed.

14:59:55 Mar 16th 09 - Duke Ragnarr:

III. Passage to the East

The Stormsong made a hard journey of two weeks against the flow of the river Hatul. The landscape remained the same: arid planes, a strip of cultivated land along the river, several peaceful settlements and small towns, and large, black mountains in the northern horizon. Two sandstorms swept the sandy planes and nearly capsized the longship. At the end of the first week, the longship stopped at a town, resupplied and acquired an additional twenty local warriors to the crew, who by some miracle knew a dialect of the common tongue. The most remarkable of these Qauqjians was Ashraf Al-Kahil, who formed himself as the "first" of the Qauqjian warriors on board. He was an interesting character, as he seemed to always have a slight grin on his face; but when matters became serious, he treated them with the needed care. Al-Kahil was almost as tall as Ragnarrson himself, and had messy, wavy black hair which almost reached his shoulders. His face was unshaven, and his dark brown eyes were cheerful and lively to look around. All he carried with himself aboard was himself, his flowing robes and keffiyeh he was wearing and his elegant weapon - a slim, lethal scimitar. Ashraf seemed to know something about seamanship and seemed comfortable on board.

On the thirteenth day of their journey against the river flow, the Stormsong reached what seemed to be a narrow lake, that made a turn northwards. Ashraf had explained this lake was called "Zuhayr", which meant "bright" in Qauqjian. Truly, the morning's sunrise shone over the mountains, flanking the lake, which seemed to be a sea of fire, reflecting the light in a marvelously scenic way. The lake, as Ashraf further explained, was supposed to have a narrow canal, constructed by an ancient people long forgotten, to the Endless Sea to the east.

The journey through the lake was supposed to take four days.

On the evening of the second day, the longship was anchored by the rocky shore, which presented steep highland, covered in awkward vegetation (what seemed to be a kind of wild olive trees). The Nords took out barrels of mead and ale, while the Qauqjians brought out some large glass bottles, heated on top, connected to hoses (they called it "nargile");when one inhaled from the hose, he was struck by a sweet lightness, his head seemed to whirl around and it relaxed every muscle of the body in rest and pleasure. It was a strange new experience for the Nords, but so was the mead for the Qauqjians, who had only tried something local, similar to wine.

During the "feast", the Nords and Qauqjians competed in boasting their battles, struggles, defeated foes, spectacular kills and quests (most of which were highly product of fantasy, loosely based on true events). Vulkoslav took part in this actively, but, being struck by lightheadedness, felt the need to part from the others and leaned for a while on the starboard of the longship. He gazed into the woods before him, which twisted before his dizzy eyes. The combination of nargile and mead is definitely strong… he thought to himself.

15:44:26 Mar 16th 09 - Demonslayer Scientist:

During the Stormsong's travel up the river, John spent as much time as he could resting.  He had to ask for help to change his bandages daily, but saw that his arm was healing quickly.  The long sword slash that had gone up his entire arm had closed, but the cut was still very visible and tender.  When the thirteenth day of the voyage on the river came around, John was amazed by the sunset.  It looked like a giant ball of fire had rolled across the lake, setting it ablaze before his very eyes.  The water flashed and twinkled like a burning plain, but harmless to the ship and crew. 
John then sat upon the deck when the celebrating began and watched as the crew relaxed since the death back down the river.  He finally stood up and walked towards the festivities and drank from the strange drink called nargile.  John's mind seemed to be very susceptible to the liquid and almost fell asleep on the deck with his gaze ever towards the sunset.

16:33:38 Mar 16th 09 - Duke Ragnarr:

[ OOC:  May I just add that a nargile is: a single or multi-stemmed (often glass-bottomed) water pipe for smoking. It operates by water filtration and indirect heat. It can be used for smoking herbal fruits, tobacco, or canabis.Widely popular in the Middle East. ]

16:47:18 Mar 16th 09 - Demonslayer Scientist:

[[Woops, must have read it wrong...I saw glass bottles and assumed it was some drink drank through a hose quickly and gets you drunk fast.  Well, I smoked some and and almost passed out :P]]

18:20:28 Mar 16th 09 - Mr. Killer:

Lanoc chuckled as a quarter or so of the crew passed out, the rest chattering merrily. He declined both mead and nargile, and relaxed and watched the sun set. He did however, partake in the boasting, though he did not lie as much as some. He told the rest of the southern forests, but he had few tales of fighting against vicious foes, and gave up trying to explain the wonders of the forests. He listened to the others' stories, some were truly skilled in the art. He watched as the last clouds sail over the woods as the sun shone its few last rays to brighten the world, and reflected on times gone by as the rest dropped off to sleep, unable to fall into unconciousness.

15:50:56 Mar 17th 09 - Duke Ragnarr:

On the next day, by midday the crew managed to get back to its senses and the sails were lowered to catch the gentle breeze from the south-west.

Vulkoslav was standing at the commander's deck, gripping the rudder oar with both arms, navigating the longship while looking straight ahead, observing and planning the course ahead. Most of the crew was idly sitting around the deck, speaking calmly or busying itself with small things, like polishing armor. Ivarr was carving some wood with a small knife while talking to Yaroslav, who was demonstrating some swordplay to a Qauqjian of the name Fawwaz Al-Haddad. The Slayvarussian swung his heavy blade brutally across the air before him, making a sharp, cutting whirl.

"That's how a real warrior fights." he grunted proudly.

Fawwaz observed Yaroslav's heavy blade for a while before laughing to himself.

"You wield a blade like a cattle butcher," he spoke in his distinctly eastern accent of the common tongue.

Al-Haddad took out his slim scimitar, raised it above his head and made a quick slash, spun around himself, then stepped back and whirled the blade before him for a while before placing it back in its sheath.

"You show off like that in real battle and you'll have a mace bashed in your head before you know it." Yaroslav grinned.

Ragnarrson was not paying attention to the conversation. He looked at the bow of the longship, where Lanoc and Berkeley were leaning on the starboard and talking. They seem back in full health, Vulkoslav thought to himself. Both of them had been seriously wounded in Cala Bahiya, but that was more than two weeks ago. Ragnarrson himself was feeling better, his broken ribs seemed to have healed, as well as his left arm.

Ciwulf and Ashraf Al-Kahil were walking towards the commander's deck, speaking to each other. As soon as they reached Vulkoslav, Al-Kahil directed his speech to the Nord.

"Saidi, I must tell you that the land to the north-east used to be the home of a peoples long gone, who constructed engineering marvels. Now, the only inhabitants around the canal are some aggressive mountain people. They walk in the city of former greatness and raid anyone who passes by. We might have some difficulty passing…"

"Now you tell me?" Vulkoslav asked.

Ashraf laughed. "Even if I told you, would you go back?"

Ragnarrson replied with a smile...

22:34:10 Mar 19th 09 - Duke Ragnarr:

The morning of the fourth day greeted the sailing longship warmly with a sunrise, beautiful enough to have been carefully created by the Gods themselves. It strangely reminded Ragnarrson, who was navigating the Stormsong, of an old legend from the land of the Nords. There was an old saga of the Seven Warriors from Snaegard. The seven nords were closest comrades, like blood brothers, and all were known for their incredibly masterful swordplay. One day, as all seven met in the hall of one of them, Snaeulf, the Goddess Skadi appeared before them in all her majestic divinity and bright aura. She warned the seven that after one winter of her appearing, a great threat from the mountains to the south-west would appear and would swarm in and destroy the land of Nords; the only salvation lay in the Seven Warriors of Snaegard. They were to halt the threat in a fateful combat and die in it - only their blood, spilt in battle, would save the lands of the North. The Seven used every day from then on to train and fight, preparing themselves for the battle. They lived through a year, knowing that their end would come, yet accepted this bravely and honorably, as if it was something normal, accepting their fate and taking pride that they were chosen by the Gods. When the fateful day arrived, the Seven Warriors arrived at the skirts of the mountains, awaiting the swarm. Loki's horde appeared from the depths of Helgardh; the bloody and uneven heroic fight started and continued for throughout the whole day. The Seven were slain by Fenrir, Loki's direwolf, but the moment their blood gathered together in puddles, the horde from Helgardh was forced back by divine thunders and lightning bolts. The Gods themselves erected a Temple on the place of the battle, with a sealed chamber inside; it is said that if the land of the Nords was ever in danger again, the chamber would be opened from the inside by the Seven Heroes, which would fight and protect the North.

Where are the guardians now? They definitely did not appear when Mullendor invaded the north, nor did they restore order in the beginning of the civil war. The chaos in the land of Nords still continues, clans fighting clans, families fighting families.

The Stormsong sailed over the low, calm waves swiftly, reaching the northmost-part of the lake, the shores still being a barren, rocky highland with poor vegitation. Towards its end, unclear shapes dominated in the horizon - they appeared to be some structures. Obviously the "city of former greatness" Ashraf spoke about.

The longship approached the abandoned ruins on the shore and the ancient canal was now visible - it was by far not what it might have been, as little islands had formed in the middle and it had overflowing at points. The solemn, grieving  remains of glory stood wrecked on the sides, the beige stone reflecting white bright sunlight. Several obelisks, most of which broken, flanked the canal. It was evident that the peoples that had built this had mastered engineering and architecture.

"Ragnarrson," Berkeley's voice was cautious and silent, "on our left, on the wrecked dome…"

When Vulkoslav looked towards where John was pointing, he saw a human figure in the distance, standing on top one of the ruins flanking the canal - obviously observing the longship.

Everyone was silent, but quick to look around themselves. More of these wondrous figures appeared from the ruined city, all silent, all staring at the longship.

"On the oars.." Vulkoslav's voice was not high, but everyone heard him and rushed silently to bring the oars out, so they could row their way quicker out of the canal.

There was a blue line in the horizon ahead of them, evidently the Endless Sea to the east. They had a long way to go.

Half way though the city, the trap Vulkoslav was expecting happened. From a nearby building, still partially intact, almost hanging above the canal, a load of logs suddenly came tumbling down, heavily splashing into the water before the longship. There were calls of dismay from the crew. The Stormsong hit the new obstacles and its speed considerably decreased, leaving it venerable and reachable via the logs, floating on the surface.

An inhumane war cry was heard, and suddenly a horde of ambushers swarmed from behind the ruins, running towards the shores to reach the longship, either through swimming or through the floating logs. The attackers looked like an entirely isolated peoples -dressed in rags, armor pieces from looted corpses and swarthy, unclean, unshaven faces. They looked very keen on butchering the Stormsong's crew.

"TO ARMS!" Vulkoslav yelled as he drew out his scimitar he was still using after he had lost his inherited, precious battle axe...

22:40:56 Mar 19th 09 - Prince Pelagius Septim VII:

Ciwulf drew Firengard with great speed and stood close to Ragnarrson.
"What are your orders Captain, shall we try to shoot them with our bows or fight them when they board with out melee weapons?"

23:02:56 Mar 19th 09 - Duke Ragnarr:

"Damn it, we don't have any chances with seven skilled archers aboard!" By the time Vulkoslav answered Ciwulf, the ambushers had started swimming or making their way through the water, ten meters away from the longship.

23:10:39 Mar 19th 09 - Demonslayer Scientist:

When John saw the barbarian looking enemies charging towards the ship, he immediately prepared himself.  He was lucky he saw the man observing them so he at least had mentally prepared himself to battle.  John drew his sword from his side and waited.  He could only stand and anticipate the arrival of what could be a brutal battle.
"They will not fight in an organized manner most likely.  They will fight in any way that will grant victory." whispered John to himself, knowing that he will be fighting enemies that do not follow certain rules of fighting.  They most likely have no code, set fighting style, or any other thought on their mind other than killing.
"Let them come." said John as he began to feel his adrenaline pumping.  He hand relaxed on his sword and he stood at the side of the boat facing a number of the approaching attackers.

13:46:29 Mar 27th 09 - Duke Ragnarr:

[Finally completed my Arab-Israeli Conflict project. Hopefully I'll have at least 30 min. per day for this now.]

Ragnarrson left the scimitar by the rudder oar and grabbed a heavy axe from the small armory aboard. He hammered the huge weapon fiercly upon the first hands that took hold of the longship's board. The responses were horrid yells of pain by the barbaric attackers, who struggles to get aboard. All the Stormsong warriors were doing their best not to allow the ambushers to get aboard. However, overwhelmed by numbers, they were soon cornered around the mast. It wasn't at all the fighting skills of the attackers - it was the human wave of charging madmen that pushed the warriors back...

21:59:21 Mar 27th 09 - Demonslayer Scientist:

[[Will do this home for a few hours and then back to the grind.]]

21:23:00 May 4th 09 - Mr. Might The God Cows:

Snap, I don't even remember who my character is... he was named Mightarius or something like that...

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