Forums / Roleplaying / Good and evil

Good and evil
18:17:38 Jan 12th 08 - Prince Cephorus Septim IV:

*Septim is some bald pale weird creature with a magical ring.

"Nobody is going to take my preciousss, oh no...that filthy little hobbit hasn't a chance against us..."

18:20:10 Jan 12th 08 - Mr. Vengence:

cool that mean your playing too, or is that just SP@M? if you want to play then sure, revenge is on the good team and septim is on the evil team

18:26:44 Jan 12th 08 - Prince Cephorus Septim IV:

[[OOC: Awwww, I like good...but wait? You say Revenge is on the Good team? Alright! I'm in! EVUL 4 LIFE!!!]]

*Septim crawls over to an axe and starts chopping wood while keeping a grip on his precioussssss.

18:27:28 Jan 12th 08 - Mr. Vengence:

[septim, i made you evil cos how you describe yourself is evil]

18:31:29 Jan 12th 08 - Prince Cephorus Septim IV:

[[OOC: That was intended to be SP@M...but I see that you are in need of me. I will describe my real guy.

Prince Cephorus Septim IV of Cidel
Heir to the Cidellian throne, which is currently held by Tiber Septim I, Cephorus's ancestor (My first character, he was brought back to life and is immortal now...) Cephorus is a master swordsman and good archer, he uses heavy mithril armor and a sword called Firengard.

Make him what you wish, he can be good or evil.]]

18:34:40 Jan 12th 08 - Mr. Vengence:

k....i think you are good, and revnge evil with that description.

*out of the shadows, came a large animal. it had blood red teeth, which were razor sharp. it also had large claws, with the remains of revious snacks stuck between them. it was like a wolf, but much larger, and had a line of sclaes down its back form protection. This was the ultimate predator, and all creatures ran from it's presence. It sniffed the air, and catching septims scent, starts to sneak towards him*

18:36:47 Jan 12th 08 - Prince Cephorus Septim IV:

*Septim turns to see the vile creature.

"...go ahead...attack..."

*The creature jumps at Septim and Septim steps aside, drawing Firengard with lightning speed he slices the predator's tail off.

18:41:04 Jan 12th 08 - Mr. Vengence:

*with a savage cry the creaure lunged at septim, but diverted its attack when it saw the blade that had cut off its tail. it quickly jabbed in, and caught septims arm, making a dep cut down the length of his arm.*

18:43:06 Jan 12th 08 - Prince Cephorus Septim IV:

*Septim switched to his left hand and counter-attacked with a slash at the creature's head.

19:24:56 Jan 12th 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

*Might flew up in the air on Fine Parchment Paper to try and reunite his team.*

19:30:32 Jan 12th 08 - Mr. Wraithish:

*Wraithish looked up into the air and sensed a presence coming his way. Expecting the worst he drew his weapons and partly hid behind a bush. However a huge creature carrying a rider passed where he had been only moments before.

Wraithish recognised Might and whistled sharply. Might turned around and waved at him.

'You sure took your time. Nice dragon you got there,' Wraithish told him.*

19:34:13 Jan 12th 08 - Mr. Vengence:

*below on the ground around wraithish a large minotaurish looking beast was disturbed by his whistling. annoyed, it stuck its head out of its hole that it had been sleeping in, and seing might and wraithsih, sniffed the ari greedily. it then clowly crept towards then, quivering with excitment at coming across such tender flesh*

19:45:34 Jan 12th 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

*Mights dragon, Fine Paper Parchment, jumped and flew off and moments later came back with a dead minotaurish creature.*

"My nose is very good and minotaurs have bad hygiene."

19:59:11 Jan 12th 08 - Mr. Wraithish:

[[Dude, can we try make it abit more intersting next time? -_-]]

20:09:58 Jan 12th 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

[Why would I do that? I could kill the thing with a finger!]

20:16:11 Jan 12th 08 - Mr. Killer:

*Killer takes a long look around him, but seeing nothing in the darkness. He notches an arrow and puts it on fire, and shoots in a random direction. He hears a noise, and walks in the direction of it, Death following him. He can see a demon is groaning in the dim light, having being struck by the arrow. It is huge, around 20 foot high, and Killer stares up at it, wondering how such a small thing could hurt it. He steps back, draws his sword, and faces the demon...*

20:22:24 Jan 12th 08 - Mr. Vengence:

*once the demons tiny brain had managed to realise that the arrow had done hardly any damage, it stopped groaning and stood to its full height, roaring. after a few minutes of roaring it noticed killer, who had his ears covered. after another five minutes its tiny brain managed to think that the arrow might have been killers. with a strange high pitched squeal it leaped at killer, smashing one giant foot on top of him. at least that was the plan, but it missed and only clipped killer on the way past. because of the force put into the stamp however, killer still flew high into the air, then landed on his back in a smoke pit

The smoke pits are full of mud, which you do not sink into, but sticks to your skin and is extremely hard to get off. rising of the surface of these pits is a putrid smoke, which makes it hard to breathe. very few survive an encounter with them*

20:43:59 Jan 12th 08 - Sir Revenge:

Revenge has a magic ball in his hand which he chucks to killer

" Take this! " Revenge cried
Revenge in the meen time ripped one demons arm off and sliced another in one long motion
" Should gie you a little boost"
Revenge again diced into 4 demons and kicked another in the head with his large black boots breaking his neck

20:48:17 Jan 12th 08 - Mr. Vengence:

bugger off revenge, either play properly or dont play at all. I dont think you would enjoy me doing this in islands.

21:04:07 Jan 12th 08 - Mr. Killer:

*Killer would die from the stench, if he did not get up soon. He couldn't get up, as it was sticky in the smoke pit. He calmed himself down, and made sure he did not panic. He calmly(as calmly sa possible at any rate) reached up around the smoke pit, to see if there was anything to pull on. He found something, and heaved himself out, gasping for pure, clean air, cleaner than in the smoke pit anyway. He looked at what he had grabbed onto to get himself out. He saw a leg. He looked up. He realised it was the creature's leg. He sighed, and cursed. It had obviouly followed him. He reached for his sword, but realised it was lost. He cursed once more. He quickly got up, and stepped back,more alert this time for any attack, with the knowledge that the creature was fairly slow. He took from a pocket in his clothing, and pulled from it a slinshot. He reached for the ground and picked up some stone, and hurled them quickly with the slingshot. He wondered if they hit anything tender. Probably not. He stepped back quickly...*

21:06:59 Jan 12th 08 - Mr. Vengence:

*the creautre roared in pain. then realised the stone had done no damage. then, it leap forward towards killer, who was still standing next to the smoke pit. it landed in the smoke pit, spraying the sticky mud all over the ground around him, in a an attempt to get free, it put its hand on it foor and pulled, but that got its hand stuck too. it did the same with the other, then stayed like that, bent over with its hands on its feet

21:14:18 Jan 12th 08 - Mr. Killer:


*Killer looked at the creature, and then decided there wasn't anything more that he could do without endangering his life. He walked away, wondering where to go...*

21:37:39 Jan 12th 08 - Mr. Vengence:

*the creature watched as killer walked away. with a sudden burst of strebgth that came from his rage, the creautre pulled itself up, and ran at killer. it picked him up, and started to lower him towards his mouth, getting closer, and closer..........*

13:41:30 Jan 13th 08 - Mr. Killer:

*Killer cursed again. He was getting fed up with cursing, he usually didn't do much. He took out a small knife and stabbed the creature in the finger. The creature dropped him, even though Killer doubted he was hurt. He backed away, wondering where Death was.*

13:50:30 Jan 14th 08 - Mr. Vengence:

*once the demon had got over the small finger wound, itr charged killer again, but its attention was grabbed by a passing rodent. the demon grabbed, and sat chewing it happily*

18:56:55 Jan 14th 08 - Mr. Killer:

*Killer got fed up with the creature and ran away.*

18:59:08 Jan 14th 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

*Might with Meowman started searching for some other people.*

20:17:00 Jan 14th 08 - Mr. Wraithish:

*Wraithish looked around. The smoke seemed to have engulfed Might because he was right behind him. Hoping for the best but fearing the worst he walked in a random drection, carefully avoiding the pits of quicksand all around him.*

17:32:00 Jan 16th 08 - Mr. Vengence:

*might, though wraithish didnt know it, had fallen into a smoke pit. slowly he was covered in the thiick mud, and started to suffocate. he needed to get out NOW*

18:13:14 Jan 16th 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

*Might tells Fine Parchment Paper to grab Wraithish and get him out of the mud pit. Fine Parchment Paper gets Wraithish out of the mud pit.*

"Why did you fall in that mud pit?"

18:50:04 Jan 16th 08 - Mr. Wraithish:

[Read properly next time... You were the one in the pit -_-]

*Thanks Might for saving him. At that moment he sees shadows moving around in the smoke. He unsheathes his weapons and prepares for a fight while telling Might to do the same.*

[If you use your dragon to shorten and ruin the story once more I'll slit your throat..... I'm evil so I can technically do it without any regrets...]

19:47:42 Jan 16th 08 - Mr. Killer:

*Killer must have fallen asleep, as he now looked up to a sunny enough day. He wandered onwards, sword unsheathed in case of any sudden attacks.*

19:50:02 Jan 16th 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

[Wraithish. Ask Vengence why he asked a God to be in his RP AND allowed me to get a dragon.]

"I grow tired of this. Time to shake things up!"

*Might tells his dragon to pick up Wrathish and throw him as far as he could.*

"I didn't like the look in your eyes, kid, sorry it had to end this way."

20:08:54 Jan 16th 08 - Mr. Wraithish:

*Wraithish lands in a pile of soft moss but breaks his leg. He gets two sticks, about the length of his leg, and places them on either side of the broken leg. Then, he forces the leg straight and tears off a piece of his clothing. He uses that as a bandageand wraps it around the broken leg and the two pieces of wood, thus creating a crude splint.

After he does this, Wraithish limps around for a firm piece of wood and fashions that into a stave using his dirk. When this is done he limps off, keeping his weight off the broken leg, swearing an oath to kill Might.*

20:24:14 Jan 16th 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

*Meanwhile Fine Paper Parchment is hovering in the air over Wraithish.*

"Can't I just kill him?"

"NO! This is all going according to my master plan!"

20:33:57 Jan 16th 08 - Mr. Wraithish:

[Its a field full of smoke, genius. You'd have to be breathing down my neck to see me]

*Senses something watching him and hides*

20:39:14 Jan 16th 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

[Its called heat sight. Every Dragon has one.]

20:44:51 Jan 16th 08 - Mr. Killer:

[I think Might shouldn't be *beep*ming so freely, and god-moding so much... Even if he calls himself a god in-game...]

20:55:13 Jan 16th 08 - Mr. Wraithish:

[So its not just me......]

20:59:26 Jan 16th 08 - Mr. Wraithish:

[Anyway... heat-sight in fields of smoke?? You'd be blind as a bat... -_- ]

23:38:40 Jan 16th 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

[I ain't God moding. I have a Dragon. Most Dragons have Heat sight.]

13:56:04 Jan 17th 08 - Mr. Vengence:

people, please get on with the game. might, before posting please read things that have happened, and dont make up things like that. you didnt specify your dragon had heat sight when you first had it as a mount, so you dont get to add it now. end of discussion.

20:34:28 Jan 17th 08 - Mr. Wraithish:

*A shadow appeared in the smoke infront of Wraithish. he unsheathed his weapons. He shifted his weight onto his right leg, which was his good one. A cloaked man stepped out infront of him holding a sharp, two pronged spear spear.

The man charged at Wraithish and stabbed at him. Wraithish parried easily and stabbed the man in the shoulder with his dirk. The man howled in pain and slashed weakly at him with the spear. Wraithish hopped back and forced the spear into the ground. He placed a foot on it and slit the mans throat.

Wraithish searched the man and food 50 gold coins, a strange, sweet smelling ointment that smelt vaguely familiar and a set of about 20 iron throwing knives. He took all these, although he didn't know when he would be able to use the coins. He threw away the crude walking stick and used the spear instead and walked off into the smoke, once again.*

20:49:07 Jan 17th 08 - Mr. Killer:

*Killer continued onwards. He found Death. He told him to wait there, not knowing if he would understand him. He did, or seemed to as he waited where he was. Killer walked on, searching for the rest of his party, who seemed to have disappeared...*

23:49:47 Jan 17th 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

[Vengence I did not need to tell you that. Most dragons have Magic and Sight. Unless they are crippled.]

15:26:31 Jan 18th 08 - Mr. Vengence:

i said end of discussion

17:03:20 Jan 18th 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

[Aha! So my dragon has Magic and Sight?]

17:04:08 Jan 18th 08 - Mr. Vengence:


Mr. Vengence

1/17/2008 12:56:04 PM
people, please get on with the game. might, before posting please read things that have happened, and dont make up things like that. you didnt specify your dragon had heat sight when you first had it as a mount, so you dont get to add it now. end of discussion.





02:27:01 Jan 19th 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

[Well.....Sense you are going back on what you allowed me to do.]

*Might decides that this is getting boring and goes into his Cow Heaven to do special stuff.*

18:12:58 Jan 19th 08 - Mr. Wraithish:

[Hey Vengence can you give me an enemy/ group of enemies to fight please? :)]

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