Forums / The hangaround / Suspicous multi

Suspicous multi
01:21:59 Jan 5th 10 - Mr. Trendkill:

There's this suspicous guy with many small cities arround him, all of them owned by a different person, all persons are new accounts without history... I think there might be a multi accounting...

Besides i don't even see all the area arround him, there might be more towns...

Take a look:

01:26:01 Jan 5th 10 - Dr. Kevorkianism:

yeah there have been some mysterious no history guys dropping out of kingdoms around us for them to take the cities.  my paranoia smells multis 

02:00:34 Jan 5th 10 - Duke Random:

retards. you don't chose your spawn spot.

unless these guys were in a KD and detagged there it will not have that much chance of happening.

and as far as i'm aware dwarfnub made a post looking for someone to put his name in.

I'm also aware taht the newbs seem to group in their starting spots later in the era.

there was one case of a player coming out of the tuto that I was teaching and was surrounded by 10-12 untagged lifeguards.

I have a slight suspicion it is zeta's way of encouraging people to join or make kingdoms.

02:01:13 Jan 5th 10 - Sir Moonshine:


This happened last era when multiple no kingdoms dropped in the same general area. So i wouldn't put it past me if this was just another glitch.

02:13:59 Jan 5th 10 - Mr. Trendkill:

Well, i said it's suspicous and i said i think, that it might be multi accounting, never said i'm sure of it...

But even more suspicous is the fact, that 3 of them have chosen to call their town after their name, i mean there might be some persons doing so, but that's not THAT often when players do so, that also makes me think they are related...

07:53:25 Jan 5th 10 - Mr. Kaze:

I know for sure Dwarfnub's a multi.

07:57:11 Jan 5th 10 - Mr. Dwarfnub:

Oh yes! I am a multi and they are all my rape slaves :D

08:01:51 Jan 5th 10 - Mr. Fordius:

And your are my multi :)

19:09:36 Jan 5th 10 - Lady Rev the Hedgehog:

Most of the time, Un-tagged noobs get dropped together.

Thus creating this

19:15:06 Jan 5th 10 - Mr. Pikachu:

I am with Kai on this one. I have seen literally a pile of untagged lifeguards from a dozen of different noobs. This is a normal occurrence. You need more proof than just some untagged buildings all in one section of a map.

19:18:40 Jan 5th 10 - Mr. Douchetoyou:

Thank you Trendkill!  I have been looking for my multi's for days, now to take over the World!  :)

19:18:57 Jan 5th 10 - Mr. Super Saiyan:

what i am curious about is that site you blanked out,

must be a porn site or something you are surfing :).. LOL

19:39:33 Jan 5th 10 - Mr. Trendkill:

Lol Super Saiyan, that's something you wont find out :D 

20:43:21 Jan 5th 10 - Mr. Super Saiyan:


23:23:54 Jan 5th 10 - Lord Woody Loves Lew Lew:

Mr. Super Saiyan


18:18:57 Jan 5th 10

what i am curious about is that site you blanked out,

must be a porn site or something you are surfing :).. LOL

its either a dating site for nerds, or how to try and treat his micropenis problem :(

00:31:53 Jan 6th 10 - Mr. Trendkill:

Lol Woody if you would be smart enough you would have noticed what was the last thing i searched in google, if you like i can translate it for your dumb brains :D

''anglu latviesu vardnica'' means ''English - Latvian dictionary''

Hope you wont bother us with your micropenis problem anymore and you know, you should try a plastic surgeon maybe?


00:34:10 Jan 6th 10 - Mr. Bones:

woody u hit a nerve there =) lol

22:01:14 Jan 7th 10 - Mr. Plokoon:

I think he should make a kingdom called multi - A place of freedom away from the tyranny of Zeta where everyone is free to have as many accounts as they can manage.

The mountains will produce ice cream and the trees will grow chocolate and money - farming? get need for that when the very grass you walk on has enough substinance to make you healthy!

That's the game I want to play!

22:02:41 Jan 7th 10 - Mr. Plokoon:

i think penis size should also...most definately...have a place in how powerful a kingdom is.

05:10:48 Jan 8th 10 - Sir Cadmus The Noble:

I spy a Dwardward near me, newly spawned. Similar names.. Coincidence? ;O

08:14:10 Jan 8th 10 - Mr. Dwarfnub:

nope :)

22:08:48 Jan 8th 10 - Mr. Plokoon:

lol this guy is such a multi it's unreal!

I respect him - I wish i could do that...I'm not intelligent enough, the closest I am to a multi is pretty much just telling my girlfriend what to do with her account lol

04:15:10 Jan 9th 10 - Mr. Gods Multi:

Very suspicious -_-

19:03:16 Jan 11th 10 - Mr. Plokoon:


19:08:56 Jan 11th 10 - Archangel Argyle:

untagged people get dropped nearby on purpose so they can create a kingdom together.... now you know!

07:46:32 Jan 13th 10 - Mr. Salisbury:

what a coincidence and all these new untagged people named their first city after their name ... ??? ??  

17:55:26 Jan 14th 10 - Mr. Plokoon:

Maybe they're all from the same country and it's their custom.

You're a racist/fascist if you can't accept this.

19:22:07 Jan 16th 10 - Master Windu:

20:32:44 Jan 16th 10 - Mr. Norse Warrior:

no its odd person

20:48:24 Jan 16th 10 - Mr. Bruce Willis:

Most multi's say that ;)

20:56:28 Jan 16th 10 - Mr. Galandor of Alionar:

im not a multi , trust me , if i told you my old name you'd all know that lol

22:35:32 Jan 16th 10 - Master Windu:


We never asked you if you were a multi. Hmm......

@Norse- I am just pointing things out by observing things. I never said you were a multi so chill the hell down.

23:30:55 Jan 16th 10 - Mr. Trendkill:

OMG Norse is a triple multi!! :P

01:22:46 Jan 17th 10 - Master Windu:

HAHA he did exactly what Mr. Samual did. Wow what a loser!!!

01:34:57 Jan 17th 10 - Master Windu:

Sorry for the double post but norse renamed himself so he could hid the fact that he has a multi.

01:37:35 Jan 17th 10 - Ms. Black Mamba:

Seriously guise, I'm not a multi!

01:41:02 Jan 17th 10 - Master Windu:


Names dont match so yeah.

04:00:51 Jan 17th 10 - Duke Pesterd:

hmm i think we will all have to wait and see?

01:04:32 Jan 18th 10 - Duke Random:

Pesterd is my multi.

01:22:16 Jan 18th 10 - Mr. Bruce Willis:

Randoms left testicle is my multi

21:09:19 Jan 30th 10 - Mr. Bruce Willis:

I think Charley is a multi!

21:11:44 Jan 30th 10 - King Charley Deallus V:

I think that you won't be posting again soon :)  but I could be wrong ;D

22:21:17 Jan 30th 10 - Mr. Dwarfnub:

:o you guys see his reaction??? I think that proves it, charley really IS a multi!! :)

03:03:22 Jan 31st 10 - King Charley Deallus V:

I am Zeta's multi.

04:20:20 Jan 31st 10 - Master Windu:

Well I can believe that.

13:35:34 Jan 31st 10 - Duke Random:

and zeta is my multi... so that means that... O.o

19:27:06 Jan 31st 10 - King Charley Deallus V:

Nah, you are my multi.  Don't kid yourself.

00:52:51 Feb 1st 10 - Lord Stewie Griffin:

King Charley Deallus V


18:03:22 Jan 30th 10

I am Zeta's multi.


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