Forums / Roleplaying / The Map Of Asroth [ RP]

The Map Of Asroth [ RP]
15:49:24 Dec 27th 07 - Mr. Killer:

*Killer sighted his first glimpses of the city. He hoped they were real this time. He trotted on, still in pace with the others. He woud be glad to leave these forsaken lands.*

17:06:26 Dec 27th 07 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

[I have a griffin. He is tired but not exhausted.]

03:57:32 Dec 28th 07 - Sir Gaius Aureliae:

Gaius suddenly notices nothing has happened for a while. "This is strange", he thought. "We should have reached the city some hours ago. We are advancing in a very slow pace!"

05:07:15 Dec 28th 07 - Mr. Atreides:

Where the heck are Killer and Gaius? The rest of us reached the city a while ago with Killstone. I wonder what a nice place to stay would be...

reides goes wandering through the city trying to find an inn that would provide comfort and...uhm...entertainment for the night.

05:23:45 Dec 28th 07 - Mr. Xanatos Chivalier:

*some one with 4 men along side him emerge from the city center and go to greet the small pack of travelers*
"i heard there would be a small group of travelers heading to the city to stoke up for a long quest may i join you i have 3 extra horses that can travel long distances with allot of equipment"

05:39:28 Dec 28th 07 - Mr. Xiax:

"Haha! Yes! I could definately use a horse! And even if you don't manage to join us, give me a horse and I'll make it worth your while."

*wink* *wink* *blink* drool* *blows nose*

"Yeah, I got a coin from Atriede's man-purse, I hope this covers it."

05:43:53 Dec 28th 07 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

*Might walks over and bites one of the horses heads off. J/K!*

*Might looks at Xiax little "episode"*

06:02:24 Dec 28th 07 - Mr. Xanatos Chivalier:

lol ill only give over a steed if i get to come along you'r horses wont makke it very far with a 300 pound dwarf on there backs he needs a horse to his own

06:09:26 Dec 28th 07 - Mr. Atreides:

Atreides is forced to accept the theft because calling Xiax out would involve admitting that he does in fact own a man-purse.

06:27:06 Dec 28th 07 - Mr. Xiax:

"Wait, what? I'm not a 300 pound dwarf..."

06:52:42 Dec 28th 07 - Mr. Xanatos Chivalier:

lol w/e u cant have a steed unless im coming along( i registered so you have to take me along)

14:28:07 Dec 28th 07 - Mr. Killer:

*Killer wondered how the rest suddenly disappeared into the city... He breaks into a gallop, and reaches the city in 4 minutes. He reaslises it wasn't as far as he had thought. Killer wanders around the city, wondering where the rest are. He sees a bookshop, and wanders into it. He found the book he was looking  for, a book about plants. He browses through it, and doesn't find what he is looking  for, Glugginarkis. He finds buttercups instead. He looks at the picture of it, which was very well drawn, and sees the striking similiarities between it and the plant he plucked.
The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

However, the petals of the plant he had, are six. He should have recognized such a difference. He read through the page, and read that buttercups always have 5 petals, that common type anyway. He looked at the meadow buttercup, bulbous buttercup, thistle buttercup and others, but none had six petals. He decided that what he was holding was a Glugginarkis, which, if he recalled correctly, could heal all types of poisons. Just then, the shopkeeper shouted at him "OY! Keep your grubby hands off that, unless you're going to pay for it. It's 100 gold." Killer thought this very expensive, so put the book down, and left the shop, looking for his companions.*

23:02:40 Dec 28th 07 - Mr. Killstone The Exploiter:

"you can come wtih us Xanatos as long as you let people who need horses have one of your spares."

"lets go and find the missing people in the party"

The group walks off in search of the rest of the group before night hits

02:06:13 Dec 29th 07 - Mr. Xanatos Chivalier:

thank you killstone i would just like to know what im willing to put mine and my most power full members on the line for

and as you can see for all those who are good i have an allie for each of you i have 2 dwarves( as you can see they're rather quite fat but mostly muscle) which are basically close range members of my crew and 2 expert elves

13:39:59 Dec 29th 07 - Sir Revenge:

The men retreated to their dorms in the inn , Erunion was greatly largly by his old elven friends, they would stay a night before galloping off towards the water fall.

Many of the men slept well but the dark men stayed awake draining energy from the black blanket of sky ready for tomorrow, Revenge also did not sleep, He could feel a familiar presence close by, he stepped out into the long black hallway, he lit a candle and followed the familiar presence down the hall, he thought he could hear perhaps Aurelious behind him but he took no notice

He got to the large wooden door which inside he could now feel the presence even greater, he knocked on the door softly, the door creaked open " Hello " touched Revenge, he saw a shadow on the floor, there was someone behind the wall next to the door, he peaked round and saw a large man, " Hello?"

He was welcomed by the tone of an old friend  " Hello Revenge " replied the once great swordsman Longard, these two before worked side by side in the war against the Isotopians, Longard had lost one eye in that war and two fingers.

The two sat down and talked over last journeys they have had while they were away, Revenge asked the large swordsman if he would like to come along but the answer was a simple " No " because Longard could not fight as he used too and felt he would slow the group down. But the two freinds sat until early morning chattering about whatever would make themselves more heroic that the other

 When Revenge left he heard laughter coming from downstairs, there the men sat around the table and fed upon a large plate of fried foods and simple porridge, Reveng joined them , this meal would fill most up for five days, he peered own at the vast mound of food upon his plate before more was added, he chuckeled before tucking into the meal, however Erunion was no where too be seen....

14:17:22 Dec 29th 07 - Demonic Shezmu:

After Shezmu had undone his summoned creature, he slowly walked the streets for a while, it seemed safe here in this town...too safe...considering the lands in front of it had been tainted by some sort of plague...and so he carefully saught for signs of danger...could not find any at all...not even in the shadows of the buildings seemed to lurk danger...allmost unnatural...eventually Shezmu went back towards the inn to join his fellow travellers...

He sat down at a table in the dark corner of the inn, with a plate of wellcooked poultry in front of him and a bottle of the best wine the innkeeper had to offer him. He digged in, enjoyed it and even asked for seconds...and thirds and fourths when it came to the bottles of wine...when he finally decided it was time for him to catch some needed sleep to regain his powers for the next part of this trip towards the.locationer of that fabled sword they've been seeking...

Slowly Shezmu got up and went up the stairs towards the sleepingquarters, when he finally arrived at his room, he decided to work a bit of magic first...perhaps he could still find sources of imminent danger...and so he called forth an orb which could be used to scout the area whilst linked to caster vision mentally...the orb hovered down the stairs and slowly floated around the inn when Shezmu heard someone or something knocking on his door...

15:44:34 Dec 29th 07 - Mr. Killstone The Exploiter:

Killstone ate all that was on his plate and had seconds and thirds of those great heaps of food. After he was done he felt as if he would explode! he went up to his bed to lay on it for a bit while he digests some of his food

22:34:55 Dec 29th 07 - Sir Gaius Aureliae:

Gaius had followed Revenge into Longard´s room, knowing he could get something from this. When the both men started to converse, Gaius saw a chance to sneak to the shadows and take something he had seen on the top shelf. It was a blue diamond with gems, craved into an ancient looking necklace. "The necklace of Isotopia!", he muttered. After that, he got away, and never told anyone of what he had just done.
The next day, Gaius saw everyone eat downstairs... He missed eating, but there was nothing a Dark Spirit could do about that. He had to feed from darkness, but he would always feel hungry.

22:37:47 Dec 29th 07 - Mr. Killer:

*Killer found the place where the company was staying. He went in, and saw food heaped up in mounds upon plates, and at those plates, were his companions eating. He joined them, and ate plenty, but even he could not put down the whole plateful. He went up to his quarters to sleep.*

15:40:11 Dec 30th 07 - Mr. Killer:

*Killer woke very early in the morning, at dawn. He rode out on his pony into the surrounding countryside around the town with nought but his bow and arrows, mortar and pestle, and a flask. He started to gather plants to make a potion, to revive the company's spirits and strength. He got some berries, gooseberries and blackberries. He then gathered some herbs, such as sage and thyme. Finally, he found rhubarb, cut the leaves off, and gathered them together, meaning to throw them away, but he decided they may be useful. He set about wrapping the leaves around the arrowheads. They weren't particurarly posionous, but they would kill a man, or at least make him sick. He then pounded some of his mixture together, along with some water from a nearby pond. It turned into a liquid after a while. He tasted it. It was incredibly bitter, but it revived him. He searched for something sweet to put in it, but could find nought. He bashed the rest of the mixture gradually, filling up the mortar each time, and pouring it into the flask. When he was finished, he dropped a petal of the Glugginarkis into the mixture, as the petals of the plant were the only part that healed  one from posions, he recounted. He cast a spell upon the flask, as someone may try to cast dark spells of magic on it, to posion it. He rode back to the inn were his companions were, and set the flask down on the table before them. "You may drink this if you so wi*beep* is not posionous, do not worry, but extremely bitter. There is only roots of rhubarb in it, gooseberries, blackberries, and some herbs. I recommend taking a large slug of ale immediately afterwards, to get rid of the taste. It will revive your strength and spirit." he told them. He poured himself a tankard, and followed his own advice in drinking it, taking a large slug of ale afterwards. He nearly spat the mixture back out, it was so bitter, but felt better upon taking it.*

17:48:09 Dec 30th 07 - Mr. Xanatos Chivalier:

*patrolling the halls with his men last night noticed a small green gem that looked like nothing he had ever seen before but, then in a clash of memory from a book back during the time of his ancestor's kingdom, was a gem from the queens necklace,he saw a drawing of it in a book he had read when he was younger.he wonders where the rest of it is he starts asking people about it around the tavern they were staying at
 the owner said that the gem was from his necklace he had at the top of the book shelf.when we got to the room the man yelled"THE NECKLACE,ITS GONE!"
"do you have any of the other jewels of Isotopia?"i said
the man said yes and pulled a book out of the shelf and the shelf just disapered
and as the man led the 5 others down into the small cave i noticed a small flash of light it was nearly all of the jewels of Isotopia, the elves quickly snatch an arrow out of there quiver and send it through the mans back and out his chest the 2 dwarves quickly start grabbing the jewels and putting them into a small bag but then he notices that there are foot prints in the dust and that there are two fresh areas on the table that have not collected dust he signals the two elves to pull out there blades and look for the other being in the room but it seems he has already left so Xanatos brings the bags and puts them on the extra 2 horses that he has brought and then he and his elves go out looking for some food that he can bring with him for the long journey and he sees a few odd looking herbs he gathers a few random herbs and he brings them back to ask the men tomorrow if any body knew what they were*

14:49:43 Dec 31st 07 - Mr. Freedom II:

[ Nicely written there all of you, one thing though Xanatos Full stops please :) ]

15:06:29 Dec 31st 07 - Mr. Freedom II:

[ I wish I was in this game :(  ]

16:36:49 Dec 31st 07 - Mr. Killer:

I'm sure Revenge will let you in...

*Killer sees one of the company come back, with herbs asking what they were. He had four. Killer examined them closely, and knew straight away the first one was Calendula, which aid digestion, and fight fungal infections. He looked through the other few, borage was another, which you could eat, but not do much else with. The other wa sage, which Killer was surprised that Xanatos didn't recognize it. He looked long and hard at the last one, but could not see what it was.*

02:57:00 Jan 1st 08 - Mr. Xanatos Chivalier:

*turns out that the local herb seller had disappeared with out a trace, As soon as Xanatos heres that he runs to Killer and tells him the news.Immediately after hearing the news Xanatos and Killer were both off to snatch a few herbs and little did they know but the last herb was a somewhat magical herb that can turn steel into dust after it touches it because Xanatos's had put it in his pocket and the next thing he knew instead of having a dull knife that would only be useful for herb collecting had a handful of ashes.Xanatos immediately looks at killer and tells him what it does and then thinks if most armor now is made of steel,he thinks to himself...*
"hey killer this herb we couldn't figure out what it was perhaps we can use it on an iron headed arrow is turns steel to ashes if we come across men with steel plated armor is would do nothing"
*xanatos uses his dagger to start collecting now that his dagger was ashes,he looks up and sees an old friend his name was freedom the second but heed rather be called freedom II*
"hey old friend what brings you here?"
(Freedom you wanted in and now you are)
*Killer notices a small pit of jewelery hanging out of a bag on one of Xanatos's
companion's bag's he sneaks over and takes a peak he then*
"Xanatos where did you get this jewelery?"
*Xanatos's  elves pulled an arrow from their quiver and are about to fire but Xanatos signals them to stand down*
"I stole it last night from a man's family that led down to the destruction of my ancestors Kingdom and it was my ancestors jewels anyways"
"keep it to you're self though theres one amongst the pack that is also after them but i don't know which 1 yet...I'm also Looking For the armor of Isotopia."
"lets go now we got enough herbs to last us a long while"
*Xanatos and Killer ride back to the group and tell them about all the herbs we got*
"i think we should ride now"

16:08:48 Jan 1st 08 - Mr. Killer:

*Killer looked at the remarkable herb. He wondered how the hell it turned steel to ash. He remarked to Xanatos that they should keep the herb secret, as no doubt someone would steal it, unfortunately, Xanatos had already told everyone. Killer goes into the stables, and looks at his pony, Bás, thoroughly. He seems to have been taken care of, but not very well fed. He spies a nosebag, and sticks it on his pony's head, and the pony has a nice feed. He then takes it off him and sets it back where it was. He reckoned they would be riding soon, so he saddled his pony, and ran him around a bit to warm up. He then waited for what Revenge would say to do.*

18:29:36 Jan 1st 08 - Mr. Xanatos Chivalier:

(i didnt tell them about that herb that herb i gave to my men as a secret weapon

00:56:37 Jan 2nd 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

*Might stares at Xanatos and Killers little group walk away from the herb seller. He then walks out of his hiding place and buys the exact same herb to test it out of Killers pony harnesses.*

02:08:43 Jan 2nd 08 - Mr. Xanatos Chivalier:

(the herb seller DISAPPEARED ) read the whole thing u Nimrod

16:41:49 Jan 2nd 08 - Sir Revenge:

[ Can we get somthing straight please, I am the Gamemaster , No one else can say " Oh look its bobo " he was my mate 88 years ago , no one can let people in, Gamemaster does that , another thing, no abuse to other people its not allowed and will give the Game and Me a bad name, I am trying to build ine back up not decrease it , please another thing, yes you can find things along the way , let it be sensible please, try to write in correct grammer, Killer is a fantastic example of what you should write like, well thought out neat and sensible paragraphs with the occasional picture , perfect , you dont have to speak about everything as well and use ***** all the time, I dont and alot of others dont either, Yes I am in a bad mood and thats why I am haing a go , happy new year ]

16:58:13 Jan 2nd 08 - Sir Revenge:

The men had their time in the city and were ready to head out to the waterfalls, Revenge was still worried about the misabsense of Erunion however he trusted in Erunion to return,

" Lets move out people " Cried Revenge in the tight red painted hallway shadowed by the large wooden door, he look to the stairs as ' the crew ' as he called them , ploded down the old stairs

They gav their best wishes and left, they got onto horseback and as they began to ride Erunion appeared on the back of Revenge's horse, then jumped off into the cold winter air and landed on a  reborn steed of his, they now knew the way to their next destination and they wanted thi more now then they had before....

[ This is where Xanatos's crew die ]

17:08:32 Jan 2nd 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

[Xanatos I didn't say I went to that herb seller.]

17:50:43 Jan 2nd 08 - Mr. Killer:

*Killer set off after Revenge. He fell back to his position in the back. He knew Bás was restless from being in the stables, and he kept getting faster. Killer let him run ahead for a while, and then fell back into position. He wondered where they would be going next.*

21:31:35 Jan 2nd 08 - Mr. Atreides:

That was rather boring...who cares about some silly little herbs. Strength and skill determine the victor, not some plants. Anyone who relies on herbs becomes dependent on them. I will never understand some in this group...maybe they're not worth understanding. Well, at least we're finally moving. Perhaps we'll have another interesting encounter.

21:34:04 Jan 2nd 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

*Might starts to work on imbueing his weapons with more and more magic so that he can use them as a well.*

21:48:47 Jan 2nd 08 - Mr. Xanatos Chivalier:

you know what revenge i quit this game i wanted to have fun you were inactive so me and killer were just going along fuuck you're a dumbass
You shouldnt host games like this if you're not gonna be active u

20:28:21 Jan 3rd 08 - Sir Revenge:

The men charged across the thinnly covered ground, full of small cracks and dying shrubs, this was unlike only a few miles ago, there was definatly somethign strange about Erunions old city, Revenge and the men continued regardless

Erunion was quiet for most of the time with only a slight mumrour and a cough every now and again, he also had a different bag, this was darker and had a slight rip on the ight side, Revenge felt something had gone wrong, perhaps meting an old relative, he just didnt know

Revenge felt somthing weird as he looked at the ground below themselves, a thought of pain, this is when Revenge's horse kicked up onto its back legs and struggled, it woud not continue.. " Listen " peeped Revenge
A long screached was heared, not human but of Nazgul....

" NAZGULS! " screamed Revenge, It wasnt like the others hadn't heared already though, they had dismounted their rides and had pointed their Bows and other firing equipment at the sky, the black underside of one Nazgul flew over the top followed by another, It was strage to see two at once, It almost seemed as if they new our.locationer.....

The men fired their weapons and the men riding the Nazguls, to no real evail, the flew down and screached at the men, they rode back hoping to reach a small mountain only about half a mile a way, to take refuge and perhaps think of a simple option, the men didnt want to run but it was their best option by far, to fight a Nazgul is one thing but two is plain stupidity

As the men rode as fast as they could a few of Xanatos's men were pushed off their horses by the large wing and wind gust the Nazguls could preduce, It was not long before most of them were dead as their horses were not a fine specimen to say the least, Xanatos didn't even look at his men as they were killed, and as a Nazgul neared killing him, one of his men rode his horse to save his leader, the young man no more than 20 was stabbed in the back by one rider, he gave his life but Xanatos did nothing, not a tear, he had no honour at all, the others looked on as finally the Nazguls caght up with Xanatos and ripped his head from his shoulders

The other Nazgul swooped down to gain speed on the gang, its eyes gleared at Aurelious and it was about to strike the young brave man just before a large ball of energy was pumped into the Nazguls face , dis-illusioning the Nazgul for a few seconds, Revenge didnt quite catch the man who saved Aurelious but that was not the problem

The men reached the cave just in time, the Naguls landed and feasted on the body of Xanatos and his crew.......

20:59:01 Jan 3rd 08 - Mr. Killer:

*Bás ran like the wind. Killer was in the middle, at the side of the pack while the group was running from the Nazguls. Not even the Nazguls could have caught him, Bás was riding so fast. He overtook most of the others, even thoguh he was half the size of some of them. But of course, he could not over-take the ones in the lead, the beasts, if that's what they were, were riding so fast. They got to a cave just in time, and Killer only then glanced back over his shoulder. Xanatos and his crew had fallen. Killer saw one man still running, he had been knocked off his horse, but was running nearly as fast as the Nazgul. Killer knew that nearly wasn't fast enough however, and got off Bás, as he wouldn't ride back, and charged at the young man. But, he tripped up over something, and landed on the ground. He looked up to see the young man teared apart, and the blood spurted all over the place, nearly reaching the cave. The Nazgul feasted upon him. Killer was shook with the horror of it. He stood up, and shot an arrow at the beast, to save the remainders of the corpse. The Nazgul didn't even flinch as it struck him. Killer hoped the posion in the arrow from the rhubarb would work, as he wasn't good enough to cast a spell at the beast to scare it away. But he knew it wouldn't work if it did at all, for a good while yet.*

01:47:46 Jan 4th 08 - Mr. Xanatos Chivalier:

revenge also nazguls are not the dragons a nazgul is a dark rider like you know the which kings in lotr they are nazguls

16:22:47 Jan 4th 08 - Sir Revenge:

Your not involved anymore sorry, and also Nazgul is the beast your information is incorrect

17:09:47 Jan 4th 08 - Lord Verll:

No revenge, the nazgul is the rider. The "beasts" are dragons

17:11:29 Jan 4th 08 - Sir Revenge:

Actually the rider is called a " Black Rider " the beast is a nazgul  ;)

17:44:39 Jan 4th 08 - Lord Verll:

VU Admin


3/28/2005 6:46:43 PM
Catapults are great offensive tools, with them you shoot large stones into the enemy city killing troops and destroying buildings.

The Archmages are powerful mages with the power to cast combat spells. The higher your magic level is, the stronger these troops will fight.

This rare warrior rides on a dragon, walls do not have any effect on them as they can fly.

These giant trolls are brutal fighters but they have more muscles then brain and might not only kill the enemy troops, but also some of your own troops.

They are very greedy and will not fight much. Instead they will blow up mines and steal as much gold as they can come over. When not in an army, they will work in the city mines, improving the gold and stone production.

Armies that have adventurers in them will be able to find treasures like gold or artifacts that will increase their science level.

(Edited by VU Admin 1/21/2007 7:54:41 PM)

Well, both Tolkien(The guy who came up with Nazguls in first place) and  the creator of this game disagree with you. Still sure that Nazies are the beast?

19:14:04 Jan 4th 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

The "beast" is a wyvern.

21:42:58 Jan 4th 08 - Sir Revenge:

Im not talking about VU , LoTr Is my base, in LoTr the Rider is called ' A Black Rider ' 

Look it up  =]

21:59:59 Jan 4th 08 - Lord Verll:

Revenge are you on drugs?

Have you ever seen or read lotr?

In J. R. R. Tolkien's Middle-earth legendarium, the Nazgûl (from Black Speech nazg, "ring", and gûl, "wraith, spirit"; also called Ringwraiths, Ring-wraiths, Black Riders, Dark Riders, the Nine Riders, or simply Riders or the Nine) are nine undead human kings who have succumbed through greed to Sauron's power and attained immortality as wraiths bound to the power of the One Ring as servants of The Enemy. They are first mentioned in his book The Lord of the Rings, originally published in 19541955. The book refers to the Nazgûl as Sauron's "most terrible servants."

Look here for gods sake!

22:45:19 Jan 4th 08 - Mr. Atreides:

[OOC: Nazguls are the warrior not the dragon.......but that is VERY irrelevant....does it really make a difference?]

01:56:39 Jan 5th 08 - Sir Gaius Aureliae:

Noticing this quest wasn't going anywhere, Gaius took out his sword and pushed against his death hearth. His death was swift and unexpected.


"I am already dead, I can´t die, you fools!", Gaius said with laughter. After that, he looked at his companions and said: "This thing isn´t working, so I´ll leave now before it is too late. Farewell my "friends"!"

With a quick movement, Gaius opens a portal into the dark world and enters it. He disappears into the dark, never to be seen again...

03:48:13 Jan 5th 08 - Mr. Xanatos Chivalier:

revenge ur rp is going down the lets just say ye olde tavern toilet

10:24:26 Jan 5th 08 - Sir Revenge:

 Na, Its not going down

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