Forums / The hangaround / Carnage Embassy 2.1.0

Carnage Embassy 2.1.0
02:05:26 Oct 15th 07 - Mr. Architect:

New era, new embassy...

02:09:21 Oct 15th 07 - Ms. Lacewing:

Let me be the first to flame Carnage!

Carnage sucks!

02:30:43 Oct 15th 07 - Mr. Razor Grinder:

Can I be the second?

Carnage sucks!

03:05:51 Oct 15th 07 - Lord Ladybug:

Yes, Carnage leadership had kicked all the old members and instead, got BUGS as their members instead. I, for one, also sucks, because I am a ladybug.

And I think most insects suck.


Look out for Effie though, he is rather sensitive to the work SUCK.

04:55:03 Oct 15th 07 - Sir Patton:

Nah he might get the wrong idea if he sees that word.

05:24:29 Oct 15th 07 - Lord Epyon:

so much for Carnage 'disbanding'


05:26:24 Oct 15th 07 - Ms. Dung Beetle:

:P It was a joke from the beginning....we never had any intentions of disbanding.....

05:54:16 Oct 15th 07 - Duke Lucias Septim II:

You guys were Greek Gods, now you're bugs?

06:41:29 Oct 15th 07 - Mr. Heroix:

You are the biggest kingdom in 3 worlds. lol. again.

06:58:38 Oct 15th 07 - Ms. Dung Beetle:


A whole new era and Heroix STILL cant find new material to use.....


07:01:06 Oct 15th 07 - Mr. Heroix:

Because repeating same *beep*'s a little funny.
And It's not because I want to repeat, but because you doing same as all eras.
What can I say new? Do something new, then it will change.

07:09:06 Oct 15th 07 - Ms. Dung Beetle:

Uhmmm....ok.....but when 95% of your membership stays with you era to era, you cant really help staying at a constant number of members, and of course looking back at the past 8(?) eras we have been around and the success we have had, why change?

07:13:10 Oct 15th 07 - Mr. Spud:

So...howed you get stuck with the Dung beetle as your bug to be?

07:16:18 Oct 15th 07 - Ms. Dung Beetle:

I chose it of course^^

07:26:07 Oct 15th 07 - Lord Software Bug:

There is nothing wrong with our amount of members. We cant help it so many people want to join :) I assume its because they haven't met Tak yet.

P.S. We are going way to fast with the upgrades. What happened with 2.0.2?

09:20:38 Oct 15th 07 - Mr. Architect:

@ Sun
"thats a cool picture of beers architect."

I thought so, wouldn't mind a few, :P

@ Software Bug
Personally I just didn't feel like having a 2.0.2, I thought 2.1.0 looked better, next will be 2.1.1, then probably 3.0 and repeat up to 4 then multiply by pi and divide by 2/3.

12:06:45 Oct 15th 07 - Sir Gennady Mikhailov:

Long live Carnage.  Do us a favour, this era, kick some zeonic a$$


14:28:23 Oct 15th 07 - Sir Patton:

So, how can it be Carnage and how can you all be downing brews if you all are bugs?

It doesn't invoke images of killers, more like annoyances. ;-)

14:55:41 Oct 15th 07 - Ms. Dung Beetle:

Ahhhh...but thats the beauty of it, maybe it will lead to underestimation, until its too late and we are standing over their dead bodies?

Would you have preferred our other choice of theme, kama sutra positions?:P

15:42:27 Oct 15th 07 - Lord Ladybug:

@ Heroix: I sure hope I can get that MiB device where I can actually "flash" Heroix's memory. We are entertain you guys with epic battle movies, you complain. We change our names to entertain you guys, you complain. We play a joke, you complain.

I guess you always want to see a grumpy me, sullen Stormcrow, hyperactive Venomz, patient Marche, Naked Tak, Lu*beep*l Effie, Wise Yarlin (I can't name all 35 of you, can't I? My brian is only that big....)etc. era after era. One word, "BORING", can describe you. See you on the battlegrounds, where my bugs can really suck the juices out of you.


16:00:35 Oct 15th 07 - Sir Patton:

Hmm, if you were a female 'ladybug' you could suck out the juices any ol' day. Otherwise, forget it. ;-)

Also, Kama Sutra would be great, just look at the names of the people I play with. ;-)

16:07:47 Oct 15th 07 - Lord Ladybug:

@Sire Patton: Unfortunately, I am male, but trying to get in touch with my feminine side (but I am still straight, so keep your hands off my a55, Patton). Well, our dear Prince did miss out on the bugs theme and when on the Kama Sutra theme. ;-)

16:10:15 Oct 15th 07 - Sir Patton:

I'll sic Moe Lester and Gene Talia after you, they're probably more interested in your a$$ anyways.

01:36:23 Oct 16th 07 - Sir Patton:

Blue Dog, pm me if you would..

02:55:55 Oct 16th 07 - Mr. Soccerfreedom:

Blue Dog, pm me if you would..

06:33:15 Oct 16th 07 - Mr. Architect:

Blue Dog, PM me if you would...

What do you guys need?

07:02:25 Oct 16th 07 - Mr. Stonefly:

what? Carnage is back? since when? why wasn't i told?

14:43:40 Oct 22nd 07 - Lord Carnage:

I was always here, since the beginning of time.

14:58:47 Oct 22nd 07 - Mr. Spoon:

Losing from Music since the beginning of time... ;)

21:53:30 Oct 22nd 07 - Lord Software Bug:


It appears someone has been sabotaging this Embassy and has stolen many informative, useful and important posts. Archi, we need a security patch!

19:47:07 Oct 23rd 07 - Mr. Architect:

I'll get right on it!!!

for the mean time however:


If you are interested, apply within...

But you are within, so where do you apply?

20:31:55 Oct 23rd 07 - Mr. Spoon:

If the y was e, it would've been a whole different message, which wouldn't have made any sense.

04:35:43 Oct 24th 07 - Mr. Wolf Spider:



There seems to be a few posts missing in here. Am I growing blind or is someone deleting my memories?

05:39:52 Oct 24th 07 - Mr. Architect:

No, one of the power hungry mods decided that Carnage sucked and since they could not beat us in any other way, they decided to delete almost all of our Embassy posts.

05:42:34 Oct 24th 07 - Duke Epyon:

yep, that's pretty much how things are done around here =)

23:47:06 Oct 24th 07 - Prince Lucias Septim II:

"They deleted my very existance as a guard!!!"

*Septim loads his SP@M cannon.


23:52:13 Oct 24th 07 - Ms. Dung Beetle:

Whaaaa??????? They deleted our guard???

And he was a good guard too:(

Its almost getting to the point where you dont want to post anything in these forums..... 

03:35:14 Oct 25th 07 - Mr. Architect:

pretty much.  The mods will delete pretty much anything just cause he feels like it whether or not it is *beep*.  It's really stupid and pointless.  There is no reason for it.  Each message takes up maybe 1-2 kb of space depending on how they have their stuff set up, so space is not an issue.  Other then that, who is to tell us that what we are posting is *beep*.  I find alot of use out of what is said here.  But apparently the mods cant see that...

04:05:53 Oct 25th 07 - Prince Lucias Septim II:

"Hmmmmmmmm...I am a good guard and will remain a good guard!!!"

05:20:36 Oct 25th 07 - Mr. Spoon:

The messages have a second meaning. Mods are too stupid to see that.

I wonder why me y = e post didn't get deleted, I wonder if this one will.
Or maaaaaaybe someone played with the repor button

06:31:40 Oct 25th 07 - Mr. Stonefly:

people fear what they don't understand ;)

08:46:46 Oct 26th 07 - Lord Software Bug:

Yes. I fear Stormie since the day I have met him. Any try to understand him will result in me going crazy I fear.

09:20:00 Oct 26th 07 - Mr. Architect:

Septim, it seems that no one else would like to step up and claim the title of Carnage guard.  So, I will have to you you work 2x as hard to make up for the missing guard.  Are you up to the task?

09:23:46 Oct 26th 07 - Mr. Architect:

There, now I feel at home...

18:23:48 Oct 26th 07 - Prince Lucias Septim II:


*Septim pulls out another SP@M cannon to hold in his other hand.

20:20:34 Oct 26th 07 - Mr. Architect:

Septim!!!  Watch out!!!!  They are coming!!!

20:41:25 Oct 26th 07 - Lord Carnage:

ah, nice to see some ROFLCHOPTER!!1s to guard....

and LMAO for the kitty tornados XD

00:41:44 Oct 27th 07 - Prince Lucias Septim II:

*Septim shoots one tornado with one SP@M cannon and shoots the other with his other SP@M cannon


05:07:32 Oct 27th 07 - Mr. Might:

*Might runs in and plants a few bombs on Lord Carnages cat and then runs a few feet away and hides.*


05:21:07 Oct 27th 07 - Mr. Brutus:

kitty tornadoes picture = awesome

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