Forums / The hangaround / Pictures to People

Pictures to People
04:12:51 Jul 4th 09 - Mr. Gawaine:

Okay, post a picture you find that pertains to someone who plays VU. I found one for Demonslayer: 

04:25:03 Jul 4th 09 - Mr. Maximus II:

demotivator - ugly by leighmcmahon.


heres you gawaine

04:26:07 Jul 4th 09 - Mr. Gawaine:


04:26:32 Jul 4th 09 - Sir Belmont The Avenger:


04:27:49 Jul 4th 09 - Mr. Maximus II:


04:33:23 Jul 4th 09 - Mr. Gawaine:


04:35:30 Jul 4th 09 - Mr. Crion Xtc:

Take a guess

04:42:02 Jul 4th 09 - Mr. Gawaine:

I see this more as me (the flying one):

04:45:13 Jul 4th 09 - Mr. Gawaine:


04:52:07 Jul 4th 09 - Mr. Maximus II:

Mr. Crion Xtc


18:35:30 Jul 3rd 09

Take a guess


who is it? im not good at guessing

04:53:42 Jul 4th 09 - Prince Pelagius Septim VIII:'s one for me...

05:02:18 Jul 4th 09 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

Gawaine, cat one is fricking hilarious!

05:04:49 Jul 4th 09 - Mr. Penor The Large:

Belmont's looks like penguin's old dildo

05:51:57 Jul 5th 09 - Mr. Gawaine:


06:10:39 Jul 5th 09 - Mr. Kratos Wolf:

You are jealous that they are dead and your not?.. but yea thats funny lulz..

This is for Pikachu :D Even though I dont know him :P

06:22:18 Jul 5th 09 - Mr. Pure Ftw:


06:23:47 Jul 5th 09 - Mr. Pure Ftw:

It's about Michael Jackson jks

01:21:16 Jul 6th 09 - Demonslayer The Confused Demon Farmer:


Makes perfect sense, unlike mine.

02:16:40 Jul 6th 09 - Mr. Gawaine:

Lol that doesn't describe me at all, in FPS's I use the gun I like most, not the easiest, I run the right way whether I'm going to die or not, how can you defend yourself in an FPS? Are you going to catch the bullet coming for your head with your toes? Tears and uncontrollable crying are also unnatural for me. That describes an FPS, while this is a strategy-based game, so you said yours doesn't make sense? Well this doesn't make sense either.

02:20:49 Jul 6th 09 - Mr. Gawaine:

This is more like me:

02:21:13 Jul 6th 09 - Mr. Maximus II:

LOL but mine was better gawaine

02:25:58 Jul 6th 09 - Mr. Gawaine:

Perfect for me.

03:23:27 Jul 6th 09 - Demonslayer The Confused Demon Farmer:

Like always, Gawaine has selective seeing and runs into yet another wall...brilliant.  That would be like me saying "I never drive tractors so the picture doesn't have anything to do with me." ...

05:37:21 Jul 6th 09 - Mr. Pure Ftw:


07:25:04 Jul 6th 09 - Mr. Kratos Wolf:

The "Noob Tube" In the nazy noob picture is not the real Noob Tube, the real Noob Tube is a granade launcher, not the trench gun. The trench gun is a hard to use shotgun, it might shoot fast and reload quick enough to get another shot before you die.. but its easy to miss if your not focused!.. yes, missing with a shotgun. Because of its wide spread of bullets. The Double Barrel is a bit better. So Yea, a noob with a trench gun is a dead noob... a noob would use a big Machine gun, with the extra health perk "Jugger Noob" and bullet penetration, so they will shoot like crazy and kill a few people, even thoguh they cant aim.

08:25:05 Jul 6th 09 - Demonslayer The Confused Demon Farmer:

Meh, the noob cannon back in the day was the gatling gun in Team Fortress...The "Heavy Weapons Guy" who had huge amounts of health and armor and could also just unload on people for a minute.  I just found the pic and liked the parts about "Delusional Thoughts" and "Faraway Look"

18:19:06 Jul 6th 09 - Mr. Gawaine:

F guns.

18:25:16 Jul 6th 09 - Mr. Maximus II:

i almost died by that tank, good thing i had another guy still alive on my team for the tank to go after

22:31:59 Jul 6th 09 - Mr. Kratos Wolf:

Lol I must be a noob, I kill more with a "smoker" than with the Tank..

22:52:19 Jul 6th 09 - Dark Prince Stirlin:

i love being tank, i go crazy!

02:12:40 Jul 7th 09 - Mr. Gawaine:

I never said you were a noob if you did, it's just that if you fail with the tank when the time comes, you're pretty bad.. I used to suck with tank but you get used to it. =D and I agree, smoker is a great class to play, most of the time better than hunter, but hunters attacks are more brutal. Boomers are the best used to blind then the unblinded ppl get jumped. =P

02:15:13 Jul 7th 09 - Mr. Gawaine:

Kratos I found a picture for you!!!!

17:35:18 Jul 7th 09 - Mr. Kratos Wolf:

HAHAHAHA... thats kinda true, My luck is amazingly crappy. No matter how deffenceless the bunny looks, its DANGeROUS. There was a game once, I got killed a dung beatle o_O?... It wasnt giant, just the normal, small, dungbeatle.

11:12:00 Jul 10th 09 - Mr. Sandoran:

zeta? :o

14:07:43 Jul 10th 09 - Archangel Argyle:

18:28:44 Jul 10th 09 - Demonslayer The Confused Demon Farmer:

The Moderator one could pass off as me...except for the "just because I can" part. 

21:52:08 Jul 10th 09 - Mr. Penor The Impressive:

That's the part that makes the most sense!

21:29:35 Jul 15th 09 - Sir Belmont The Avenger:

Mr. Gawaine


22:45:13 Jul 3rd 09

gona rape you!

Mr. Penor The Large


23:04:49 Jul 3rd 09
Belmont's looks like penguin's old dildo

not my fault ur penor cant grow any bigger!

00:29:22 Jul 16th 09 - Sir Water:

golden DILDO!!! oh maybe you will help me to get from that -4 rp point hole

03:28:19 Jul 16th 09 - Sir Sorra:

This pretty much sums up Gawaine

04:33:22 Jul 16th 09 - Demonslayer The Confused Demon Farmer:

I still think my Noobie picture works too :'(

17:52:00 Jul 16th 09 - Mr. Spud:

Why is it that I feel my picture would be boring?

18:09:48 Jul 16th 09 - Duke Aerandir Windscar:

for charley and randy...<3


18:11:47 Jul 16th 09 - Demonslayer The Confused Demon Farmer:

:p  I make no sense? You just figured it out? XD 

18:28:44 Jul 16th 09 - Duke Pikachu:

where do i come into this? i make lots of sense!

22:01:39 Jul 16th 09 - Mr. Gawaine:

You come into this thread... On the 14th post. But I do agree, you make lots of sense. xD

00:57:58 Jul 17th 09 - Mr. Gawaine:

Santa!! I found one for you!:

07:39:44 Jul 27th 09 - Sir Sleperirth:

for Charley:

08:14:12 Jul 27th 09 - Sir Santa:

Dammmmm that's a Dwarfish looking Santa! So it must be me :O

21:52:05 Jul 28th 09 - Lord Stewie Griffin:


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