Forums / The hangaround / Remember the Titans

Remember the Titans
22:55:40 Sep 9th 11 - Mr. Ponsa:


Look for me on...uhm. I have no idea on what world am at :D:D:D:D

Pz, Love and respect to you all. I have no idea who's still playing but here goes a little shoutout =)

EZ, you noobie <3
LP, Gimmie your money :*
Tazz my norweigian babe, you still playing?
Rox, you still around? long time no seen on msn
Fordius, <3<3<3 HEAVEN IN MY HEART BRO <3<3<3
Augh, you still the ugliest around ;)
Drunken, still drunk? ^^
Draiken, easy on the dragons/Nazguls =(
Osiris, dont be too greedy ^^  afterall, its just a game (A)

*sorry for Swedish*  ZeTa, fan bra jobbat. Trodde inte spelet skulle köra såhär länge. Ta en öl nån kväll? :D  skulle fan va kul att träffa dig. Jag åker upp till sundsvall (om du fortfarande bor kvar där) :D

Signed Ponsa, AKA Hades, AKA TheImp, AKA Mirage, AKA Heavensbackdoor

12:39:15 Sep 12th 11 - Mr. Neverending Endless:

Hello Mr. Snoppiora of Aurora / Mr. Dispater of Godlike Noobs / Dark Lord Ponsa,

Its been awhile :) How have you been doing? And why are you coming back to this god forsaken game? :P

P.S. How is your brother doing as well?

Best regards.

16:31:21 Sep 13th 11 - Mr. Roxbury Kawaii:

woa ponsa

like a blast from the past :p

inte många på din lista som är kvar.. fordy hänger i skype och irc, lp lirade för en runda eller två sedan. ez och sezymon får du nog hitta på facebook.

16:43:15 Sep 13th 11 - Mr. Roxbury Kawaii:

Oh and I dont think LP got any money left to give, he spent all his insurance money on drugs and hookers I think :)

20:58:49 Sep 13th 11 - Mr. Ponsa:

@ Mr. Neverending Endless - WHOA, that was more nicks than i remembered xD  I've forgotten those.  Which means, I should know you.... you got any AKA that I should know? :o
I'm fine, much at work though =P  how are ya?  Well, perhaps not coming back to the game, but to the community ;)
My bro is doing fine aswell, He's playing floorball at pro level but he can still party ;) ´

@ Rox
You know me, back to revive the "titans" :P
HAHA, LP vilken lirare :D  trodde jag inte om han. Kunde nog gissa på att fordy lirade fortfarande men tydligen inte, synd =(  vore kul att snacka lite, pallar inte fixa IRC :P
Har nog lite svårt att få tag på ez och sezy då eftersom jag inte har facebook =(  kommer inte skaffa heller så försök inte ^^
Annars, allt lugnt med dig? Så du din räv spelar fortfarande, aktivt eller? Mycket nytt?

21:58:33 Sep 14th 11 - Mr. Bok:

what kd did that titan end up in?

19:40:23 Sep 16th 11 - Mr. Ponsa:

I'm kingdom less

23:10:51 Sep 29th 11 - Mr. Roxbury Kawaii:

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11:59:20 Oct 6th 11 - Mr. Ponsa:


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