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World of Warcraft Servers
01:15:17 May 6th 10 - Lord Uther Pendragon:

For those of you who have WoW, what servers are you on?

Any one who is Maelstrom Alliance then give me a call.

I am a level 37 Human Warrior Tank atm, and the name is Lythe.

01:15:58 May 6th 10 - Lord Uther Pendragon:

I'm going to try and get a guild going to try and return the Maelstrom alliance to kicking the Horde's ass.

01:54:52 May 6th 10 - Mr. Vuggy:

U shud get perfect world instead. Better, and free. Similar, but better.

01:57:50 May 6th 10 - Mr. Sun Jian of:

What is Perfect World? Is it like Dungeons and Dragons Online?

02:28:13 May 6th 10 - Lord Uther Pendragon:


its a life that you can live on the PC...

quite honestly (and no offense) i would not lower myself to that. WoW is a game that is not supposed to be a substitute for your real life, it's just supposed to be fun as hell...

Perfect World though?
You can literally make money in this game and live your real life (money wise) through this game. There are some people that i have heard of where it has gone insanely wrong.

This link to this new article is on another game but its this kind of game that does this stuff. Games aren't supposed to replace reality but merely give a temporary escape.

Thats why i haven't even thought about joining Perfect World

03:02:06 May 6th 10 - Emperor Gaius Septimus Cidellus:

I play games that allow me to do things I would never...ever...ever...ever be able to do in real life.


-Become a pirate lord and raid Spanish ships with my fleet of sloops and brigs! (Sid Meier's Pirates)

-Play as a Roman noble family and rise up to overthrow the Republic and establish a Roman Empire! (Rome: Total War)

-Assassinate people and fight off mobs of guards in the 11th and 15th centuries. (Assassin's Creed 1 & 2)

-Kill off family members one-by-one using very odd deaths. (The Sims 2 & 3)

-Create and grow a species from the cell stage to the space age and lead them to galactic domination over the pesky Grox! (Spore)

Those were just a few examples! I don't play any MMORPGs, as they require WAY too much time.

=D =D =D =D =D

04:39:33 May 6th 10 - Mr. God Always Yodles:

And to believe my opinion of you was starting to change for the better.

I like Septim's list. Choose a game from that list and buy it and play it instead.

06:39:42 May 6th 10 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

All I have to say to Septim's list is yes.  I love playing Sims and putting the daughter in the pool and take out the steps out of the pool and watching her energy slowly drain... Too bad they got rid of that in the newer games.  And Pirates is one of my favorite games.  Rome is great, so is assassin's Creed.  Never played Spore.

07:35:04 May 6th 10 - Fire Lord Nova The Incinerator:

Unlike Septim some of us are peace loving hippies that would never hurt a fly. =P Yes i played it for a few months straight and got bored so I made another game just to try this. lol

Spore - for those of you that have played the game you know what this is means. =)

09:22:44 May 6th 10 - Mr. Tyrgalon:

My bro has played some perfect world, and never used any real money for it or made any. As far as I know you can play it as any normal mmorpg. But I havee to say that I also personally prefer pc strategy games before role playing games that are pure online.

About WoW: I donīt understand whats so special about it. Its just like any similar game and it looks awful, the designs for stuff has gone way over the top, not to mention that the fact that you can only kill evil or good players depending on what side you are is also just dumb. And the game is a huge cash waste, cost way more than many other games.

14:19:10 May 6th 10 - Mr. Vuggy:

I like Perfect World... Idk why you are saying it's a replacement for real life... any game could be if you play it long enough. I play it for maybe 2 hours a day... probably less.

14:47:51 May 6th 10 - Lord Wraith Hearts Wwr:

Hes mixing it up with Second Life...

15:29:07 May 6th 10 - Emperor Gaius Septimus Cidellus:

The Crotian Empire would never ally with the Grox! CONQUEST AND GLORY! EXPAND FOR THE EMPIRE!

00:49:33 May 7th 10 - Mr. Vuggy:

Oh okay.. cuz Perfect World isn't a hugely known or popular game.. It's just something I like. :) the thing I like about it is instead of spending $5 a month to play, I can save that $60 a year and use it on Perfect World to gain my ingame character about... 22,825,000 coins. Which.. makes life definitely easy. Lol. So basically you can use that money that was REQUIRED and use it on something you WANT to pay for instead of what you HAVE to pay for. :)

03:43:00 May 7th 10 - Lord Uther Pendragon:

About how WoW is set up.

It is set up the way it is to allow massive PvP battles without the lag that you would typically get in other games. I'm talking hundreds of players fighting on one battlefield.

Also the factions (Horde) and (Alliance) didn't seem like a good idea to me at first, but once you play and actually get past the very eraly stages of the game the reason for the factions really come out.

Having factions pretty much allows most of the newer and lower level player the chance to quest without being killed unless they go into contested or enemy territory. There you're factions will have no or next to minimal guards and you will likely encounter the enemy faction. The main reason being is so not everyone is killing everyone and no matter which faction you are in, you start out with allies.

I would suggest at least trying the game itself once, and hell its not like you have to pay online. You can get redemption card in game stores and that whole 9 yards.

Trust me...
Try it and you will like it. It might not be as graphically pleasing as most games but there is more then good reason for that, and they upgrade the graphics little by little with every expansion release as their resources grow.

04:14:39 May 7th 10 - Mr. Vuggy:

Perfect World you make your own factions. Screw being forced onto a faction. :/

20:48:30 May 8th 10 - Mr. Tyrgalon:

I would rather play a good strategy game than WoW, I have friends who played/still play and I have heard enough from them to know its not my game. And I like to play online for free ;)

04:44:18 May 9th 10 - Mr. Vuggy:

Perfect World you have factions that compete in 'Territory Wars'.  So it's somewhat tactical.. except for the fact that all the worlds aren't new so there's already dominant factions with higher lvl ppl. lol

02:16:51 May 10th 10 - Dreadlord Brent Corrigan:

Started my wow career during the Betas and I honestly think it's the worst misstake I've ever made:P

The game is futile as no matter what you accomplish nothing really stands out or sets you apart from countless others since the game is so sickenly easy a 10 year old could clear it. My raids consisted of essentially spamming 2 spells, with a few others thrown in every now and then + teabagging dead guildies before ressing them.



Oh and do you know what really happens if hundreds of people are in the same zone killing eachother? *crash boom, world server down*

Any who where around at the time Southshore vs Tarren Mill was on the rage will know what I mean.


The above aside it's still very addictive, just not rewarding in the least ;)

09:36:57 May 10th 10 - Mr. Tyrgalon:

Thats the picture I have gotten from it :)

11:18:45 May 10th 10 - Sir Dropkick:

play warhammer online :) cheaper than WoW and some people might find it more fun. the only downfall is that it doesnt have as many members as WoW

16:02:46 May 10th 10 - Dreadlord Brent Corrigan:

Has the chaos/order ratio gotten better Dropkick? We where outnumbered like 10 to 1 on order side on my server. As soon as we capped a castle a chaos zerg would start forming and simply walk right over us:P

16:09:06 May 10th 10 - Mr. Tossed Smiling Midget:

I am just setting up an account so do you guys have any tips?

16:13:28 May 10th 10 - Dreadlord Brent Corrigan:

Read up on which server has a even population as i promise you that "skill" does not make up for numbers if the difference gets to big:P



15:42:36 May 19th 10 - Mr. Shaggy Dope:

Uther i got a warrior night elf  lvl 80 im willing to play with you atm i dont got money for the game but when i do ill hit u up

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