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Call of Duty Black Ops
04:34:06 Jun 9th 10 - Lord Canucks:

Who thinks this game will be good? Treyarch is making this game.

17:29:14 Jun 10th 10 - Mr. Vuggy:

Obviously gonna be a good game, it's COD. 

17:34:06 Jun 10th 10 - Mr. Doomhammer:

Its Treyarch, though... I think its going to have zombies, so that'll be good no matter what.... solo game will probably suck (going off of CoD 3 and 5.... :S ), but zombies more then makes up for it...

17:41:41 Jun 10th 10 - Ice Prince Aureola:


17:54:37 Jun 10th 10 - Toaster Struddle:

World at War had a shitty storyline but what I liked the most was the WAR gametype.  It was a much better version of what would be cap the flag or hold certain points.  Where you would have to progress across the map capturing certain points.  IMO WAR was only redone well in the Bad Company series and MAG which has you progress through the level completing tasks in order to unlock new tasks to win the level.  It stands to be the only gametype that I like playing in the Call of Duty series and I'm baffled as to why they didnt continue it into MW2 which I believe does not stand up to BBC2 or MAG.  The COD franchise has become bland and stagnant with everyone using virtually the same guns and with them never fixing the perks the only thing they did was throw in some new flashy Killstreaks and didnt fix anything else about the game.

1. LMG's have no recoil
2. AK-47 has no recoil
3. Sinpers sometimes dont kill in one hit even with Stopping Power
4. Stopping Power being completely overpowered and being used more then any other perk in the game. (One ability shouldnt change the game completely)
5. There is no such thing as teamwork even in team objective games. The maps are so small that you can throw a grenade from one side to the other (not exactly true but I can hit your ass with a throwing knife)
6. They update once in a blue moon and never have a beta test notice how Halo 3 and Halo Reach have had beta tests so they can figure out what works and what doesnt.

The COD franchise once it got popular have done jack shit with their games making little to no changes at all to the original problems and making giant flashy updates to drag people in.  For the first time I'm not going to rent before I buy this because if it's got the same issues I'll have it for a month and then never play it again because nothing has changed.

02:38:09 Jun 15th 10 - Toaster Struddle:

BTW Update on the whole MW Team issue.  The guys that made MW1 + MW2 have teamed up with Battlefield Bad Company's team and are planning on making the next Medal of Honor.  Look for this game to be the pinnacle of badassness when it comes out.

04:16:02 Jun 15th 10 - Mr. Vuggy:

LMG's can be fixed, AK is fine in MW2. It has PLENTY of recoil... MW1 was miserable on weapons, and MW2 could have some better balances.. it's basically only a couple weapons to decide the game, but just because it's a certain game company doesn't mean the game is going to be sh*t. They obviously know what they're doing, I saw the trailer and gameplay from E3 today, looks great, what's expected from COD, with maybe a little extra. In the campaign you get to fly a chopper, maybe they're adding that online too? That'd be awesome.

05:38:48 Jun 16th 10 - Toaster Struddle:

BTW Black OPs isnt being made by the same fuckers that made MW they made Call of Duty World at War which was by far a much better and much more team based then MW 1 or MW 2.

16:06:46 Jun 19th 10 - Mr. Vuggy:

Yes.. but MW probably sold more copies... Not saying it did, I'm too lazy to look it up. But in my personal opinion old-type games aren't fun online... I downloaded Battlefield 1943 on my 360 and it was totally NOT worth it... completely left unfinished in many aspects.. :/

18:19:26 Jun 21st 10 - Lady Patches Ohoulihan:

COD 3 = best.

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