Forums / Roleplaying / Good and evil

Good and evil
11:28:32 Jan 4th 08 - Mr. Vengence:

thats ok....anyone who will become evil please say so here.

16:13:25 Jan 4th 08 - Mr. Killer:

No thanks...

*Killer looked as the creature came down at him. He cursed. He drew his sword, and faced the creature. He saw a little cave, more like a hole, beside him. He jumped in, took out his bow and arrows, and shot at the creature 5 times. He hit 4 of those times. It didn't seem to do much damage. He ran at the creature and slashed at it. It quickly flew back, and then flew at him at an incredible speed. It knocked him over. He picked up his sword, which had fallen from his grasp, and attacked the creature. He managed to cut it down the belly, and it did some damage. The creature was not dead howver, and flew away, having learned it's lesson. Killer stumbled down towards Revenge, a little injured from the attack.*

16:21:35 Jan 4th 08 - Sir Revenge:

" Killer theres some demons coming from our right but thats a diversion theres maybe five thousand coming from south-west, we need to get all our troops there immedietly"

Revenge held up killer as he regained his posture, it wasnt long until the young armoured captain was ready to fight again, from what Revenge had seen this new beast was like no-other they had faced in their short time together, it almost had the ability to learn the opposure, this was not good news as it wa hard enough for one of use to fight one on one , net-alone against an army

They needed to find the source of these new creatures but before they had the obsticle of this new army to deal with...

19:05:51 Jan 4th 08 - Mr. Vengence:

*The army of demons were three thousand strong, while there were only one thousand human soilders to repell them. aded to this several of these new creatures had appeared, and were converging on killer*

19:26:01 Jan 4th 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

What the hell is happening?!

19:36:39 Jan 4th 08 - Mr. Vengence:

Ok might, here is an update....

The thread was not posted in for several days, so I decided to freshen things up a bit. so we are now in this situation:


The two teams are stukcin the smoke fields, but have no idea that the other team is there. you simply post about creatures u battle, armies of demons you encounter and stuff. eventually I will decide the two teams meet each other, then you both once again send tactics to me.


14:06:14 Jan 5th 08 - Mr. Vengence:


15:59:20 Jan 5th 08 - Mr. Killer:

*Killer looks around at the three thousand demons, wondering where the hell they came from. He realises he probably answered that with his thought. He wonders what type of demons they are... looking at them closely...*

20:14:22 Jan 5th 08 - Mr. Vengence:

people, are we playing this or not?

20:43:57 Jan 5th 08 - Mr. Vengence:

Ok, if we dont have anyone apart from killer and revenge posting within the next 24hours im re-opening sign ups and restarting on the smoke fields straight away.

21:10:31 Jan 5th 08 - Sir Revenge:

Its just a slow time of the era don't worry

Alot of people are concentrating hard on current affairs ingame

Lucky for you your not in a big war-zone  =]

21:11:41 Jan 5th 08 - Mr. Vengence:

k...but i think they can find a few spare mnutes to do this! I mean you cant do stuff throughout the whole tick!

14:14:08 Jan 6th 08 - Mr. Umbar:

"Demos? Oh no! That's alot of new evil...."

[p.s shouldn't evil be batteloing angels, etc?"

14:53:26 Jan 6th 08 - Mr. Xanatos Chivalier:

*runs around screaming like a girl*

*runs up and swings his sword at 1 of the demons it just falls dead and nonew of the other demons move so he starts laughing and killing them all*
"MUHAHAHAHA...guys they're dumys and eazy 2 kill "
*continues swinging his sword around and every time he does 1 falls to the ground and at this point he has killed nearly 100 of them*

17:18:57 Jan 6th 08 - Mr. Vengence:

Umbar, when did I say that the evil team were begin attcked? the good team is being attacked so far, evil ppl havent posted anything, u describe wot u fight wer u go and that kinda thing. it is possible to choose a creature of your makiung to be a mouunt for you, each team can, but the mount has to be good/evil in line with the teams.

describe your mounts here, and then post a short story of how you captured and tamed thrm

21:03:46 Jan 6th 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

I want my mount to be a Black Dragon that is bigger than a Gold Dragon :D

10:38:27 Jan 7th 08 - Mr. Vengence:

then describe the dragon and how the hell yuo managed to capture it

17:50:13 Jan 7th 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:


Its a very very big dragon with claws that are unbreakable, A 200 ft wingspan, and 20ft thick scales all over its body.. Its my baby cause im a God.

17:55:45 Jan 7th 08 - Mr. Vengence:

might, your description needs to have more detail, and the capture needs to be made up of 50 words plus

18:03:03 Jan 7th 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

200 ft tall

Claws Made of some unbreakable metal

Wingspan of 700 ft

Has a Cow Head

Shoots Frozen Milk

Eats Humanses and Demonses or basically anything it can get.

Im his Father and Hathor is the mother.

18:12:17 Jan 7th 08 - Mr. Vengence:

50 words plus might! you must capture him, he cannot be your son or tame before you approach and tame him! now stop arrsing arround and play properly!

18:18:55 Jan 7th 08 - Mr. Wraithish:

*Wraithish walks into the smoke fields, alone except for his pet wolf, Ifrit. He had been with Ifrit for years. Wraithish had been fighting in a cave with his brother when they heard noises coming from deep within the cave. His brother had fled but Wraithish walked in and found Ifrit trapped in a hunter's trap. He freed him and they had been together ever since.

Ifrit was qute large and had a coat of fur that gleamed red. His teeth were extremely sharp and he could easily kill things many times his size but in these smoke fields, who knows what good and holy things they could encounter....

Wrathish had grey and green leather armour and wielded a curved sword and a dirk made of some strange blue metal. He had never liked to use a shield*

18:23:03 Jan 7th 08 - Mr. Vengence:

OK, we have a new player. firstly, welcome to the game, hope you enjoy it. secondly, we are now for the next twenty four hours simply posting our names. that will determine who is active, and then I can reasses the teams to make it fair

18:34:18 Jan 7th 08 - Mr. Wraithish:

Wraithish =P

And I'll make it 50 words next time. Sorry but I'm still new =P

19:36:44 Jan 7th 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

Vengence I can't say a lot about my Dragon.

Hes been my friend ever sense I was born. He was part of the Cow Clan for ages.

22:24:27 Jan 7th 08 - Mr. Killer:

*Killer looks up in amazement. He sees his mount soaring down towards him. He never expected him to be still alive. He recalled the fateful day when they were parted. The storms had gathered over them, and when he was flying along on Death, the only name the mount responded to, who was a cross between many animals, as the result of an accident with magic, on some uneducated wizard's part. Death had a cruel beak, powerful sharp claws, spiked tail, and the best of his defence, magic. A very magical beast, and Killer often wondered how. He decided one of the animals must have been magical, as the wizard certainly wasn't. Death was huge, 35 foot long, and a 20 foot tail. Anyway, they were flying when stromclouds began to gather, and Killer brought Death down to a cave for shelter. The cave was full of many foul beasts, and they beset on Killer and Death. They battled for hours until exhausted, as they cut off the entrance as there was many of them. Eventually, Killer collapsed with exhaustion. Death, seeing this, picked him up in his teeth, and threw him out of the cave, scraping against the top. Death, doing this, cast a magic shield outside the cave to stop Killer coming back in if he got up, to save him. Killer after many days, left where he was to get help in a nearby town. When he arrived back, Death and the creatures were gone, any that survived at any rate. He wept, and never saw Death again, until now...
           Killer, seeing Death now, mounts him, and slaughters the demons, well quite a few at any rate...*

13:24:51 Jan 8th 08 - Mr. Umbar:

Umbar is walking around when...
Suddenly a huge demon with green eyes appears right before him! Damm! Umbar thought, i thought he was still in that piramid!
Umbar starts running away from it...but without succes....Umbar get's sticked in the ribs.....than the demon suddenly disappears... i can't fight demos anymore..but i will be healed quick enough for the next battle.. to fighting evil....
and start walking towards his village...

13:32:23 Jan 8th 08 - Mr. Vengence:

ok, so we have four players so far. another five hours and i will resort the teams, so anyone who isnt posting at all is out

17:41:06 Jan 8th 08 - Mr. Umbar:

oh...wait i haven't 50 words plus....

20:12:31 Jan 8th 08 - Mr. Vengence:

Umbar, u can do it in a mo....

OK, no-one but the four of you have posted. now, we can continue with the four of us, in teams of two, or we can wait to see if more people will join. For now these are the teams:

Evil team:



Good team:




continue people. the mounts so far are:

might: none as he has failed to reach fifty words yet

Wairhtish: none, as hasnt reached fifty words yet

Killer: death, although I reccomend you re-name him something more good-like.

Umbar: none as hasnt reached fifty words yet

20:25:38 Jan 8th 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

I can cheat ^^

200 ft tall

Claws Made of some unbreakable metal

Wingspan of 700 ft

Has a Cow Head

Shoots Frozen Milk

Eats Humanses and Demonses or basically anything it can get.

Im his Father and Hathor is the mother.

Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word

I think thats 50 ;D

20:27:24 Jan 8th 08 - Mr. Vengence:

might, you must right it properly. you cant cheat. write how you found it and stuff. it CAN NOT be your son/daughter, or any relative, and you cannot have met it before the smoke fields, and you must say how you capture it!

20:58:16 Jan 8th 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

Fine! If It can't be my Son/Daughter!

I wooed it with my Cow Charms! In a large cave ofc.

21:18:51 Jan 8th 08 - Mr. Vengence:

u need to write fifty words. if you cant be bothered then you dont get a mount

19:10:37 Jan 9th 08 - Mr. Vengence:

eeeeerm...are we playing this or not?



19:57:15 Jan 9th 08 - Mr. Wraithish:

Wraithish walked into the smoke fields. He didn't know where Might was but didn’t call out his name. Then he heard a whimpering from some animal in pain. He looked towards the sound and saw three angelic creatures armed with spears surrounding and attacking a huge wolf with blood red fur. Normally Wraithish would have ignored the animal but if the angels wanted it dead it might turn out to be a useful ally later on.


Wraithish ran forward. He struck at the nearest angel with his sword, chopping off its wing and causing a huge cut along its back. The angel was immediately paralysed. Then Wraithish rolled towards the next one and stabbed it with the Blue Steel Dirk in the stomach. This angel, who was still surprised, fell on the ground bleeding out a glowing, white blood.


However the third angel was prepared for him and struck at him with the spear, clipping Wraithish's shoulder. Wraithish felt a burning sensation from the Holy weapon and slashed at the angel, cutting it across its face. Then Wraithish cut its throat and the angel fell, gasping for air. When on the ground, Wraithish chopped its head off in one fell swoop.


The wolf limped up to Wraithish and bowed down so it was just about his height. Wraithish heard a voice in his head saying, ’Thank you for your help, stranger. You saved my life. I am forever in your debt.’


Wraithish replied, ‘Ok. Let’s see what I can do to fix you up and we’ll be on our way to find Might and kill the rest of those Holy scum.’

21:10:14 Jan 9th 08 - Mr. Vengence:

[nicely done...the communication in your head isnt copied from eragon is it? lol....]

*Away in the distance, several creaures watched wraithish. they were all not evil not good, but decided that they could not risk wraithish gathering more allies. silently, they all moved towards him. though they had not made the decision between good and evil, they only knew that he must die-*

21:22:49 Jan 9th 08 - Mr. Wraithish:

[I've never seen or read Eragon... Btw could describe the creatures better please? Or should I describe them?]

21:27:43 Jan 9th 08 - Mr. Vengence:

[ummmmmmm........ur fighting them! i will describe a few, but you can mk up some more if you wish]

*The first of the creatures, obviuosly the leader, took the shape of a horse with wings. it was however the size of a human, and had vicious teeth and claws. the teeth dripped with poison that woud kill anyone unlucky enough to get any into their body. its eyes glowed a strange shade of orange.

The other creautres varied greatly, from large creatures with glinting fangs to small creatures, that used their size to an advantae when in battle. they were too numerous to describe.

Together they headed towards wraithish, a ball of fury, leaving clouds of dust in their wake*

22:43:31 Jan 9th 08 - Mr. Wraithish:

[Ok Thx]


*Wraithish sensed them coming before he saw them. He could tell that they would never manage to outrun them so he tied off the last bandage on the wolf and asked him, ‘Are you ready to repay your debt?’


‘I am at your service’, it told him mentally, ‘And my name is Ifrit.’


Wraithish drew his sword in his right hand and his dirk in his left. As he did this, the creatures emerged from the smoke. A huge, angry rabble they were numerous and varied in size and shape. Then a large horse with wings trotted out of the mob. Wraithish eyed the creature and it spoke in a strange voice which was neither gentle nor harsh.


‘You have proved to be an asset to evil and we can not let you grow any stronger’, it said.


‘Bring it on’, Wraithish replied, steeling himself for battle.


As one, the fierce angry mob charged at him and Ifrit. However the horse stayed back and watched the fight. Wraithish ducked and slashed. There were many but he knew he couldn’t let them get the better of him or it could prove fatal. He struck at a huge green rodent, cutting it clean in half and then killed another. A dog leapt at him and Wraithish stabbed it in the eye with his dirk while spinning around cutting everything around him with his sword.


The animals were falling around him and, although he had many cuts and scratches, he thought he might have a chance to get away. However, a white tiger bit his left arm and pain shot through his arm but Ifrit suddenly appeared and crushed the tiger under his huge paws. Wraithish nodded his thanks to the wolf and a sharp screech from the Horse-Leader called the few live animals to regroup.


Many creatures lay slain on the floor but 4 formidable creatures remained. These were a golden Dragon with scales which gleamed like the toughest metal which was twice the size of the horse, a white Tiger like the one which had bit him, a humanoid creature wielding a scythe covered in a grey cloak and the Horse.


Wraithish was exhausted and in pain from where the tiger had bit him but smiled at the Horse and waited. The Horse neighed and lead the charge straight at them. Wraithish raced forwards, followed closely by Ifrit. Wraithish struck with his sword at the Tiger which dodged and tried to bite him but Wraithish stabbed it in the neck with the dirk and struck at it with the sword.


It fell immediately but the Dragon came straight at him. Wraithish dodged once, twice, thrice and tried to stab it but his sword didn’t even pierce its skin. The Dragon lunged at him, Wraithish rolled to the side and slashed wildly. His sword found a weakness in the Dragon’s natural armour and pierced the skin underneath the right wing. Wraithish sheathed the dirk momentarily and pulled the sword across the Dragon’s body with both hands. The skin gave way and the Dragon rolled around in pain but Wraithish didn’t have time to celebrate.


He rushed towards the sounds coming from Ifrit’s battle. The humanoid reaper was dead but Ifrit was fighting with the horse. The Horse saw its fallen comrades and vanished in a flash of light. Suddenly it reappeared, bit Ifrit’s paw and disappeared again. Ifrit collapsed with pain. The Horse appeared to Wraithish’s left but his reflexes were too quick. He dodged and struck across the Horse’s underbelly. It neighed in pain and tried to trample him but Wraithish brought his two weapons in front of him and slashed the belly multiple times and killed the Horse. However, before its death, the Horse landed a lucky hit and he fell unconscious with the dead Horse on top of him.*

15:38:04 Jan 10th 08 - Mr. Vengence:

noc long post wraithish...will read it l8tr, no time anyone else going to carry on?

16:26:03 Jan 11th 08 - Mr. Wraithish:

*Wraithish regains consciousness and struggles to move the dead Horse from on top of him. He then goes over to Ifrit and checks if he is still alive. Being uncertain, he gathers some herbs and cleans and covers the wound. He then tends to his own wounds.*


[Is anyone else taking part?]

16:46:55 Jan 11th 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

[Im confused about whats going on. Its goes from a battle between a few guys to being invaded by thousands of demons and Horses?]

18:04:13 Jan 11th 08 - Mr. Vengence:

might, people make it up themselves. I have no control over the battles. as for there being two going on at once, one is the good teams battle and the other is the evil teams battle. oh, and you still dnt have that mount, lol. might, you just have to say stuff that u mk up that happens to you while in the smoke fields, not hard.

18:49:09 Jan 11th 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

[I could have some fun with this then.....]

*Might was having a nice walk around the smoky fields when a large party of assorted beasts charged out of the fog at him. The largest beast which was a Roc spoke to Might saying, " Thou art evile! Thou whilst change thy ways or face my blade...claws!" Hearing this Might said, " I am a Good creature at heart ,but the evil team gets to have spikes so that tipped the scales." The Roc was extremely confused at this and walked away to consult with his party. While they were consulting Might heard a voice that was trying to be quiet, "I can help you take out that party if you want, Oh Great and Awesome Cow God, but I will need you to distract them." Might answered, "I guess I could but it would be spoiling the fun of confusing these misfits!" Might walked over to the group and hugged the nearest creature causing the whole group to stare at him in horror. While they were distracted a huge beast covered with Red scales swooped out of sky and grabbed the two most powerful beasts, a minotaur and the Roc, and ripped them in half. After that all the beasts dived into cover or ran away.

    When the large red dragon came back Might walked over to it and said, " you seem a companion fit for a God! Which, coincidently, I am. Will you join me in my quest to kill these so called "Good People?" The dragon considered it for a moment then remembered that denying a God would not look good on his record. "Oh Great and Awesome Cow God, I accept your offer humbly! My name is Fine Parchment Paper VII!" When that was all said and done Might and Fine Parchment Paper VII walked away to explore for the "Good team."*

20:38:50 Jan 11th 08 - Mr. Killer:

*Killer lay down, exhausted from killing demons with Death. He saw a blast of light heading their way. Killer stared in horror. Not, that he minded light much, but the brightness of this light was incredible. Death spread his wings. Killer was surprised, but he had no time to waste. He saw the light was coming from some beast. He leaped onto Death, and they flew, but not near as quick as the demon. The demon blasted rays of light at them, but Death agilely dodged them. They flew for a long time, until night begun to set in. The demon of light became weaker, and eventually disappeared. Killer wondered what creatures would be around in the pitch darkess of the night...*

11:25:50 Jan 12th 08 - Mr. Vengence:

[I will fulfil the role of some of the creatures you all fight]

*the Demon that had ben lit up by a magnificant light landed, tired after the long flight. it was disappointed, but knew he would find Killer again. for his scent, and deaths, were stored away in his mind, and he could now catch it anywhere, even if it had been weakened, like if Killer rolled in mud or something. notjhing could keep it from its goal, and it would destroy all who tried to*

12:06:44 Jan 12th 08 - Mr. Wraithish:

*After cleaning his wounds Wraithish checked on Ifrit. There seemed to be some life in him and Wraithish cleaned his wounds and reapplied the bandages and wounds. Then he went around, checking all the corpses for loot. He found nothing worthwhile but as an afterthought he went over to the Horse’s corpse and coated his swords in its poisonous saliva.


He sees that Ifrit is making much better progress and was able to look after himself so he walked off, into the smoke.*

12:25:33 Jan 12th 08 - Sir Revenge:

Revenge had a poo

17:34:56 Jan 12th 08 - Mr. Vengence:

revenge, you havent posted for aaaaaaages! and now we have equal teams, but you starting to post has upset the balance! maybe you could fulfil the role of the creatures that the others fight

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