Forums / The hangaround / Veterans Whos Who

Veterans Whos Who
22:55:27 Jul 31st 09 - Prince Highwayman:

As a few of you may have noticed, Arien/Bonnie Davina/Arien Vaire/Ginger Rogers and Highwayman/Soroban/Fred Astaire both variously members of Narrse, Whisper, Rumour, Nefarious and Carnage have returned for a look-see and a bit of fun.  We are playing this era as Highwayman and Arien and are both members of MAD - a mighty fine bumch of blokes and blokettes if ever we met any - and have landed on something called Starta.  Talk about a demotion!!!

I must say that VU is still pretty damn good, maybe even better than it was before although I must say NO MERGE WITH Kd MATES, wtf!  <Takes hat off to Zeta for everything else though>

We have found a few of the old guard but so many name changes (and so many with similar names to old campaigners) that we aren't quite sure who's who.  PMs very welcome if you wish to make yourselves known and all will be replied to with love as always :-)

It is also very evident that the new kids wouldn't know a flame war if it bit them on the proverbial so we would quite like to show them how it's done - any old Legacy types around?  We could easily resurrect some of our best verbal assaults on each other - and still have the new kids think we are all serious ;)

<H notes that he starts to ramble>

Anyone old or new who wants to RP ingame send me a message.  Anyone who wants to identify themeselves as an old friend or an old enemy or an old both send either of us a message.

Anyone who want sto post on this thread as an oldie for a Who's Who listing please do so.


23:12:32 Jul 31st 09 - Duke Drakos:

Whats up Highwayman. I remember you guys. Friends with you guys when Narrse and Rumour was around,  fought ya when you were in Carnage. :P  Welcome back.

23:51:01 Jul 31st 09 - Dark Prince Stirlin:

I must say that VU is still pretty damn good, maybe even better than it was before
ill give you about a week before you take that statement back!

any old Legacy types around?
LGC disbaned most quit, the sexy ones are in RVL

00:03:04 Aug 1st 09 - Mr. Ezzy Teh Elven Warrior:

hummmmz i remember you :p

01:49:08 Aug 1st 09 - VU Admin:

Moving the thread from Q&A to The hangaround...

01:53:29 Aug 1st 09 - Mr. Angel of Death:

Were not allowed good flame wars. The mods lock them and forum ban the peeps in it :'(

04:27:52 Aug 1st 09 - Duke Angelus:

lol thats true ^_^


07:10:20 Aug 1st 09 - Sir Marius:

ha ha i remember playing in carnage... those were some good times... what name did i go by back then... (starts going through everything to try and remember)

07:31:52 Aug 1st 09 - Pirate Nixon of The Carribean:

I think I about started when you guys left (give or take a few era's.)

haii, I'm lewatha ^^

08:12:08 Aug 1st 09 - Prince Gaius Septimus Cidellus:

Hi, I'm Septim/Cidellus, I probably came right when you left too. XD

08:29:47 Aug 1st 09 - Demonslayer The Infidel Killing Kitten:

Im way you know me.

08:58:13 Aug 1st 09 - Dr. Raving Lunatic Duh Mad Hatter:

I remember Highwayman and it is fun watching him fight again even if we are on opposite sides :P

09:53:54 Aug 1st 09 - Prince Highwayman:

Hello everyone old and new.  Hi Drakos.  When did Ez become a Mr.?  Were you cashiered mon Generale?

18:05:14 Aug 2nd 09 - Mr. Bearmanmaja:

No offense but Veteran and RP is a mutual exclusive.

18:28:01 Aug 2nd 09 - Sir Justanius Fontainius XXII:

ahh i remember wen highway man was in ritz and i killed off an army or something... :) ring any bells ritz that was lead by epyon

18:29:25 Aug 2nd 09 - Prince Gaius Septimus Cidellus:

I was in Ritz for a short time! You were there, Highwayman? Never even noticed you. O.O

18:36:25 Aug 2nd 09 - Mr. Ezzy Teh Elven Warrior:

pfft zeta wont give me back my title!! apparantly if you change it in the drop down menu at start of the era then you lose it foreva!! He fails to tell you this anywhere though. Bit silly

18:45:53 Aug 2nd 09 - Prince Gaius Septimus Cidellus:

Seems like a good way to make money. Sure made Shezmu repay for his title. XD

20:22:14 Aug 2nd 09 - Prince Highwayman:

Never been in Ritz.  I have been in THE Ritz - £60 for an ordinary bottle of wine!

ZeTa used to make a fortune from me buying enough BTs to run away from Ez and the rest of his eeeeeeeeeeeeevil gang. Our last era on Fantasia had me finish the era "in protection" which should tell you all you need to know...


06:49:39 Aug 3rd 09 - Mr. Chris:

Oh Highwayman... you're lil friend Ody is still here... whining

06:56:26 Aug 3rd 09 - Lord Mayor Mccheese:

Soroban, seeing your name brings back memories of NARRSE and the older days^^

this is Stormcrow under a different name:P

14:50:01 Aug 3rd 09 - Duchess Sexxy Minx:


17:31:32 Aug 3rd 09 - Prince Mielo:

Sturmcruw! Highwayman! Arien! This is better then an orgasm!

We should do a DR from time to time ... :) That was fun :)

19:08:11 Aug 4th 09 - Sir Shakezilla:

the sexy ones are in RVL


07:35:53 Aug 15th 09 - Mr. Ninja Aburame:

yeah they are with Fate!

08:05:40 Aug 15th 09 - Princess Arien:

Hello boys and girls ;)

Hiya EZ. 

My only question, "When the beep is someone going to offer to buy me a drink?????????"

FYI-Mayor McCheese is actually made of the cheese in the can, not the real stuff. 


08:48:55 Aug 15th 09 - Mr. Vofusiet:


*Jizzes *

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