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The Stormborn
19:31:54 Jul 25th 07 - Sir Gaius Septim:

"BAR FIGHT!...hic"

*Septim grabs a chair and layeths the smackdown on some big guy, Septim then runs over to the bar, grabs a beer bottle, breaks it on the counter, and uses it as a weapon.

"Say 'ello to my lil' friend...hic"

*Septim stabs a few unfortunate people with the beer bottle before grabbing a pool stick.

21:46:13 Jul 25th 07 - Sir Ragnarr:

*Ragnarr enters after Septim and says loudly.*
"We should not fight here, we need to get men for..."
*At that moment some bearded man crashes a bottle on Ragnarr's shoulder. Ragnarr turns and immediatly punches the person in the face with some force. Another person grabs him, but Ragnarr doesn't care who he is and aslo hits him with a fist. Soon the whole fight was around him and tables, chairs and everything around was being smashed.*

21:49:31 Jul 25th 07 - Sir Gaius Septim:

*After Septim grabs a pool stick he starts smacking people with it, the end eventually breaks off, leaving a sharp poin. Septim starts stabbing people...

22:35:55 Jul 25th 07 - Mr. Seloc:

*Seloc leaves the ship following orders, With a spring in his step he set of in search of a ship to sail. The spring was short lived, as he rounded a corner he experienced the most vile sight ever; the slave market. Alno Seloc was a pirate he could not abide slavers, he was about to do a quick turn and retreat find some other way to the dockmasters house. When a guy waved him over, Seloc reluctenly approched the man.*

"I understand your looking for slaves, called me Asan."
"Actually no......"*A thought occured to Seloc*"yes....three score to be precise."

*Asan let off a loud bark. Immediatly three very large men ran over towards them. Out of instinct Seloc hand went for his sword hilt, Asan eyed Seloc as the men came to a uniformed stop behind his-self.*

"I hope you got the money before making such claims, I don't like being played."
"Of course."
"Right this way then Sir."

*Seloc spent the next 2 hours picking 60 of the first slaves his saw all the time Asan eyeing him strangly.*

"Drop them by the Stormborn later, you will also recieve you payment there."
"Aye sir."

*After having bought the majority of slaves at the market, Seloc Strode down the street without looking back. When a terrible thought occured to him, how many more slave were there out there....*

23:02:55 Jul 25th 07 - Sir Gaius Septim:

*Meanwhile Septim is stabbing people with a pool stick spear, when it breaks he grabs a chair leg and starts beating people over the head with it.

04:52:48 Jul 26th 07 - Sir Fizban:

*Fizban (having strangely escaped from the Sirens) walks in on the barfight and looks around..*

My, my, such a lively crowd in here. You know, I've seen many a great adventure start out like this.

*Fizban watches a chair fly by towards Septim and he sits down at the bar*

Eh, give me some tea or somethin' to drink barkeep?

12:27:22 Jul 26th 07 - Sir Ragnarr:

*Ragnarr takes an iron mug and smashes it in someones face. The lad fell down, moaning and groaning. Soon, the fight was over, and most of the wounded limped out of the pub. Ragnarr, having a soar arm and a brused leg, went to the bar and looked around - there was almost no one, the the ones here were wounded.*
"Don't think we'll find many people here for a crew,...."
*Ragnarr notices Fizban, who strangely was not wounded and seemed like a good lad. Ragnarr sits near him.*
"Have you ever wanted so much riches that you'll be wondering what to spend them on?"

13:34:26 Jul 26th 07 - Sir Fizban:

*Fizban, a guy that looks kinda old, thinks about it a moment and leans on his staff*

Well, I've got to say that there is more to life than riches, so no I haven't really thought about ir.

18:21:21 Jul 26th 07 - Sir Ragnarr:

*Ragnarr smiles*
"Our longship is making a joureny, full of adventure, danger, thrills and plunder. We leave after two days. We are looking for able men for the crew. Would you like to join?"

18:30:13 Jul 26th 07 - Sir Gaius Septim:

*After the barfight Septim walks up to a back allyway full of thugs

"Would you be interested in joining our crew? Our journey is full of plunder and riches"

 Thug : "What you be saying dogg, you talking all up in the smart side!"

"Yo, join our gang, we be blowing stuff up and looting rich guys, we also got a pimped out boat!"

Thug: "Now you be speaking my tongue, I meet yo asses at the docks!"

*The thug walked away and Septim went to go tell Ragnarr of his recruiting

18:48:42 Jul 26th 07 - Sir Ragnarr:

*Ragnarr looks at Septim and sighes.*
"We are taking the scum of the alleys for our crew,...but we must take what we can,..."

18:50:13 Jul 26th 07 - Sir Gaius Septim:

"Well, they can help us steal another ship...I have a feeling they might be good at that for some reason..."

19:05:40 Jul 26th 07 - Sir Ragnarr:

*Fine, fine. Come, we'll see another tavern, were I think we shall find more sea worthy men, sea dogs,.."
*Ragnarr turns to Fizban*
"Look, there is always time to reconsider. After two days, if you want to join, be at the docks."
*Ragnarr leaves with Septim to the alleys and head to the centre of the small town. They passed by numerous brothels, were women were standing on the balconies, beconing passing strangers. Ragnarr saw them and laughed.*
"They're even worse than the sirens!"
*They entered a wider street, were a lot of merchants, sailers and other people crowded, each one heading his own direction. They passed by many blacksmiths and trader's quarters, but finally, they stopped in front of the tavern "The Sea Serpent." Ragnarr opened the door and entered.*
"Harold, old friend!..."
*Ragnarr passed by the tables and customers and went to the bar, were he shaked hands with the barkeep.*

19:29:09 Jul 26th 07 - Sir Gaius Septim:

*Septim was exited when he saw the tavern, expecting another bar fight...he was disapointed when he saw it was peacefull

[[OOC: I may not be able to log on for the next four just say that I act like I always do! Drunk and stupid!]]

19:35:33 Jul 26th 07 - Sir Ragnarr:

(ooc - np)

19:46:06 Jul 26th 07 - Sir Fizban:

*Fizban perks up*

"Able bodied eh? Well.. that's what the lasses keep telling me but that's beyond the point, though I do know mystical secrets of the arcane in fact..!"

*Fizban jumps up and two things happen. First, he realizes that he was talking to nobody in particular as Ragnarr already left, next his staff knocks into an oil lamp and sends it into the alchohol covered floor. As the flames begin to spread quickly, Fizban makes a hasty exit. As he starts to look for this longship and its crew, Fizban sounds rather sane for a moment as he talks to himself.*

"A group of adventurers, eh? Well... I guess I'll be having to keep an eye on 'em and make sure that they'll be able to make it."

*Chuckling, he begins to shuffle down the street towards the harbor.*


20:18:57 Jul 26th 07 - Sir Ragnarr:

*Ragnarr sits at the bar of "The Sea Serpent".*
"Harold, we'll be needing some crew for a journey we're makin'.."
*Septim jumps on a table  and starts speaking.* - "Ye sea dogs, who has enough guts to face death in the face and snatch it's treasures and run off? The Stormborn, lads, and all it's crew. Join us, and you'll have the time of yer life and all the gold you want!"
*Some of the visiters of the tavern raised their mugs and yelled something. Ragnarr stands up.*
"Who ever is interested to join, come after two days at the south dock and sign up at the Stormborn."
*Ragnarr tosses a gold at the barkeep and leaves with Septim*

00:44:52 Jul 27th 07 - Mr. Seloc:

*Seloc had been stroling the streets for hours till he realise he didn't know where the dockmasters was, he sort help from the locals but well they didn't really want to waste time on such a figure. After a while Seloc got rather annoyed at being talked down too, so he stopped talking to people altogether. Unforunatly a tri-o of thugs decided that Seloc was a dumb talking gold piece. They cornered him in an alley, two blocking of one end and the largest blocking of the other. There was no talk just a strong sence of loathing. Seloc drew steel first and went for the end of the alley blocked only by one, he charged and attacked the thug unmethodically. It was no use he could never beat him, The great navigator against the lowly theif. Seloc disengaged the duel as a neatly aimed sword slash took half his ear off, He dashed strait for the remaining two, but before he could reach them he slipped on a larger than average pile of *beep* going down face first he crashed into the smaller. Before anyone could recover Seloc ran. With no sence of direction the navigator was lost and running for his life.*

01:07:35 Jul 27th 07 - Sir Gaius Septim:

*Septim wonders why he talked pirate in the Sea Serpeant but dismisses the thought as he walks back to the ship with Ragnarr...

02:17:56 Jul 27th 07 - Sir Gaius Septim:

*Septim then sees Seloc being chased by two beefy looking thugs, Septim walks by them seemingly drunk until he trips one of them with his foot and stabs him while he's down, Septim then throws a throwing dagger at the other one, hitting him in the eye...

"Come on Seloc, we don't want to lose our navigator to a bunch of fat slimy thugs, now do we?"

*Septim continues walking with Ragnarr

06:44:21 Jul 27th 07 - Sir Fizban:

*Fizban continues to wander the town and (oddly enough) happens to end up nearby Septim and Ragnarr. The only problem for him is he's being talked to by two tough guards wearing the insignia of one of the local brothels.*

"Look here old man," they say, "you can either pay us the gold that you owe us, or you could come back and....err...." *they take a good look a Fizban and his old, wrinkly self, really thinking the next part isn't a good idea. "...'work' off your debt."

*Fizban looks around and spots Gaius and Ragnarr, point the guards towards Gaius he says*

"Well, lookee there. Even though I know I didn't run up that debt, I feel like my friends there can help settle up those accounts. Talk to the one that looks kinda.... err. drunk.. he should be able to work for you."

*With that the guards walk towards Gaius, and Fizban slips off to watch and see how things turn out*

13:32:24 Jul 27th 07 - Mr. Seloc:

(Ragnarr I afraid I need to die on Sunday, im going on holiday for 12 days. Can I get you or Septim to write my death for me on the Sunday, nothing to fancy a ship accident or something.)

*After being saved rather boringly. Seloc decides to skip the dockmaster and a find a ship at the docks they could steal. Once there he found the perfect ship the 'Blue Ray' the same make as the stormborn but without the improvements, a simple ship to build his captaincy upon. A thought struck him it wouldn't be captain Ragnarr anymore it would be Admiral Ragnarr....*

20:54:48 Jul 27th 07 - Sir Ragnarr:

(ooc - no need to die, you can just go plunder some other cities and we wont write about it..)
*Ragnarr places his hand on his swordhilt as he was walking through the dark alleys with the rather drunk Septim. They entered several taverns and anounced their journey tomorow.*
"Well, that was about it,..." *Ragnarr tells Septim, who was stubornly holding a bottle of fine arbor gold wine.* "Did you even pay for that?"
*After several hours of walking the Ironkeep alleys, Ragnarr decides to return to the longship and see what the others have done.*
*Ragnarr boards the Stormborn and waits fotr the rest to come and report to him.*

00:58:22 Jul 28th 07 - Mr. Seloc:

(Well I don't mind dying i'll undoubtably revive myself when I get back, just thought it would be an interesting thing to write about, it would certainly be interesting to read about it.)

*Seloc returns to the Stormborn having accoplised what he set out to do, Find a ship and crew. He reported his findings to the admiral, so he may make a plan.*

05:15:00 Jul 28th 07 - Sir Gaius Septim:

*Septim takes a long swig from his wine bottle

"Good stuff...hic"

*Septim returns to the ship and goes about his duties

09:51:08 Jul 28th 07 - Sir Ragnarr:

*Ragnarr stands on the boarding plank, awaiting any men, willing to join his crew. After some time about fifteen sea dogs from the Thunder Isles up in the north came to join. Then ten men from the southern lands of Neresia came, keen on sailing off. After that another twenty men came, from Mullendore, Baskell Bay and the Kurth Fjords. What was really strange was that four women later on joined. At first Ragnarr laughed when they came to the dock where the Stormborn was. But then, we he took a closer look at them, he changed his mind. They were tall pretty women with long curly black hair and some-what swarthy skin. They had double axes made from twilight iron and probably dark steel, hanging from their backs. Ragnarr thought about having four warriors from the Lonely Isles on his longship, and decided they would be valuable. By midday, the Stormborn had all the crew it needed. Ragnarr decided to inspect Seloc's longship. He left his own and went off to search the "Blue Ray." After some time he found it and boarded it.*
"It's not bad at all, Seloc, but,....where did you get all the crew from? Mine came from all over the place,.."

12:09:29 Jul 28th 07 - Mr. Seloc:

" arabian cousin gave them to me.... yes.....three score hard core sailors."

*As he says this a hauling line snaps and five men end up in the water.*

"They'll be fine just a little rusty, my cousin had them cleaning dishes at the sultan's place........"

13:27:32 Jul 28th 07 - Sir Ragnarr:

*Ragnarr sighes..*
"Well, it's your ship, it's yer crew...We'll be setting sail as soon as yer ready, since the Stormborn is ready to go.. Just have no idea where Defensive and Samus  are, ... Samus was supposed to fix the weapons in the local blacksiths, Defensive was supposed to buy arrows,...but, I'm sure they will come,..."

18:46:26 Jul 28th 07 - Sir Ragnarr:

( I'll just presume you people are on board.)
*Ragnarr gave Seloc a signal that they're setting off. after Ragnarr positioned the new crew.*

-The Stormborn made sails and slowly parted from the old timber dock, leaving behind Ironkeep's dirty alleys, joyful taverns and pleasing brothels, as well as at least a hundred ships at port. The oars splashed at the salty waves in perfect timing, which gave great pride to Ragnarr. He turned to see if the "Blue Ray" was coming...-

00:22:09 Jul 29th 07 - Mr. Seloc:

(probly the last post i can make for long time so....)

*The 'Blue Ray' left the dock following the 'Stormborn', it's oars all over the place. It manages to pull up some what near 'Stormborn's' starboard side. Most of the crew wave happily, dropping what ever jobs they were doing. As a result three rather heavy ropes snapped, and the sail folded, knocking five men into the water and snapping the main mast. Seloc sighs heavily and starts shouting over to the 'Stormborn'.*

"Looks like we have a problem, we're going to have to dock and get this repaired, you go on. I know where your going even if you don't, we'll meet you there!"  (I.e where-ever you are when I get back.)

*This remark was treated with great humor aboard the 'Stormborn' and shame aboard the 'Blue Ray'*

03:40:37 Jul 29th 07 - Sir Gaius Septim:

*Septim takes a long swig

"Goodbye Seloc!"

*Septim takes another drink and inspects the crew

"They are no veterans, but they will do...hic"

13:01:53 Jul 29th 07 - Sir Ragnarr:

"That they shall,..."

-The longship sailed away from the small rocky island of Ironkeep, passing cautiously by the reefs and rocks surrounding it. The new crew was doing well for now. The only slight problem was having more women on board besides Samus, since most of the crew thought it was bad luck for the whole ship, but the warriors from the Lonely Isles did just fine. Ragnarr was quite disapointed sailing alone with out the "Blue Ray". Where the hell did he get that crew? , thought Ragnarr to himself.-
"Septim, since Seloc is not here, I'll be navigator as well. And Septim, check were Samus, Defensive and Watch are, they seem to be very quite of late,..."

13:40:38 Jul 29th 07 - Sir Ragnarr:

(ooc - I won't be here for about two-four daystfrom now. I'm not exactly sure how long. So Septim, you're second in command, so after this post of mine, you're captain and game-master until I get back.)

-Soon the Stormborn lost sight of land and was ahead in the raging sea. Some sailers started singing an old sea song, others started drinking and dancing. Soon, night came and stars lit the sky. Ragnarr leened on the left board of the ship, looking down at the sea, away from reality in thoights. Something caught his attention, though. The waves were many, but were dependant on the wind. Waves appeared in front of Ragnarr, which seemed chaotic and angry. Suddenly, the surface tore and a huge figure appeared in front of Ragnarr.-

VII. The Sea Serpent
(no image, sorry, could not find a good one)

*The sailers jumped to their feet, some screamed "Sea Serpent!", or "Sea Dragon!". Ragnarr had no idea what was going on behind him, he focused on the angry sea creature infront of him - it was huge, with blue scales and two yellow angry eyes. Ragnarr immediatly took his great sword, Darklighter, out, but too late - the figure in front attacked quickly at him and hit him with it's horns on it's head. Ragnarr felt a tearing pain through his body and fell on the chaotic timber deck, with a large wound on him. He dropped his sword on the wood and felt the cold darkness devour him. He found last strength to shout out "Too Arms!", and then he lost contiousness.

(ooc - while I'm gone, Ragnarr is heavily wounded. I'll be gone for now. I'll be back soon, I hope.)  

16:42:06 Jul 29th 07 - Sir Gaius Septim:

[[OOC: Seloc, you, and I were the only active people, I'll PM them all though...I won't start the battle until somebody else is here]]

18:17:25 Jul 29th 07 - Mr. Defensive:

(ime back but ime only ever going to be online during 5pm to 7pm)

"prepare the longbows!!"

06:52:16 Jul 30th 07 - Sir Gaius Septim:

*Septim draws his sword and Slasher gets into a combat stance


*Arrows go across the ship, slaughtering sailors, the few thugs from the ally that snuck on the ship pulled out 9mm pistols

"I blast thine ass to kingdom come!"

*Ignore the highlighted part, just a bit of comic relief!

23:19:40 Jul 31st 07 - Sir Gaius Septim:

*Samus jumps onto the enemy ship and kills two men with her daggers, but is speared in the heart, they kick her off the ship and she falls down into the ocean blue

"Samus!", yelled Game and Watch as he ran to her aid.

*Game and Watch jumped across the gap between the two ships and started fighting.

*Septim drew his sword and followed Game and Watch across to the other ship, twenty men stood and Game and Watch and Septim killed many.

*Game and Watch stabs a man in the chest, swings his sword around and cuts two men's heads off, and slashes another's arm off. A soldier stabs him in the arm and kicks him off the ship into the dark waters below.

17:36:07 Aug 1st 07 - Sir Ragnarr:

(ooc - I'm here only for a bit since I have problems with internet - guys, yer facing a sea serpent, a sea monster, not a pirate ship, damn it. Any way, new adventures will follow when I return, and that I hope will be after two days. I'd be happy to see Samus, Defensive, and GAW back. I'll be back soon.)

18:21:51 Aug 1st 07 - Mr. Defensive:

*shoots ragnarr in the head...

"well he cant do anything about it...

22:31:31 Aug 2nd 07 - Sir Ragnarr:

(I'm putting an end to this forum. T'was fun, though we never reached the good part,...but with absolute lack of any activity here, I can't do a thing. The Stormborn's forum ends here, though I could continue it later on...maybe....)

22:51:36 Aug 2nd 07 - Sir Gaius Septim:

(Ok...Everybody stopped playing 'cept me and Defensive, Seloc had to go on vacation...)

13:13:19 Aug 12th 07 - Mr. Seloc:

*Seloc's ships pulls up just in time to hear the forum was ending : (*

21:44:02 Aug 12th 07 - Sir Ragnarr:

( sorry Seloc, people lost interest here,..)

The End

22:47:20 Sep 27th 07 - Sir Ragnarr Stormguard:

[ I really want to continue this game. Who wants me to start from the part we set sail from Ironkeep? ]::[ New players are more than welcome to join the crew, please see what happened before to understand how the game is played ]

08:08:11 Sep 28th 07 - Duke Gaius Septim II:

*Septim approaches Ragnarr

"My great grandfather sailed under you! And I want to do the same!"

13:15:15 Sep 28th 07 - Sir Ragnarr Stormguard:


Navigator -

Second in command -

Bard -

Watch -

Master-at-Arms -

Master-at-Bow -

In addition :: we can have a mage on the ship if possible.


All can wander about the boat, but your battlestations are these:
Navigator - at the back near the rudder oars, where I am, near the navigator's chest and working tools.
Second in command - at the back near the rudder oars where I am, and patrolling the whole ship and inspecting the crew.
Watch - at the front of the ship. Yer sharp eye should spot all that is ahead. You can also go on the top of the mast if you can.
Master-at-Arms - preferably near the mast, around the lads and near the weapon store.
Master-of-Bow - you patrol the whole ship with yer bow, but mostly you should be at front with the watch.


I am the cap'n, the master and commander on The Stormborn. You all follow my orders, except on raids, when I tell you you're free to do whatever you like. However, I will be expecting you back on the longship with the plunder. Except from me, you follow The second in command's orders, however he listens to me.

                                     :::The Journey:::

This journey will be long, hard, but promising. We shall plunder many wealthy cities, though a long way awaits us first. All the obstacles ( and situations , such as pirates ahead, or land ahead, or storms ) I will inform of them ( the watch is still there, but I'm something like the gamemaster, let's say.)

16:57:55 Sep 28th 07 - Mr. Seloc:

Navigator - Seloc (DUH!)

Second in command -

Bard -

Watch -

Master-at-Arms -

"Right skip ready to sail!"

Master-at-Bow -

23:31:01 Sep 28th 07 - Duke Gaius Septim II:

Navigator - Seloc (DUH!)

Second in command - Gaius Septim II (I am ready to set sail, I wonder if Samus, Game and Watch, and Defensive will join again...although I think Defensive has quit!)

Bard -

Watch -

Master-at-Arms -

"Right skip ready to sail!"

Master-at-Bow -

23:35:10 Sep 28th 07 - Sir Jonny Bacardi The Last Paladin:

Navigator - Seloc (DUH!)

Second in command - Gaius Septim II (I am ready to set sail, I wonder if Samus, Game and Watch, and Defensive will join again...although I think Defensive has quit!)

Bard -

Watch -

Master-at-Arms -Jonny Bacardi (seems like fun, I'd like to give this a whirl)

"Right skip ready to sail!"

Master-at-Bow -

09:53:05 Sep 29th 07 - Mr. Seloc:

lol read that list carefully.

that mage it meant to be Fizban right?

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