Forums / The hangaround / just popping in to say...

just popping in to say...
17:46:14 Jul 24th 07 - Mr. Aben II:

i ban Septim because i DO want this threand to die.

17:53:07 Jul 24th 07 - Sir Gaius Septim:

I ban Aben for banning me because I don't want this thread to die

01:06:04 Jul 26th 07 - Sir Verteccio:

I don't want to band Septim, so I ban Aben for wanting this thread to die

17:20:09 Jul 26th 07 - Sir Gaius Septim:

I ban Aben because I like this thread

18:37:54 Jul 26th 07 - Sir Verteccio:

yeah, I guess since Septim banned Aben twice.

I ban Aben again, because this thread rocks.

18:40:24 Jul 26th 07 - Sir Gaius Septim:

I ban Aben because I have nobody else to ban...

You think I've banned Aben a lot, look how many times Seloc and I banned Defensive...

18:42:08 Jul 26th 07 - Mr. Durza The Destroyer:

I ban Aben for being banned so many times!

18:44:13 Jul 26th 07 - Mr. Bezza:

i ban Durza for banning Aben for being banned so many times!

18:46:03 Jul 26th 07 - Mr. Durza The Destroyer:

I ban bezza for banning me for banning aben for being banned so many times !! Get outa that one Biatch!! lol

18:46:07 Jul 26th 07 - Sir Gaius Septim:

I ban Bezza for banning Durza for banning Aben for being banned so many times!

18:48:44 Jul 26th 07 - Mr. Durza The Destroyer:

Dammit shoulda seen that comming... welp here goes,

I ban septim, for banning me, for banning bezza ,for banning me ,for banning aben for being banned so many times!

18:51:17 Jul 26th 07 - Sir Gaius Septim:

I ban Durza for banning me for banning him for banning bezza ,for banning Durza ,for banning aben for being banned so many times!

19:19:49 Jul 26th 07 - Mr. Bezza:

i ban septim for banning Durza for banning septim for banning him for banning me ,for banning Durza ,for banning aben for being banned so many times!!!

*breath's heavily*

19:30:36 Jul 26th 07 - Sir Gaius Septim:

I ban Bezza for banning me for banning Durza for banning me for banning Durza for banning Bezza for banning Durza for banning Aben for being banned so many times.

*Passes out

19:35:10 Jul 26th 07 - Mr. Bezza:

i ban septim for banning me for banning septim for banning Durza for banning septim for banning Durza for banning me for banning Durza for banning Aben for being banned so many times!!!!!!!!


00:51:31 Jul 27th 07 - Mr. Seloc:

I ban Bezza for banning Septim for banning Bezza for banning Septim for banning Durza for banning Septim for banning Durza for banning Bezza for banning Durza for banning Aben for thinking he was banned so many times!

really Aben you should see how many times defensive was banned.

01:12:00 Jul 27th 07 - Sir Gaius Septim:

(Sorry Seloc, but this gigantic ban must continue!)

*Septim wakes up

I ban Seloc for banning Bezza for banning me for banning Bezza for banning me for banning Durza for banning me for banning Durza for banning Bezza for banning Durza for banning Aben for thinking he was banned so many times!

*Passes out again

05:58:38 Jul 27th 07 - Sir Verteccio:

I ban Septim just for the heck of it.

haha, I know I'm no fun.

13:10:04 Jul 27th 07 - Mr. Seloc:

(Sorry Septim but the ban must contiune, ignoreing verteccio of course.)

I ban Septim for banning me for banning Bezza for banning Septim for banning Bezza for banning Septim for banning Druza for banning Septim for banning Durza for banning Bezza for banning Durza for banning Aben for think he was banned so many times.

18:03:51 Jul 28th 07 - Sir Verteccio:

I ban Seloc for ignoring me.

23:57:56 Jul 28th 07 - Mr. Revenge:

I ban Verteccio for being ignored

04:06:38 Jul 29th 07 - Sir Gaius Septim:

 I ban Seloc for banning me for banning Seloc for banning Bezza for banning me for banning Bezza for banning me for banning Druza for banning me for banning Durza for banning Bezza for banning Durza for banning Aben for thinking he was banned so many times.

05:36:16 Jul 29th 07 - Sir Verteccio:

I ban Septim for continuing a lost ban-chain.

05:47:57 Jul 29th 07 - Sir Gaius Septim:

I ban Verteccio for banning me for banning Seloc in the name of a long-lost ban chain for banning me for banning Seloc for banning Bezza for banning me for banning Bezza for banning me for banning Durza for banning me for banning Durza for banning Bezza for banning Durza for banning Aben for thinking he was banned so many times.

19:22:28 Jul 29th 07 - Mr. Defensive:

i ban septim for continuing his ban chain which verteccio said he ws banned for

23:24:08 Jul 29th 07 - Mr. Revenge:

I ban you all for not banning me and ignoring me.

*goes and cries in the corner

23:41:16 Jul 29th 07 - Mr. Revenge:

And i ban this chick at the top of the page for being way too hot


if you can see her cause i cant :(

23:52:04 Jul 29th 07 - Sir Verteccio:

I ban Revenge for saying a woman is way too hot, which is not only very offensive and derogatory, it is also incredibly untrue.

I also ban him for double-posting.


01:05:34 Jul 30th 07 - Mr. Revenge:

I ban verteccio for not thinking that chick is hot

09:09:45 Jul 30th 07 - Mr. Defensive:

i ban revenge for posting her with clothes on.....

09:20:54 Jul 30th 07 - Lord Senturu:

I ban Defensive he's right tho. whats with the clothes still on for? oh snap i forgot im married :( lets just keep this between us guys hehehehe *looks around nervously*

16:48:58 Jul 30th 07 - Sir Gaius Septim:

"Sure, your secret is safe with me!"

*Septim pulls out a cell phone and calls Mifune

I ban Senturu for being unloyal to a VU wife...

20:04:39 Jul 30th 07 - Mr. Revenge:

I ban septim  for making me squint to read his writing.


20:21:00 Jul 30th 07 - Sir Gaius Septim:

I ban Revenge for having bad eyes

03:11:38 Aug 1st 07 - Sir Verteccio:

I ban Septim for posting at 21 minutes past any hour... which is a sin.

03:16:23 Aug 1st 07 - Mr. Revenge:

I ban Verteccio for making stuff up

03:29:55 Aug 1st 07 - Sir Gaius Septim:

I ban Verteccio for having his name start with a V

03:47:32 Aug 1st 07 - Mr. Killstone The Destroyer:

i ban septim for being a V hater Vs ROCK!!!!!!!!!!

03:48:26 Aug 1st 07 - Sir Gaius Septim:

I ban Killstone because V for Vendetta sucked!

03:51:44 Aug 1st 07 - Mr. Killstone The Destroyer:

i ban septim cause  iwasnt talking about V for Vendetta i was jsut talking about Vs as in the shape a flock of birds make when they are flying or the third letter in my name!

05:13:18 Aug 1st 07 - Mr. Revenge:

I ban Killstone for having a V in his name

19:18:48 Aug 1st 07 - Sir Verteccio:

I ban Revenge... wait... you have a *beep*ing V in your name!

I ban Revenge for hypocrisy.

19:20:15 Aug 1st 07 - Sir Gaius Septim:

I ban Verteccio for banning Revenge for hypocrisy!

21:28:28 Aug 1st 07 - Mr. Revenge:

I ban Verteccio for realising that I have a V in my name before I did!

21:30:40 Aug 1st 07 - Sir Gaius Septim:

I ban Revenge for banning Verteccio for banning Revenge for Hypocricy

03:05:35 Aug 2nd 07 - Mr. Revenge:

I Ban Septim for thinking I'm banning him for banning me for hypocrisy

03:10:11 Aug 2nd 07 - Sir Gaius Septim:

I ban Revenge for banning me for thinking that Revenge is banning me for hypocrisy!

09:09:22 Aug 2nd 07 - Sir Verteccio:

I ban both of you for starting those long banning chains again... so lame.

plus... you guys are both hypocrites.

leave it at that.

09:16:32 Aug 2nd 07 - Sir Gaius Septim:

I ban Verteccio for banning both of us for starting a long, lame banning chain...


08:43:08 Aug 3rd 07 - Mr. Defensive:

I ban septim for saying "lol"

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