Forums / Roleplaying / VILLAGE III

23:13:54 Aug 15th 07 - Sir Gaius Septim:

*Septim drives the last nail into the Tavern and looks at Kassius Xxi and Capt. Pugwash.

"Right away!"

*Septim fills up three glasses of ale and sets two of them down in front of Capt. Pugwash and one in front of Kassius Xxi, he then eyes Capt. Pugwash.

"Can I see some I.D?"

23:55:35 Aug 15th 07 - Sir Scientist:

My character is a Scientist (Original I know :P )
He lives in a creepy house at the top of a hill which is always dark and has rain clouds above all the time.........

Sorry I'm late with it :P

08:23:28 Aug 16th 07 - Mr. Seloc:

"It's a good job your a scientist that doesn't come down to local villages to pick bum of the street and experiment on them....."

17:17:46 Aug 16th 07 - Mr. Kassius Xxi:

*pugwash pulls out a piece of paper* not sayin from where* and hands it to septim* it says:

I is ovr twentee giv me bear pleasssssssss

18:53:15 Aug 16th 07 - Sir Gaius Septim:

*Septim looks at the piece of paper

"This is a piece of construction paper with crayon writing on it!"

18:55:21 Aug 16th 07 - Mr. Kassius Xxi:

"hes a monkey what do you expect?" anyway dont critisize him i remember the last time i did that he stabed me with a monkey sword........and he LIKES me :P

21:20:35 Aug 16th 07 - Mr. Seloc:

"Like most the people here could do any better I remember the last poster you made......."

21:23:54 Aug 16th 07 - Mr. Defensive:

"whats happened to vineraveN?"

21:30:17 Aug 16th 07 - Sir Gaius Septim:

*Septim gets Capt. Pugwash two beers...

21:33:41 Aug 16th 07 - Mr. Seloc:

"While on a bus trip to a local millitary academy, a deer was found dead on the road and the bus capsized. Due to the deer most of the passengers caught the plague and died. But vineraven manage to develope a cure with umbrella's help."

23:04:34 Aug 16th 07 - Mr. Kassius Xxi:

*pugwash downs both beers in a gulp as kassius looks on in amazement*

11:34:43 Aug 17th 07 - Mr. Defensive:

"youre spamming cease."

*beats up Jay Brown The ND with a  bat


"VUPAS 4VER cease the spam!"

13:02:53 Aug 17th 07 - Mr. Goldmeister:

'I'm Goldsie, the local exterminator, I live in a large house which also doubles as a place of Business, every night I battle thousands of insects rodents and whoever knows what else. I drive a large cart with a giant model insect on the front of it. I have a very unique way of dealing with these pests which involves smothering them with molten gold, it is very effective but also prevents me from being very competitive with other pest control services. This strange way of killing these insects leads from my early life where I worked as a goldsmith, but after I lost my genitalia in an unfortunate smelting accident I was forced to seek a different career path.'

13:03:36 Aug 17th 07 - Mr. Goldmeister:
">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350">

15:48:25 Aug 17th 07 - Sir Salaras Lentorix Vineraven:

sorry about the lateness every one I had my birth day...... for two days.

um, okay dont start talking yet like the game has begun, please can you make and organised line up ie:  1. bob, militia, personality sadistic.

like that in a list for every one, its hard to make a map you know!

17:17:59 Aug 17th 07 - Mr. Seloc:

2. Seloc, Bum, Personality defeatist.

17:58:00 Aug 17th 07 - Sir Gaius Septim:

3. Gaius Septim, Barkeep/ex-knight, personality: RaNdOm and fun!

18:00:18 Aug 17th 07 - Mr. Kassius Xxi:

4.Kassius XXI, Militia leader/ex general, personalty: living in constant fer of captain pugwash

19:55:34 Aug 17th 07 - Mr. Iwasfrozen IV:

Iwasfrozen,Priest,Secretly hates everyone though he dosen't show it,Is afraid of the bishop.

23:37:27 Aug 17th 07 - Mr. Seloc:

as in chess?

03:51:48 Aug 18th 07 - Mr. Goldmeister:


5. Goldsie, Exterminator/Ex-Goldsmith, *beep*y, Ripped and amazingly good looking, bit of a socialite

11:04:59 Aug 18th 07 - Mr. Seloc:

Lol  thats a lie amazingly good looks, if you want good looks look at me!

12:49:49 Aug 18th 07 - Sir Salaras Lentorix Vineraven:

okay i finnished the map, it took a while but i did it!

15:00:43 Aug 18th 07 - Mr. Iwasfrozen IV:

can we start now ?

16:07:52 Aug 18th 07 - Sir Salaras Lentorix Vineraven:

okay heres the map.

"and so the lord said go forth and be one with thine surroundings and make do with all thine has. you all are of different creeds and jobs, some of you guards and some extermenators."

and so the new inhabitants of the town of vinerava were happy and they rejoyced.

the town could suffer many a thing if the peoples didnt choose the right things that would benifit the town.

16:30:16 Aug 18th 07 - Sir Salaras Lentorix Vineraven:


16:46:17 Aug 18th 07 - Sir Gaius Septim:

*Septim awakes in a room over his tavern, he gets up, gets dressed, and walks down into the tavern area. Septim then flips the sign from closed to open...

17:03:21 Aug 18th 07 - Sir Salaras Lentorix Vineraven:

*salaras the mayor of the town walks thru the tavern door*

"hey there septim! so how you like our little town?"

17:10:35 Aug 18th 07 - Sir Gaius Septim:

*Septim looks up at Salaras

"It's fine, want a beer?"

17:26:10 Aug 18th 07 - Duke Mielo:

*Mielo the blacksmith was walking down the street in search of the Tavern and the marketplace which he can't find on the town map ... *

"Hellooow .. ? anyone here?? ... Boy this city sure is a ghost town ..."

17:30:28 Aug 18th 07 - Mr. Defensive:

"excellent i say we put some money toward a wall..."

17:34:54 Aug 18th 07 - Sir Salaras Lentorix Vineraven:

"i want have a beer septim, see you later...."

*leaves tavern*

*walks down the road to the black smith*

"hey there mielo can you make me a sword please? ill pay you moneyz!"

17:37:44 Aug 18th 07 - Sir Salaras Lentorix Vineraven:

"a wall aye defensive? we'll see."

17:38:42 Aug 18th 07 - Mr. Defensive:

"heres my contribution 100 gold... i earn 1000 a week including tax and food costs so i have 1000 gold to spend a week ive got 900 now..."

17:42:05 Aug 18th 07 - Duke Mielo:

"As you wish my mayor, what sword may it be and do you have any other requirements for the sword itself?"

*as Salaras is making up his mind, Mielo finishes his Swifted Long Razor Katana Sword*

17:42:26 Aug 18th 07 - Mr. Iwasfrozen IV:


I'm a sh1t priest. ^_^

17:44:18 Aug 18th 07 - Sir Gaius Septim:

*Septim sees a bunch of NPCs enter the tavern

These guys are never any fun, no imagination...

*Septim pours beers for each of them and manages to collect around 300 gold. He puts 30 gold in a jar with "Salaras's tax" painted on it, he then puts the rest in a small sack and lets his pet mongoose, Slasher, watch the bar for him when he walks outside. He soon finds Mielo.

"Could you make me a metal safe? I'll pay you fifty gold coins..."

17:44:44 Aug 18th 07 - Mr. Defensive:

"can i order a new   battleaxe please? how much will it cost? and how long will it take to make?"

17:49:20 Aug 18th 07 - Sir Salaras Lentorix Vineraven:

*salaras makes his mind up*

okay as well as the sword for my self i would like you to make spears for the town millitia

so heres what yove been asked to make:

salaras sword, 1

septims safe, 1

defensives battle axe,1

millitias spears, 20

17:50:16 Aug 18th 07 - Sir Gaius Septim:

"I'll also have a shortsword and a dagger if you have time"

salaras sword, 1

septims safe, 1

defensives battle axe,1

Septim's Dagger, 1

Septim's shortsword, 1

millitias spears, 20


17:53:39 Aug 18th 07 - Mr. Defensive:

"i need some more millitias weapons..."


salaras sword, 1
septims safe, 1

defensives battle axe,1

Septim's Dagger, 1

Septim's shortsword, 1

millitias spears, 20

millitias swords and shields 20 of ea

18:03:12 Aug 18th 07 - Sir Salaras Lentorix Vineraven:

okay i think mielo has enough on his hands now, no more orders.

18:44:43 Aug 18th 07 - Mr. Defensive:

"vineraven have you though anymore about getting that wall up it would give the town millitia somthing to patrol..."

18:45:58 Aug 18th 07 - Sir Gaius Septim:

*Septim walks back into his tavern

"Alright lads, who wants to build a wall and get payed 1 coin each???"

*Everybody gets up and starts building a wall around the edge of town...

19:58:23 Aug 18th 07 - Mr. Defensive:

*On the first day of Defensive moving to The Village he had spent the day starting the millitia onto building a wall around the village he had also rather sneakily set some of his men on to building his home which vineraven kinda forgot to make.. the wall would take four days to build and it would cost over 200 gold with defensive paying for half of it the wall would be able to get halfway round the village but there it would have to stop until more funds were discovered...

20:23:35 Aug 18th 07 - Sir Gaius Septim:

*On Septim's first day in the village he served lots of drinks to NPCs, he also set a few of the NPCs to helping Defensive build a wall. Septim made around 500 gold coins and gave 100 of them to the Village Coffers, leaving 400 gold coins for Septim to use...

20:27:49 Aug 18th 07 - Mr. Defensive:

"ime halfway with the wall ime thinking we need more funding than two hundred.."

20:30:33 Aug 18th 07 - Mr. Defensive:

"ime not sure if ime allowed to do this ime sorry if ime not vineraven but here it is the buildings which we have started on the first day i can get halfway with the wall with this two hundread gold.."

(ooc: vineraven maybe we should have an army attacking us l8tr on in the game? after we do some more villagy things...)

20:42:09 Aug 18th 07 - Mr. Defensive:

(ooc: anyone know how to fix the image?)

21:52:09 Aug 18th 07 - Mr. Iwasfrozen IV:

Duke Mielo


8/18/2007 4:43:20 PM
[Don't *beep* up the storylines Iwasfrozen]



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