Forums / Roleplaying / Werewolf with Septim

Werewolf with Septim
05:16:09 Apr 20th 08 - Master Cloutier:

hi nat




05:22:39 Apr 20th 08 - Prince Gorris Septim:

A sniper on top of a large building targets Pinduca's stomach and fires, it hits him in the chest and Pinduca falls to the ground, another shot hits him in the head, later another video tape is found in each residence.


"It seems that you have been rather inaccurate so far, for your sakes you shouldn't be inaccurate again, though it isn't my concern..."


Police - 8

Captain - 1x

Sergeant - 1x

Jury - 3x

Jailer - 1x

Police psychologist - 1x

Probation officer - 1x

Civillians - 6

Vigilante - 1x

Citizens - 3x (Plato - Dead, Pinduca - Dead)

Peeping Tom - 1x

Priest - 1x

Mafia - 6

Don - 1x

Consigliere - 1x

Hitman  - 2x

Soldiers - 2x

[[OOC: It is now night, night roles message me your targets...]]


06:13:30 Apr 20th 08 - Sir Valentine:

HAIHHHH!!!! I told you guys already!! See what have you done!?

*Val approached to Pinduca's body and covered it with white cloth. And pray so that his spirit is rest in peace..

And Val went to Plato's tombstone and pray again to Plato to not disturb the living.. Amen..* =)

11:55:57 Apr 20th 08 - Mr. Karalius Mindaugas:

'Oh my, we've killed an innocent man... God bless his soul.'
*Karalius Mindaugas starts preparing for Pinduca's funeral*

14:12:38 Apr 20th 08 - Mr. Plato The God of Knowledge:

*a plank falls down from the wall and on it it says Thank you*

15:40:27 Apr 20th 08 - Lord Mac:

"Dude stop killing civilians!"

15:42:17 Apr 20th 08 - Prince Gorris Septim:

Update soon.

15:52:52 Apr 20th 08 - Prince Gorris Septim:

Karalius Mindaugas is sitting in his home praying to Zeta when a man bursts into the room with a baseball bat, he begins smashing Karalius over the head again and again before Karalius falls to the floor, dead.

Charley is sitting in his home watching a football game when his door falls down, a man with a suit walks in and throws a knife at Charley, the knife hits him in the arm. The man rushes forward and begins choking Charley, after a few moments, Charley is dead. The hitman begins cutting the body.

A new video cassette is found in each room (I know they didn't have VCRs in the thirties, but this isn't about accuracy, it's about fun...). The man is in the same room, in the same chair. "The priest and another citizen have fallen, not looking good for good, but I have no interests in either side, I am just a...spectator..."

15:59:47 Apr 20th 08 - Mr. Charley II:

*Charley's ghost appears...."well crap that sucked...I thought I bought a gun...and I dont watch football"...and dissapeared from this topic forever*

16:00:33 Apr 20th 08 - Sir Valentine:

WTF.. 4 good guys has been killed!

16:46:06 Apr 20th 08 - Mr. Karalius Mindaugas:

*'It was... Valentine...', says Karalius Mindaugas and then dies with a peaceful look on his face. (which does not look so peaceful because it was smashed by a baseball bat)*

17:19:16 Apr 20th 08 - Mr. Durza The Wolfen Avenger:

"Hmm, dam, why do you all keep dieing!"

17:34:51 Apr 20th 08 - Lord Seloc:

Police - 8
Captain - 1x
Sergeant - 1x
Jury - 3x
Jailer - 1x
Police psychologist - 1x
Probation officer - 1x

Civillians - 6
Vigilante - 1x
Citizens - 3x (Plato - Dead, Pinduca - Dead, Charley/Kara - dead)
Peeping Tom - 1x
Priest - 1x (Charley/Kara - dead)

Mafia - 6
Don - 1x
Consigliere - 1x
Hitman  - 2x
Soldiers - 2x

Just as a FYI.

23:51:28 Apr 20th 08 - Sir Valentine:

Zzzz... I take my chance! I choose you Seloc! You are the mastermind behind this!!!

[Vote: Seloc]

23:56:17 Apr 20th 08 - Mr. Killer:

Police - 8
Captain - 1x
Sergeant - 1x
Jury - 3x
Jailer - 1x
Police psychologist - 1x
Probation officer - 1x

Civillians - 6
Vigilante - 1x
Citizens - 3x (Plato - Dead, Pinduca - Dead, Charley - dead)
Peeping Tom - 1x
Priest - 1x (Karalius - dead)

Mafia - 6
Don - 1x
Consigliere - 1x
Hitman  - 2x
Soldiers - 2x

Just as he was praying, so he must be the priest...

00:03:08 Apr 21st 08 - Mr. Plato The God of Knowledge:

Omg, already 4 good people died.

Yes this is a video tape.

*video explodes*

05:56:14 Apr 21st 08 - Prince Gorris Septim:

[[OOC: Voting closed.]]

06:01:15 Apr 21st 08 - Prince Gorris Septim:

Seloc looks around him to see men in black jumpsuits aiming tommy guns at him.

"I am no murderer!", he yells before being pumped full of lead, his body falls with a loud thud and letter to an anonymous Don falls out of his pocket, revealing Seloc to be the consigliere.

A video is found in everybody's room later, Septim sits in his chair.

"Ahhh, a Mafioso has fallen, that is good for good, bad for bad, I bet you are all saying 'About time somebody got something right...', anyhow, please keep up the drama, I am getting mildly entertained...", said the man in the chair before the video cuts out, flies out of the VCR, and explodes in a small cloud of smoke.

Police - 8
Captain - 1x
Sergeant - 1x
Jury - 3x
Jailer - 1x
Police psychologist - 1x
Probation officer - 1x

Civillians - 6
Vigilante - 1x
Citizens - 3x (Plato - Dead, Pinduca - Dead, Charley - dead)
Peeping Tom - 1x
Priest - 1x (Karalius - dead)

Mafia - 5
Don - 1x
Consigliere - 0x (Seloc - Dead)
Hitman  - 2x
Soldiers - 2x

06:50:23 Apr 21st 08 - Sir Spud The Illusionist:

[[OOC: Dorry I was out for a bit, was tuning up my computer.]]

*Spud walks out and realizes everything that he has missed. Spud then colapses at the news of all the dead people and curls into the fetal position and rocks back and forth.*

"Mommy, Mommy, Mommy...."

08:22:54 Apr 21st 08 - Ms. Natalia:

[OCC: sorry i haven't been on... family stuff!]

*looks about and notices that 4 people have already died. "That not very good i must have slept too long! How is everyone else?"

08:38:05 Apr 21st 08 - Lord Seloc:

So I was the man behind it all huh? Like I say you should vote out the inactives first....

08:43:14 Apr 21st 08 - Ms. Natalia:

You where inacative?

08:49:29 Apr 21st 08 - Lord Seloc:

No thats why I mentioned it.....a bit of dry humor I believe.

08:49:42 Apr 21st 08 - Sir Valentine:

Heh heh... I knew it!

Who is the Don huh!!

08:51:39 Apr 21st 08 - Lord Seloc:

Lol Valentine must be evil cause he's siding with the evil side! (police)

11:04:40 Apr 21st 08 - Sir Valentine:

Dude! Don't accuse me man. I am not siding you!! Heh heh.

I voted you are one of those mafia... and see! I knew it! Heh heh heh! One down, 5 more to go.. xD

I have to study more on those mafia words!!

*Val is looking around, studying everybody's movement....*

Hua hua hua hua!! xD

15:09:54 Apr 21st 08 - Lord Mac:

"Things are starting to look interesting... But I want to do some sports. Anybody up for baseball?

*Mac goes off to find some other people to play baseball with*

{Also Septim, please post a list of who is still alive. Thanks}

15:56:36 Apr 21st 08 - Prince Gorris Septim:

Spud is walking down the street when he sees a shadow on the rooftop, he looks up and is shot in the throat with the sniper rifle, the hitman has killed Spud, two minutes later the vigilante walks up to Spud and sees his corpse on the ground, he runs off soon after.

A video tape is found in each person's room.

"Good show", said Septim "Two murderers, one victim! Anyways, the vigilante and the hitman both targeted him, wow, that was good! Spud was an innocent citizen, but okay! Now, I would like you all to go to 236 Capone Boulevard and punch a card with your name on it..."

[[OOC: Fancy way to present an inactivity sweep, whomever doesn't post from this point until 24 hours from now will be killed. What happened there was the vigilante and the hitman targeted the same person...]]

Police - 8
Captain - 1x
Sergeant - 1x
Jury - 3x
Jailer - 1x
Police psychologist - 1x
Probation officer - 1x

Civillians - 3
Vigilante - 1x
Citizens - 1x (Plato - Dead, Pinduca - Dead, Charley - dead, Spud - Dead)
Peeping Tom - 1x
Priest - 0x (Karalius - dead)

Mafia - 5
Don - 1x
Consigliere - 0x (Seloc - Dead)
Hitman  - 2x
Soldiers - 2x

  1. Atreides
  2. Might the God of Cows
  3. Goodboys
  4. Demonsul
  5. Revenge
  6. Mac
  7. Erunion Telcontar
  8. Killer
  9. Pirate Lewatha
  10. Valentine
  11. Soccer
  12. Durza
  13. Deathuelf
  14. Verll
  15. Natalia
  16. Shinigami

16:00:17 Apr 21st 08 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

{Posts! Sorry, I was gone all yesterday...}

16:13:34 Apr 21st 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

*Might blows some bubbles.*

16:28:48 Apr 21st 08 - Pirate Lewatha:

wow, the citizens are really being targeted , huh?

are we still suposed to vote?

16:29:43 Apr 21st 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

Vote: Erunion

16:32:17 Apr 21st 08 - Sir Spud The Illusionist:

[[OOC: I wasnt inactive! I was out this weekend cause my computer! GAH! I even posted when I got back and was about to post again too....but now im dead. How crappy.]]

*Like always, Spuds ghost screams words that everyone hears.*

"Good've killed another innocent bystander. I was evil last game but that doesnt mean that Im ALWAYS evil...why cant people just leave me alone!"

*With that said, Spuds ghost implodes into confetti.*

16:43:07 Apr 21st 08 - Sir Soccerispeaceful:

Septim, feel free to kill me off or give my role to someone else. I will no longer be active. I don't have the time for VU anymore, and werewolf falls into that category ;) good bye all!

17:18:12 Apr 21st 08 - Sir Valentine:

Darn.. Another dead innocent... Soccer... Hmm Okie... We will miss you.. Bye bye.. xD

*Val sees a piece of chewing gum wrapper in the dustbin at the scene where Spud is dead!*

'Aha!! It might be Might.. xD '

[Vote: Might]

17:21:47 Apr 21st 08 - Pirate Lewatha:

(vote : Valentine)

17:34:58 Apr 21st 08 - Mr. Deathuelf:

[Vote: Might]

17:41:14 Apr 21st 08 - Mr. Killer:

*Killer wanders along the street. The crinimals seemed to be doing well. No surprise there. Killer sighed.*

17:42:27 Apr 21st 08 - Sir Shinigami:

Hmm, I'm going to have to vote for Valentine. Something about this guy is just odd...

(Vote: Valentine)

19:05:12 Apr 21st 08 - Mr. Atreides:

Isn't Valentine the one who voted for Seloc first? I think it's kinda suspicious that people are voting for him out of nowhere....I think those two must be evil!

[Vote: Lewatha]

20:44:00 Apr 21st 08 - Mr. Durza The Wolfen Avenger:

"Another desturbing night"

[Vote: Might]

21:15:28 Apr 21st 08 - Lord Seloc:

[Vote: Valentine]

*Seloc hopes no-one notices he's dead, and back with a vengence!*

22:31:47 Apr 21st 08 - Lord Mac:

{Vote: Might}

"Now my friends here are my reasons for his death. As you all know I have much experience in this kind of reasoning as I have observed many times. As Might was one of the first ones to post (Erunion of course posting for activity sake) following the death of Spud, it seems logical to me, that he is either a very poor Vigilante (for killing all good), or one of the mafiosi. Join the vote and rid us of him!"

*Mac waits for thunderous applause*

23:06:53 Apr 21st 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

[Well aren't you going to get a surprise...]

My reasons for voting Erunion: He has told us to vote to kill every one of the Good Guys. He msut be trying to control us :P

23:51:47 Apr 21st 08 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

"Where in ZeTa's name did you pull that up!?!?!? I haven't even voted once, let alone to kill all of the good guys! Please, bring proof of this before me!
Now, since Might is voting on clearly flawed principles, I must myself vote against him!"

{Vote: Might}

{Also, sorry I've been inactive over the past few days. I'll try and pick up my activity level.}

00:11:52 Apr 22nd 08 - Sir Valentine:


Lew! Fine! If i survive, i will vote you out! =) You voted me out, out of no reason.. And that is weird.

Lol @ Seloc..

Anyway, the death picks for this round are alot compared before and it will be  a quite unexpected results, i think..

*Val now sitting at the side of the street, thinking what went wrong.*

'Did i make the wrong pick? Is it a woman behind all these? Hmm.. Shouldn't underestimate the mind of the womens nowadays. And i have been picked as well.
Is this the end of me? '

05:42:15 Apr 22nd 08 - Prince Gorris Septim:

Might sees the group of people surround him and pulls out a paper.

"I am a j-", he is killed before he finishes his sentance. Later a video tape is found in each room.

"Might was a juror, I tell you what good team, you'd better get your act together...", said the man...

The video tape flies out and explodes.

[[It is now know what to do...]]

08:33:18 Apr 22nd 08 - Sir Valentine:


'Mighttttt... Sorry man... I shouldn't have picked you although there is a chewing gum wrapper in the dustbin near Spuds incident.. '

*Val went to the candy store and bought all type of chewing gums and drop it on Mights body.. Put some into Might's t-shirt pocket and pants pocket..*

'May you rest in peace Might..'

*Val regretted with what he has done.. Broke down.. Don't know what to do.. Scared to make the same mistake again.. *

' I do not know who to pick.. I shall vote later.... and i think i know who i will vote.. i did say it before.. '

16:27:26 Apr 22nd 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:


16:32:45 Apr 22nd 08 - Prince Gorris Septim:

Nothing happens this night, except for the locking up of Erunion Telcontar by the town jailor...

[[Erunion is protected from the vote...]]

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