Forums / The hangaround / Class of Era of Virgin

Class of Era of Virgin
14:23:13 May 1st 07 - Mr. Hemmer:

Heh, era seems to be ending in a few days. So I'll just post this for you Fantasian guys.. ;)


The Bushido Award for most Honorable:

The WMD Award for most Destructive:

The Field Mouse award for least heard from kd:

The 'Say Hello to my Little Friend' award for most effective new player kd:

The Stalin Award for Most Ruthless:

The Hippie Award for the Most Peaceful:

Best "Pull it Together and Wreak Hell Merged Army":


The Rommel Award for Best Tactics:

The Four Horsemen award for Most Warlike:

The Hobbit award for the Best Farmer:

The 'That's MISTER @$$ to you' award for most likely to get slaughtered next era.

The Condoleeza Rice award for best Diplomat:

The Benedict Arnold award for biggest traitor:

The Jack of All Trades award for best all around:

The "I'm Too Sexy for this Game, but I play it anyway":

The "I Love to Do the Dew" Award for best roleplaying:

The "I'm So Hot I'm on Fire" Award for best and funniest flames:

Fun Awards:

Most Artistic Banner:

Sexiest Banner:

Oddest Ruler Name:

Best Ruler Name:

Sexiest Ruler Name:

The Best Spammer:

15:07:34 May 1st 07 - Sir Paffician:

Why dont you write who should win those awards?

15:21:52 May 1st 07 - Mr. Hemmer:

Because it's meant for the Fantasian guys, they should vote for it. I'm not on Fantasia.

15:35:53 May 1st 07 - Sir Paffician:

oh.... well, then i vote that '' Most Artistic Banner '' award should get The Illuminati Empires banner.......

16:28:55 May 1st 07 - Sir Paffician:

The Field Mouse award for least heard from kd: - i vote for ''The Ever Victorious Army'' kingdom in Fant.

The 'Say Hello to my Little Friend' award for most effective new player kd: - i vote for ''Midnight Sun'' kingdom in Fant.

The Hippie Award for the Most Peaceful: - I vote for '' The One And Only'' because in this rea i have not heard any wars whit them....


The Rommel Award for Best Tactics: - I vote for The Illuminati Empires member Mr. The Viking.

The 'That's MISTER @$$ to you' award for most likely to get slaughtered next era. - i vote for Legacy member Mr.Cobra (hope you will get killed).....

The Condoleeza Rice award for best Diplomat: - i vote for ''Freedom Fighters'' kingdom Vice Ms.Lewatha.

The Benedict Arnold award for biggest traitor: - i vote for ex- IE member Mr.Sniper.

Most Artistic Banner: i vote for The Illuminati Empires banner....

Oddest Ruler Name: - vote for The Illuminati Empires member Damyo Chuck Norris

Best Ruler Name: I vote for Legacy leader Mr.Draiken..

                                    This is what i vote for...

16:49:41 May 1st 07 - Sir Fizban:

I normally do this, however the last couple eras haven't been note-worthy enough for me to spend time thinking of who was the 'best' at things. Still, just to re-assert my claim on end of era awards..



The Bushido Award for most Honorable: Legacy. Face it, we're not the 'evil' kd anymore. Seem to be the only one with a shred of honor left.

The WMD Award for most Destructive: Hard to call, everyone's had their destructive moments.

The Field Mouse award for least heard from kd: PKS. Where are you my little guerilla friends?

The 'Say Hello to my Little Friend' award for most effective new player kd: If Baccus had actually fought, I might've given this to them. I'll toss it to Only U, even though I know there's heavy V influence in there.

The Stalin Award for Most Ruthless: Legacy, hands down.

The Hippie Award for the Most Peaceful: TNO.

Best "Pull it Together and Wreak Hell Merged Army": I'll give it to the Abydos merge on the western front.


The Rommel Award for Best Tactics: Anyone in Legacy can have this one. So many fronts that required great coordination.

The Four Horsemen award for Most Warlike: Since I can't vote myself, I'll give it to Draiken or Dvs.

The Hobbit award for the Best Farmer: Pick anyone in Baccus.

The Merlin Award for Best Mage: Binh!

The 'That's MISTER @$$ to you' award for most likely to get slaughtered next era. Anyone that's been in V or the 'Monks'.

The Condoleeza Rice award for best Diplomat: Swiffers

The Benedict Arnold award for biggest traitor: None that i'm aware of.

The Jack of All Trades award for best all around: Draiken

The "I'm Too Sexy for this Game, but I play it anyway": Quietone, Spooky and Arien.

The "I Love to Do the Dew" Award for best roleplaying: Swiffers for Hungrier Horse stories.

The "I'm So Hot I'm on Fire" Award for best and funniest flames: We've perfected flaming. Sorry.

Fun Awards:

Most Artistic Banner:

Sexiest Banner:

Oddest Ruler Name:

Best Ruler Name:

Sexiest Ruler Name:

The Best Spammer: Me!

17:37:23 May 1st 07 - Mr. Hemmer:

I wasn't on Fantasia, but I still followed alot of the politics, checked it out at a friends house a few times, so I'll give it a try.


The Bushido Award for most Honorable: I don't know, but I haven't heard of unhonourable actions. So I guess everybody was a bit honourable this era.

The WMD Award for most Destructive: Legacy. 100%. As Fizban said, you guys had 90% fighting you. And you were first, and most powerfull untill lately.

The Field Mouse award for least heard from kd: Freedom Fighters

The 'Say Hello to my Little Friend' award for most effective new player kd:

The Stalin Award for Most Ruthless:

The Hippie Award for the Most Peaceful: I must agree on Fizban here. TnO. They farmed everybody down. Gallyon- 8/9 million gold income? Without cavemasters...

Best "Pull it Together and Wreak Hell Merged Army": I heard of one horde. That was Abydos'.


The Rommel Award for Best Tactics: Must be anybody from Legacy.

The Four Horsemen award for Most Warlike:

The Hobbit award for the Best Farmer: TnO, Baccus Monks, Carnage, IE.

The 'That's MISTER @$$ to you' award for most likely to get slaughtered next era. I doubt the Monks will get 'slaughtered'. But I don't think they'll grow big either. I'll just go with Phi- Sorry guys, but people just seem to be hating you guys.

The Condoleeza Rice award for best Diplomat: Ha! Me! Did you see me nearly getting that NAP with Abydos? Wow!

The Benedict Arnold award for biggest traitor: Oh wait, something just pops in my mind. The One and Only sneak attack? Or nah, not really a trait. Just 'smart'(?) thinking, nasty for Legacy.

The Jack of All Trades award for best all around: Legacy, didn't really follow any players from the lower worlds!

The "I'm Too Sexy for this Game, but I play it anyway":

The "I Love to Do the Dew" Award for best roleplaying: Not following roleplaying....

The "I'm So Hot I'm on Fire" Award for best and funniest flames: Erm, Half Baked flaming The Viking?

Fun Awards:

Most Artistic Banner:

Sexiest Banner:

Oddest Ruler Name: Erm, what was that Carnage guy with the name that you just CAN'T pronounce again?

Best Ruler Name:

Sexiest Ruler Name:

The Best Spammer:

18:07:53 May 1st 07 - Mr. Brashen:


The Bushido Award for most Honorable: PHI

They took their loss without winning I like that

The WMD Award for most Destructive:LEGACY

Well we been warring almost everyone comming our way this era!

The Field Mouse award for least heard from kd: The Ever Victorious Army

I just noticed they were on the map :P

The Stalin Award for Most Ruthless: Legacy

We beaten a bunch of kd´s this era

The Hippie Award for the Most Peaceful:Freedom Fighters

Best "Pull it Together and Wreak Hell Merged Army": Abydos

Got a couple of Hordes. Not that they manage to do eny harm with them!


The Rommel Award for Best Tactics: Swifty

The Four Horsemen award for Most Warlike:  Hamish

Argh he dont know when to roll over and die

The 'That's MISTER @$$ to you' award for most likely to get slaughtered next era. Baccus

The Hobbit award for the Best Farmer: Baccus

just make your pick for anyone of them

The Condoleeza Rice award for best Diplomat:

The Benedict Arnold award for biggest traitor: Sniper

The Jack of All Trades award for best all around:

The "I'm Too Sexy for this Game, but I play it anyway": Brashen

ME of course

The "I'm So Hot I'm on Fire" Award for best and funniest flames: IE

Their ambassy was fun

Fun Awards: Roxbury

For his movie thread

Most Artistic Banner: LGC

Pretty much all the others are way to ugly for my taste

Sexiest Banner:  BOW

Oddest Ruler Name: Crissxcross

Ugly name for a player and it will be a ugly name for a era

18:29:37 May 1st 07 - Mr. Stormcrow:


First time for me doing this so here goes.....

The Bushido Award for most Honorable: Dunno this one, besides honor is relative term imo. What one considers honor may not be the case with another. If I had to choose a honorable kingdom in terms of the battlefield, i guess legacy then, good fight guys.

The WMD Award for most Destructive: I guess it would be unethical to vote for my own kingdom Carnage, so I go with legacy again on this one.

The Field Mouse award for least heard from kd: BoW. Are these actually playing or did they stop?

The 'Say Hello to my Little Friend' award for most effective new player kd: Not really any impressive new kingdoms, but if forced to choose, I would go with Hells Wraith, those guys are still around kicking:P

The Stalin Award for Most Ruthless:

The Hippie Award for the Most Peaceful: My perennial favorite, PKS

Best "Pull it Together and Wreak Hell Merged Army": Havent seen any in terms of wreaking hell, but good job to Abydos for the nice horde out west.


The Rommel Award for Best Tactics: Either Von Darkmoor for always pulling troops out of nowhere or Elsin for keeping me on a nice long chase and all the while razing towns he came across:P

The Four Horsemen award for Most Warlike: Legacy for fighting pretty much everyone and still maintaining their prominence

The Hobbit award for the Best Farmer: uhmm....i hate farmers, but only because they grow nasty green things like broccoli or spinach.....

The 'That's MISTER @$$ to you' award for most likely to get slaughtered next era. Efrandor's penor;) (inside joke)

The Condoleeza Rice award for best Diplomat:

The Benedict Arnold award for biggest traitor:

The Jack of All Trades award for best all around:

The "I'm Too Sexy for this Game, but I play it anyway":

The "I Love to Do the Dew" Award for best roleplaying:

The "I'm So Hot I'm on Fire" Award for best and funniest flames: Ew its crusty or Swiffie

Fun Awards:

Most Artistic Banner:

Sexiest Banner:

Oddest Ruler Name: That would be my younger brother Arkngthunchasturdumz;)

Best Ruler Name: Ew Its Crusty, love the name, makes me chuckle everytime i see it....

Sexiest Ruler Name:

The Best Spammer:

19:03:18 May 1st 07 - Ms. Lewatha:


The Bushido Award for most Honorable: Carnage

The WMD Award for most Destructive: Legacy

The Field Mouse award for least heard from kd: BoW(haven't seen them yet)

The 'Say Hello to my Little Friend' award for most effective new player kd: I think that would have been The Cloudy Sky since they have been 6th position for a while (though they got killed)

The Stalin Award for Most Ruthless: Legacy

The Hippie Award for the Most Peaceful: Peacekeepers

Best "Pull it Together and Wreak Hell Merged Army": Abydos's west army


The Rommel Award for Best Tactics:

The Four Horsemen award for Most Warlike:

The Hobbit award for the Best Farmer:

The 'That's MISTER @$$ to you' award for most likely to get slaughtered next era. Santa Claus of Dorian Empire

The Condoleeza Rice award for best Diplomat:

The Benedict Arnold award for biggest traitor: Myself =P

The Jack of All Trades award for best all around:

The "I'm Too Sexy for this Game, but I play it anyway":

The "I Love to Do the Dew" Award for best roleplaying: Don't do roleplaying

The "I'm So Hot I'm on Fire" Award for best and funniest flames:

Fun Awards:

Most Artistic Banner: LGC

Sexiest Banner: FF

Oddest Ruler Name: Ew it's Crusty

Best Ruler Name:

Sexiest Ruler Name:

The Best Spammer: Firendash because all of his posts are spam

19:06:49 May 1st 07 - Duke Erunion Telcontar:

How come everybodys saying were so peaceful! Bah! It's not like we didn't have anyone nearby to fight after respwning (not a mistake in spelling... :P). We killed the locals, then realised the rest of the locals were friends, not food, so I have this army that has gone so far afield hunting some enemy that it is (comparably) 50% worse than it was at the start of it's movement. Everybody else has gotten bigger and better armies. Therefore, we get the hippie award. So frustrating :P

19:15:46 May 1st 07 - Mr. Aixinjeuro Nuerhachi:


The Bushido Award for most Honorable: EVA, for sticking to the NAPs, and fighting the fight when all others are all over them. PHI, for also fighting the fight, and knowing how to lose gracefully.

The WMD Award for most Destructive: LGC, Abydos

The Field Mouse award for least heard from kd: PKS, BoW. I hope they get back up soon.

The 'Say Hello to my Little Friend' award for most effective new player kd: Hell Wraith

The Stalin Award for Most Ruthless: TnO, from a very personal perspective.

The Hippie Award for the Most Peaceful: NA

Best "Pull it Together and Wreak Hell Merged Army": LGC, Abydos, and of course Carnage. We all have our moments....


The Rommel Award for Best Tactics: Von Darkmoor (Havoc), Dvs (LGC), Binh (LGC)

The Four Horsemen award for Most Warlike: All out war for everyone, erm, almost everyone, except those that are drunk or making liquor or wearing strange looking robes from the bottles of Paulner Muchen.

The Hobbit award for the Best Farmer: who farms = who dies in this era

The 'That's MISTER @$$ to you' award for most likely to get slaughtered next era. Ivanius, for betraying EVA in its darkest moments, just to save your own behind.

The Condoleeza Rice award for best Diplomat: NA

The Benedict Arnold award for biggest traitor: Ivanius

The Jack of All Trades award for best all around: NA

The "I'm Too Sexy for this Game, but I play it anyway": All the gentleladies and, erm, pseudo-gentleladies....

The "I Love to Do the Dew" Award for best roleplaying: hmmmm.....

The "I'm So Hot I'm on Fire" Award for best and funniest flames: anyone from LGC who bothers to be in the forums, and of course, our very own Judge Obelix

Fun Awards:

Most Artistic Banner: Go Oranje!

Sexiest Banner: NA

Oddest Ruler Name: The man who was fomerly known as Thomas Bell. Still waiting for the wheel to be invented.....

Best Ruler Name: All the Nakeds, Half Nakeds, and the Dressed.....

Sexiest Ruler Name: NA

The Best Spammer: NA

19:20:31 May 1st 07 - Duke Erunion Telcontar:

Lewatha. Firendash was not the best spammer. That award does not just imply plurality of spam, it implys that it was good spam. Which is impossible, therefore you can't give that award to anyone. Try working that one out...


The Bushido Award for most Honorable: There was an honourable KD!?!?!? :P Well, maybe us... And Legacys pretty good that way...

The WMD Award for most Destructive: Need you ask? LGC. Reasons listed by everyone else. Maybe Legacy should disband and put a player in each smaller KD...

The Field Mouse award for least heard from kd: For this one we must bow before BOW. Where were you guys????

The 'Say Hello to my Little Friend' award for most effective new player kd:

The Stalin Award for Most Ruthless: Hey! It's LGC! Fancy that...

The Hippie Award for the Most Peaceful: Err, well, umm... Us? (The PKS) we haven't had any enemies since arma.. Although we have been huntin... Might throw my pathetic armies at legacy....

Best "Pull it Together and Wreak Hell Merged Army": I heard of an Abydosian somewhere in the west...


The Rommel Award for Best Tactics: Fiz maybe..

The Four Horsemen award for Most Warlike: Some semi-random LGC player. (I think the answers are gettin monotonous....)

The Hobbit award for the Best Farmer: Yeah Monks! Nice farming around the monastary I here. Good wine too. Lots of it... Just over there! (Points to the cliff's end....) *mumbles* "If I can get one too do it, might have the lemming effect..."

The 'That's MISTER @$$ to you' award for most likely to get slaughtered next era. The wine sodden farmers maybe? Heard there not too popular

The Condoleeza Rice award for best Diplomat: Diplomat? Whats that? Is it a new type of mat? To walk all over during Meetings between KD's maybe?? :P

The Benedict Arnold award for biggest traitor: *bang, in the distance* "headshot!!!!" SNIPER!!!

The Jack of All Trades award for best all around: Someone in LGC. Or me. I'm really good at everything! *Ducks rotten tomatoes*

The "I'm Too Sexy for this Game, but I play it anyway": Spooky, Arien, Quiteone.

The "I Love to Do the Dew" Award for best roleplaying: Rhades darn good...

The "I'm So Hot I'm on Fire" Award for best and funniest flames: I seem to remember someone in a political forum...

Fun Awards:

Most Artistic Banner: At least the LGC banner ain't pink anymore... Red's pretty hot. Blues cooler. (pun intended)

Sexiest Banner: PKS. That rising sun pizza rocks! :P

Oddest Ruler Name: Arkngthunchasturdumz. That has got too be the oddest.

Best Ruler Name: Duke Erunion Telcontar *Dodges rotten lettuce* "Oh, they're out of Tomatoes..."

Sexiest Ruler Name: I haven't the foggiest.

The Best Spammer: Fiz. Why, I don't know, but I just felt like givin the last one to LGC.

19:32:22 May 1st 07 - Sir Fizban:

Woooo! I'll spam in this thread in honor of getting the award nomination!

20:12:34 May 1st 07 - Mr. EW Its Crusty:

New rule - don't  vote for your own kingdom, except for individual players.


The Bushido Award for most Honorable: Phi - took their beating without complaint.

The WMD Award for most Destructive: Carnage beat MAD pretty hard.

The Field Mouse award for least heard from kd: FF - didn't notice them at all.

The 'Say Hello to my Little Friend' award for most effective new player kd: Baccus

The Stalin Award for Most Ruthless: TnO

The Hippie Award for the Most Peaceful: Baccus

Best "Pull it Together and Wreak Hell Merged Army": The abydos horde didnt wreak hell. So there were none that I saw.


The Rommel Award for Best Tactics: Swifty

The Four Horsemen award for Most Warlike: Elsin/Ben at start o*beep*e

The Hobbit award for the Best Farmer: Dvs or #1 guy

The 'That's MISTER @$$ to you' award for most likely to get slaughtered next era. My enemies.

The Condoleeza Rice award for best Diplomat: diplomacy is for the weak

The Benedict Arnold award for biggest traitor: The guy who quit IE and then hit their eco.

The Jack of All Trades award for best all around: Binh

The "I'm Too Sexy for this Game, but I play it anyway": Rox

The "I Love to Do the Dew" Award for best roleplaying:

The "I'm So Hot I'm on Fire" Award for best and funniest flames: Swifty

Fun Awards:

Most Artistic Banner: Abydos

Sexiest Banner:

Oddest Ruler Name: Hungrier Horse

Best Ruler Name: Yerall Azzzhole Jrx

Sexiest Ruler Name: meh

The Best Spammer: Gallyon with his trivia in #vu

21:37:07 May 1st 07 - Mr. Crash:

What do I get?.....

21:41:03 May 1st 07 - Mr. Atreides:

    The Hobbit award for the Best Farmer: TnO, Baccus Monks, Carnage, IE.

and we were the first to fight Legacy =(

EDIT: ....well, actually we attacked after they killed BoW and Shogun...

22:09:49 May 1st 07 - Sir Venomz The Naked:


The Bushido Award for most Honorable: Abydos

The WMD Award for most Destructive: I cant say carnage.. but Effies penor did much damage to all of fantasia.. so i go with Legacy.

The Field Mouse award for least heard from kd: BoW - didn't notice them at all.

The 'Say Hello to my Little Friend' award for most effective new player kd:

The Stalin Award for Most Ruthless:

The Hippie Award for the Most Peaceful: Baccus

Best "Pull it Together and Wreak Hell Merged Army": The abydos horde, Carnage horde, baccus merge...  But no serious damage.


The Rommel Award for Best Tactics: Danny Boy

The Four Horsemen award for Most Warlike: Von Darkmoor

The Hobbit award for the Best Farmer: Dvsmasta

The 'That's MISTER @$$ to you' award for most likely to get slaughtered next era. Effies Penor

The Condoleeza Rice award for best Diplomat: Stormcrow

The Benedict Arnold award for biggest traitor: The guy who quit IE and then hit their eco.

The Jack of All Trades award for best all around: Binh

The "I'm Too Sexy for this Game, but I play it anyway": Efrandor

The "I Love to Do the Dew" Award for best roleplaying: Mielo

The "I'm So Hot I'm on Fire" Award for best and funniest flames: Swifty

Fun Awards

Most Artistic Banner: Abydos

Sexiest Banner: Only U, i mean the name of our god is on it.. "ZETA"

Oddest Ruler Name: Mr. Arkngthunchasturdumz -> copied it from kd page ^^

Best Ruler Name: Tom From MY Space

Sexiest Ruler Name: Obelix, cmon everyone loves his fat belly ^^

The Best Spammer: Nedermier, made my inbox become: You have 609 Private Messages.
I also nominate Togglo for playing the pokémon game with me.. we knew all 151 pokémon!

22:40:08 May 1st 07 - Duke Efrandor:

I would like to thank the academy and my penor for ending up so good on the charts.

23:18:22 May 1st 07 - Sir Venomz The Naked:

You and your penor earned it!

03:04:32 May 2nd 07 - Sir Arzun:


The Bushido Award for most Honorable: PKS

Sooo sorry for making you put up with Sniper :(

The WMD Award for most Destructive: Legacy

The Field Mouse award for least heard from kd: Carnage

Might be cause we were on the opposite side of the map

The 'Say Hello to my Little Friend' award for most effective new player kd:

The Stalin Award for Most Ruthless: Legacy

The Hippie Award for the Most Peaceful: PKS!

Best "Pull it Together and Wreak Hell Merged Army":  Abydos?

Missed it... darn


The Rommel Award for Best Tactics: Fizban

The Four Horsemen award for Most Warlike: Dvmaster

The Hobbit award for the Best Farmer: I thought I did a nice job... but I guess Baccus beat me... darn, I can't do anything! }:(

The Merlin Award for Best Mage: Abbadon

The 'That's MISTER @$$ to you' award for most likely to get slaughtered next era.

The Condoleeza Rice award for best Diplomat: Quietone

The Benedict Arnold award for biggest traitor: Sniper

So sorry again to PKS

The Jack of All Trades award for best all around:

The "I'm Too Sexy for this Game, but I play it anyway": Hemmer

The "I Love to Do the Dew" Award for best roleplaying: Rhade

The "I'm So Hot I'm on Fire" Award for best and funniest flames: Fizban

Fun Awards:

Most Artistic Banner: BoW

I love it :)

Sexiest Banner: LGC

Oddest Ruler Name: EW Its Crusty


Best Ruler Name: Fizban

Sexiest Ruler Name: I agree, all the Nakeds and Half Nakeds... and is Baked Naked misspelled? The B is right next to the N...

The Best Spammer: Fizban :D and Swifty of course


 The Hobbit award for the Best Farmer: TnO, Baccus Monks, Carnage, IE.

Why are we farmers :( I guess I did Farm... but the rest of my KD fought the entire era : )

03:31:41 May 2nd 07 - Mr. Half Baked:


The Bushido Award for most Honorable: Mirror/Midnight Sun

The WMD Award for most Destructive: Legacy

The Field Mouse award for least heard from kd: EVA

The 'Say Hello to my Little Friend' award for most effective new player kd:

The Stalin Award for Most Ruthless: Legacy, even though we spread peace

The Hippie Award for the Most Peaceful: EVA

Best "Pull it Together and Wreak Hell Merged Army": Nothing really merged that caused any damage anywhere


The Rommel Award for Best Tactics: Fizban, even though he don't love anymore, lol.

The Four Horsemen award for Most Warlike: Dvs

The Hobbit award for the Best Farmer: Every single one of you pansey azz dwarves

The 'That's MISTER @$$ to you' award for most likely to get slaughtered next era. All who oppose Legacy

The Condoleeza Rice award for best Diplomat: Quietone

The Benedict Arnold award for biggest traitor: All the IE guys that bailed on their kd mates as lgc armies came through.

The Jack of All Trades award for best all around: One night at the Roxbury

The "I'm Too Sexy for this Game, but I play it anyway": Val

The "I Love to Do the Dew" Award for best roleplaying: Swifty as Hungry Horse, although its not as much role playing as you all may think. He is one twisted nut.

The "I'm So Hot I'm on Fire" Award for best and funniest flames: The Viking makes me laugh, he flames himself

Fun Awards:

Most Artistic Banner: Legacy, Mirrors is pretty nice also

Sexiest Banner: Legacy, thats like 2 years running now

Oddest Ruler Name: EW its Crusty

Best Ruler Name:  Yerall Azzzholz Jrx

Sexiest Ruler Name: Quietone

The Best Spammer: Twamano (sp)?

04:59:07 May 2nd 07 - Mr. Danny Boy:

@Hemmer >>> You are grossly mistaken about Carnage, we have fought since the first day of this era and definitely not farmers like what you have posted.

Carnage is the reason why MAD yellow banner is no longer fly in Fantasia. Carnage is one of the reasons why EVA is now reduced to obscurity and almost not existence. Carnage is reason why Dorian Empire is now in the world of Starta. Carnage is repsonsible for the downfall of The Cloudy Sky and Nothern Empire.

Right now, even when the era is ending, Carnage is the reason why TnO is shrinking and Carnage is also fighting Legacy in two fronts.

Hardly a farmer kingdom, I would say. Our wars may not be great but they are significant.


This is my take for this era.


The Bushido Award for most Honorable: Phi (Gracefully admitting defeat) and Abydos

The WMD Award for most Destructive: Legacy

The Field Mouse award for least heard from kd: BoW

The 'Say Hello to my Little Friend' award for most effective new player kd: TnO

The Stalin Award for Most Ruthless: Legacy

The Hippie Award for the Most Peaceful: PKS (Are they still building Rainbow cities?)

Best "Pull it Together and Wreak Hell Merged Army": Abydos but like what most people say, the merged armies this era is not doing a lot of damage.


The Rommel Award for Best Tactics: Von Darkmoor

The Four Horsemen award for Most Warlike: Von Darkmoor and Elsin

The Hobbit award for the Best Farmer: Crissxcross

The 'That's MISTER @$$ to you' award for most likely to get slaughtered next era.: I don't know, you tell me,...........

The Condoleeza Rice award for best Diplomat: Stormcrow

The Benedict Arnold award for biggest traitor: Sniper

The Jack of All Trades award for best all around: Binh

The "I'm Too Sexy for this Game, but I play it anyway": Efrandor aka Effie

The "I Love to Do the Dew" Award for best roleplaying: Rhade

The "I'm So Hot I'm on Fire" Award for best and funniest flames: Twamao

Fun Awards:

Most Artistic Banner: Carnage

Sexiest Banner: Carnage

Oddest Ruler Name: I called him "Ark" for short.

Best Ruler Name: Von Darkmoor (I'm a Raymond E. Feist fan)

Sexiest Ruler Name: Hungrier Horse

The Best Spammer: Twamao

11:18:18 May 2nd 07 - Mr. Morgan:


The Bushido Award for most Honorable: Can really tell.

The WMD Award for most Destructive: Nobody was really destructive. I guess i will vote Carnage coz the slaughterd alot fro, what i can see.

The Field Mouse award for least heard from kd: Never heard of that KD.

The 'Say Hello to my Little Friend' award for most effective new player kd: It would be Only U. And FIZBAN! We currently have 0 players who have been in Vendetta. In fact we got our asses handed to us last era. They eliminated 90% of our entire KD.. so we are not too fond of Vendetta...

The Stalin Award for Most Ruthless: Hungry Horse "swifferzorxz". Spraying countless victims with his semen.

The Hippie Award for the Most Peaceful: I would think all KDs in fantasia where involved in some kind of war. But hells wraith?

Best "Pull it Together and Wreak Hell Merged Army": Abydos merge is the one that comes to mind.


The Hobbit award for the Best Farmer: All dwarves i hate you.

The 'That's MISTER @$$ to you' award for most likely to get slaughtered next era. From what i hear people is mad about Vendetta. So somebody from V?

The Condoleeza Rice award for best Diplomat: Well if you eat rice you are from asia and that means not good english = Bad diplomat(we can understaaaand you!)

The Benedict Arnold award for biggest traitor: That Sniper character. I hear he is a very nice guy.

The Jack of All Trades award for best all around: I guess we will have to look at the HoH

The "I'm Too Sexy for this Game, but I play it anyway": All Legacy members. You make me hot.

19:20:54 May 2nd 07 - Mr. Hanky Panky:


The Bushido Award for most Honorable: abydos

The WMD Award for most Destructive: Legacy

The Field Mouse award for least heard from kd: The ether victorious army

The 'Say Hello to my Little Friend' award for most effective new player kd: TnO

The Stalin Award for Most Ruthless: Legacy

The Hippie Award for the Most Peaceful: PKS

Best "Pull it Together and Wreak Hell Merged Army": Abydos


The Rommel Award for Best Tactics: khan sonka

The Hobbit award for the Best Farmer:  meeeeeee

The 'That's MISTER @$$ to you' award for most likely to get slaughtered next era.: all of you. by me mwahaha

The Benedict Arnold award for biggest traitor: Sniper

Most Artistic Banner: abydos

Sexiest Banner: LGC

Oddest Ruler Name:  ew its crusty

Best Ruler Name: Von Darkmoor (I'm a Raymond E. Feist fan)

Sexiest Ruler Name: Hanky Panky ;)

The Best Spammer: Twamao

23:34:10 May 2nd 07 - Mr. Andrei The Mad Farmer:

"Carnage is the reason why MAD yellow banner is no longer fly in Fantasia."
I would just want to add the fact that the yellow banner would have been extinct anyway after the multi-swipe ^^

23:38:20 May 2nd 07 - Sir Arzun:

Well if we're gonna have a penor battle then IE took out Canabis, KoH (new one) and the Legion all in the first few days ;D

I know that other people have... well... way more then us but it still makes me sleep better at night :D

03:00:15 May 3rd 07 - Mr. Andrei The Mad Farmer:

There was a new KoH at the beginning of this era in Fantasia?O.o

07:03:08 May 3rd 07 - Mr. Stormcrow:

@Arzun: A penor battle? <shakes head> Dude, shouldnt have said that. You know noone is near as good at that as Effie's magical penor? Why Effie's penor is why we have rainbows and unicorns:P

14:54:14 May 3rd 07 - Mr. Xero:


The Bushido Award for most Honorable: Legacy

The WMD Award for most Destructive: Legacy

The Field Mouse award for least heard from kd: The ever Victorious army

The 'Say Hello to my Little Friend' award for most effective new player kd: TnO and if i cant vote for myself then err...Hells Wraith ( only because they are together with us the only NEW Kd :P )

The Stalin Award for Most Ruthless: Legacy

The Hippie Award for the Most Peaceful: Baccus

Best "Pull it Together and Wreak Hell Merged Army": Carnage


The Rommel Award for Best Tactics: Hemmer

The Four Horsemen award for Most Warlike: Draiken

The Hobbit award for the Best Farmer: ( can i really dont vote for myself?? ) ( NEVER POST MY INCOME ON THE FORUM Sp00n ) ;)

The 'That's MISTER @$$ to you' award for most likely to get slaughtered next era. hmmm...if Wraith is next to us...else err....

The Condoleeza Rice award for best Diplomat: Quietone

The Benedict Arnold award for biggest traitor: can i give u a Kingdom? ~Hells Wraith~ they really turned traitor, u should have seen it..horrible

The Jack of All Trades award for best all around: hmmm..

The "I'm Too Sexy for this Game, but I play it anyway": Hemmer

The "I Love to Do the Dew" Award for best roleplaying: -

The "I'm So Hot I'm on Fire" Award for best and funniest flames:

Fun Awards:

Most Artistic Banner:

Sexiest Banner: Our *beep* banner ofcourse ( TnO )

Oddest Ruler Name:

Best Ruler Name:

Sexiest Ruler Name: Quietone

The Best Spammer: ( someone gave me this :O:O!!!! ) err....Twamao

 Right now, even when the era is ending, Carnage is the reason why TnO is shrinking and Carnage is also fighting Legacy in two fronts

hmmm...ofcourse TnO is shrinking...think, 2 of our members were on holiday this last week..and well..that means we are fighting with 4 people...against Carnage which got 25 members, ofcourse we arent facing all 25, but we are facing more then 4 :P

16:51:25 May 3rd 07 - Mr. Danny Boy:

"hmmm...ofcourse TnO is shrinking...think, 2 of our members were on holiday this last week..and well..that means we are fighting with 4 people...against Carnage which got 25 members, ofcourse we arent facing all 25, but we are facing more then 4 :P"


Well, that is what everyone says when they need to find an excuse for their predicament. In any case, whether is it 4 of you or 6 of you, it does not matter, the result would be the same. By the same token, a few north eastern Lords of Carnage were also inactive/less active in this week due to their loss of interest near the end era as well as RL issues. ;-)

19:26:42 May 3rd 07 - Mr. Xero:

though ur numbers are lots bigger, compared to us :P and our Mage was gone this week...which we really need :P though u will just c it as another excuse...i dont care..i have had my best era till now :)

21:42:18 May 3rd 07 - Lord Drakos:

A down age for BoW, with the exception of Hamish and I, everyone died and restarted at least 3 times. :P

Hats off to Amon Hen, everytime it appeared we had regrouped and re-established an area, there he came to burst through our gates.

Salutes to IE and Baccus Monks also for helping BoW out when they could. Very Honorable.

Congrats to Crisscross, nice to see someone with some wolf-blood in their veins win an era.


19:32:50 May 4th 07 - Lord Osiris:


The Bushido Award for most Honorable:   Us or Mirror or Lgc i guess     

The WMD Award for most Destructive:  Legacy i would think 

The Field Mouse award for least heard from kd:  EVA    

The 'Say Hello to my Little Friend' award for most effective new player kd:  Only U   

The Stalin Award for Most Ruthless: Any of the top kds we all had to kill newbs

The Hippie Award for the Most Peaceful:  EVA   

Best "Pull it Together and Wreak Hell Merged Army":  Our two are the only hordes i could see im sure thier were more but dang that LoS  


The Rommel Award for Best Tactics:     

The Four Horsemen award for Most Warlike:   Me? no well erm maybe Xuaron 

The Hobbit award for the Best Farmer:  Gallyon   

The 'That's MISTER @$$ to you' award for most likely to get slaughtered next era.   Fra dunno probably Hamish again :D  

The Condoleeza Rice award for best Diplomat: Dont think thier are any good ones. well maybe Valar he is teh shizzle

The Benedict Arnold award for biggest traitor: Sniper

The Jack of All Trades award for best all around:

The "I'm Too Sexy for this Game, but I play it anyway":  can you be to sexy?   

The "I Love to Do the Dew" Award for best roleplaying:   Carrothian

The "I'm So Hot I'm on Fire" Award for best and funniest flames:  Swiffers has the best original flaming powahs   

Fun Awards:

Most Artistic Banner: Tno despite thier best efforts it still looks like an ass

Sexiest Banner: ours? well lgc always have good ones tho this era they slipped a little on the sexy banner charts

Oddest Ruler Name: Yerall Azzzholz Jrx

Best Ruler Name:  EW Its Crusty

Sexiest Ruler Name: 

The Best Spammer:  spammers should die

21:21:16 May 4th 07 - Sir Mac:


The Bushido Award for most Honorable: IE they were dealing with betrayel, and a war, and they still found the troops to help their allies.

The WMD Award for most Destructive: Legacy

The Field Mouse award for least heard from kd: BOW (where were you guys?)

The 'Say Hello to my Little Friend' award for most effective new player kd: No idea

The Stalin Award for Most Ruthless: Legacy, or Abydos

The Hippie Award for the Most Peaceful: Someone other than PKS cuz we fought quite a few wars this time around

Best "Pull it Together and Wreak Hell Merged Army": No idea


The Rommel Award for Best Tactics: Someone in Legacy

The Four Horsemen award for Most Warlike: Draiken

The Hobbit award for the Best Farmer: EVERYONE in Baccus

The 'That's MISTER @$$ to you' award for most likely to get slaughtered next era. Sniper and Baccus

The Condoleeza Rice award for best Diplomat: Me:)

The Benedict Arnold award for biggest traitor: Sniper

The Jack of All Trades award for best all around: Someone Mika, or Elsin.

The "I'm Too Sexy for this Game, but I play it anyway": Spooky, Arien, Quietone

The "I Love to Do the Dew" Award for best roleplaying: Hmmm, Insomaniak or Rhade.

The "I'm So Hot I'm on Fire" Award for best and funniest flames: Can't remember who was the best :(

Fun Awards:

Most Artistic Banner: PKS

Sexiest Banner: Legacy

Oddest Ruler Name: Ew Its Crusty

Best Ruler Name: Mac

Sexiest Ruler Name: Spooky

The Best Spammer: Efrandor or whatever he is going around as now.

22:01:26 May 4th 07 - Mr. Fra Darwinius:

Lord Osiris


5/4/2007 10:32:50 AM


The Bushido Award for most Honorable:   Us or Mirror or Lgc i guess


Why? Ju*beep*ture alliance or there is a good reason?

22:04:54 May 4th 07 - Lord Osiris:

Why? Ju*beep*ture alliance or there is a good reason?  what?

22:31:59 May 4th 07 - Mr. Fra Darwinius:

Why you think Abydos, Mirror or Legacy are the "most honorable"? I am curious...

22:33:40 May 4th 07 - Lord Osiris:

because from my expirience lgc and mirror have always kept to thier agreements. They are honourable players up for the fight. i have no idea what to think of baccus i havent seen you fight you havent been done enough for me to say either way.

22:58:42 May 4th 07 - Mr. Fra Darwinius:

Thats funny. You had scouts all around my armies for the whole era and you did not see me fighting:)...Really funny:).

23:00:22 May 4th 07 - Lord Osiris:

1 era does not mean your kd is a fighting kd. and no i wasnt really paying attention to what baccus were doing. you have a problem with me not naming you among the most honourable kds?

23:08:40 May 4th 07 - Mr. Fra Darwinius:

1 era?....:)...funny, I thought we met 3 eras ago on the battlefield..

23:12:21 May 4th 07 - Lord Osiris:

no you send an army into a blocker with little inside while we were in heavy war with crown yay kudos my question is can you war a good kd who arnt already warring another top kd? i mean it would be sweet of me to attack baccus if they had all thier armies fighting lgc eh

23:43:02 May 4th 07 - Mr. Fra Darwinius:

Actually, I did not even attack wanted war at that time. So I find a bit weird your comment. You said yourself "there is no way we can have peace, lets war"....way before i took your mines at that time. So, I can see 3 options:

1- you declared on us even though you knew your armies were warring somebody else (Spaghetti and 5 other KDs were warring Crown at the same time...btw:)...)

2- or you dont remember well (I remember instead that you napped crown before attacking us -- Ghouma told me).

Anyway...thats history now. I just dont accept honor lessons from who does not have the stature to give any...that's it....dont wanna argue anymore. 

23:46:25 May 4th 07 - Lord Osiris:

we didnt attack you we didnt nap crown we were the first and longest to war crown and i have more honour then you or your kd will ever have i mean really whoring and casting arma. your kd is not built for war you have heavy influence from another kd not built for war (v) both of you shy away from the battlefield unless the kd you target is a lot weaker or already in a mass war. grow some balls ffs

23:55:11 May 4th 07 - Lord Senturu:

wow. PHI was givin an award booyaa :P

08:45:29 May 5th 07 - Mr. Hemmer:

1- you declared on us even though you knew your armies were warring somebody else (Spaghetti and 5 other KDs were warring Crown at the same time...btw:)...)

Spaghetti -> Sucked ass, unorganised like *beep*, nearly no damage inflicted.
Jester -> *beep*s, they only survived because of Abydos & Spaghetti.
Abydos -> But they got busy with others..
Any others?

Spag is the kd you mess up with warring five kingdoms I think.
Stealthmachines, Only U, Crown, Phi & Holy Flame.

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