Forums / The hangaround / Luck of the Draw

Luck of the Draw
01:57:09 Oct 8th 11 - Polydeuces (Mr. Drakovia):

Mr. Drakovia.

The city of Tag is now under our command!

They had 41557491 gold, 19626441 stone, 5895291 tree, 7287433 food and 745689 slaves in the city, that is now yours! We also took 68947 of their peasants as slaves!

We killed all of the 1202977 troops.

Our troops gained +6 extra experience.


02:12:13 Oct 8th 11 - Tyr (Mr. Tyrminator):

O M F G ! XD

Thats all.

08:43:18 Oct 8th 11 - zuall (Mr. Zuall The Tasty):

now that is hax hahahaha jkjk amazing though thats as likely as having 99% and losing hahahaha

08:46:17 Oct 8th 11 - Princess Aisha:

Just a question, did you click attack button by mistake?

18:40:32 Oct 8th 11 - Polydeuces (Konig Polydeuces):

Nope, sure didn't.  I am bored of Armageddon so I took the attempt was sort of feeling lucky, I didn't expect to actually win though.

18:45:02 Oct 8th 11 - zuall (Mr. Zuall The Tasty):

did u laugh or cry??? or both??? i bet the person that lost at a 2% cried hahaha i would

18:51:16 Oct 8th 11 - Ms. Faith:

Ah I see, so basically you are quitting that world and wanted to suicide
No Kingdom and all made me think that...

Mr. Drakovia
No kingdom

Hm, still with that percentage I think your losses should be extreme?
Am I right? You lost a major part of your army?

19:13:45 Oct 8th 11 - Polydeuces (Mr. Drakovia):

Hmm not really about 5k axers/ 350k had 40k injuries though.. remember the lower your dice roll the less you lose.  I laughed hysterically when it happened Zuall I couldn't believe it.. I mean I won a 1% attack on an army before VS army of anubis but I did not even think to expect victory there lol I took it for shits and giggles..

And yeah Faith, my leader went inactive was in a 2man kingdom lol so I left it.. tried to suicide sorta and that happened haha.

19:35:17 Oct 8th 11 - Mr. Dino:

Mr. Drakovia


12:13:45 Oct 8th 11
remember the lower your dice roll the less you lose

For town takes, prepping/overprepping helps lesson the losses too. AS well as mili and the enemy's OP vs your DP still adding in. Guessing it was a lot of gaia or DP focused units in that town?

19:43:46 Oct 8th 11 - Princess Aisha:

Indeed, if it were Elf Archers 2/10, they tend to not hurt the attackers at all
Any any other unit with higher defense then attack...
If you had full prep then losses could have been minimum, if not then you should have lost major part of the army ;)

19:54:15 Oct 8th 11 - zuall (Mr. The Fuzzy Foot):

i know how they did it they Trojan horsed it

19:55:35 Oct 8th 11 - zuall (Mr. The Fuzzy Foot):

it explains the low chance and low loses its brilliant

20:10:54 Oct 8th 11 - Endless (Ms. Hippolyta Hall):

nice one Poly, that beats me on the low % wins :)

20:32:58 Oct 8th 11 - Polydeuces (Mr. Valhalla):

It was a halfling with 1.2million troops.. a halfling with over 6mil income.. guessing it was a lot of advents if not all advents seeing as how I had over 3.5mil OP unmodded, multiply by 1.7 'cause of 7 mili I had just under 6mil OP there were also 20k GTs.. like the thread is called, luck of the draw.. either that or he pwned the adventuring and had a ton of military sciences.

21:58:19 Oct 8th 11 - Mr. Corgi:

With how some of these individual halfers with xp find crap, lol; I wouldn't doubt it, but it doesn't quite explain your injured. 

Maybe some other dude was stacked on that town too?

23:29:49 Oct 8th 11 - Ashe Annie Fortune Lightshield (Ms. Fortune):


The halflings sciences ;D

00:09:24 Oct 9th 11 - Polydeuces (Mr. Drakovia):

Um it is possible that someone else was there as well but I'm not totally sure about that.  All I know is it was a damn lucky attack haha.

01:23:56 Oct 9th 11 - Mr. Corgi:

Well, considering the nice loot, you basically won the jackpot on a rigged slot machine. lol

02:00:21 Oct 9th 11 - Polydeuces (Mr. Nota Greek Hero):

Haha yeah totally.  I bet I'll never get that lucky again.  xD

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