Forums / The hangaround / Trainin Excercise

Trainin Excercise
20:27:00 Jan 20th 09 - Sir Wilberforce Pwner:

Doesn't his english suck ass?

Mr. Trainin Exercise


1/19/2009 10:52:12 PM

y wats YOUR problem wid it?

 n hey this topic aint bwt my english if u wana descuss my english make ur own thread n c if any1 is intrested in how trainin excercise types on the forums!..............fool

20:29:16 Jan 20th 09 - Mr. Mistoffelees:

Yes, obviously monumental failure.

20:33:39 Jan 20th 09 - Mr. Shmeh:


20:36:46 Jan 20th 09 - Prince Mielo:

omg, he talks about himself in 3rd person view :o

Mielo would never do that ...

20:41:55 Jan 20th 09 - Mr. Shmeh:

Mr. Trainin Exercise


1/20/2009 7:38:36 PM

i understand what u mean overcome n yh i agree the best player shudnt keep himself 4 jst 4 the fancy jobs like leading merges bt do the opposite n deal with the less desirable tasks and b the catalyst 4 his OR HER kd not jst 2  victory but 2 but quick decisive victory without incurring unneccessary. that also means - like overcome said - 2 b very capable as a fighter, diplomat, tactician n as a member/leader/vice who can bring the best out of his fellow kd members individually and collectively!

but hey this post jst made me curious bwt somat........of the players who have been mentioned who is a HE and who is a SHE and who is neither or both?

lol and again

21:01:54 Jan 20th 09 - Mr. Seloc:

Seloc thinks we should all nag osi to ban him!

21:05:30 Jan 20th 09 - Sir Perkunas:

i remember a dude with almost the same englash rofl i think he was Mafia , there was someone else to but meh not so annoying

21:07:02 Jan 20th 09 - Mr. Reddragon VI: eyes hurt. thats why i always try to write full sentences. (even if my english knowledge is far for being basic). XD. I hate chatspeak.

2 b or not 2 b(hamlet)

21:07:20 Jan 20th 09 - Mr. Shmeh:

oh mafia he was in my KD last era, funny i was like the only one in my KD that could understand sometimes because he was scottish lol

21:09:42 Jan 20th 09 - Lord Frost Wraith:

Elfy {Blood Spill or w/e his name is now} has just as bad typing abilites :P

22:28:11 Jan 20th 09 - Mr. Blood Frenzy:

no i dont, my typing is fine, besides u dont even speak english as a first language so you have no business insulting mine lol. Besides even i find Trainin Excersies' talking hard to read, it actually hurt my brain trying to understand it...rofl.

But I do know how to type completely proffesional if I need to, like I am while typing this explanation, I just dont choose to type like this...

22:29:50 Jan 20th 09 - Prince Valan Septim:

Ahhhhhhhhh! It's worse than Samual! Septim thinks you should ban him!

23:01:14 Jan 20th 09 - Mr. Righthand of Onuris:

If I am not mistaken, Trainin Exercise is Orcinus Orca, formerly of Dark Trio and Fusion Rejects. And a fairly good player IMHO.

04:46:11 Jan 21st 09 - Duke Slade The Drunk:

Lord Frost Wraith


1/20/2009 11:09:42 PM
Elfy {Blood Spill or w/e his name is now} has just as bad typing abilites :P


Leave elfy alone you mofo

05:31:25 Jan 21st 09 - Sir Hirgon Sadron:

Mr. Blood Frenzy


1/20/2009 11:28:11 PM

no i dont, my typing is fine, besides u dont even speak english as a first language so you have no business insulting mine lol. Besides even i find Trainin Excersies' talking hard to read, it actually hurt my brain trying to understand it...rofl.

But I do know how to type completely proffesional if I need to, like I am while typing this explanation, I just dont choose to type like this...


Correct those errors (and I didn't even touch the grammar), and then maybe your typing will be "completely professional."  Also, when someone to whom English is a second language has a better grasp of the language than you do, they do have business criticizing your speech.

06:39:12 Jan 21st 09 - Duke Random:

lol @ dis thred

09:47:39 Jan 21st 09 - Prince Mielo:

Id lak t'ly mad m'crp mpnts, I miht wnna pu' on s'm new 1's.

ps: dis thred z herd'l a discuzz'jn

17:01:56 Jan 21st 09 - Mr. Blood Frenzy:

fk u hirgon (>.<), i know how to speak proper english but this aint skl dammit!

Corrections because you are a grammar nerd...

No I don't, my typing is fine, besides you don't even speak English as a first language so you have no business insulting mine lol. Besides even I find Trainin Exercises' typing hard to read, it actually hurt my brain trying to understand it!

*rolling on floor laughing*

But I do know how to type completely profesional if I need to, like I am while typing this explanation, I just don't choose to type like this...


Now when I said, "besides you don't even speak English as a first language so you have no business insulting mine lol", I meant it as in because he's foreign it's more likely that he would speak our language with perfect grammar etc. because he wouldn't usually use the language in everyday life and therefore wouldn't pickup the slang and shortcuts into his vocabulary. Because he doesn't pickup the slang and shortcuts he sticks to the exact same basics he learnt on grammar etc. 

I have NO problem writing properly when I'm at school and when I need to write professionally, it's just that it's annoying and a waste of time when people can understand me perfectly well without the 'perfect' grammar. As long as I don't speak like Trainin Exercise does then its fine.

Now let us prove how you have absolutely no life and will now go to the dictionary to look for mistakes in my post! Ok?!? Won't that be fun?? Or perhaps we can look in a thesaurus! WOW!

17:06:43 Jan 21st 09 - Duke Michael Deallus:

Dude...I seriously cannot read some of the words that you write...I am from America and you are like writing like you were beat over the head with a shovel.  It makes me waste even more effort trying to read posts than it is worth.  I am better off just ignoring anything you say because I hate having to think about what people write.  Like you said, I don't need to get a headache from reading sh*t.  I hated English classes while growing up but at least knowing people can read what I write is a plus.  Sometimes I do some like add lots of periods in between words, but I at least still make an effort to spell and let people understand what I am saying.  

17:12:38 Jan 21st 09 - Lord Frost Wraith:

Elfy wtf? Do you never listen to a thing I say? English and Maltese are the 'first languages' here and my dad is English to boot. Learn something you little girl.

And Slade, stop defending your gf/bf/Elfy

17:15:31 Jan 21st 09 - Mr. Blood Frenzy:

Lol you know I'm sick of this so I'm purposely going to write even worse than normal so you can see the true extent of non-understanding. Besides, if you people seriously find it THAT hard to read my writing then you need some brain exercises or something. I know my regular typing is slightly off when I'm on the forums but it aint that bad geez...Bye bye all forms of grammar for the next day or two...

*grammar walks out of door*

ey so u gyz r rly fked nw, u wll regrt criticizin me gramar cos nw i typ even wrse so HA.

Nah jokes too much of an affort to type THAT bad but still, you get my point...My grammar may not be perfect but it could be ALOT worse...


And @ wraith, you never told me that, I thought it was just your second language. But anyways, you guys speak maltenese to eachother normally right? Btw *cough* wraiths *cough* a *cough* twat *cough*

17:15:52 Jan 21st 09 - Mr. Shmeh:

i can read slang and normal english

*Shmeh sits back satisfied he put everyone else in their place

17:17:16 Jan 21st 09 - Lord Frost Wraith:

No... you're just a disgrace to all English speakers:- including Americans and Pakis.
Theres a difference between a simple typo and complete, utter nonsense.

Edit: I speak English and Maltese, depending who I'm with.

17:18:10 Jan 21st 09 - Mr. Shmeh:

Translation: hey so you guys are really *beep*ed now, you will regret critisizing my grammer because now i type even worse so HA


HAHA i win!!!!

17:18:48 Jan 21st 09 - Duke Michael Deallus:

Elfy dude...America has standards too.  You shame even us and our standards are lower than the seat of a chair.  Fail

17:20:24 Jan 21st 09 - Mr. Blood Frenzy:

Lord Frost Wraith


1/21/2009 4:17:16 PM
No... you're just a disgrace to all English speakers:- including Americans and Pakis.
Theres a difference between a simple typo and complete, utter nonsense.

Edit: I speak English and Maltese, depending who I'm with.

17:21:16 Jan 21st 09 - Mr. Blood Frenzy:


17:21:51 Jan 21st 09 - Lord Frost Wraith:

Eh? the '...' is a pause, not a break in the sentence, so it doesn't matter if there is a capital or not.

I'll sort of grant you the 'theres' but you can see a clear difference between semi-decent English I use and the crap you call English that you use.

17:22:17 Jan 21st 09 - Mr. Mcmax:

Lord Frost Wraith


1/21/2009 5:17:16 PM
No... you're just a disgrace to all English speakers:- including Americans and Pakis.
Theres a difference between a simple typo and complete, utter nonsense.

Edit: I speak English and Maltese, depending who I'm with.

I bet he can't even spell a simple word as change in pluralis (i.e. more than one change)........

17:22:40 Jan 21st 09 - Mr. Shmeh:


17:26:58 Jan 21st 09 - Mr. Shmeh:

just thought i'd check whether anyone was actually listening to what i was saying :(

17:28:16 Jan 21st 09 - Mr. Blood Frenzy:

Yeah I am. By the way Shmeh, I'd advise you to use better grammar because wraith and michael might get upset and hurt their little brains trying to read what we're saying.

17:29:36 Jan 21st 09 - Sir Perkunas:

ill say simply what elfy wants to say about himself "Me suck penguins shlong, me be dumb, ME ARE ELFY"

17:30:20 Jan 21st 09 - Duke Michael Deallus:

When I read Elfy's writing, it is like being punched in the face.  I get a headache and then just casually classify them as degenerates.  Then my respect for their opinions and ideas goes down the tubes.  Sorry if I am biased against the illiterate, but I will be damned if I will write like I am 12.  Penguin rocks.  ;-)

17:30:57 Jan 21st 09 - Mr. Shmeh:

Im sorry i should have started with a capital letter and finished with a full stop O_O :( im sorry

17:32:20 Jan 21st 09 - Sir Perkunas:

his english sounds to me like Mafias or Orcinus orcas and like Duke Vytautas didysis :) i think even vytautas grammar is better :)

17:34:00 Jan 21st 09 - Duke Michael Deallus:

I can read Shmeh's writing easily.

17:35:08 Jan 21st 09 - Sir Perkunas:

yeah even his nick looks cool :) shemh Ftw

17:36:38 Jan 21st 09 - Mr. Blood Frenzy:

Fk off penguin lol, you don't even know proper grammar yourself.

And @ michael : I have a constant headache 24/7 so I dont think you should be complaining. Plus I'm only two years over the age that you classify as "illiterate" (14 incase you havent learnt maths yet...). Oh and by the way, I'm not even in school full-time because of the headaches so excuse me if my english skills slip away sometimes.

17:38:48 Jan 21st 09 - Mr. Shmeh:

thanks penguin but i have 1 tip shemh=shmeh :P

17:39:02 Jan 21st 09 - Duke Michael Deallus:

English isn't his first language dude.  At least he is funny.  ;-)
I didn't think reading your own writing was that bad though.  If you are getting those headaches, write better.

17:39:45 Jan 21st 09 - Lord Frost Wraith:

Your English skills don't slip away.... you left them behind you.

I mean, ffs. I have no problem with a foreigner's bad English, or even an occasional mistake/bad post but you're just pitiful. You're British, and yet my Maltese grandmother writes better English, and she didn't even go to school!

Grow up, you 12 year old brat.

17:39:45 Jan 21st 09 - Sir Perkunas:

i never said that my english is good or that i have proper grammar :) english is like 3 language for me so ;) you fail

17:41:35 Jan 21st 09 - Duke Michael Deallus:

Wait? Elfy is English? Now what the hell!? I thought he was a typical American. ;-)

17:41:45 Jan 21st 09 - Sir Perkunas:

Mr. Shmeh


1/21/2009 6:38:48 PM thanks penguin but i have 1 tip shemh=shmeh :P

you will be shemh from now on :)

17:45:08 Jan 21st 09 - Mr. Shmeh:

lol penguin how long do you think you will remember that for?

Now speaking of americans

Not color but colour

Not humor but humour

just thought id say that:P

17:46:14 Jan 21st 09 - Mr. Blood Frenzy:

lol funny, wraith has to send in his btches to help him win. Fact is wraith, I may be a brat but you're a w@nker hahahhahahah. You guys can never beat me, GIVE UP!

Oh and I dont mean shmeh, nothing against shmeh...Hes' funny lol.

17:47:36 Jan 21st 09 - Lord Frost Wraith:

Beat what? You can't even give a decent argument

And lol, they just came out of the blue. I never told them anything. Its just that you're such a little snot, nobody likes you :P

17:48:45 Jan 21st 09 - Duke Michael Deallus:

We don't have to do anything.  Everytime you type you fail epically.  This thread is outliving its usefulness anyways.  Will let it live for a little longer.  I will end it when I come back from psychology class. ;-)

17:51:27 Jan 21st 09 - Sir Perkunas:

btw who is that nub blood frenzy ? >.< never heard of him EVER he must fail more than Alban does

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