Forums / The hangaround / Fizban - Equal Opportunity H8r

Fizban - Equal Opportunity H8r
14:53:53 Sep 12th 07 - Sir Fizban:

(Didn't want to use 1337-speak, but I ran out of room. ;-) )

Hi everyone! I'm bored, and I feel like insulting people! I don't care what race, religion you may follow, or country you come from. I will insult everyone who posts in this thread equally. So please get in line.

15:10:51 Sep 12th 07 - Mr. Xiax:

15:52:15 Sep 12th 07 - Duke Gaius Septim II:

*Septim walks in

"Me first! Do me! C'mon! YOU KNOW YOU WANT TO!!!!!"

16:00:57 Sep 12th 07 - Mr. Ject:

16:12:02 Sep 12th 07 - Sir Fizban:

*clears throat*

Well.... Xiax, I can't say anything bad about you at this present time because that cartoon made me laugh. I'll get back to you in a bit.

Septim - You are a pathetic waste of space on the forums, you roleplay worse than cheerleader trying to play D&D (without any sexual scenes) and the quality of your content carries about as much weight as a wet piece of paper. You should go back to whatever pit of stupidity that spawned you and take a long vacation.

Ject - Not only do you pick a name of some lame Final Fantasy X boss for your nickname here on VU, you have to pick one of the easiest FF end-game bosses ever. I had more difficulty out of the FF XII boss, but that was only because the guy MOVED. While you still have the decency as to not use anything out of X2, every time I see your name I think of the horrors that is Blitzball and I wish to slaughter you where you stand. Until you pick a better name, may you stay in one of the new player maps and not show yourself on Fant.



16:30:59 Sep 12th 07 - Lord Mac:

*Stumbles into this forum trying to avoid all the other spam topics that are cluttering up the hangaround*

"I heard someone say something about insults and came running."

*Waits to see what will happen*

"Ah, too late. I have to go make another add with PC. Laters!"

16:36:19 Sep 12th 07 - Sir Fizban:

*Clears throat as he spots Mac*

Mac! You are a clumsy oaf who lacks simple motor control over your own feet. Your sense of balance is about as bad as your knowledge of World War 2 engagements. On Fant, you are an annoying *beep*roach begging to be squished. Your name also makes me think of Big Macs, and leads me to believe that you are what you eat and you taped 'Supersize Me'. Next time lose some weight, and stop playing VU and you'll have a better social life. ;-)

16:49:44 Sep 12th 07 - Mr. Spoon:

I am a Spoon, and I secretly entered this topic.
Now hoping you didn't spot me! Because yeah, I'm a Spoon!

16:57:37 Sep 12th 07 - Mr. Bezza:

do me!!!!!!!

17:02:58 Sep 12th 07 - Ms. Natalia:

*Walks in then see's fizban sitting there being down right rude to people. She then walks up to him and sits on his lap*

"Can i join in and insult people too?!?"

17:23:03 Sep 12th 07 - Mr. Erunion Telcontar:

*Throws a fireball and Fizban*

17:27:33 Sep 12th 07 - Ms. Natalia:

Why would you throw fizban? Thats just sad and where did you throw him? and why the fireball as well, or did you mean at?

17:32:37 Sep 12th 07 - Mr. Erunion Telcontar:

*Stares at post....*

Yeah... I meant at.... But since I said and...

*Throws Fizban into a jail cell in the city of Dead Legacy and sends a fireball after him*

18:03:44 Sep 12th 07 - Mr. Ject:

omg, you made a thread specificly to insult anyone who posts and yet you couldn't even insult the very first person to post anything LOL

Fizban sucks and his name sounds g@y, and he sucks so badly that he couldn't even insult the very first person to post something and all lgc scum sucks eachother balls and now has a habit of getting their asses wooped (And i don't mean swifty thrusting from behind) every era!

18:13:04 Sep 12th 07 - Pirate Lewatha:

Me please!

18:14:55 Sep 12th 07 - Ms. Natalia:

Ject could we please keep this thread decent and tasteful?!?! and just because thats how swifty woops your ass don't mean he don't do it to other players!

18:42:25 Sep 12th 07 - Sir Fizban:

Ah, here come the masses for me to insult!

Xiax - Your choice of pr0n is terribly disappointing. Not only did we not see any threesomes in that picture (even though there were two women present in it), we didn't see any SKIN. This is starting to make me question your potency and sex drive. I bet you have a standing account with Pfizer just so you can get your dosage of Viagra! Next time, make a better effort ya limp-d1ck.

Spoon - You are the worst utensil ever to grace my table. Not only are you not stealthy at all. You can't do anything cool! You can't cut like a knife, and you can't stab like a fork and knife could. All you do is just ladle liquids or liquidy-masses that we really wish we didn't eat. I know many sporks that are better than you! You ought to go back to making music.... wait a minute it's a tuning FORK not a tuning spoon. You stink as a utensil, and as a being so get out of my sight.

Bezza - You come into my presence and the first thing that you ask for is 'Do Me'. Now assuming that your title of 'Mr.' is correct and you are, indeed, a male. Then that clearly makes you ghey and a potential member of Swifty's harem. Now, if you're a female, or if you're a trans-sexual, you sound like you're exceedingly easy and open for business. So either way you swing you are a wh0re (perhaps even so in the game) and you've got your career path set out for you.

This is all I have time for now. Tune in later for the re-grilling of Ject and other first-timers to the slaughter. ;-)

18:46:15 Sep 12th 07 - Ms. Natalia:

Lol, well i am going as well. but i will see how you do tomorrow fizban, i started ject off for ya but i can't be bothered to waste time on him.

18:57:12 Sep 12th 07 - Mr. Ject:

why not? :(

19:56:23 Sep 12th 07 - Mr. Kassius Xxi:

Me next cmon show me wot u got

20:39:45 Sep 12th 07 - Mr. Xiax:

I wasn't trying to show pr0n Fizban, and there only person you were interested in the guy in that picture anyways.

21:52:55 Sep 12th 07 - Duke Gaius Septim II:

"HAHAHAHA! Thanks for making me laugh by insulting me! DO IT AGAIN PLEASE!!!!!!"

*Septim waits patiently

23:51:30 Sep 12th 07 - Demonic Shezmu:

You all have a severe case of teh Suxyness!!!

01:50:45 Sep 13th 07 - Lord Yerean:

when it's my turn, please write my name in BIG BOLD letters so i can see it from afar.

04:22:25 Sep 13th 07 - Mr. Atreides:

Hey! I'm not here....

06:03:37 Sep 13th 07 - Mr. Barny:

You pathetic waste's of air know thats it's difficult to insult someone when they just post "Ohhhhh Fizban, DO ME!"

Thats why he had to use insults about you names and past posts.

How about one of you *beep*tards posts something about themselves and you real "life"

For example, Septim could say:

Hi guys! I'm 14 years old, 360 pounds, and have a really cool social life over the forums of a fantasy strategy game!

Girls love me because I have level 8 mining, 3 military, and 50,000 NAZGUL!

Girls just wish I had level 6 medicine, to treat my crippling acne.

In short, come in here and tell everyone a little about yourself, I'm sure you'll make a ton of new internet friends! Hey, with a little luck, you might even get into a private IRC chat room with a women under 300 pounds.

06:28:12 Sep 13th 07 - Duke Gaius Septim II:

But I am human...oh well!

I am the one with no life!

13:33:40 Sep 13th 07 - Mr. Gilth:

well, that is easy.
I'm Spoons brother. 3 years younger then him, go figure. I could say I'm to handsome for this world, but I'm not going to do that. My social life isn't very good. Boys don't want to be friends because they are affraid I'd steal there gf and girls only want to have sex (some guys probably want this too). I just can't take this anymore...

14:18:42 Sep 13th 07 - Sir Fizban:

Let's see here, I've got time to do about two people this morning.

Natalia - Sorry toots, you aren't immune from the insulting system. Else I'm not equal opportunity. ;-) Therefore, you are an exceedingly needy person who's continuously latching on to guys to give you attention and various other favors. Like the typical woman you wish to suck the life, and income, of any man and leave them as a withered husk of what they once were when you're done. I'd tell you to go and do something else to change your ways, but as long as men foolishly continue to want women and women try to look half-way decent, the vicious cycle will continue.

Eruinion - Well, well, well. What do I have to say about you and your terrible typing and spell-casting skills? Plenty! Not only did you not stay consistant with your period-usage for your pauses, you are totally trying to get the smarter people than you to decipher the meanings of you trying to fireball me. Oh! And speaking of your fireball attempts, your fireball is about the size of a 'baseball' and its explosion could only kill people within a foot of its impact. Now if you're going to cast a spell little boy, cast something that'll cause mass-destruction and death. Oh and that little jail cell? I already broke out because it was made from paper mache. Next time, retake your English and Typing 101 classes, and try your speech again. Oh, and don't try to apply at Hogwarts, they won't let you in.

(Ok, couldn't grill Ject, I'll have to do it later today.)

14:51:01 Sep 13th 07 - Mr. Ject:

ooooooo so that means there's gonna be a barbeque, i love bbq's!

15:01:10 Sep 13th 07 - Sir Helios:

This should be interesting to see the hate from anothers eyes. =P

16:26:49 Sep 13th 07 - Lord Mac:

"How about one of you *beep*tards posts something about themselves and you real "life"

How bout we don't. That is not the idea of this topic. The idea is that Fizban picks people, writes an insult about them (don't worry he doesn't need your life story to insult you).

By the way Fizban I was quite insulted at your comments at my WWII abilities and would proudly engage you in a discussion any time.

17:25:52 Sep 13th 07 - Mr. Erunion Telcontar:

Ah, but Fizban, I'm a good guy, and can't bring myself to kill unnecessarily. On another point, Dead Legacy is the city of one of my enemies, in fact it's his top security Prison. You just caused a prison break, spreading havoc amongst his lands, and releasing  prisoners.  Thank you very much.....

17:29:57 Sep 13th 07 - Ms. Natalia:

Well fizban, i can come up with worse for you and infact i will!

You are a total control freak, who wont even show me a picture of yourself over msn, even though i have countless one's to show you. I know I am vain but if you want to be a model its in the job describtion. Then all you ever seem to care about is work, work this work that. I don't get paid enough. I'm 20 something and still live at home with mummy and daddy! On top of that your american and most likely a red neck, which is just wrong. And you say I suck the life out of guys and their money, I don't care about the guys money So why did you bring that up may I ask? If i'm needy how would you know, everytime i want to talk to you, your *beep*ing working. I personal found you extremely Up yourself and full of your own self importance who wants to dominate anything you look at. Plus I pick up a bit of Homophobia from you, so that makes me think you at least one point in your life though you might be *beep*, and you are now trying to prove it wrong with the sexual comments about me and anyother girl you can think of on VU.

Don't mean to offend you hunny but some one had to say it.

18:11:07 Sep 13th 07 - Sir Jack Frost:

MY Turn !!

Flame me now !!

18:21:05 Sep 13th 07 - Sir Fizban:

Hmmm, Natalia apparently can't take the good, clean fun we're having in here and decides to get personal.  Ah well, we'll deal with her later. First, Ject!

Ject - You come once again to my emporium of insults and then try to fling out a few yourself. Now then, since you didn't make the first insult thread ever in the Misc. Discussions forum, we must believe that you didn't have confidence in your insulting skill and in all reality, your insults just stink in the first place. Fear not! For the longer you remain the glutton of punishment that you are, you may learn a thing or two. Now, I do admit that I do suck, however it only applies to portions of the female anatomy. Now, I also find that your puny 'insult' had repetitive use of the same word 'suck'. Well, I'll call you a highly un-original person who lacks the mental capacity to even think of something slightly witty.

So not only is your mental capacity limited, you seem to have this *beep* fantasy about Legacy sucking on each other and have visions of Swifty having g@y sex. This is terribly scary and I want you to have a mental evaluation immediately. Maybe perhaps you should come out of the closet and have more female friends than you know what to do with. (Though that's plenty of tail that you'll never have, since you're g@y.)

I'm also noticing how you feel like a big shot at taunting Legacy and how we're getting 'beat'. Well jeez, I'd like to see whatever kd you're in not NAP the world and fight mega-kds of whores. That might make the game a bit hard for you, but we find it quite interesting and keeps us on our toes. I guess we're just weird liking a challenge, hmm? Ah well, I guess your e-penor just has to have a hard-on of your 'power' that you've got when you're surrounded by the masses. (Which is also kinda scary too).

Next person will come later.


18:27:17 Sep 13th 07 - Sir Jack Frost:

What about me ?

18:35:20 Sep 13th 07 - Mr. Kassius Xxi:

dont do it man hes an animal....... AN ANIMAL! *screams*

18:38:12 Sep 13th 07 - Mr. Ject:

lol i'll be seeing you on the battlefeild next era fizban.

18:39:57 Sep 13th 07 - Mr. Erunion Telcontar:

Yup. That is of course, if you use mirrors. Otherwise you'll be to busy running to look around...

21:55:33 Sep 13th 07 - Mr. Soccermage:

*bows to fizban* "what a guy, what a guy...."

23:57:16 Sep 13th 07 - Duke Gaius Septim II:

Spammity SPAM SPAM SPAM!!!

23:59:57 Sep 13th 07 - Mr. Jibbly:


05:16:42 Sep 14th 07 - Mr. Dakarius:

I find it slightly sad that people come here to be flammed, as I find it equaly sad that Fizban bothers with insulting people he in actualy knows little to nothing about.
note: Just because I claim this is sad, that should not be taken to mean I do not enjoy reading these delightful flames.

05:18:26 Sep 14th 07 - Duke Gaius Septim II:

I could've sworn that pretty much everybody would've enjoyed seeing me get the hell flamed out of me by Fizban...

05:31:05 Sep 14th 07 - Mr. Barny:

Damn Fizban is cool!!!

He probably gets made fun of a lot in real life, and is too scrony to insult anyone in real life, so he has to think up generic, interchangeable insults over the internet.

Also, way to keep the posts small there Fizban. I feel like I'm reading through a *beep*ing dictionary to get a few giggles.

On a side note... when I read posts I like to imagine the person who typed it actually saying it. So when I read one of Fizbans posts, I picture a 12 year old trying to communicate, and lets just say I hear a lot of lisps.

Thhheriosssly Barny?

09:08:22 Sep 14th 07 - Ms. Natalia:

That was clean fun, i though this was a *beep*ing match, the last one i had i made the person cry!

17:35:54 Sep 14th 07 - Mr. Seloc:

*Seloc appears in an explosion of flames.*

"Whosssh!! bet you can't flame me!"

17:41:20 Sep 14th 07 - Sir Jack Frost:

Come one Fizze, i'm waiting to be flamed...

23:41:12 Sep 14th 07 - Sir Scientist:

Fizban couldn't do me, I don't have a bad thing about me at all and he knows it. He loves me :)

*hugs Fizban*

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