Forums / The hangaround / Rebirth declares on Revelation

Rebirth declares on Revelation
20:18:40 Oct 20th 09 - General Gokken:

Rebirth hereby declare war on the great kingdom of Revelation.

We do this to:

1. Have a great big war to finish the era
2. Make the end of the era more fun

Let the fun begin =D

21:04:46 Oct 20th 09 - Dark Prince Stirlin:

oh? a lameass KD wants to war us? get in line your the last in the pecking order

21:07:18 Oct 20th 09 - Princess Medusa:

Did we insult you in any way?
We have respect for your kingdom Revelation and there is really no need for insults... This is after all a war game.
So lets have fun and not act like children.

21:09:57 Oct 20th 09 - Lord Pools Closed:

What's wrong with stating facts, Jasmina?

21:11:27 Oct 20th 09 - Lady Jade:

Funny you know that we are busy with 2 kingdoms already. Just swooping in at the last minute to boost your era end placement. Congrats on losing my respect

21:13:02 Oct 20th 09 - Wolflord Karac:

^^ Kinda have to agree.

21:16:26 Oct 20th 09 - Chancellor Scrooge Mcduck:

Oh that precious. RVL complaining about having to war more than 2 KDs? bahahahahaha

21:20:00 Oct 20th 09 - Dark Prince Stirlin:

Whats that supposed to mean?
we warred 3 at once when it was you, sol and gotf!

21:21:40 Oct 20th 09 - Mr. Mcmax The Magic Troll:

Chancellor Scrooge Mcduck


21:16:26 Oct 20th 09
Oh that precious. RVL complaining about having to war more than 2 KDs? bahahahahaha

Well, itīs always better to fight a bad looser than a good winner........

21:21:40 Oct 20th 09 - Lady Jade:

No that's not it at all. We aren't war shy. Rebirth has been begging us all era for a NAP but said no but that we would leave them be. Ultimately they backstabbed us by thinking we could trust them but when our back is turned BAM

21:22:39 Oct 20th 09 - Mr. Leavemebeimfarming:

should have agreed the NAP then..

21:23:15 Oct 20th 09 - Dark Prince Stirlin:

we dont like following the crowd

21:24:41 Oct 20th 09 - Sir Guybrush Threepwood:

hehe Mel. We actually had it up for discussion on our board if we wanted to war you as we were right next to you. But the overweight said it was lame when you were allready hung up with hiv and fate at the same time. i was kind of expecting rebirth to declare on us instead as we have our hands mostly free exept we are begging someone for a war.

21:24:49 Oct 20th 09 - Lady Jade:

What happened to our common goal to fight Fate eh Gokken? Isn't that why you begged us for a NAP?

Too much for you to handle?

21:26:36 Oct 20th 09 - Sir Gingerbread Man:

Apparently we are just about the only one that said no to Rebirth lol...back to NAP whoring again Rebirth and b|tching about Fate, just like you did last era? :P  If you are going to complain about someone else having to many, you first have to have few yourself >.>  I suppose Rebirth will now be the NAP whore to bash next era, YEY! ^_^

21:27:56 Oct 20th 09 - Lady Jade:

Hehe Deno

21:30:13 Oct 20th 09 - Sir Gingerbread Man:

so pick someone and war Deno :P  It's not hard, just aim and shoot :P

21:31:23 Oct 20th 09 - Lady Kittie Croft:




*hisses n swisses tail*          >.O

.... did this work???!!

21:33:10 Oct 20th 09 - Sir Guybrush Threepwood:

Well. it is not realy fun to attack someone in the back if they arent interested like in the case of Crazy. Maybe we should just nap up with Crazy and attack Rebirth instead. I dunno.

21:36:31 Oct 20th 09 - Lady Jade:

Now there's an idea ^^

21:36:35 Oct 20th 09 - Duke Random:

Apparently we are just about the only one that said no to Rebirth lol..

I didn't say anything to rebirth :)

does that count as a no?

21:37:13 Oct 20th 09 - Sir Guybrush Threepwood:

we didnt say anything to rebirth either btw.

21:37:51 Oct 20th 09 - Lady Jade:

I suppose so :P

21:38:14 Oct 20th 09 - Lady Kittie Croft:

... maybe just war both!!!!! yay!!! BIG shabang!!

21:41:16 Oct 20th 09 - Chancellor Scrooge Mcduck:

Well, itīs always better to fight a bad looser than a good winner........

*cackle* This thread is just full of comedy. I can't decide if it's funnier that Rebirth "declare" on someone in the last 10 days or that RVL are whining about it :D

21:45:31 Oct 20th 09 - Lady Jade:

No whining. It's just rather pathetic of them.

21:45:32 Oct 20th 09 - Lady Jade:

No whining. It's just rather pathetic of them.

21:48:11 Oct 20th 09 - Sir Overcome:

i dont think RVL's better half thinks that way, Jade and Ginger.

we have ASKED for a NAP, so we didnt have to war you guys. but you guys didnt want a NAP, and we choose someone else to NAP and war u guys instead. its that simple. (we would have liket to keep our good relations with PHI, but as you guys didnt want a NAP we would not risk it)

and we war to the best of our capebillity. meaning we have as many wars as we can. now we are warring 2 big enemys and 1 smaller. that would be equally much as you guys, isnt it?

21:50:24 Oct 20th 09 - Sir Overcome:

"*cackle* This thread is just full of comedy. I can't decide if it's funnier that Rebirth "declare" on someone in the last 10 days or that RVL are whining about it :D"

we thought it would be a honorable act to declear public then just attacking. as we have had good relations in the past.

21:52:58 Oct 20th 09 - Lady Jade:

Better half? What's that supposed to mean

21:54:21 Oct 20th 09 - Lady Jade:

Well attacking us from behind while we are focused elsewhere is cowardly

21:58:47 Oct 20th 09 - Sir Penguinus Prime:

Is overcome the new retarded whinner who trys to insult with " better half" omfg seriously retardness in vu rises magicly !

22:00:32 Oct 20th 09 - Princess Medusa:

I really expected more from Revelation, but it looks like every war declaration is followed by trolling and whining... This is a war game, its a part of the game, we just wanted to spice up the rest of the era. Its not like we're only warring you guys. We have a team of our best guys up north on Arma and we're also preparing for another war. And you saying that we NAPed everyone is just lame, we have like 2 NAPs with large Kingdoms, but we do not wish to attack Fate as they had so many people attacking them, we rather choose a stronger enemy.
Really guys if you did not want official peace with us I dont understand why you complain about war...

22:00:54 Oct 20th 09 - Dark Prince Stirlin:

we have ASKED for a NAP, so we didnt have to war you guys. but you guys didnt want a NAP, and we choose someone else to NAP and war u guys instead. its that simple
its not that simple you have been asking for a nap for a very long time, each time we rejected but told you we have no intention of warring you. a while after, you napped hiv WITH plans to war rvl (leaked information) and have been preparing for a week.

and we war to the best of our capebillity. meaning we have as many wars as we can. now we are warring 2 big enemys and 1 smaller. that would be equally much as you guys, isnt it?
2 big kds? plz list them, perhaps we have differnt version of big kds as i call a kd big if they have 20 plus members with adequate skill along with a sizeable land size. your not warring fate, no pulse,phi hiv,dynamite or crazy and they are the only real big kds left standing as the rest have already been beaten

we thought it would be a honorable act to declear public then just attacking. as we have had good relations in the past.
not so true, you invaded our world then declared publicly :)

22:04:51 Oct 20th 09 - Lady Jade:

Really Jasmina?

The reason Gokken asked for the NAP in the first place was the common goal to attack Fate. Do I need to post logs?

22:05:01 Oct 20th 09 - Mr. Orcinus Orca:

im not here to judge or get on any1s side but from what i just read this is what is happening on this is what i conclude and if im wrong correct me.

REBIRTH wants nap but RVL say NO

so REBIRTH then decides that they want to fight RVL

REBIRTH declares it and warns RVL that war's A COMMING.

RVL are not happy that they got a warning instead of a surprise attack and im assuming they wont be happy once they get attacked as well (for reasons of their own im nt here to decide if any1 is fighting too many or too lil wars)


22:07:55 Oct 20th 09 - General Gokken:

The only thing i will comment on at this time is this: quote Stirlin: not so true, you invaded our world then declared publicly :) :end quote

We had one army 2 ticks into Starta and due to real life issues for me i didnt get the message out before that army crossed into Starta. So that one you can blame on me.

22:08:41 Oct 20th 09 - Lady Jade:

Anyway. War on!

22:12:02 Oct 20th 09 - Sir Moonshine:

Sir Overcome


13:48:11 Oct 20th 09 i dont think RVL's better half thinks that way, Jade and Ginger.

we have ASKED for a NAP, so we didnt have to war you guys. but you guys didnt want a NAP, and we choose someone else to NAP and war u guys instead. its that simple. (we would have liket to keep our good relations with PHI, but as you guys didnt want a NAP we would not risk it)

and we war to the best of our capebillity. meaning we have as many wars as we can. now we are warring 2 big enemys and 1 smaller. that would be equally much as you guys, isnt it?

we war to the best of our capebillity."

So taking out a kingdom while fighting a common enemy is the best of your capabilities. That's pretty sad.

Also on note, fighting two big enemies:
1) Foundation - you know they're dwindling and yet you still can't beat them even when they are losing significantly to No Pulse and Revelation. Your best is probably your worst capability.

2) Revelation - Fighting a former ally (though no NAP/MAP was retrieved. Just commonly having the common enemy). What we really did was making like a truce. All through the era, one guy came through your world and you cried and complained and whined that we were going to attack you. You have bugged us all era, and we been nice to you, and what we got from you was a back stab. Thank you Rebirth for a nice sharp knife to the back. Much appreciated. *note some sarcasm was used in this lecture*

22:13:32 Oct 20th 09 - Sir Overcome:

"its not that simple you have been asking for a nap for a very long time, each time we rejected but told you we have no intention of warring you. a while after, you napped hiv WITH plans to war rvl (leaked information) and have been preparing for a week."

yes, you said you had no intentions of attacking before Fate was down. when Fate started to fall, we choosed to stop attacking them and pick you guys as our enemy, since you didnt find the NAP to be "neccecery".

"2 big kds? plz list them, perhaps we have differnt version of big kds as i call a kd big if they have 20 plus members with adequate skill along with a sizeable land size. your not warring fate, no pulse,phi hiv,dynamite or crazy and they are the only real big kds left standing as the rest have already been beaten"

well if you dont consider yourself and PHI to be big KD's, then yes we have different views on what a big KD is. and the smaller is Bane, who has proved themself to be a worthy oponent. also we took down ROC and attacked Fate. thats how many wars we can fight, no more and perferably not less.

"not so true, you invaded our world then declared publicly :)"
have we attacked anyone on your world? cause i would like to know and how many armies did we have on your world before we attacked? (not counting the scouts)

22:19:03 Oct 20th 09 - Dark Prince Stirlin:

yes, you said you had no intentions of attacking before Fate was down. when Fate started to fall, we choosed to stop attacking them and pick you guys as our enemy, since you didnt find the NAP to be "neccecery".
RVL is honorable, unlike yourselves, we stick to our word

well if you dont consider yourself and PHI to be big KD's, then yes we have different views on what a big KD is. and the smaller is Bane, who has proved themself to be a worthy oponent. also we took down ROC and attacked Fate. thats how many wars we can fight, no more and perferably not less.
sorry i did no know you was warring phi aswell, congratz

"not so true, you invaded our world then declared publicly :)"
have we attacked anyone on your world? cause i would like to know and how many armies didwe have on your world before we attacked? (not counting the scouts)
are you trying to justify your actions by giving us like 10-15 ticks warning?

22:21:12 Oct 20th 09 - Lady Jade:

That's not what I said Overcome. We had no intention of attacking you at all. Not just while we were fighting Fate. Yes we felt a NAP was not necessary as we weren't a threat to you like was suggested by Gokken.  All era we stuck to that guarantee.

22:22:44 Oct 20th 09 - Lord Bongs:

Jezzz cant you all just shut up! It is what it is....

22:23:23 Oct 20th 09 - Sir Overcome:

"RVL is honorable, unlike yourselves, we stick to our word"
have we stated that we we're not going to attack u guys? i would like to know.

"sorry i did no know you was warring phi aswell, congratz"
and PHI said they would automaticly be in war with us if we warred RVL. with a 72 hour notest.

"are you trying to justify your actions by giving us like 10-15 ticks warning?"
whats to justify? and well i though you would like the warning instead of us just start banging at your blockers;) i'll remember that next time=)

22:25:31 Oct 20th 09 - Lady Jade:

Well we figure when you beg for a NAP and we offer peace that it's accepted. Next time we'll know better then to trust  kd that is "afraid" that we'll attack them

22:26:14 Oct 20th 09 - Lord Pools Closed:

"We have a team of our best guys up north on Arma..."

"...and the smaller is Bane"

So it takes all of your "best guys" to take on a 9 man kd?

22:31:23 Oct 20th 09 - Dark Prince Stirlin:

"RVL is honorable, unlike yourselves, we stick to our word"
have we stated that we we're not going to attack u guys? i would like to know.
so its common practise to beg for a nap and prepare to war at the same time?

"sorry i did no know you was warring phi aswell, congratz"
and PHI said they would automaticly be in war with us if we warred RVL. with a 72 hour notest.
thanks for the info, phi have been VERY good  partners this era, i for one have a secret crush on this kd, they proved excellent enemies last era and excellent allies this era

"are you trying to justify your actions by giving us like 10-15 ticks warning?"
whats to justify? and well i though you would like the warning instead of us just start banging at your blockers;) i'll remember that next time=)
perhaps your lame as ways of picking targets? yes we do like warring, infact we like it so much that we are currently warring fate and hiv, i see you guys felt lonely?

22:32:00 Oct 20th 09 - WolfLord Durza Floyd Pepper IV:

So, someone explain, im a bit confused, what is phi's situation now?

22:34:19 Oct 20th 09 - Lady Jade:

Apparently you are at war with Rebirth too

22:35:38 Oct 20th 09 - WolfLord Durza Floyd Pepper IV:

Loverly, the list just seems to grow and grow...

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