Forums / The hangaround / REAL era of asystole awards!

REAL era of asystole awards!
13:57:07 Dec 6th 07 - Pirate Lewatha:


The Bushido Award for most Honorable: 

The WMD Award for most Destructive:

The Field Mouse award for least heard from KD:

The 'Say Hello to my Little Friend' award for most effective new player KD:

The Stalin Award for Most Ruthless:

The Hippie Award for the Most Peaceful:

Best "Pull it Together and Wreak Hell Merged Army": 


The Rommel Award for Best Tactics:

The Merlin Award for Best Magic User:

The Four Horsemen award for Most Warlike:

The Hobbit award for the Best Farmer:

The 'That's MISTER @$$ to you' award for most likely to get slaughtered next era: 

The Condoleeza Rice award for best Diplomat:

The Benedict Arnold award for biggest traitor: 

The Jack of All Trades award for best all around:

The "I'm Too Sexy for this Game, but I play it anyway":

The "I Love to Do the Dew" Award for best roleplaying:

The "I'm So Hot I'm on Fire" Award for best and funniest flames:

Fun Awards:

Most Artistic Banner:

Sexiest Banner:

Oddest Ruler Name:

The Best Sp@mmer:

14:03:24 Dec 6th 07 - Pirate Lewatha:


The Bushido Award for most Honorable:  probably PKS

The WMD Award for most Destructive:  Carnage?

The Field Mouse award for least heard from KD:  FF

The 'Say Hello to my Little Friend' award for most effective new player KD:  Predators

The Stalin Award for Most Ruthless:  Legacy

The Hippie Award for the Most Peaceful:  FF

Best "Pull it Together and Wreak Hell Merged Army":  Legacy!


The Rommel Award for Best Tactics:  Binh

The Merlin Award for Best Magic User: Binh or sezy

The Four Horsemen award for Most Warlike: Binh (Lol)

The Hobbit award for the Best Farmer:  Von Orien Nassau!

The 'That's MISTER @$$ to you' award for most likely to get slaughtered next era:  Transporter/Ptah/whatever

The Condoleeza Rice award for best Diplomat:  Mielo <3

The Benedict Arnold award for biggest traitor:  Ptah

The Jack of All Trades award for best all around:  Binh (suprise, suprise?)

The "I'm Too Sexy for this Game, but I play it anyway":  Mielo, Ali and Quietone!

The "I Love to Do the Dew" Award for best roleplaying: Fizban/Patton or Mac/Guderian

The "I'm So Hot I'm on Fire" Award for best and funniest flames:  no funny flames :(

Fun Awards:

Most Artistic Banner:  THSP

Sexiest Banner: THSP

Oddest Ruler Name: Lady dung Beetle!

The Best Sp@mmer:  I hate them all!

14:25:56 Dec 6th 07 - Sir Patton:

Era's still not over yet, and you're still trying to steal my thunder! If it wasn't for the best roleplaying award nomination, I'd fireball you this instant.

15:14:42 Dec 6th 07 - Lord Carnage:


The Bushido Award for most Honorable:  PKS/ Preds?

The WMD Award for most Destructive: Carnage ^^

The Field Mouse award for least heard from KD: didn't hear about it...

The 'Say Hello to my Little Friend' award for most effective new player KD: ..there was a new kingdom?

The Stalin Award for Most Ruthless: MAD

The Hippie Award for the Most Peaceful: ZEON - it only warred us ^^

Best "Pull it Together and Wreak Hell Merged Army": yet to be said. PHI or LGC or DB..


The Rommel Award for Best Tactics: Wolf Spider - look where he is!

The Merlin Award for Best Magic User: Scientist > ownage!!

The Four Horsemen award for Most Warlike: surely a Carnage member !

The Hobbit award for the Best Farmer: Lenard! farmer...

The 'That's MISTER @$$ to you' award for most likely to get slaughtered next era: Me. just look at all those flame messages I got from PHI/FF/DB/LGC/Carnage vices!!!

The Condoleeza Rice award for best Diplomat: um, nobody I know? >_>

The Benedict Arnold award for biggest traitor: Ptah? no, he's not a traitor.

The Jack of All Trades award for best all around: Um.. Dionysus!

The "I'm Too Sexy for this Game, but I play it anyway": Venomz

The "I Love to Do the Dew" Award for best roleplaying: Check roleplay forum...

The "I'm So Hot I'm on Fire" Award for best and funniest flames: meeeee!

Fun Awards:

Most Artistic Banner: PHI - it's so nice.. pity it lasts only one era ^^

Sexiest Banner: Jumpers

Oddest Ruler Name: Iamkingofallbugs < just ghey..

The Best Sp@mmer: Revenge / Revenge Sweet / any other names he has

15:45:00 Dec 6th 07 - Mr. Revenge:

Excuse me, i should have

The 'That's MISTER @$$ to you' award for most likely to get slaughtered next era


The Best Sp@mmer:

I and revenge sweet are not the same, he used to be vengence then he tried to change his name and it went rong, please stop calling him my multi, even ask ZeTa if you want, its not true

[ Wow im getting 2 awards in my first era... there not nice awards but they will do =)  ]

15:46:30 Dec 6th 07 - Pirate Lewatha:

I'm sowwy fizban :(

but didn't you say you wouldn't be around to start them up?

15:49:53 Dec 6th 07 - Mr. Revenge:

I think he said next era...

15:51:12 Dec 6th 07 - Mr. Revenge Sweet:

i want an award!

15:55:29 Dec 6th 07 - Mr. Revenge:

"The nobody wants me here award"

Now piss off

17:14:08 Dec 6th 07 - Lord Seloc:

Aww revenge is jealous, I think I'll wait till arma starts before I make muy nominations.

Lew do you hate me too??

17:21:56 Dec 6th 07 - Pirate Lewatha:

arma won't start, I think... the era is over in 1.1 days. like the news page says.


who said I hate you?

18:15:20 Dec 6th 07 - Lord Seloc:

(The Best Sp@mmer:  I hate them all!) : (

and o right yeh, unforunatly it's a man fant hybrid.


The Bushido Award for most Honorable:  Angels

The WMD Award for most Destructive: Carnage

The Field Mouse award for least heard from KD: Japseyes

The 'Say Hello to my Little Friend' award for most effective new player KD: Preds

The Stalin Award for Most Ruthless: MAD

The Hippie Award for the Most Peaceful: ZEON/ Trio

Best "Pull it Together and Wreak Hell Merged Army": DB


The Rommel Award for Best Tactics: the oringinal Trio

The Merlin Award for Best Magic User: Well the only magic I encountered was Kayn's and angel of Death's

The Four Horsemen award for Most Warlike: Spoon

The Hobbit award for the Best Farmer: Lenard

The 'That's MISTER @$$ to you' award for most likely to get slaughtered next era: Tricky one, lets see....Inactive.

The Condoleeza Rice award for best Diplomat: Squiddy

The Benedict Arnold award for biggest traitor: Inactive

The Jack of All Trades award for best all around: Valar by defualt

The "I'm Too Sexy for this Game, but I play it anyway": Lewatha

The "I Love to Do the Dew" Award for best roleplaying: Ragnarr/Septim/Rhade, maybe Patton but he didn't really do enouth

The "I'm So Hot I'm on Fire" Award for best and funniest flames: Well I enjoyed laughing AT revenge's insults, does that count?

Fun Awards: Durza, Seloc, Septim, Ragnarr, Erunion, Rhade, Patton, Lewatha, Guderian, Might, Verll, Jonny, Goldsie, Valar, Carnage, killer, Stickman, Shemzu/Shezmu, Bran, Scientist, Zerocool, Argyle, Aurelius, Justin, Chicosi, Eason, Angel of Death, Salamon, Sigheart, Gilth, Spoon, Darkmarsbar, Applejuice, Squiddy, and many many more.

Most Artistic Banner: Pks, I'm liking it ^_^

Sexiest Banner: DB

Oddest Ruler Name: Moe Lester, maybe next time Moe Lesterer?

The Best Sp@mmer: I would be lieing if I didn't say Septim.

18:33:59 Dec 6th 07 - Mr. Might:

Whats the deal with this?Fun Awards: Durza, Seloc, Septim, Ragnarr, Erunion, Rhade, Patton, Lewatha, Guderian, Might, Verll, Jonny, Goldsie, Valar, Carnage, killer, Stickman, Shemzu/Shezmu, Bran, Scientist, Zerocool, Argyle, Aurelius, Justin, Chicosi, Eason, Angel of Death, Salamon, Sigheart, Gilth, Spoon, Darkmarsbar,

18:41:01 Dec 6th 07 - Sir Iwasfrozen V:

I don't get oddest ruler name ?

Come on people !!!

18:44:00 Dec 6th 07 - Mr. Hanky Panky:


The Bushido Award for most Honorable:  LGC

The WMD Award for most Destructive: Carnage ?

The Field Mouse award for least heard from KD: The Three musketeer ?lol

The 'Say Hello to my Little Friend' award for most effective new player KD: Trio :D

The Stalin Award for Most Ruthless: Carnage ?

The Hippie Award for the Most Peaceful: Freedom fighter

Best "Pull it Together and Wreak Hell Merged Army": dunno


The Rommel Award for Best Tactics: Nova 

The Merlin Award for Best Magic User:  sezy or binh

The Four Horsemen award for Most Warlike: dunno

The Hobbit award for the Best Farmer: Lenard ? lol

The 'That's MISTER @$$ to you' award for most likely to get slaughtered next era: Aloyisos - how ever ya spell it

The Condoleeza Rice award for best Diplomat: *shrugs*

The Benedict Arnold award for biggest traitor:  me

The Jack of All Trades award for best all around: ^^

The "I'm Too Sexy for this Game, but I play it anyway": Hanky Panky ofc...

The "I Love to Do the Dew" Award for best roleplaying: i dont roleplay so....

The "I'm So Hot I'm on Fire" Award for best and funniest flames:

Fun Awards:

Most Artistic Banner: carnage/lgc/DB

Sexiest Banner: LGC

Oddest Ruler Name: Ich Hockin Meinem Bonker - wierd to me :P

The Best Sp@mmer: Revenge "he's even managing to *beep* this thread"

19:20:09 Dec 6th 07 - Mr. Might:


12/6/2007 8:57:07 AM


The Bushido Award for most Honorable:  The Dacians  

The WMD Award for most Destructive: Carnage 

The Field Mouse award for least heard from KD: Holy Cows

The 'Say Hello to my Little Friend' award for most effective new player KD:  Predators

The Stalin Award for Most Ruthless:  HOLY COWS!

The Hippie Award for the Most Peaceful: The Dacians

Best "Pull it Together and Wreak Hell Merged Army": Predators


The Rommel Award for Best Tactics: HOLY COWS!

The Merlin Award for Best Magic User: Might [SOUP]

The Four Horsemen award for Most Warlike: HOLY COWS

The Hobbit award for the Best Farmer: Ace

The 'That's MISTER @$$ to you' award for most likely to get slaughtered next era: Freedom/Revenge Sweet

The Condoleeza Rice award for best Diplomat:  DARKSMARSBAR

The Benedict Arnold award for biggest traitor: Ptah

The Jack of All Trades award for best all around: Hotheaded

The "I'm Too Sexy for this Game, but I play it anyway": Might/Lewatha [Cow God and Goddess]

The "I Love to Do the Dew" Award for best roleplaying: Septim

The "I'm So Hot I'm on Fire" Award for best and funniest flames: Epyon?

Fun Awards:

Most Artistic Banner: HOLY COWS

Sexiest Banner: Holy Cows?

Oddest Ruler Name:  Ulrich Von Liechtenstein

The Best Sp@mmer: Might! I mean uh Septim!

20:04:11 Dec 6th 07 - Lord Ragnarr The Wolf:

Hey, thanks, Seloc. I'm mentioned in the awards for the first time of my play in VU. ((:

20:18:46 Dec 6th 07 - Mr. Killer:

Woot! I got award for some fun awadr(?) Even though it happened to be the only name not in capitals in the whole list. Thanks seloc at any rate...

20:21:01 Dec 6th 07 - Lord Seloc:

By george! lol Killer, didn't mean anything by it, it was just an accident.....

and gratz all that got a fun award ^_^

20:39:17 Dec 6th 07 - Sir Patton:


How DARE Seloc put Septim's name before mine in the fun award and the RP award. This must not go unpunished!

*Fizban casts a fireball over towards Seloc*

(And to those that can't take a joke, watching Seloc rolling around trying to put the flames out is all in good fun. ;-) )

20:45:10 Dec 6th 07 - Lord Seloc:

*Seloc sizzals a bit.*


*Seloc faints.*

[Lol, Fiz you need to do more rp-ing to come before Septim, alot more.]

20:52:51 Dec 6th 07 - Sir Patton:

(Fizban does lots of work and has no time to play a half-bijillion forum games. Now leave me a lone so I can get back to work... ;-) )

21:03:36 Dec 6th 07 - Mr. Might:

Woot! Im in the top 10 in Selocs list.

Not Shindlers List.

21:10:05 Dec 6th 07 - Mr. Revenge:

I deserve 2 awards

The 'That's MISTER @$$ to you' award for most likely to get slaughtered next era


The Best Sp@mmer

As hanky said im even managing to *beep* this thread lol

21:11:28 Dec 6th 07 - Lord Seloc:

There is no top 10, it's a completely random list, your in the order I though of you in.
It just so happens I realised Durza was at that moment leading BoW, and therefore he was down first....

Revenge from what I've seen you don't deserve any!

21:15:52 Dec 6th 07 - Mr. Might:

You thought of me? Wow!

21:58:43 Dec 6th 07 - Lord Guderian:

Era is going to end soon so I thought I might as well post now.


The Bushido Award for most Honorable:  FF

The WMD Award for most Destructive: Carnage

The Field Mouse award for least heard from KD: Predators

The 'Say Hello to my Little Friend' award for most effective new player KD: There are new players on Fantasia!?

The Stalin Award for Most Ruthless: LGC/DB

The Hippie Award for the Most Peaceful: PKS

Best "Pull it Together and Wreak Hell Merged Army": Legacy


The Rommel Award for Best Tactics: Fizban/Patton and Guderian/Mac. I mean you can't get much better than being named after famous Generals!

The Merlin Award for Best Magic User: Binh, Sezymon, or Sloth.

The Four Horsemen award for Most Warlike: Fizban

The Hobbit award for the Best Farmer: Lenard

The 'That's MISTER @$$ to you' award for most likely to get slaughtered next era: Ptah

The Condoleeza Rice award for best Diplomat: Galadriel

The Benedict Arnold award for biggest traitor: Ptah

The Jack of All Trades award for best all around: Elsin

The "I'm Too Sexy for this Game, but I play it anyway": Lewatha, Galadriel, or Quietone

The "I Love to Do the Dew" Award for best roleplaying: Scientist, or Shezmu

The "I'm So Hot I'm on Fire" Award for best and funniest flames: Those who participated in the anti-MAD rallies

Fun Awards:

Most Artistic Banner: PKS

Sexiest Banner: Legacy

Oddest Ruler Name: Iamkingofallbugs

The Best Sp@mmer: I would say Septim but there is nothing good about sp@mming so we should change it to:

That Constant Annoying Sp@mmer: To which I will gladly say Septim :)

22:09:30 Dec 6th 07 - Mr. Hanky Panky:

Lord Guderian
"The 'Say Hello to my Little Friend' award for most effective new player KD: There are new players on Fantasia!?"


00:04:40 Dec 7th 07 - Mr. Soccerfreedom:


The Bushido Award for most Honorable:  none........ we all had faults!

The WMD Award for most Destructive: carnage (destructive, yes. ruthless, hell no!)

The Field Mouse award for least heard from KD: pks

The 'Say Hello to my Little Friend' award for most effective new player KD: preds (default. no others showed up!)

The Stalin Award for Most Ruthless: db

The Hippie Award for the Most Peaceful: ff (and i hated it so much! :))

Best "Pull it Together and Wreak Hell Merged Army": obviously phi. beat back two lgc merges.


The Rommel Award for Best Tactics: binh

The Merlin Award for Best Magic User: sci/sezy

The Four Horsemen award for Most Warlike: valar.......... he had armies all over

The Hobbit award for the Best Farmer: osi. u deserve it bud ;)

The 'That's MISTER @$$ to you' award for most likely to get slaughtered next era: ptah

The Condoleeza Rice award for best Diplomat: scientist, almost too good. he got too many NAPs!

The Benedict Arnold award for biggest traitor:  ptah

The Jack of All Trades award for best all around: carnage (lord, not kd)

The "I'm Too Sexy for this Game, but I play it anyway": architect

The "I Love to Do the Dew" Award for best roleplaying: killer. the place was good.

The "I'm So Hot I'm on Fire" Award for best and funniest flames: swifty, as usual. although i did start an entire thread flaming my name ;)

Fun Awards:

Most Artistic Banner: pks, like the new one!

Sexiest Banner: bow

Oddest Ruler Name: dos

The Best Sp@mmer: good *beep*ming isnt annoying. so the nubs are out. spoon wins it!

00:43:32 Dec 7th 07 - Mr. Brannigans Law:


The Bushido Award for most Honorable:  Trio

The WMD Award for most Destructive: Carnage

The Field Mouse award for least heard from KD:  FF

The 'Say Hello to my Little Friend' award for most effective new player KD: isnt one - preds arent new!!

The Stalin Award for Most Ruthless: Phi, i hate to say it

The Hippie Award for the Most Peaceful: FF

Best "Pull it Together and Wreak Hell Merged Army": im guessing carnage cos neither phi or lgc merges actually wreaked havoc


The Rommel Award for Best Tactics: not certain

The Merlin Award for Best Magic User:  Sezy i guess

The Four Horsemen award for Most Warlike: Brannigans Law! lol

The Hobbit award for the Best Farmer: Lenard farmed alot

The 'That's MISTER @$$ to you' award for most likely to get slaughtered next era: dunnooo

The Condoleeza Rice award for best Diplomat: squiddy ;)

The Benedict Arnold award for biggest traitor:  Ptah

The Jack of All Trades award for best all around: not certain

The "I'm Too Sexy for this Game, but I play it anyway": swifty :)

The "I Love to Do the Dew" Award for best roleplaying: septims always big on roleplay

The "I'm So Hot I'm on Fire" Award for best and funniest flames: i know gene atalia flamed alot

Fun Awards:

Most Artistic Banner: no good new banners :(

Sexiest Banner: no sex related banners :(

Oddest Ruler Name: Hkxxxooo... i still dont get it...

The Best Sp@mmer:  how could you be 'best' at *beep*ming?

01:00:45 Dec 7th 07 - Mr. Aurelius:

Most Artistic Banner: Holy Cows

Sexiest Banner: Holy Cows

I donīt get you guys... There shouldnīt be any doubts about this two!

01:21:50 Dec 7th 07 - Prince Lucias Septim II:

The Best Sp@mmer: The King of SP@M, Seloc! (Returning the favor buddy!)

01:24:49 Dec 7th 07 - Mr. The Gladiator:

The Field Mouse award for least heard from KD:   The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything [LAZY]


01:45:10 Dec 7th 07 - Mr. Killstone:


The Bushido Award for most Honorable:  PKS

The WMD Award for most Destructive: Carnage

The Field Mouse award for least heard from KD:  PKS

The 'Say Hello to my Little Friend' award for most effective new player KD: preds (new on fant)

The Stalin Award for Most Ruthless: Phi, i hate to say it

The Hippie Award for the Most Peaceful: FF

Best "Pull it Together and Wreak Hell Merged Army": Phi with the merges to pwn tow LGC merges


The Rommel Award for Best Tactics: Bihn

The Merlin Award for Best Magic User:  Kibayaki or Sloth

The Four Horsemen award for Most Warlike: dunno

The Hobbit award for the Best Farmer: Lenard did not farm at all unless you call pumping millions upon millions of troops farming. and then idk

The 'That's MISTER @$$ to you' award for most likely to get slaughtered next era: ptah/Lord Carnage

The Condoleeza Rice award for best Diplomat: dunno id have to say though me and dung for keeping relative peace in a way between phi and carnage for the end of the era... (kinda)

The Benedict Arnold award for biggest traitor:  Ptah

The Jack of All Trades award for best all around: idk

The "I'm Too Sexy for this Game, but I play it anyway": idk

The "I Love to Do the Dew" Award for best roleplaying: septim

The "I'm So Hot I'm on Fire" Award for best and funniest flames: no funny flames all crap ones

Fun Awards:

Most Artistic Banner: Phi FTW

Sexiest Banner: no clue

Oddest Ruler Name: Hkxxxooo

The Best Sp@mmer:  well sent was gone so ill have t osay septim

02:05:17 Dec 7th 07 - Duke Epyon:


The Bushido Award for most Honorable:  Dark Blood

The WMD Award for most Destructive: Carnage

The Field Mouse award for least heard from KD: BoW

The 'Say Hello to my Little Friend' award for most effective new player KD: Preds

The Stalin Award for Most Ruthless: Legacy

The Hippie Award for the Most Peaceful: PKS of course :)

Best "Pull it Together and Wreak Hell Merged Army": Legacy


The Rommel Award for Best Tactics: Moe Lester

The Merlin Award for Best Magic User: Sezymon or Juchi :D

The Four Horsemen award for Most Warlike: Ixo the wizard guy! :P

The Hobbit award for the Best Farmer: Osiris... :D

The 'That's MISTER @$$ to you' award for most likely to get slaughtered next era: Ptah

The Condoleeza Rice award for best Diplomat: I dont do politics :P

The Benedict Arnold award for biggest traitor: Ptah

The Jack of All Trades award for best all around: Binh

The "I'm Too Sexy for this Game, but I play it anyway": Quietone :P

The "I Love to Do the Dew" Award for best roleplaying: Fizban

The "I'm So Hot I'm on Fire" Award for best and funniest flames: I cant think of any flames that stood out as hilarious right now :P

Fun Awards:

Most Artistic Banner:

Sexiest Banner: Legacy

Oddest Ruler Name: new and improved PKS :)

The Best Sp@mmer: Septim I guess :P

"The "I'm So Hot I'm on Fire" Award for best and funniest flames: Epyon?"

I am hawt :P

02:14:37 Dec 7th 07 - Mr. The Gladiator:

A lot of ppl know or have heard about PKS , and Predators are not a new kingdom. For example my kd is new (Dacii) . Why is everyone saying the same fake answers? the less heard from kd is  The Pirates who don't do anything [LAZY]  and these awards are fake if that's the case that everyone is voting for themselves

02:17:53 Dec 7th 07 - Duke Epyon:

wow, no *beep* these awards are "fake"

it's just to see everyone's opinion about the era

and of course people are going to vote for "themselves" or people in their kingdom because they experienced playing with these people first hand, so they didnt necessarily hear about everything else that happened

its just supposed to be fun and not everyone on Fant (who most of these posts are coming from...) know about lesser worlds or care to associate themselves with lower worlds

thats why this thread is in The Hangaround

02:32:37 Dec 7th 07 - Mr. The Gladiator:

yea but... how many ppl know FF and how many know  

The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything [LAZY] 

these threads are hijacked and false! Let VU admin decide

If Legacy disbanded for a few eras and then came back, I woudn't say they're new. Ppl stop going to these threads, everyone has his own opinion there's nothing to prove

02:42:59 Dec 7th 07 - Duke Epyon:


thats the point its for others to see other people's opinions, sheesh!

02:54:10 Dec 7th 07 - Mr. Sigheart:

Freedom of Speech Gladiator Freedom of Speech.

03:07:27 Dec 7th 07 - Duke Epyon:

sorry guys, update on the last part of my list. I accidentally messed up and it's too late to edit so here ya go!

Fun Awards:

Most Artistic Banner: Legacy

Sexiest Banner: new and improved PKS :)

Oddest Ruler Name: Titty Titty Bang Bang (lol Jet)

The Best Sp@mmer: Septim I guess :P

03:08:43 Dec 7th 07 - Mr. Killstone:

um the awards are suppsoed to be for those in the world of fant and the world of fant alone and since that newb KD called the pirates who dont do anything isnt in fant they dont qualify and preds is new to fant so therefore a "new" KD

pretty much everything in this game revolves around fant get used to it ;)

03:10:53 Dec 7th 07 - Duke Epyon:

see? Killstone knows how things work around here! ;P

03:27:38 Dec 7th 07 - Mr. The Gladiator:

We know it's Legacy that will always get lots of awards... it sucks its only fantasia, In my own experience, I found that other worlds than fantasia  can are so much more fun, Legacy owns fantasia usually, they have 55 players and to get in you must be good, which means 55 allied good players is hard to beat especially when other kds don't ally against it.

Aren't you tired people of each era seeing Legacy on top??  Why don't you want to make that kd disband make a good dozen kingdoms against LGC bug abusers and turn buyers, that's why people make multiple accounts- theyre tired of seeing u cheatingand it's for a good cause too.

03:34:15 Dec 7th 07 - Mr. Sigheart:

Legacy hasn't won the last 3 era's Gladiator..... they're still number one because they consistently make the top 5.

03:47:48 Dec 7th 07 - Mr. The Gladiator:

Legacy and Darkblood is same kingdom, divided in two, It is rare that those two forces combined (1 group really) are not the most powerfull group on fantasia. People get fooled by that and wonder why they get owned.

Hey, and you do you want to join up my kd mantrax next era? or youre going with muskateers? If you want to come here at some era sigheart youre welcome to

03:49:21 Dec 7th 07 - Mr. Sigheart:

You know I'm going to Fantasia with Music right?

03:52:19 Dec 7th 07 - Mr. The Gladiator:

oh ok. And what's arzun doing? I didint see him this era, did he temporarly quit?

03:53:25 Dec 7th 07 - Mr. Sigheart:

 Dark Blood.

04:00:40 Dec 7th 07 - Mr. The Gladiator:

We need to disban his kd, and get him outa there! IE was fun I cant believe he left

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