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Ye Olde Taverne
21:03:24 Nov 23rd 06 - Sir Senturu:

yea i know where those are. many are found in the old world. give me some time and ill get em for ya.

*teleports to the old world mines. gathers the three metels and returns to the tavern within a matter of hours*

ok, here.

*hands the metels to Dael*

exactly wat are you trying to make?

21:17:18 Nov 23rd 06 - Sir Father:

*Father takes one hand and smashes up the rock hold him in place.*

*He sighs.*

"Well I guess to you sucking up an infinately small portion of my power may seem like a lot, but to me it's just getting annoying. Oh, and Karsath, your explaination of how you did that sucks. How did you make it look like it was floating in mid-air by itself?"

*Father also takes the orb thingy Dael has and eats it.*

"Tastes good."

*Father smiles.*

*Father gets really bad constipation...*


23:01:49 Nov 23rd 06 - Sir Tasthos Drathor:

Dael's four wings tear out of his back before he rips oupen Father's stomach, takes out the the Soul Crystal out, then casts a heal spell on Father before speaking, "I'm TRYING to get your powers back, fool. If you're not so arrogant to accept some help..."

Dael sits and begins casting scry spells, speaking, "Simple, Senturu. Arcanite, Neozothium, and Trilithoricon are the three metals Karsath cannot manipulate... My guess is I can easily shatter this Soul Crystal with use of their alchemical properties."

Dael then bursts the Soul Crystal open with a carefully timed impulse of magic and Arcanite ore. Immediately, wisps of light float around before spliting into two groups, one blasting it's way into Father and the other into Tasthos.

Tasthos falls to his knees, eyes closed. When Erikau approaches, Tasthos snarls, "S-Stay away..."

The flesh of Tasthos's wings tear and shatter, before blood and flesh are sent flying, around the bone wings, Tasthos now holds molten rock and flame. A sharp, ivory horn rises out of Tastho's snout, from the area between his eyes. His brows grow spiked ridges. Black markings appear below his eyes. Tasthos slowly stands before he turns his head to look at his enflamed wings, "My powers have been returned to me..."

Tasthos then smirks, "Alright, choice drinks around the room, on me! I feel like celebrating... And yes, that includes Father too."

"Khhh.. Damnit.." Nighthawk groaned.

(Edited by Sir Tasthos Drathor 11/23/2006 11:02:05 PM)

00:27:34 Nov 24th 06 - Mr. Tassadar:

Ahh  Tasthos you are right I do not have a mouth, where my mouth should be if I had one, there is a spot where my skin "as you carbon based lifeforms call it" super absorbs any liquid or food that I choose to eat or drink.

01:06:39 Nov 24th 06 - Sir Father:

*Father stares at Dael.*

"You danm *beep*!"

*Father's eyes bulge and his face contorts into on of pain. He looks as if he his about to throw up. He does. He spews up the wisp of light that went into him and immediately ducks for cover. The wisp of light flies erratically, glowing brighter, it's light piercing all shadows. Creatures of darkness shy away from it's intensity. Father murmurs a word of command and with a motion of his hand, sends it outside the tavern and into the sky. A deafening explosion is heard as Father's "surprise" for Karsath is triggered. One million dimensional pigeons fly out of the light, crapping everywhere. Their feces pile up like snow, it's acrid smell fills the air. As the pigeons open portals and travels through the known dimensions spreading their "love", Father chuckles in amusement.*

"Looks like I made it on time. Too bad Karsath didn't get to trigger it."

02:43:02 Nov 24th 06 - Sir Senturu:

*snaps his fingers and the tavern is clean*

ahh. ok. so Dael mind teaching me a few tricks?

03:00:03 Nov 24th 06 - Sir Tasthos Drathor:

Tasthos and Dael at first are just bewildered, then they erupt laughing.

Nighthawk laughs so hard he fails to keep his balance and falls to the ground, rolling. Kulren just gazes at Father, a raised brow and a strange twitch in his left lip.

Dael spoke, "I'll be back, I'm gonna go look for the Soul Crystal that has my former powers..."

Dael then walks out the door before taking flight. Tasthos looks at Senturu, "Oi! I thought I said drinks on me! Why ain't you all drinking?" Tasthos pulls out several bottles and tossed them to his friends.

03:05:57 Nov 24th 06 - Sir Senturu:

right right right. im on it.

*preceeds to ask people wat drinks they wanted and began handing them out*

03:36:21 Nov 24th 06 - Sir Father:

"I'll just take a bit of the blood of Jesus."

(Thats what you call wine right?)

04:02:48 Nov 24th 06 - Sir Tasthos Drathor:

Tasthos gives Father a raised brow. Suddenly, several explosions occur ourside followed by aroar, then a loud crash. Dael moves in swiftly and looks at everyone. His wings had white and black glyphs, in the Seraphim and Demonic tongues. He also wears a thick, black arcanite breastplate with gold lining and a white shield with a gold crucifix on the left side of the chest area. Dael also has a crucifix on a necklace around his neck.

Dael speaks, "I wouldn't go out there is I were you."

Nighthawk makes a face before poking his head out, then pulling back in, holding his nose, "JESUS!!! GOD- DAEL?!! WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO TO THAT THING?!!"

Dael spoke, "It attacked me first! So it crapped itself when I blew away it's thirty something children in one shot? Can you blame me for defending myself from a bloody dragon?"

05:41:07 Nov 24th 06 - Sir Father:

*Father looks outside.*

*Father casts a healing spell.*

"You have no respect for life my son."

05:49:25 Nov 24th 06 - Mr. Tassadar:

*Passes out from alcohol intake*

16:17:48 Nov 24th 06 - Sir Senturu:

*sighs.  then heads outside to talk with the dragon*

16:54:20 Nov 24th 06 - Mr. Kulren Drathor:

Suddenly, a huge, gold plated dragon lands outside the door before casting a breif spell that increases the width, height, and lenght of the tavern to unbelievable proportions. The Dragon then walks in before siting in the corner, his red eyes glowing. His movement is almost mechanical.

Tasthos and Kulren look at one another. Kulren speaks, "Tell me he's-"

Tatshos speaks, "Yes, he's back to normal, or somewhat... I haven't figured out how to ungraft the metal from his flesh yet."

Nighthawk walks up to the Dragon before speaking, "Father Khoth?"

The dragon nods, "I... Am ashamed you see me as this, Nighthawk... I've.. Taught you to value yourself... And here I am... A.. Hypocrite... I have.. Let myself mingle with demon blood... I am no longer... A part of dragonkind..."

"Your sisters do not see it the same way." Nighthawk shakes his head, "They want you to return home... And take your place on the Dragon Council..."

Khoth simply laid down, before whispering, "I am not yet... As I was before... Perhaps.. When this.. Armor.. Comes off... I will meet... With my brethren again..."

20:22:04 Nov 24th 06 - Sir Senturu:

*looks up at the dragon*

hmm i feel kinda small.

*walks back to the counter but is now unable to serve people because he cant reach the top of the counter.*

20:50:13 Nov 24th 06 - Mr. Kulren Drathor:

Khoth gives a light chuckle before casting a spell, lowering the size of the tables, counters, chairs, pictures, and other things while the building size itself remains the same.

03:44:35 Nov 25th 06 - Sir Senturu:

ahh much better, and im gettin kinda jelous. you guys know all these magicks and i dont know hardly anything cept for a few basic spells

05:08:49 Nov 25th 06 - Sir Father:

"You can do it too Senturu, all you have to do is be creative."


06:35:42 Nov 25th 06 - Mr. Kulren Drathor:

Khoth chuckles, "Why, Father, you sound like a brother I used to have.. Before humans slew him... Old Mortrax was a brilliant dragon... Trusted humans a tad more than I felt comfortable..."

Khoth sighs before teleporting five tomes in foreign, unreadable dialects into the room. Khoth begin reading one, consulting his notes from time to time. Nighthawk smiles a bit, "I've not seen him do this in many years... He is indeed recovering..."

Tasthos speaks, "It will take me another month or so to drain the remaining demon blood from him. Then, it's a matter of ungrafting the armor from his flesh so there is no permanent damage."

"That's going to be the toughest step, due to the nature of how it was grafted..." Kulren stated, "It's going to be difficult..."

Khoth suddenly teleports another book, in Common, to his hand which he speaks, "I find this of no use to me anymore... Here..." Khoth hands it to Senturu, "You may learn something from it."

(Edited by Mr. Kulren Drathor 11/25/2006 6:36:35 AM)

06:57:45 Nov 25th 06 - Sir Father:

"I thought all books of magical nature were written in the language of magic."

07:09:51 Nov 25th 06 - Mr. Kulren Drathor:

Khoth laughs before speaking, "True in some worlds, Father, not in others. In my world, tomes, ESPECIALLY magic ones, are usually written in the author's native tongue or in magic 'code' which is different dialect to dialect. For example, my notes, which sometimes have magic content, are written not only in the Draconian tongue, but also in rune-code sequences that the unlearned human cannot decipher. Nighthawk typically write in hybrid languages between Ruerick, Purritan, and Draconian, even mixing the different dialects. It makes deciphering magic a pain, as you can imagine, but that's why it happens."

08:41:23 Nov 25th 06 - Mr. Blessed Zeratul:

*Wakes up and thinks heh nice armor* "not knowing the situation" *Walks over to Khoth "drunk" and tries to remove his armor to see his face......................................

14:45:50 Nov 25th 06 - Sir Senturu:

*accepts the book. from Khoth*

wow thanks.

*heads over to the corner and beings to tranlsate the book, learning everything he can from it*

16:06:20 Nov 25th 06 - Sir Father:

"Magical glyphs lose their meaning when put in another another language other than the language of magic. For you see, even in the best translation, meaning is lost, and the spell will backfire for even smallest mispronunciation o*beep*lyph or rune. Just like you cannot say "Nice to meet you" exactly the same way in Draconian and Common, it is the same with the language of magic."

16:18:11 Nov 25th 06 - Sir Senturu:

but if i  cannot read it than the magic is lost all the same. all i am doing id translating it so that i may understand wat words are used. and how the meaning of them is used

16:23:42 Nov 25th 06 - Mr. Kulren Drathor:

Khoth growls before flinging Zeratul away, snarling, "THAT HURTS!!!"

Nighthawk steadies Zeratul, speaking, "Think of the armor as his fle*beep*'s been grafted, intentionally, to his skin, he can't remove it.. Yet... We've been working on it ever since we caught him. It's our hope, the Trisphere's hope, that he can be returned to his former self."

16:42:06 Nov 25th 06 - Sir Father:

"Learn the language of magic my son, like any other language, once you understand it, you shall unlock it's many mysteries.

17:55:33 Nov 25th 06 - Mr. Kulren Drathor:

Khoth chuckles, "Ah, Father, you should visit our world, for our world contradicts yours, it seems. I'll give you the perfect example of why. the magic of the Vahnatai is completely alien to what I've seen previously. They do not use chants or hand motions, like I'm used to. They use crystals to focus their energy. Their runes can also produce magic fields on their own, without a living organism providing energy to uphold the field. Humans, in my world, use phrases and hand motions to cast their spells. Just like the casting is different, so are the languages... The Vahnatai possibly have the best method of communicating with outside races. Just knowing the basics of the language begets incredible knowledge. And their the only sentient race I know of that will actually hibernate when the resources around their cities run out."

Dael raises an eyebrow, "Really? Didn't know that about them."

23:30:13 Nov 25th 06 - Sir Senturu:

i am learning the language. if i can truly translate it then i will know wat it means other than  i just speak the spell. the spell is then a coin toss it will either help or destroy in its own way. magic is neither good or evil. it is the person who uses it that is good or evil.

23:56:30 Nov 25th 06 - Mr. Kulren Drathor:

Khoth spoke, "Ah... Senturu, you would make the perfect enemy of the Anama... Those thick headed priests have been trying ot destroy non-holy magic for years... And, sadly, they are gaining strength."

00:18:31 Nov 26th 06 - Sir Father:

"What the Vahnatai use does not seem to be magic by themselves, but more like magical artifacts these crystals, or holy artifacts and that they are using spells granted to them by their deity."

02:02:19 Nov 26th 06 - Mr. Kulren Drathor:

Khoth spoke, "Strangely, the Vahnatai have no religion, sir Father. And the crystals themselves, unless you're talking about a Soul Crystal, hold no magic unless the Vahnatai craft them then bind them with runes, at which point it becomes a Soul Crystal. They make very few such crystals, however. But that is not what has caused me the greatest concern, Father, the use of their 'magic' is not why I fear the Vahnatai. It is their ability to create extremely dangerous monsters out of seemingly nothing... I've made pet out of such a monster..."

07:04:59 Nov 26th 06 - Sir Senturu:

oh it would be wonderful to match my magic skills with someoen else. especially with these things. i say can you show me the way?

18:08:59 Nov 26th 06 - Sir Father:

"They worship "Spirits" do they not? I also heard something about their ancestors."

19:06:54 Nov 26th 06 - Mr. Kulren Drathor:

Khoth spoke, "Their ancestors are Crystal Souls... A Crystal Soul is a Vahnatai who is so respected and revered, they perform a ritual to seal that Vahnatai, usually a Bok, into a crystal and then protect that Crystal Soul for the rest of it's existance, which, unless destroyed, is infinite. The Vahnatai are fanatical about the Crystal Souls. They are the center point of knowledge, learning, tradition, and lifestyle of the Vahnatai. One Crystal Soul, father, is the equivilant of four trillion of my libraries. And I know things for eons back... Before my time... The Crystal Souls know far more..."

"As for the spiritual..." Khoth smirks, "The only spiritual reference I've used a Vahnatai use was Ourobouro. And it was only in reference to the surface world... They worship nothing, no god, no spirit. They rever their Crystal Souls as their supreme leaders, but they themselves control who becomes a Crystal Soul. Only once have I seen the Vahnatai turn upon one of their own Crystal Souls. Once, becuase she did not go through the 'legal' channels of the Vahnatai to become one. The Vahnatai are a strange race.. And most interestingly, the most pure. Only once have they had a civil war within their own people. There is only one other race with that kind of record, and it isn't the dragons, as much as I'd like to claim it so."

19:22:27 Nov 26th 06 - Sir Father:

"How do they make the crystals then Khoth? The ones they use for their magic."

19:40:58 Nov 26th 06 - Mr. Kulren Drathor:

Khoth spoke, "Harvesting. They have highly volcanic areas near their position where the crystals form. They craft them, putting no magic in them whatso ever. Like I said before, the crystals they use for magic are normal crystals, they're used just to focus the magic like a wizard would use, say runes or a staff."

12:49:16 Nov 29th 06 - Lord Efrandor:

*After sleeping for hours and hours and through countless adventures, Efrandor finally wakes up, he looks around, finds nothing interesting, stands up, realises hes ehad hurts and goes to find Senturu.*

- Aah, there you are, listen, my head hurts, you got something for that? So, was the party fun?

16:41:20 Nov 29th 06 - Sir Senturu:

*pats Efrandor on the head*

yea no problem i got something for that now close your eyes

*after Efrandor closes his eyes sentru pulls out his club and hits him over the head*

that better?

19:54:09 Nov 29th 06 - Lord Efrandor:

- wow, cool, don't feel a thing any-*Bomp*

*Efrandor falls to the ground once again, this time, however, his eyes are wide open, and a little bit red.*

01:20:08 Dec 1st 06 - Mr. Kulren Drathor:

Kulren turns to Senturu and asks, "Do you have any Blood Wine?"

Khoth makes the sound of a strangled cat, giving Senturu a real dirty look, as if saying, "Give him the stuff and I will kill you where you stand."

01:27:59 Dec 1st 06 - Sir Father:

"I think I have some in my wine cellar..."

03:43:26 Dec 1st 06 - Sir Senturu:

*doesnt notice Koths look*

yea here ya go

*hands Kulren his blood wine*

06:20:21 Dec 1st 06 - Mr. Kulren Drathor:

Kulren grins before aking a sip. Instantly, a horrifically powerful demon aura fills the bar. Kulren downs the remaining wine before silently transforming. Hiuge, feathered wings tear out of his back, the upper wing region was brilliant yellow, to dark red, to a very, very dark navy blue. His eyes turn red before the pupils turn white. Thick, strong dark blue scales with a brilliant gold chest take form as a long tail follow him. The dragonic face is lined with two sharp horns coming forward. Once at this phase, glowing red glyphs take form across the back of his wings, across his arms and chest, and about his face.

Once transformed, Karsath picks up another glass of Blood Wine and take a sip, ignoring Khoth's shocked stare.

03:58:33 Dec 2nd 06 - Sir Father:

"Danm.... Kulren, You look like some deformed cross breed between a pea*beep* and an elephant who likes to turn it's eyes into it's head and put's it's trunk between it's legs.... That is so creepily disgusting..."

*Father throws up all over the place.*

05:16:34 Dec 2nd 06 - Mr. Kulren Drathor:

Kulren actually chuckles, "Actually, you're right, I'm a halfbreed... I'm a mix-breed. half Hell Dragon, half Flame Phoenix. I'm born of my father's first wife, before he married that..... Thing....."

"You don't like Erikau." Khoth stated.

"That's an understatment," Kulren snarls a little.

05:29:36 Dec 2nd 06 - Sir Father:

"Uhhh... I don't think I'll ever get used to that gruesome sight... and the thing isn't even dead!"

*Father throws up again.*

07:51:53 Dec 3rd 06 - Mr. Shumino:

Shumino walks in with a cloak around him drenched from the rain outside. He walks over to a table in the back and sits down. He removes his cloak and sets a katana down beside him. he orders some beer and stays silent as he waits.

10:48:52 Dec 3rd 06 - Lord Efrandor:

*wakes up*


*A couple of rather angry stone golems walks to Shumino, take the cloak and rip it apart and light it on fire, after that they take the katana rip it apart, light it on fire and eat it with some coffee and scotch.*

11:22:28 Dec 3rd 06 - Mr. Shumino:

*stands up*

*bites his finger so a little blood drips. The blood floats in mid air and forms into a sword.*

Your gonna regret that.

*takes the sword and shreds the golem to pieces and then sits back down and recieves his bear and starts drinking it*

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