Forums / Roleplaying / The Stormborn :The Black Staff

The Stormborn :The Black Staff
01:21:26 Apr 8th 08 - Prince Gorris Septim:

[[OOC: That last post is void, I decide when to continue the story and how, not now you get muckboy duty until this Sunday!]]

01:37:53 Apr 8th 08 - Mr. Plato The God of Knowledge:

*wakes up after a bad dream*

22:10:53 Apr 8th 08 - Mr. Plato The God of Knowledge:

*Plato starts to wash the muck up*

14:05:30 Apr 9th 08 - Sir Salaracen Bloodhand Vineraven:

Salaracen stood on the deck looking up at the nights sky.
He wondered what was going on back home, It was around this time of year that the incubated Yeral Drakes eggs would have hatched and the city would be full of the sounds of the young creatures running throughout the city hunting down things smaller than themselves. Eventually the Drakes would mature and the weakest would have died off, huge proud lizards that would finally be able too...

Salaracen woke from his flash back only to realise he was drooling a bit...

06:17:42 Apr 10th 08 - Prince Gorris Septim:

As the Stormborn sailed the seas, a tremor rocked the waves. The sea monster came from the deep, it's eyes now gone, but it's other senses all the sharper. Septim walks out onto the deck.

"Man the ballista! Grab your bows! The sea monster's back!"

11:20:26 Apr 10th 08 - Mr. Demonsul:

Demonsul rushed over to the ballista, and began to help the crew fire bolt after bolt at the creature.

15:41:17 Apr 10th 08 - Sir Salaracen Bloodhand Vineraven:

[this better be a different monster because we killed the Jormundi/sea serpent.]

Salaracen wiped his mouth and ran to the bow of the boat.
As the beast's spiny back skimmed the surface of the water Salaracen begun to chant an ancient Druchii spell.
In moments another beast from the deep surfaced, lunging its many jaws at the beast that threatened the Stormborne.
"What is that?" cried a crew member arming the ballista.
"Hydra" Salaracen replied.

15:45:47 Apr 10th 08 - Prince Gorris Septim:

Prince Gorris Septim

3/29/2008 8:29:02 PM

The sea serpent lunges at a young sailor named Bartimaeus, and Bartimaeus, out of luck, stabs his blade into the creature's eye, and doesn't let go. The creature roars in pain and swings his head back and forth in pain, but Bartimaeus still clings on, Bartimaeus then grabs a dagger from his leg sheath and stabs it into the creature's other eye. The creature swings it's head and Bartimaeus lets go, the creature roars and goes in to attack the ship, but misses and is shot with the ballista. The creature roars and goes down into the sea, not dead, but severely injured. Bartimaeus rises with his arm hanging limply at his side. The crew salutes and congratulates Bartimaeus, and Septim walks over to him.

"Good one", says Septim happily.

[[OOC: We sort of need to redo our positions...nobody has anything right now.

Captain - Gorris Septim

Second in Command -

Navigator -

Medic -

Melee Master -

Archery Master -

Magic Master -

Quartermaster -

Cook -

Ballista crew - Nostros, Besco, Fersir, Sigurd, Xarxes

Crew members - Aesius, Bartimaeus, Wessius, Conwell, Jaspus, Versol, Garsul, Vastol, Teskar, Olin, Rershot, Hesgir, Lostos, Topal, Oernir, Sofest, Bertol, and Grubbs.

Sailmaker -

Carpenters -

Say what you are, first come first serve, spots not filled will be filled with NPCs!]]


[[OOC: It's the same one!]]

Septim walks up behind Salaracen.

"It's a sea serpent! You can't tell even though you've fought one before?!"

16:36:45 Apr 10th 08 - Sir Salaracen Bloodhand Vineraven:

[{{Sir Salaracen Vineraven Frostsoul

3/30/2008 11:00:10 AMAs the mighty serpent lunged at the side of the boat Salaracen with perfect timing rose his sword. The head of the beast impaled onto the cruel blade of the Dark Elf. With its last dying moments the beast coughed and spluttered until a huge spit wad of poison splattered into Salaracens eyes.
The beast was dead but at what cost?
Salaracen fell to the deck unconscious, bringing the serpents body on deck a fair bit as well.}}]

[00c:You didn't notice my post ages ago?]
[plus Jormundi had many children so there could be thousands of these things...]

"I would if I-" Salaracens words were cut short as the Hydra that he had summoned was suddenly attacked from all sides by numerous numbers of Jorumundi. Each head fighting off one of the serpent like creatures.
"Get to the ballista... NOW!"


16:47:28 Apr 10th 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

*Might sat calmly on his bed sharpening something.*

16:51:19 Apr 10th 08 - Mr. Plato The God of Knowledge:

Plato grabbed onbe of the weapons from the last port and began to fire bow after bow at one of the serpent's eyes.  But the arrows just bounced right off the eyes.  How were they supposed to beat them.?  Plato grabbed his sword and ran right up to the bow, grabbed a rope, and jumped right on top of one serpent.  It struggled, and the other serpents noticed that it did.  They swam toward the serpent and lunged at Plato's head, but that was when he jumped off back into the ship, and the teeth went right into the serpent's head, killing one if them.

17:50:36 Apr 10th 08 - Prince Gorris Septim:

Septim draws two throwing knives and throws two into one of the beast's eyes. One hits, one misses, and the beast is quite angry, the jormundi attacks with full strength and Septim jumps on top of it, Septim stabs Firengard into the jormundi's head. The beast flails around and Septim jumps off onto the deck, he lands with a roll and runs towards the ballista, he turns it and fires the ready shot right into the beast's mouth, killing it.

"One down...ten to go, plus the hyrdra...those aren't good odds...", said Septim, "Men! Sail this away, and keep your distance from the sea monsters until either the hyrdra or the jormundi are dead! Then we will fight the weakened survivor!"

17:53:29 Apr 10th 08 - Mr. Plato The God of Knowledge:

Plato talks to himself.

"The odds that we win this are 1 in 100,000.  Then again, since when did we stick to the odds."

*suddenly, a Jormundi sticks it tail into Might cabin and ppulls him out into the battle*

17:58:55 Apr 10th 08 - Prince Gorris Septim:

"Don't tell me the odds!"

Septim's men sail away from the battle as the jormundi attacked the many headed hyrdra. After a long battle the hydra lost to the two remaining jormundi, and the Stormborn sailed in.

"Fight to the death or not at all men!", says Septim as he fires the ballista at a jormundi, missing.

18:01:42 Apr 10th 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

*As the tail comes in Might rolls away and impales it to the ground with a spear. He takes a axe and starts to chop at it.*

18:03:27 Apr 10th 08 - Mr. Plato The God of Knowledge:

Plato noticed that the Jormundi were more weaker than the hydra, and could be killed.  Plato shot arrows right at one of the Jormundi (plural form is?) eyes, blinding it.

18:29:43 Apr 10th 08 - Prince Gorris Septim:

The Jormundi throws it's head around, and knocks Might to the ground, it goes down to swallow Might, but a spear hits it from the side, Bartimaeus runs in front of Might with a longsword drawn and slashes out the Jormundi's eyes before delivering a fatal stab underneath the jaw.


Xarxes, one of the ballistamen, fires a massive projectile at the blinded jormundi, it hits it between the eyes and the Jormundi falls into the deep.

18:29:51 Apr 10th 08 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

Erunion, now starting to recover from his ailment, walked onto the deck with sword in hand.
He stood right in front of one of the Jormundi, then tossed a fireball at the creature. Enraged, it struck at him. Stepping slightly to the side and pivoting, Erunion rammed his Trendarat into the top of the creatures mouth, then smoothly pulled it out as the beast died on the deck.
"Get the other one lads!"
Running over Erunion started firing magical projectiles at the second creature.

{I'm back! Ish...

18:41:58 Apr 10th 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

*Might wonders how the Jormandi could climb on board and do that sense it was still in teh water and could only use its tail to get that far. Might kills Bartimaeus.*

18:43:53 Apr 10th 08 - Prince Gorris Septim:

The crew exiles Might to an island with nothing but an iron dagger for killing Bartimaeus and sails off to continue their journey.

18:46:53 Apr 10th 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

*Might takes out his jeweled dagger and hands it to Septim before he leaves.*

18:48:54 Apr 10th 08 - Prince Gorris Septim:

*Septim refuses it.

"I don't take gifts from murderers..."

The ship sails off...

[[OOC: You can still take back that post you did...]]

18:57:52 Apr 10th 08 - Mr. Plato The God of Knowledge:

I'm gonna guess that the last Jormundi died?

19:31:51 Apr 10th 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

[What? I thought this was all a joke :P]

*Might starts to work on a ship.*

20:49:32 Apr 10th 08 - Prince Gorris Septim:

[[OOC: ...oh...]]

Septim has a party on the ship which results in most of the crew getting drunk, Septim refuses to drink.

"Clouds the mind, I only drink when I'm in my home, not on a ship in the middle of a sea serpent infested ocean..."

20:49:33 Apr 10th 08 - Prince Gorris Septim:


21:06:57 Apr 10th 08 - Mr. Demonsul:

Demonsul (through a drunken haze) attempts to steer the ship, but ends up grounding it on Might's desert island.

21:07:51 Apr 10th 08 - Mr. Plato The God of Knowledge:

*Arvious IIII comes in and reverses time*

21:09:25 Apr 10th 08 - Mr. Demonsul:

[no he doesnt, i perma-killed him in SEE]

21:11:31 Apr 10th 08 - Mr. Plato The God of Knowledge:

[[Too bad]]

21:16:24 Apr 10th 08 - Mr. Demonsul:

[ignoring Plato]

Demonsul attempts to get the ship back into the water, but one man cannot shift the Stormborn, and it has no reverse. (Demonsul is still drunk btw)

Demonsul has the alcoholically induced idea of trying to hide the ship under palm leaves, to avoid detection for his stupid crime.

21:17:27 Apr 10th 08 - Prince Gorris Septim:

Septim walks out.

"Great...good thing Longships are built for being beached..."

21:17:34 Apr 10th 08 - Mr. Plato The God of Knowledge:

*Plato wakes up Demonsul from his odd dream*

21:20:56 Apr 10th 08 - Mr. Demonsul:

Demonsul falls on Plato, waking him up from his dream of waking Demonsul up

21:26:57 Apr 10th 08 - Mr. Plato The God of Knowledge:

*wakes Demonsul up from the dream about him waking me up waking you up*

*(gets confused and starts to walk on the island*

21:32:10 Apr 10th 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

*Might sneaks up on Plato and murders him with his jeweled knife.*

[Your ARVIOUS?!]

21:41:11 Apr 10th 08 - Mr. Plato The God of Knowledge:


*Might stabs his lung for no appaent reason*

21:52:45 Apr 10th 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

[ can't control other peoples players.]

*Might sneaks into the woods.*

21:53:24 Apr 10th 08 - Mr. Plato The God of Knowledge:

*runs into the jungle and kcks Might in the head*

22:11:57 Apr 10th 08 - Prince Gorris Septim:

*Septim stops time and kicks Plato in the testicles so hard they come out his mouth and reverses time to the party.

22:26:08 Apr 10th 08 - Mr. Plato The God of Knowledge:

*gets a surgery done, then grabs a gun and shoots Septim*

22:26:40 Apr 10th 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

[Septim, this has officially been killed. I told you that you shouldn't have let them in.]

22:27:23 Apr 10th 08 - Mr. Plato The God of Knowledge:

*he keeps kicking my testicles! damn*

And nothing dies until it does

22:51:07 Apr 10th 08 - Prince Gorris Septim:

*Septim, aboard the longship, banishes Plato to a desert island.

[[OOC: You have been kicked off this thread...]]

The ship sails off towards the port of Gosnoron, which is a small village held by a band of friendly northerners.

23:19:19 Apr 10th 08 - Mr. Plato The God of Knowledge:



13:08:32 Apr 11th 08 - Mr. Demonsul:

Back aboard the Stormborn, everyone starts to wake up from their drunken sleep (except Septim who never touched a drop and is at the wheel). Fighting through his hangover, Demonsul realizes that three of their crew members were missing, Might, Bartimaeus and Plato. He decides not to mention it, as they were probably killed by the sea monsters.

13:10:03 Apr 11th 08 - Sir Salaracen Bloodhand Vineraven:

As the last of the Jormundi slide back into the sea, Salaracen Comforted his summoned hydra.
As Salaracen whispered to the beast in a tongue that non of the humans on board would possibly be able to understand, the crew went back to everyday chores.
The High Elves aboard noticed what Salaracen was doing and looked away in disgust. In High Elven society speaking the tongue of serpent like reptiles was forbidden. This was because Dark Elves were adept at it. So rather than be second best at it, they forbid it altogether.

13:11:54 Apr 11th 08 - Mr. Demonsul:

[what? we're already past that sal...its the next day now, as far as i know]

17:52:30 Apr 11th 08 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

{Erunion wonders where the High Elves are... Note: I'm a Naergothrendarin elf, not a High elf... We are considerably more militaristic than either of the races. (Yes, even you Dark Elves.) This is partly culture and partly circumstance driven.
Dark Elves are proficient in Dark Magic and other evil things.
High Elves are just good at magic all around and tend to hold their nose at most things.
Naergothrendarin Elves don't use dark magic, but specialize in combat spells and are fantastic soldiers and warriors.}

09:11:34 Apr 12th 08 - Sir Salaracen Bloodhand Vineraven:

{Cough, EXcuse me Mr Naergothren elf. But Dark Elves in actual fact dont do magic that much. They are way more Militaristic than "Naergothrendarin" Elves.
Dark Elves Worship only Khaine the God of War, were as High elves worship all other manner of gods. From the day a Dark elf is borne into the world he is taught to kill and hate all others than his own kin.}
[And demonsul, I was just pretending the stupid part didn't happen, in other words going back a bit.]

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