Forums / The hangaround / SUMMER VACATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

SUMMER VACATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
22:32:36 May 23rd 08 - Mr. Arvious V:

WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!! PARTY ALL THE SUMMER LONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

22:39:29 May 23rd 08 - Mr. Spoon:

One month to go...

22:43:05 May 23rd 08 - Lord Ragnarr:

No, exams, then a month, then more german courses and then summer vacation.

22:44:21 May 23rd 08 - Mr. Arvious V:

I feel sorry for you guys.

*five seconds later*


00:10:01 May 24th 08 - Mr. More Inactive Than You:


I hate you :(

00:56:40 May 24th 08 - Sir Ernie The Orange:

Last day of school today....I have to go on tuesday but its pretty much turning in stuff, cleaning out lockers, and practicing for Honors Assembly, Baccalaureat, and Graduation...

01:13:04 May 24th 08 - Mr. Arvious V:


05:09:26 May 24th 08 - Sir Ernie The Orange:

I got college next though X_x

07:15:23 May 24th 08 - Mr. Justin:

i got 12 days left and then its 3 months off!

07:16:51 May 24th 08 - Sir Ernie The Orange:

Im getting a brand new laptop =p

07:19:42 May 24th 08 - Sir Peter Abby Jackson:


10:34:20 May 24th 08 - Mr. Arctic Devil:

ah one month left for me ;(((

10:41:57 May 24th 08 - Mr. Ant:

i have 1 week break now then another 7 weeks after that. :'(

13:37:06 May 24th 08 - Duke Elmo The Opmonkey:

I have a couple more weeks yet...

13:43:35 May 24th 08 - Sir Wraith:

I finish exams on Thursday then its a officially summer holidays till October. ^^ (Except I have a job =\   )

16:14:47 May 24th 08 - Sir Ernie The Orange:

I have a job too....sundays only atm =\

22:31:12 May 25th 08 - Mr. Ironic:

Two weeks of school , 5 days of finals, and then summer.

06:43:54 May 26th 08 - Sir Peter Abby Jackson:

you guys suck, we dont get summer break until november

07:01:40 May 26th 08 - Sir Ernie The Orange:

......autumn break X_x what world are you from? lol

07:28:36 May 26th 08 - Princess Sum Yun Hoo:

what is this stuff!

10:45:27 May 26th 08 - Prince Melow:

loads of reruns for me :s ... I'm sure of half of them already ...

... great holiday that will be

01:23:16 May 27th 08 - Death Lord Draven:

i vote for year round school :P

18:38:51 May 27th 08 - Lord Erunion Telcontar:

Three weeks more... Three weeks. And I work so...

02:46:35 May 29th 08 - Mr. Arvious V:

*Death Lord Draven is burnt into ash and then burned again*

"Die, nerd!"

04:30:26 May 29th 08 - Mr. Justin:

I actua;lly agree with that Death Lord Draven. Australia does that and ppl graduate when they are 16. But they pretty much have a summer vacation with as many days as they get off.

04:38:51 May 29th 08 - Mr. Arvious V:

*Justin implodes*

04:55:04 May 29th 08 - Mr. Justin:

im only saying cuz if my school had yr round i would be graduating this yr cuz im 16

18:34:07 May 29th 08 - Mr. Arvious V:

erm, you would have les time as a kid, because after coledge... or high scholl, you have to get a job, and have the responcibilities of an adult

18:39:00 May 29th 08 - Mr. Spoon:

I graduate at 16 aswell. But I'll take a piss over my responsibilities.

21:13:38 May 29th 08 - Prince Melow:

Mr. Justin


5/29/2008 4:55:04 AMim only saying cuz if my school had yr round i would be graduating this yr cuz im 16

You must be crazy, and then have less vacation and such? like miss the life of a student? Drink all weekend and vacations? hmmmmmmmmmm?

21:47:53 May 29th 08 - Mr. Kilobyte Resurrect:

2weeks exames


21:48:10 May 29th 08 - Mr. Kilobyte Resurrect:

2months holiday


22:12:19 May 29th 08 - Mr. Arvious V:

2 months? =O

22:28:25 May 29th 08 - Prince Melow:

3 months for me :)

23:16:04 May 29th 08 - Mr. Arvious V:

and almost everyone else

3 months of none stop forum ruining =D jk

04:29:33 May 30th 08 - Mr. Justin:

Prince Melow


5/29/2008 1:13:38 PM
Mr. Justin


5/29/2008 4:55:04 AMim only saying cuz if my school had yr round i would be graduating this yr cuz im 16

You must be crazy, and then have less vacation and such? like miss the life of a student? Drink all weekend and vacations? hmmmmmmmmmm?


I can do that anytime i want. I have so much liquior it will last a while

04:39:13 May 30th 08 - Mr. Arvious V:

At the age of 16?  O.o

04:55:45 May 30th 08 - Mr. Justin:

ive been drinking since i was 12

18:49:11 May 30th 08 - Mr. Arvious V:


17:02:11 Jun 1st 08 - Mr. Hanky Panky:

haha suxors my life is a party ! :D

17:34:13 Jun 2nd 08 - Mr. Spoon:

Twelve is a great age to start drinking Arvious, admit it. The earlier you start, err, the earlier you die! And who doesn't want to die in this *beep*ed up world? I say have fun and then die when it gets dull etc.. I mean my dad just ran a marathon. >_< I don't want to end up like that! :P

17:48:05 Jun 2nd 08 - Mr. Arvious V:

"Dang, forgive me.  First off, it's illegal to drink under[enter your countries drinking limit here].  You caqn go to jail, be fined a... fine, and a bunch of other crap.  Really..."

18:09:28 Jun 2nd 08 - Sir Wraith:

Pfft, bollocks.

12:12:25 Jun 4th 08 - Mr. Singollo:

When we were 12 it was so hard to get hold of booze we just smoked weed..and then Gordon Brown wonders why young people take so many drugs :)

05:57:15 Jun 5th 08 - Mr. Spoon:

Arvious! They don't put people in jail for underage drinking here! Sometimes if the cops are nice they won't even give you a fine and they'll just throw yer booze away.

07:15:31 Jun 5th 08 - Mr. Justin:

Mr. Arvious V


6/2/2008 9:48:05 AM
"Dang, forgive me.  First off, it's illegal to drink under[enter your countries drinking limit here].  You caqn go to jail, be fined a... fine, and a bunch of other crap.  Really..."


*beep*, the rule is, its no illegal unless u get caught, then it is and u keep ur mouth shut if u were drinking with friends


@Singollo- Hell yes weed is good for u. it promotes the growth of brain cells if u dont take to much.

07:54:26 Jun 5th 08 - Mr. Opportunity:

Interesting, i think i've heard the opposite somewhere...

07:58:28 Jun 5th 08 - Sir Ernie The Orange:

Chew lots and lots of gun Justin >_> and weed is for chumps X_x

11:14:20 Jun 5th 08 - Mr. Singollo:

haha Justin, weed is anything but good for the brain :P its real good fun, but if I was doin it these days, id be workin in the co-op and doing nothing with my life like the rest of the ones i started with, rather than gettin ready for uni!
nah, booze is good, any real ale drinkers out there?

18:45:57 Jun 5th 08 - Mr. Samual:

you lot r just all just weirdos why do ya all want to *beep*in drink and*beep*in smoke all your *beep*in life you got *beep*in better things to do than get *beep*ed up on bozz and sigs everyday aint er and i would rather go 2 uni i agree with hoever wants 2 go 2 uni its better an gonna co-op aint it yer i know im only 13 (almost) so i dont know much but wastin your life is 4 retards whop dont the meanin of enyoying life 2 the limits

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