Forums / The hangaround / new update

new update
01:25:16 Jun 26th 16 - Arkantos (Lord Ajax):

Is needed lol I want to plqy this game but its too glitchy

11:50:40 Jun 26th 16 - ZeTa (VU Admin):

Can you go into more detail of what you mean with "glitchy"?

07:47:40 Jun 27th 16 - Arkantos (Lord Ajax):

Yeah no problem, some of the MANY irritating glitches are;

River jumping
blocker placements
"New player worlds"
Spells such as 
control time

lack of admin/authority

I also havnt played in about 6 months so theres probably more I cant remember at this point in time.

12:36:48 Jun 27th 16 - Duke Chade The Sensitive Fella:

6 months? Dude, you were playing last era in Valhalla :D LOL!!! Epic Fail!!!

13:26:32 Jun 27th 16 - Princess Aisha:

To explain

>River jumping

Not a bug, just a game mechanic, if you build too close to city you have that danger
Make sure to let your kingdom know not to build too close to rivers, everyone knows that

>blocker placements

Always tricky, but its what makes the game fun...
Most places are possible to block, buy a premium account and you will have the ability to see how large your city will be before setttling


The dice is just random, if you are not lucky, too bad, next time it will be better

>"New player worlds"

We have Valhalla and 50% rule there...


Halflings score too high, that could be fixed...

>Spells such as 
>control time

There are a lot others that are never used too..

>lack of admin/authority

He replies to posts pretty quickly as you can see from this post too

19:40:15 Jun 27th 16 - Arkantos (Lord Ajax):

River jumping is not supposed to happen and can easily be fixed. 

The sponsor package will tell you how big your blocker will be but it should also add and will successfully block.

Make it so ou cant see the dice again, so you dont know how cl8se your fail is. Thats what sucks.

there is nothing new player about valhalla, more newbs on fantasia. The 50%;rule itself is glitchy.

he does try, but he wont accept help or appoint new admin to help.  Also he does not punish people anymore for breaking rules.

20:06:04 Jun 27th 16 - Arkantos (Lord Ajax):

Also it was 2 months ago, sorry it was really late. Thanks Chade!

23:30:34 Sep 25th 16 - Mr. Coolcat:

boats or dragons yet?

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