Forums / The hangaround / Anime II

Anime II
19:38:39 Feb 13th 08 - Sir Darkmarsbar:

is any one here a big anime fan ? if so what anime is really good ?

here is a list of anime i have watched that i think is good:



Busou Renkin


Black lagoon

Devil may cry

Elfen lied

Ergo proxy



19:50:06 Feb 13th 08 - Mr. Clamps The Dishonoured:

Bleach is absolutely fantabulous! I'm not big on anime but there is no question that is one of the best shows ever to hit tv. You prefer subtitles or dubbed?

19:56:20 Feb 13th 08 - Sir Darkmarsbar:


20:27:12 Feb 13th 08 - Swedish Chef Brashen:

Death note is nice.

20:42:45 Feb 13th 08 - Sir Darkmarsbar:

its on my list for anime to watch

21:10:46 Feb 13th 08 - Swedish Chef Brashen:

You should ask rox he is my main source for anime intel :P

21:17:15 Feb 13th 08 - Sir Lelouch:

I would suggest Code Geass?

21:20:21 Feb 13th 08 - Sir Darkmarsbar:

that looks alright i will check it out

21:25:55 Feb 13th 08 - Sir Lelouch:

It is not just alright, it is awesome. :)

21:38:02 Feb 13th 08 - Sir Engel Van Dood:

ooo yea anime intel now i can see what people suggest and watch them :) and now i dont have to search the web

21:39:19 Feb 13th 08 - Swedish Chef Brashen:

Well done Lelouch if I seen your name I would have remembered the name,

I been thinking since the first time I wrote here but all I could remember was Code :P

Darkmarsbar that one you should really check out its really good.

21:45:04 Feb 13th 08 - Sir Iwasfrozen VII:

have you tried Henti ? :)

22:00:21 Feb 13th 08 - Sir Darkmarsbar:

cool i will chef


lol not really what i want to watch

22:48:12 Feb 13th 08 - Lord Seloc:

I love anime it's the best, sub > dubs.

A list of ones I've watched:

Code geass,
D grey man,
Eureka Seven,
Last exile,
Air gear,
.Hack//legend of the twilight braclet,
Pumpkin scissors,
Ergo Proxy,
Love Hina,
Devil may cry,
Black lagoon,
Ghost hunt,
Ghost in a shell,
Cowboy bebop,
Footprints in the sand,
Full metal alchemist,
This small yet beautiful world, (I think its called)

There are more but thats all I can pull of the top of my head.

22:59:54 Feb 13th 08 - Sir Darkmarsbar:

cool thanks for the list


23:51:23 Feb 13th 08 - Mr. Arvious IIII:

Naruto is without doubt the WORST SHOW EVER CREATED!!!!!!!!!

IT"S ABSOLUTELY RET@RDED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

00:03:20 Feb 14th 08 - Mr. Roxbury:


watch all these shows at

01:18:53 Feb 14th 08 - Sir Lelouch:

Seloc it is This Ugly Yet Beautiful World. But instead of pulling a list off the top of your head you should just give out a few good ones because some of the shows you listed are decent but nothing really special.

Of the anime showing this season I thought Shigofumi, True Tears, Persona - Trinity Soul, and Spice and Wolf to be pretty interesting. I also liked Ryofuko-chan but that isn't really a full series.

Anyone liked the comedies Minami-ke and Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei? I thought they were both really funny. :)

01:44:22 Feb 14th 08 - Mr. Dakarius:


01:58:49 Feb 14th 08 - Lord Protector Nimic:

Anime is without doubt one of the worst kinds of shows ever created in the history of mankind. And I don't think I'm exaggerating here. Manga isn't much better, but at least it doesn't pretend not to be geeky, and jumps straight to comics.

04:25:16 Feb 14th 08 - Mr. Atreides:

I've watched basically Bleach, Naruto, and Deathnote. Imo, Deathnote is the best! It's absolutely amazing! Bleach rocks too! Naruto....pretty good I guess.

07:52:32 Feb 14th 08 - Sir Sean Elderson:

Inuyasha, Naruto, Death Note, Bleach, and Ghost in the Shell

08:16:16 Feb 14th 08 - Mr. Roxbury:

Anime is without doubt one of the worst kinds blah blah

Imo, its one of the best forms of storytelling. Whats the alternative.. Hollywood action movies?

08:20:11 Feb 14th 08 - Sir Darkmarsbar:


i think i will check out the ones that ppl have mentioned more than once ( unless i have already seen it)

09:31:00 Feb 14th 08 - Mr. Sezymon:

Death Note is undoubtedly one of the best series I've ever ever seen.

10:31:21 Feb 14th 08 - Sir Darkmarsbar:


are the live action films any good ?

11:16:25 Feb 14th 08 - Sir Valentine:

Death Note sucks lah the live action films but the series is nice. You should watch FF7 Advent Children. That anime show is awesome. xD

LOL Seloc. So many anime shows you watched. How about Ayaki no Ceres? It is like a sex series. xD And Vandread... The hero gals in that anime are horny. I watch alot lah and i am still watching.

Currently watching Slam Dunk on youtube and left 17 more episode. Next going to watch Samurai X.

11:39:48 Feb 14th 08 - Mr. Rootsday:

i agree with the guy who said naruto sucks

12:09:16 Feb 14th 08 - Sir Darkmarsbar:

Mr. Arvious IIII ?


18:31:21 Feb 14th 08 - Lord Seloc:

Valentine, I have no life and spend most of my time watching animes.
and no I haven't watched that I don't normally watch one I would be ashamed to watch.
It wouldn't recommend youtube :S, most anime fans tend to download them themseleves from sources, but I don't like doing this, I watch my animes of Veoh alot bigger screan than youtube, but unforunatly not as good a quality as downloads.
Also how the hell can you say Deathnote sucks?! It's one of the best I've watched! just because you couldn't keep up with the plot.

19:10:16 Feb 14th 08 - Sir Darkmarsbar:

he was talking about the films not the show

20:13:26 Feb 14th 08 - Sir Lelouch:

Death Note was okay, but I would recommend reading the manga rather than watching the anime. The way they tried to dramatize Light writing in the Death Note in the anime was embarrassingly funny.

Seloc, most anime watchers I know would proudly proclaim (On the internets) that they really enjoyed watching Bible Black.

As well, there is not way you can watch anime on Veoh or youtube (The quality just sucks). If you have anywhere near a decent connection you should direct download instead.

21:24:11 Feb 14th 08 - Lord Seloc:

My connection sucks it can just about stand Veoh. 0.o hence the reason I use it.
and I haven't watched the deathnote films yet can't find a link to it, and I don't have the room on my computer at the moment to download them : (
He he, lelouch I don't get much of a chance to talk about anime to anyone, most my friends in real life don't like the stuff or too busy, and I don't use any forums other than VU. So I just skim Veoh looking for another anime after I've finished the last.

23:30:01 Feb 14th 08 - Sir Valentine:

Lol. Well here we can talk all about anime in this thread now. xD

Lelouch, downloading anime makes the computer slow unless you have a darn good quality. I have lots of songs due to my ARES. So yeah. Its better to watch from free source(like renting) than download. heh heh.

Rate Bleach for me. What is the best anime ever? I want to watch an anime which everyone watch.

01:40:46 Feb 15th 08 - Mr. Soki:

what about..hentai..

04:20:33 Feb 15th 08 - Sir Engel Van Dood:

why do people keep bringing x rated anime into this thread???


Oh and Bleach is awsome :)

I also liked Neon Genisis Evagelion or however the hell its spelled!! Trigun and a couple others lets see if i can remember them well when i do ill post them :)

06:40:00 Feb 15th 08 - Sir Revenge:


08:02:36 Feb 15th 08 - Sir Valentine:

Lol. Hentai. Anime porn are for retards. If you like porn, dont watch. Just do it.

Engel. What is Neon Genisis Evagelion? From which anime?

12:30:17 Feb 15th 08 - Sir Engel Van Dood:

From which anime?? what do you mean from which anime???

13:06:42 Feb 15th 08 - Sir Valentine:

Is Neon Genesis is one of the anime character?

14:46:35 Feb 15th 08 - Sir Lelouch:

Neon Genesis Evagelion is an anime to google it and you'll see.

04:10:43 Feb 16th 08 - Sir Salaracen Vineraven:

uhh... pokemon, Yu gi oh and One peice :P

im joking by the way....

04:50:05 Feb 16th 08 - Mr. Soki:

Please all those show are retarted they jsut keep going and going without much point filler and stuff try

Elfen Lied

06:54:45 Feb 16th 08 - Sir Valentine:

Lol. That anime contains nudity dude. And darn violence. Haha. Hardcore anime i have to say. Bad show for kids. xD

22:06:24 Feb 17th 08 - Sir Engel Van Dood:

Im currently watching Heroic Age

Oh and here are some anime sites for watching videos online most work best with firefox. They each have a list of anime shows they have some have more than others

Their are a lot more but you find them!!!!!!

22:29:22 Feb 18th 08 - Sir Darkmarsbar:

cool thanks

i watch alot of anime on anime kick

08:00:12 Feb 21st 08 - Mr. Stickman The Creator:

Lol, despite all the naruto haters, it prob my fav on the list.
Anyone who controls dead people with strings is awsome, sorry =]
But i cant stand the american voices, and i can barely watch the show..
i only read the manga

08:44:50 Feb 21st 08 - Lord Seloc:

Don't watch the dub?

10:59:19 Feb 21st 08 - Sir Valentine:

Read the japanese voice but with english subtitle. But sometimes there are subtitles error.

17:06:03 Feb 21st 08 - Sir Darkmarsbar:

yeah thats true


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