Forums / The hangaround / 3 word game take 2

3 word game take 2
20:27:00 Dec 1st 07 - Mr. Ulsfar:

Aurelius (my) has a..

21:48:00 Dec 1st 07 - Lord Seloc:

Rather large cup

22:25:21 Dec 1st 07 - Mr. Ulsfar:

filled with a

01:10:28 Dec 2nd 07 - Lord Seloc:

Hot milky substance

11:57:58 Dec 2nd 07 - Mr. Ulsfar:

with little green

12:01:07 Dec 2nd 07 - Mr. Revenge:

people squished finely

16:51:01 Dec 2nd 07 - Lord Seloc:

in the marshmellow

17:15:49 Dec 2nd 07 - Mr. Ulsfar:

who's fishing rear

09:11:05 Dec 3rd 07 - Lord Seloc:

fined carp fish

15:42:57 Dec 3rd 07 - Mr. Ulsfar:

with orange bellies

19:33:14 Dec 3rd 07 - Mr. Aurelius:

and eventually they

21:41:34 Dec 3rd 07 - Lord Seloc:

caught it but!

22:22:01 Dec 3rd 07 - Mr. Ulsfar:

A strange purple

01:26:00 Dec 4th 07 - Mr. Aurelius:

dinosaur named Barney

08:35:00 Dec 4th 07 - Lord Seloc:

attacked you with

13:03:38 Dec 4th 07 - Mr. Ovation:

a big black...

14:06:42 Dec 4th 07 - Mr. Aurelius:

*beep* that made

15:04:56 Dec 4th 07 - Mr. Revenge:

spam smell nicer

15:43:20 Dec 4th 07 - Mr. Ulsfar:

and more atractive

17:43:17 Dec 4th 07 - Lord Seloc:

than previously stated

18:19:50 Dec 4th 07 - Mr. Random V:

it was 999

19:41:29 Dec 4th 07 - Mr. Ulsfar:

BC when jesus

19:58:38 Dec 4th 07 - Lord Seloc:

published his first

20:08:31 Dec 4th 07 - Mr. Ulsfar:

magazine about charity

21:06:20 Dec 4th 07 - Lord Seloc:

called the Bible

21:35:28 Dec 4th 07 - Mr. Ulsfar:

wich we now

09:17:14 Dec 5th 07 - Lord Seloc:

burn on every

13:15:42 Dec 5th 07 - Mr. Aurelius:

gunpowder plot we

17:11:44 Dec 5th 07 - Mr. Ulsfar:

can find in

19:46:25 Dec 5th 07 - Lord Seloc:

north east africa.

19:57:29 Dec 5th 07 - Mr. Ulsfar:

where the blackest

19:58:41 Dec 5th 07 - Mr. Revenge:

men eat other

20:24:43 Dec 5th 07 - Mr. Ulsfar:

men, black and

22:23:27 Dec 5th 07 - Lord Seloc:

white maybe even

04:14:09 Dec 6th 07 - Mr. Aurelius:

Chinese guys, although

08:45:19 Dec 6th 07 - Lord Seloc:

I swear I

08:55:50 Dec 6th 07 - Mr. Revenge:

saw a indian

09:05:32 Dec 6th 07 - Lord Seloc:

or franish guy

16:07:22 Dec 6th 07 - Mr. Ulsfar:

with chicken featers

17:09:14 Dec 6th 07 - Lord Seloc:

, yesterday around midday

17:25:18 Dec 6th 07 - Mr. Ulsfar:

Seloc wrote a

17:55:52 Dec 6th 07 - Lord Seloc:

wonderful book about

18:06:08 Dec 6th 07 - Mr. Ulsfar:

clones and donation


19:48:44 Dec 6th 07 - Lord Seloc:

of little-children's hearts

19:51:04 Dec 6th 07 - Mr. Ulsfar:

so he can

20:16:00 Dec 6th 07 - Lord Seloc:

write another book

22:44:15 Dec 6th 07 - Mr. Ulsfar:

about dead children's

01:02:11 Dec 7th 07 - Mr. Aurelius:

who arenīt dead

08:48:10 Dec 7th 07 - Lord Seloc:

but have been

09:11:35 Dec 7th 07 - Mr. Revenge:

revived as televisions

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