Forums / The hangaround / Are you left or right handed

Are you left or right handed
18:32:29 Jun 29th 13 - Mr. Orpheus:

I'm a lefty, and quite proud of it :P i'm also quite ambidextrous. There's literally no difference between my left & right handed writing (other than a very, very minor slant issue right handed). So, what about you guys? 

18:36:21 Jun 29th 13 - Konspyre (Captain Binh There Done That):

I write stuff with my feet, what does that make me?

18:39:04 Jun 29th 13 - Mr. Orpheus:

Always knew binh was just a foot soldier! 

03:37:38 Jun 30th 13 - Mr. Oops:


07:18:36 Jun 30th 13 - Mr. Couchie:

I write with my brain.

01:24:48 Jul 10th 13 - Fire Lord Crazy (Mr. Immolation Deathbear II):

With my penis. im pretty proud 2. pencil goes right into the hole. don't ask qstions or for autographs thankyou.

01:24:53 Jul 10th 13 - Fire Lord Crazy (Mr. Immolation Deathbear II):

I feel slightly sick after saying that and feel a slight imagery pain

05:24:39 Jul 10th 13 - Mr. Waldo The Wary:

I guess I'm ambidextrous. I use the upraised middle phalanges of BOTH hands. Frequently..

14:54:19 Jul 23rd 13 - Mr. Fifty Pence:

I'm left handed.

two different styles of writing with each hand, right is more bold, left more ittalic

I never knew anything about being left or right handed until a few months ago that's including all the shitty hate in the past about it, blew my mind it did.

16:46:42 Jul 23rd 13 - Bran (Mr. Brann):

i type right handed

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