Forums / The hangaround / Crazy complaints thread

Crazy complaints thread
19:58:07 Nov 3rd 09 - Mr. Horny Honey Bear:

Thats nice. Post the thread. You really want to get into trouble, how about I ask every mod to review internet standards laws, have zeta review his own because that little "the game is not real" clause wouldnt stand up in court if tested.

Same as defemation of character statements you have just made above. Show the thread, then you got me by the short and curly's. Till then, go back to your 5th grade lesson because I doubt you are more that 12 years old, and by all legal requirements, need mommy and daddies written consent to be here.

20:15:07 Nov 3rd 09 - Duke Ryan The Laughing Storm:

 You fail. If you make a statement, back it up with proof.
I can assure you, I have more than enough support on this issue.
Enough said.


I am waiting for you to show some of the proof that I threatened, extorted or in any way did any of the things you are accusing me of. Basically you are a douchebag making unfounded and unsupportable statements,but hey its not like anyone is gonna call you on your behaviour anyway LMAO

20:16:27 Nov 3rd 09 - Duke Ryan The Laughing Storm:

oh and BTW horny honey turd talking big may impress the kiddies in your middle school but all it has done here is make you look even more retarded. Kudos for that.

20:55:18 Nov 3rd 09 - Mr. Culhwch:

this is a game and 1 i love to play if i dont like something being written i ignore it and move onto next post or stay off the forums totally, mr bear you have made yourself out to be a total retard and someone who takes things too serious take a chill pill a time out and get a life and not take things so serious and remember if you dont like stay away or ignore,

if you dont like ryan's posts dont read them and if he PM's you then report them but to come here and mouth off and swear words that alone should have earned a ban from the game. but you been aloud to continue, move on and stop with the legal jargon and bs. no body wants to hear it or cares if someone is out of order then i trust zeta and admins to ban the player from the game.

21:13:09 Nov 3rd 09 - Duke Ryan The Laughing Storm:

Good post, I can guarentee you I havent Pm'd that turdburglar. I do roleplay once in a while and I mess about on the forum but I have never done what turdboys accusing me of.

22:16:17 Nov 3rd 09 - Mr. Boombastic:

I think rev highlighted best comment of the era so far in another thread. this has to be up there buddy!?!

22:53:44 Nov 3rd 09 - Mr. Swifteh:

lmao... the wannabe lawyer is still here? run along kid, go read up on... what did you call it? "internet standards laws"? whatever those may be. I'm sure it's fascinating stuff.

01:51:58 Nov 4th 09 - Duke Ryan The Laughing Storm:

lol, anyway back to the insanity, which is what this thread was for in the first place.

Lets take bets on who wins the era.

I bet on meh I dont bet on anyone.

02:57:05 Nov 4th 09 - Sir Uther Pendragon:

And this "Horny Honey Bear" my friends is a representation of WHAT ALL NO PULSE PEOPLE ARE LIKE!

do you want them ruling the world of Visual Utopia?

I vote no

No Pulse members = Immature, brash, people who get a little too hyped about some online flaming.

NOW i agree flaming can get extensively horrible, BUT this is why mods like Charley are here and he does a hell of a job.


so how about you back up off on the whining and help.
If you see something distasteful on the thread then message Charley or any other Admin and they will take according actions.

There is no point in having such an extensive conversation bashing each other.

I personally have played many eras along side of Ryan and have yet to see any of this attitude or child bashing personality that you speak of.

02:59:26 Nov 4th 09 - Sir Uther Pendragon:


03:14:37 Nov 4th 09 - Duke Ryan The Laughing Storm:

Uther, I appreciate your post, I can be mean sometimes, I sometimes hold grudges a bit, but I get irked when people make stuff up like that. I have argued with kingdom mates and I can be a handful for my leaders and co leaders but Its pretty rare that I am unwelcome back in an alliance because I am all about teamwork and fair play.  The only people who would say otherwise are generally people who have been on the wrong end LOL.

Now no more seriousness in this thread its a frickin Crazy thread FFS.

I hereby declare war on Blueberries because the goddamn things are not blue they are friggin Purple!

03:36:31 Nov 4th 09 - Mr. Horny Honey Bear:

I have had 19 pm's from members who support my actions, some including messages that have been sent, and I have spoken to the vices concerned.
I have issued a stern warning within my kingdom that any post on behalf of any member of Crazy is to be ignored by members of my KD.
Furthermore, I have made direct links available to support any statement I have made to the relevent admins.
They in turn will decide what to do.

03:49:02 Nov 4th 09 - Sir Uther Pendragon:

Where are said links?

I give benefit of the doubt my friend and i testify for Ryan because i have been on many worlds with him and have yet to hear of any type of flaming come from him.

I am also saying that fighting here will not resolve such a thing and neither will simply ignoring all Crazy posts....

In order to stay sane you must allow some crazy in


05:02:15 Nov 4th 09 - Sir Not Fit For Duty:

I have just realised that my post was deleted : (

and just read the last 3 posts befor this what are you fighting about I read them and it was just so full of crap so like Ryan said

Now no more seriousness in this thread its a frickin Crazy thread FFS.

even though he aint the leader of CARZY and this aint really a Crazy thread so maybe someone like idk Zeta should just delete this thread and not complain about crap anymore it a game and if you cant play the game without having a whing then dont play. If someone breaks a CF or NAP or idk then easy fix kill them either this era or the next or the next or the next or the next or the next or the next.

05:25:19 Nov 4th 09 - Duke Ryan The Laughing Storm:

oooooh 19 private messages from no pulse members?  oooooohhh you have links?  except that I am gonna call bullshit. feel free to post these links. if you are talking about warbook, thats a seperate game and yes I have a stalker there who followed me here until he figured out that the game was too hard for him. but as for making fun of peoples tragedies in this game or doing pretty much anything you have said you sir are full of shit.

sir not fit, I am one of the leaders of crazy btw.

06:05:12 Nov 4th 09 - Sir Uther Pendragon:



it is best for the truly insane...



08:48:59 Nov 4th 09 - Psycho Delic Retarded Faux Nouveau:


Any post on behalf of any member of No Pulse is to be ignored by members of my KD.


PSYCHO the real leader

09:14:30 Nov 4th 09 - Dr. Happy Pants:

HAHAHAHAHAHA If you can get Ryan do to that Psycho your a better man than me.

10:08:05 Nov 4th 09 - Mr. Palp Lost His Marbles:

ever tried to order a strawberry thickshake at mcdonalds in russia...i mean they have stupidly long words which make little sense just for the word strawberry ffs.

(since we are talking about berries)

 -Mr Palp lost his Marbles

Never a vice but just full of vice and evil deeds.

Currently confined to the rubber room for thinking he was an emperor or messiah or sumfink

20:44:40 Nov 4th 09 - Mr. Culhwch:

we will make you better palp or at least make you think your better and the impression you have of being my equal will soon be gone after the pills kick in :P

16:44:46 Nov 5th 09 - Mzz Mzzery:

20:39:17 Nov 5th 09 - Duke Ryan The Laughing Storm:


20:57:13 Nov 5th 09 - Duke Pesty Bear:

Sir Uther Pendragon


21:49:02 Nov 3rd 09
Where are said links?

I give benefit of the doubt my friend and i testify for Ryan because i have been on many worlds with him and have yet to hear of any type of flaming come from him.

I am also saying that fighting here will not resolve such a thing and neither will simply ignoring all Crazy posts....

In order to stay sane you must allow some crazy in




You can say you have not seen any flaming? Well let me tell you.. This whole thread is full of his flaming... No Pulse Leader Horney Honey Bear is providing facts to back up his point. There is no proof on Your behalf which is contributing straight to his flaming spree.



21:16:05 Nov 5th 09 - Duke Ryan The Laughing Storm:

pesty you too are full of shit, I am still waiting for horny honey bear to post links of what he was claiming. there is a world of difference between me telling you that you are a retard and from what honey is claiming. yeah I flamed some asshats, no I did not make fun of someones tragedy in real life. (if you are talking about pimple from 14 eras ago we both said some harsh things and we were both banned for it.) so this is the part where you apologise and then beat it.


as for flaming spree? bwuahahahah, I got backstabbed and made sure that the backstabbers are outed. its rather simple, dont break your word and I wont flame you. or is that not simple?

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