Forums / The hangaround / Looking for Agent Smith member

Looking for Agent Smith member
21:02:08 May 5th 19 - Mr. Laticus:

I recently returned to the game and was wondering who was still around from the original Agent Smith kingdom. 

I played in others as well, but I can't keep anyone's name straight! Are the original 'Ichigo' and 'Stasis' still around? (Not sure all the other names they used over the years)

10:28:17 May 6th 19 - Mr. Robotpants:

Ichigo & Stasis not around mate. They left long ago. Many others left vu too, like Necro of DD & BurningLegeon of HB/HM, Ajex, Vivi... Only a few is around.

Great to see you back! 

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