Forums / The hangaround / movies from around the world

movies from around the world
15:53:22 Aug 3rd 08 - Sir Darkmarsbar:

im a fan of films and have spent much of my life watching them. (lol i dont go out) i started watching films like the thing, the alien movies, predator when i was very young but i have grown tried all of the horse crap thats been coming out of hollywood so i looked at films from japan,china, korea and i was wondering if any VU players have done the same or are intrested in find out more about films from around the world.

there is alot out there and alot of it is good. you may also find that some of the hollywood movies you have watched are remakes of films from other countries i.e. The Departed is a remake of a hong kong film.

any way if u want a list of some good movies to check out then just ask and if you have watched a good film recently (hopefully not from hollywood) then talk about it here

15:56:11 Aug 3rd 08 - Prince Waldorfius Septim III:

Predator was awesome!!! Though it wasn't recent...Arnold, as always, had to kill a base full of enemies. He does that in like...every movie...

Billy! Lets go!!!

C'mon! Kill me I'm here, C'mon! Do it!

Go now! Get to the chopper!

If it bleeds we can kill it!

Stick around.



15:59:03 Aug 3rd 08 - Sir Darkmarsbar:

here is a list of foreign movies which i like and would recomend to ppl:

battle royal (awesome movie about school kids pited againest each other)

muse (a cool epic)

shalin soccer( same dude who did the kung fu hustle)

marrying the mafia 2 (really funny film)


infernal affairs (a trilogy)

night watch ( a russain film)

and there is a huge amount more

17:59:54 Aug 5th 08 - Mr. Eirikr The White:


18:51:19 Aug 5th 08 - Mr. Uttkarsh Bhardwaj:

well i watch bollywood movies, but since they are in hindi, i cant recommend them =)

23:41:02 Aug 5th 08 - Mr. Samual:

i dont really watch foriagn films but in french we were watchin this french film called the chorus (or soming along thoughs line like the cord or somin)(i am sure it was the chorus) it was ok its about this boys school in france and the boys muck about and that and a new teacher comes along and tries to teach them to sing if it is your film or not i do not know but ya know if you like thoughs kind of film praise me if you dont blame septim (cause it is funny to do so) but i dont know if any of u lot have seen it it is a preaty old film it is called zulu it is preety good and there is (i think) a more reaent one called starship trooper (zulu and starship troopers are both english though) but like i only really like shooting movies with blood and gore or action trillers so if anyone knows any films what you think i might like tell me



23:51:25 Aug 5th 08 - Sir Darkmarsbar:


the film mongol looks good, i havent seen it yet.

i have seen zulu and starship troopser ( their are to sequals to it but they are *beep*)

01:44:33 Aug 6th 08 - Mr. Eirikr The White:

I watched Zulu on tv a few months ago. I missed the first third of the movie but i still enjoyed it quite alot. It was somewhat realistic and i believe that you will like it if you enjoy war movies.

02:36:51 Aug 6th 08 - Praetorian Wyzer:

Once Were Warriors - New Zealand - Very good and very realistic movie that delves into a dysfunctional family.  Alcoholism, Drugs, Gangs, Rape, are all contained in this movie, but there is a point to it, it is not just for show.

No. 3 - South Korea - Funny and upbeat gangster movie with scenes of extreme violence.  The title is about the "No. 3" man in the organization that does not like to be called "Gangster" or "No. 3".  Not much else to say about it.

"Unknown" - South Korea - In English the title was "Best Friends" but in Han Gul it was something else that I cannot remember.  I will update the name later.  It was about 2 friends with ambitions, yet all they could aspire to be were hoodlums.  One is a very good fighter, and moves quickly up the ladder of the gang he is in, while dragging his friend along.  I can't say much else as it ruins the movie.

Leon: The Professional - United States - Released in two versions, make sure to get the title listed.  If you get the American release version, it is highly edited.  It is about a orphaned girl teaming up with a hit man.  She tries to hire him, and ends up being trained by him.  Gary Oldman is at his best in this movie.  This was the movie that launched Natalie Portman's career.

Taxi - France - There are several movies with this title but this one is about a taxi driver who aspires to be a race car driver.  This movie has tons of action and some pretty awesome, yet over the top, stunts and some great driving.

10:41:52 Aug 6th 08 - Sir Chucky:


lets see hmm
the good ones are:
Bad Eggs
The Castle
Rabbit Proof Fence
Phar Lap
The Nugget
Crocidile Dundee
Strange Bedfellows

11:45:21 Aug 6th 08 - Sir Darkmarsbar:

Leon: The Professional IS one of my fav films, i wish the hitman movie was a bit more like leon,

15:39:15 Aug 6th 08 - Prince Waldorfius Septim III:

Taxi - France - There are several movies with this title but this one is about a taxi driver who aspires to be a race car driver.  This movie has tons of action and some pretty awesome, yet over the top, stunts and some great driving.

For a second I thought you were talking about the one with Jimmy Fallon and that one black lady. If you would've been I would have blown your brains out with a shotgun! o_O

16:24:13 Aug 6th 08 - Mr. Peacemakerofdoomwowowowowowowo:

HMM DARK, hav u guys watched doctor who season 1-4? youtube's good!

17:40:39 Aug 6th 08 - Duke Argyle:

Evil (swedish movie)

Beijing Bicycle (chinese movie)

To Live (chinese movie)

Arn the knight templar (swedish movie)

some good movies not made in hollywood :P though arn isn't good, just listed it because it's swedish...and I was forced to see beijing bicycle in school, it wasn't that good. To live however, was a very good movie.

12:48:32 Aug 8th 08 - Sir Darkmarsbar:


and i have watched  doctor who.

but does any one else agree with me that hollywood films and getting crapper ? they dont make really good movies like they used too.

13:22:59 Aug 8th 08 - Mr. Basch:

Sir Chucky


8/6/2008 7:41:52 PMAUSTRALIANS FILMS!!!

lets see hmm
the good ones are:
Bad Eggs
The Castle
Rabbit Proof Fence
Phar Lap
The Nugget
Crocidile Dundee
Strange Bedfellows

I'm quite sure that "The Nugget" is an american film

18:07:08 Aug 8th 08 - Sir Darkmarsbar:

maybe he is talking about another film with the same name

23:48:46 Aug 8th 08 - Praetorian Wyzer:

Prince Waldorfius Septim III

Taxi - France - There are several movies with this title but this one is about a taxi driver who aspires to be a race car driver.  This movie has tons of action and some pretty awesome, yet over the top, stunts and some great driving.

For a second I thought you were talking about the one with Jimmy Fallon and that one black lady. If you would've been I would have blown your brains out with a shotgun! o_O

I know which one you are talking about, I have not seen it, nor intend to.

Here is the link of the one I am talking about Taxi (1998)

02:24:08 Aug 9th 08 - Sir Chucky:

basch, does this look american to you?

03:02:01 Aug 9th 08 - Mr. Basch:

Then there's another movie with the same name that's from usa

03:19:20 Aug 9th 08 - Mr. Midget Mac:

Blackula: Black Dracula (not foreign but funny as hell)

03:21:12 Aug 9th 08 - Lord Verll:

A night in Paris Hilton is pretty good

06:43:47 Aug 9th 08 - Sir Chucky:


20:18:27 Aug 9th 08 - Mr. Roxbury:

Since Jet is such a big movie buff, but is unable to post in this thread himself due to a forum *cough* ban *cough* issue, I will here provide Jets thoughts and ideas about what great movies he loves.

Jets top movie picks:

  1. Waterworld - the Kevin Costner epic.
  2. From Justin to Kelly - Kelly Clarkson, the American Idol winner.
  3. Gigli
  4. Battlefield Earth

20:30:08 Aug 9th 08 - Lord Verll:

This is the actual Jets top movie selection.

<@Jet> verll: my top 3 foreign films are 1) Shichinin no samurai 2) Pan's Labyrinth 3)Life is Beautiful

20:41:29 Aug 9th 08 - Sir Darkmarsbar:

lol i saw a really werid but funny tai movie yesterday called SAR WARS

its about zombies but its really funny

00:52:50 Aug 10th 08 - Mr. Princeigor:

Look tgis films :


Brother 2



Gansta films )

10:17:48 Aug 10th 08 - Sir Darkmarsbar:

cool, i like gangster films, i have watched a load of korean gangster films but most of them were comedys.


any way if you want to know places to watch films like this just say and me or some one else will put down a link or something

23:48:36 Aug 13th 08 - Mr. Jim Morrison:

i really like foreign horror fliks...

1. The Audition

2. Necromantic

3. Ju-On

4. A tale of two sisters

5. The Devil's Backbone

6. The Orphanage

and these aren't in any specific order but if you like a horror these are some of the best that i have EVER seen.


02:46:56 Aug 14th 08 - Mr. Opportunity:

You took a leak and saw a *beep*atoo lol.

11:41:25 Aug 14th 08 - Mr. Selocgotatanandcold:

Battle royal was a great film.

And lol dmb Shalin Soccer was so totally insain.

15:23:19 Aug 14th 08 - Mr. Jim Morrison:

I saw Battle was pretty good!

15:24:24 Aug 14th 08 - Mr. Jim Morrison:

Leon: The Professional - United States - Released in two versions, make sure to get the title listed.  If you get the American release version, it is highly edited.  It is about a orphaned girl teaming up with a hit man.  She tries to hire him, and ends up being trained by him.  Gary Oldman is at his best in this movie.  This was the movie that launched Natalie Portman's career.


I totally agree the professional was a fantastic movie!

16:05:57 Aug 14th 08 - Mr. Samulis:

The only thing that I have to say is that New Zeland is the place where they filmed BOTH Lord of the Rings AND Narnia I & II, both have great battle sequences and lots of killing, but narnia is more for little kids, no ugly orks dark lords slaughering elves and humans alike.

16:06:47 Aug 14th 08 - Mr. Samulis:

Go New Zeland even though I have never been there!

17:18:07 Aug 14th 08 - Sir Darkmarsbar:

if u liked battle royal then try watching the second one,

also the americans have made a version of it but it with stone cold steve austin and its crap

17:22:50 Aug 14th 08 - Mr. Death Proof:

i think it was called condemned or something and yeah it was C R A P!

17:59:41 Aug 14th 08 - Sir Darkmarsbar:

yeah thats what it was called

18:06:29 Aug 14th 08 - Sir Soc Innewyork:

foreign films eh............. check out "y tu mama tambien"

"ciao professore"

"le fate ignoranti"


20:13:48 Aug 14th 08 - Praetorian Wyzer:

Sir Darkmarsbar

cool, i like gangster films, i have watched a load of korean gangster films but most of them were comedys.

any way if you want to know places to watch films like this just say and me or some one else will put down a link or something

Drop that link Darkmarsbar, its been so long since I have been to Korea, and I would like to see some new films from there,  Yangatchi or not!

00:54:31 Aug 15th 08 - Sir Darkmarsbar:

atm im watching alot of films at but you may have to sign up first( its free) i think its a good site coz its got loads of films and dramas, also anime there.

i will try to find the links for the other places i have watched films before

01:15:16 Aug 15th 08 - Wolflord Karac:

The orphanage was realll good like morrison says, still liked Pan's Labyrinth better tho.

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