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How Fantasy is Medieval Legend
18:37:53 Mar 2nd 11 - Mr. Ficer:

If you heard about the Real King Arthur, you could say that every race you see here resembles an actual society at such place and time.







Medieval Fantasy also has space age science fiction counterparts as well:

Mithril=Carbon Fiber



Magic Animals=Genetically enhanced animals



Elven Women=Chicks with sniper rifles and countless number of gadgets.

Wisps (like in Warcraft)=AI constructs

The following belong in both subgenres:


Dragons (Seriously, there is actually a scientific explanation to the dragon and the existance of one!)

Corrupt dictators

Massive armies


If there was a superhero modeled after Norse Mythology, and a Halloween figure modeled after Egyptian Mythology, should there be a space adventure modeled after Greek Mythology?

21:18:12 Mar 2nd 11 - Lord Protector Nimic:

How in the world are the vikings, who are most famous for their seafaring skills, dwarves?

And what is a "barbarian"?

22:16:34 Mar 2nd 11 - Mr. Friendly Forum User:

wow nimcui u so stupid

vikings r small short angry tiny men
aka dwarfs


11:24:40 Mar 3rd 11 - Lady Urban Smurf:

y shud mans b romans n nt miyti english warriurs?

11:39:03 Mar 3rd 11 - Ms. Nikola Tesla:


Dwarfs from myths never set foot on a boat, in fact in a few novels i have be reading they are afraid of the water due to the fact they are a mining culture

14:34:52 Mar 3rd 11 - Mr. Horus Left Testicle:

Nikola Tesla? Are you by any chance a fan of fallout?

21:42:16 Mar 4th 11 - Emperor Alexius Septimus Cidellus:

Perhaps he's a fan of an insanely badass Serbian scientist? >>

22:10:07 Mar 4th 11 - Mr. Leonardo Vinci:

no hes just playnig the scientist theme i enforced on my kd

20:40:04 Jul 28th 11 - Mr. Gabriel I:

Okay, any other suggestions on what real-life cultures these races represent?

20:48:21 Jul 28th 11 - Mr. Gabriel I:

Dwarves obviously resemble vikings because of their fashions, styles, culture, and combat techniques. In addition, as well as seafaring, they are also known to travel mountains. I mean, look at Greenland or Iceland, or perhaps Scandinavia? Do they resemble dwarves?

I also notice that with the way Warcraft portrays dwarves, they can make dwarven sailors a cross reference of the pirates we all know and love, being the 18th century pirates with the one type of pirates about as cool as such pirates, the medieval pirates, which includes vikings.

Medieval pirates are cool because they were a huge problem back in those days. Even in Medieval 2 Total War, they can be a pep peeve.

20:59:12 Jul 28th 11 - Mr. Gabriel I:

Why should mans be Romans? because they resemble such people.

1. Romans were dominant people that feel like they are in charge of everything, just like Humans in fantasy.
2. Like Humans in fantasy, Romans built big cities and establish huge civilizations.
3. Both Humans and Romans intend to be self righteous at times.
4. Regardless of the above, Romans are somewhat ordered and civilized, like the humans in fantasy.
5. Sometimes, Romans can be strong all round, much like the humans in fantasy that can favor any class.
6. When everybody else uses axes and spears, Romans use swords.
7. The common design for the human sword in fantasy is based on the sword used by anyone under command of anything Roman, particularly the sword used by Christians. (The sword looks like a cross)
8. The more peaceful humans can resemble Sarmatian knights under the command of the Roman Empire.
9. The Romans hate chaos and disaster, much like humans in fantasy.

21:01:29 Jul 28th 11 - Mr. Gabriel I:

Correction for what halflings resemble, not sure, probably one of those groups that have good farms and are entirely self-sufficient. Not sure what culture resembles that though.

21:07:45 Jul 28th 11 - Mr. Gabriel I:

Even if you can compare humans to English warriors, that still makes them roman because in the 5th century, England was the portion of the British isles that is occupied by the Roman Empire while other portions of Britain belong to other factions or empires. The English were also Catholic for the most part of the Middle Ages before the Renaissance and Martin Luther, in which they became protestant.

11:13:14 Aug 13th 11 - Mr. Barny:

Amazing! Gabriel, I can't believe that you were able to draw such a flawless comparison between Men and Romans! I'll admit that like any sensible person I was skeptical at first, but after reading through your post you have made me into a believer: Men and Humans have a lot in common.


Dragons (Seriously, there is actually a scientific explanation to the dragon and the existance of one!)

Go on.

20:47:36 Aug 15th 11 - Mr. Gabriel I:

Every culture has a dragon of some kind. They come in various shapes and sizes, but is it really a coincidence that dragons are the most common legendary creatures? The only things that are more common among the societies are creationism, the flood, the afterlife, and the Golden Rule.
The theoretical description of the dragon breath is that the fluids of the dragon's body are used for gasoline and the oxygen in which the dragon inhales is the oxygen used to feed the fire. The dragon ignites the gas and oxygen with a spark from its mouth or nostrils to spit out fire.

Aside from men resembling Romans, every race has its historical references.
Dwarves look and fight like Vikings because the mythology originated from vikings. In fact, placing Marvel Comics aside, Thor might be a dwarf himself and Loki might be a troll.
I believe that elves have Celtic origins. If you watch the 2004 King Arthur movie, you could see that Guenevere, being a woad, did have that elvish look once in the movie. There are two things that elves are known for: archery and magic. In the 2004 movie, woads made good use of their longbows, including the usage of the series of ingenious schemes and tricks of Merlin, which is the type of magic Merlin used in that movie, not that supernatural stuff. Merlin also was a woad. I believe that Robin Hood had influences on the elves as well.

21:12:34 Aug 15th 11 - Mr. Gabriel I:

Dwarf/Viking Comparisons:

1. The Beards
2. Siege Tactics
3. Helmets
4. Warriors and Fighters
5. A bit strict and authoritarian.
6. Both are mountain people. (yes, the vikings had cool longboats, but even those vikings hiked snowy mountains and mined for gold. In addition, the first really sailors were in the Renaissance, which made the Early Modern Period pirates so popular)
7. The Fighter is a good anti-dragon class and is a favored class of the Dwarf. Vikings had lots of stories about western dragons.
8. Dwarves fight really good melee and are proficient with any melee weapon, even swords, but swords are still not as common to dwarves as they are to humans, very much like the Vikings, which wielded a huge variety of melee weapons but the sword was a little hard to come by because they were harder to make than other melee weapons.
9. In the Viking culture, there were a lot of rigid shapes and stripes, like that of the Dwarves. We also hear that accent of the dwarves all the time which were shared by the Vikings.

21:14:49 Aug 15th 11 - Mr. Gabriel I:

FYI, Barbarians were actually a group of people in the dark ages that invaded Rome.

04:30:24 Oct 12th 11 - Mr. George The Monguin:

If you were to have a fairy tale based on something from the Crusades, would such include a cross reference of mythological elements of the Arabians and the Medieval Europe. I am developing a D&D campaign that is the legend of the Renaissance.

04:33:52 Oct 12th 11 - Mr. George The Monguin:

Thor probably would beat Imhotep, no contest. Think about it: Imhotep WORSHIPS a god slightly BELOW Thor in level of godliness, being Anubis.

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