Forums / The hangaround / POLL Passions

POLL Passions
04:34:42 Jul 30th 09 - Mr. Talon:

I am new here and would like to get to know the folk of this community, so I am going to try and start some of the things I used to do on the WB forums, specifically, a series of polls to learn about my new comm mates.

Todays poll is about passions- from gaming to sports, from fine arts to fine dining, from drinking to dancing to shooting craps, we all have hobbies and passtimes. What of them do you feel PASSONATE about? A good book is good, but a great book is something you can get into, and enjoy on a whole nother level.

So, what would your top 3 passions be? If you have any anecdotes or funny stories that go with that, feel free to share!

Standard poll rules: Don't flame anyone, please.


1) Drawing - although I have not done so in a while, I do enjoy putting pencil to paper and making something more.
2) Comedy- I am a firm beliver that laugher is the best medicine and policy. I am an ameture comedian, as well.
3) Entertaining- Nothing I can think of beats spending time with freinds, wether its at home playing D&D or camping with a beer, freinds and family is what makes the world go round.

04:43:18 Jul 30th 09 - Sir Big Mac Attack:

Well, u already know me :P

1) Beer
2) Football
3) Beer

Btw, there's another forum "Hangaround" where these go xD  This forum is for generic stuff that involves VU

05:12:17 Jul 30th 09 - Sir Shakezilla:

I wish I could draw. I wish I could drink beer, too :P

1) Music - I'd be lost without it :P
2) Tennis - always been a favorite sport of mine
3) Computer Science - not very knowledgeable about this one yet, but it's something that I'm interested in and I'll be taking classes regarding it in the fall :)

05:20:29 Jul 30th 09 - Demonslayer The Infidel Killing Kitten:

1) Writing/Reading - I am working on a book, reading books, and RPing as well.
2) Psychology - Something I am doing studies in to become a psychologist.
3) Providing - I have worked as a cook, I can clean without complaining, I also have been known to sing in order to make people's days better.  I tend to have my life centered around helping people so I guess these will help in the future. 

I have a lot more things I like...but if it has to be a top 3, rather hard for me to choose :p

05:21:58 Jul 30th 09 - Sir Penor The Overwhelming:


05:22:22 Jul 30th 09 - Mr. Talon:

Good responces! Keep em coming!

And how do we flag a mod to put this in the right forum? (I R noobcake)

05:30:27 Jul 30th 09 - Demonslayer The Infidel Killing Kitten:

Already taken care need to worry.

05:33:11 Jul 30th 09 - Lord Polydeuces:

1: Soccer - played ever since I was young.. 11 years, can't play anymore because I hurt my knee too bad.
2: Drawing - always loved to draw - usually japanime aka dragonball z characters, and plant life/animals/well I guess just about everything.
3. Architecture - since I was about 6/7 I have wanted to be an architect..

05:36:44 Jul 30th 09 - Sir Shakezilla:

Drawing - always loved to draw - usually japanime aka dragonball z characters, and plant life/animals/well I guess just about everything

welcome to my childhood ^^ lol

05:50:24 Jul 30th 09 - Lord Polydeuces:

Sir Shakezilla


23:36:44 Jul 29th 09
Drawing - always loved to draw - usually japanime aka dragonball z characters, and plant life/animals/well I guess just about everything

welcome to my childhood ^^ lol
You're childhood of watching DBZ??

06:47:34 Jul 30th 09 - Prince Gaius Septimus Cidellus:

1. Writing/RPing - I do it a lot...yeah...ask Charley...
2. Playing video games - I do it a lot...yeah...ask Charley...
3. Being a general annoyance - I do it a lot...yeah...ask Charley...

06:50:18 Jul 30th 09 - Sir Big Mac Attack:

Septim!! U forgot sp@m!  Maybe a 3b.? :P

06:55:55 Jul 30th 09 - Demonslayer The Infidel Killing Kitten:

He doesn't spam anymore...ask Charley...oh wait that is me :|

06:57:08 Jul 30th 09 - Prince Gaius Septimus Cidellus:

I still spam! You should've seen Charley's MSN a few minutes ago!

07:02:24 Jul 30th 09 - Sir Penor The Overwhelming:


07:36:38 Jul 30th 09 - Mr. Talon:

RPing- i miss RPing.

I might do some writing of random NPCs in a campaign im doing atm.

14:10:45 Jul 30th 09 - Sir Shakezilla:

@Polydeuces - yeah, watching and attempting to draw :P I was infatuated by the animation

17:03:43 Jul 30th 09 - Mr. Vuggy:

3. Being a general annoyance - I do it a lot...yeah...ask Charley...

Damn... You took mine! Well... Here's 3 I can think of...:

1) Football, love it. ^^
2) Playing any kind of video games, whether it be PC or 360.
3) Being a noob.

20:32:34 Jul 30th 09 - Mr. Talon:

Seems we have a number of football players or ex players here.... safe to assume MOST of the user-bace is from the states, then?

20:52:53 Jul 30th 09 - Lord Polydeuces:

@ Shakezilla

hehe yea me too :P i watched that show EVERY night.. and love drawing the characters :P one time i had an evil buu sticker and i drew it perfectly as the same size, and then drew it perfectly full page :D

was when i first learned i could draw well :D

21:10:43 Jul 30th 09 - Lord Stewie Griffin:

Mr. Talon


12:32:34 Jul 30th 09
Seems we have a number of football players or ex players here.... safe to assume MOST of the user-bace is from the states, then?

Some of these guyz refer to soccer when they say "football"

22:19:59 Jul 30th 09 - Mr. Talon:

This is true. Well, hm...

23:29:54 Jul 30th 09 - Mr. Angel of Death:

1.Video Games(I once blew up a game system plugging wires where there not suppose to go. A week without my game system sucked)
2.Watching most sports
3.reading Manga and/or most books in general just not reality.

23:49:42 Jul 30th 09 - Sir Penor The Overwhelming:

Isn't the soccer footbal spelled futball though? Maybe that's just in another language...

23:59:58 Jul 30th 09 - Mr. Vuggy:

Some of these guyz refer to soccer when they say "football"

It's not spelled that way though. So spell it right... >.>

Isn't the soccer footbal spelled futball though? Maybe that's just in another language...

Nor is it spelled that way... Futbol. It's Spanish.

was when i first learned i could draw well :D

2-D figures aren't as hard as 3-D. :P

00:43:47 Jul 31st 09 - Sir Big Mac Attack:

ffs, soccer is soccer...not football, futball, or futbol :P  Does the US have to conquer the world to get you'll to switch over?!? -.-'

00:49:50 Jul 31st 09 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

ROFL! But the US sucks at soccer/futbol!

00:51:41 Jul 31st 09 - Sir Big Mac Attack:

Hehe, yuh, we kinda do, but our woman's team is pretty good, 'n some of 'em are kinda hawt!

01:17:58 Jul 31st 09 - Demonslayer The Infidel Killing Kitten:

Association Football = Soccer
England had "football" first and it is spelled in English.  Futbol and other spellings are for other languages. 

03:45:34 Jul 31st 09 - Sir Penor The Overwhelming:

I don't know what to think anymore!!!!

04:36:07 Jul 31st 09 - Mr. Laplarvis:

1) Wit... I can't go a single day without making a sarcastic or witty comment about something or someone...
2) Indepth Thinking... I don't seem like much of a deep-thinker, but I do.
3) Logic... Everything I do, I usually think about it in a logical way.  And I try to consider all of the choices when doing logical thinking.

Yeah, the first one is apparent, the next two... eh, don't see it much from me. >_>

14:45:37 Jul 31st 09 - Pirate Nixon of The Carribean:

US football = rugby, right?

15:52:39 Jul 31st 09 - Mr. Sandoran:

uhm, yes lewatha
1. Annoying everyone around me.
2. football, basketball, let's just keep it on Sports ^^
3. Failing at VU 8)

16:07:13 Jul 31st 09 - Sir Overcome:

1: My wife
2: Newcastle United
3: Games
4: Observing people's behavier

17:19:59 Jul 31st 09 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

"US football = rugby, right?" no... and rugby is weird, can't understand the rules, why do they kick it?

17:33:28 Jul 31st 09 - Sir Big Mac Attack:

Rugby might be weird, but it rocks :P  Any sport where you're SUPPOSED to have the keg on the sidelines with the players gets a + in muh book

17:40:21 Jul 31st 09 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

ha, I saw it for the first time a few weeks ago, the part where they grabbed each others legs and the two teams faces each other in one giant ball of manliness was a tad awkward, but the tackling is cool.

18:04:19 Jul 31st 09 - Lord Polydeuces:

The states done suck at soccer any more... They beat the world champs, Italy and the Euro champs, Spain, almost beat Brazil in the final of that tournament.

18:18:35 Jul 31st 09 - Mr. Talon:

Overcome: Way to kiss up to the wife ;)

18:48:39 Jul 31st 09 - Sir Overcome:

lol, she aint seeing this:P

but i guess i have a card up my sleeve right there^^

18:57:52 Jul 31st 09 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

And since you just said that... now you don't :P

19:01:38 Jul 31st 09 - Sir Overcome:

ah damnit! =/

hopefully i wont be needing it anyways:P

20:40:50 Jul 31st 09 - Mr. Talon:

Way to shoot yourself in the foot.

Arthur: have your towell?

20:43:14 Jul 31st 09 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

It is upstairs, but don't worry, if the wind picks up and the intercom sounds, it will be in my hand in mere moments.


04:15:36 Aug 1st 09 - Mr. Talon:

So long and thanks for all the fish!

Thats another thing I used to do a lot, read books then watch their film vertions and complain about the discrepencies

06:15:46 Aug 1st 09 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

You should listen to the radio series. It was the first Hitchhikers version Douglas made, I think it is better than the books, but the books are still great. But yeah, the Zaphod head thing in the movie was the worst part.

07:57:23 Aug 1st 09 - Mr. Talon:

I had borrowed the radio series a while ago, didnt have time to get thru em. IM sure I can pick em up at the library now, come to think of it.

08:20:01 Aug 1st 09 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

Yeah, my friend did and copied it on my I-pod. When I can't get to sleep at night that is what I listen too, must have heard it 10 times by now :P

09:36:13 Aug 1st 09 - Mr. Talon:

good idea to deal with insomnia.

09:37:02 Aug 1st 09 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

yep, laughing

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