Forums / The hangaround / France 9 - 14 England

France 9 - 14 England
21:11:33 Oct 16th 07 - Mr. Vengence Returns:


*runs around looking for somwhere to hide*


09:42:38 Oct 17th 07 - Mr. Durza II:

Yep seloc as in seloc as in soloc?? As in the seloc i owned last era...


untill i got owned by carnage .....

Ye the one from eragon!!! That how creative my mind is couldn't fink of a decent one lol

16:23:53 Oct 17th 07 - Mr. Vengence Returns:



i thought u got killed by eragon, lol

16:25:10 Oct 17th 07 - Mr. Kassius Son of Rome:

he did and i thot shades were ment to be hard

16:33:17 Oct 17th 07 - Mr. Vengence Returns:

"Right, if eragon can kill you so can I!!!"

*takes a machine gun out of his bag*


17:38:26 Oct 17th 07 - Sir Verll:

Put the toy back in the bag kid.

14:10:12 Oct 18th 07 - Mr. Vengence Returns:


*aims at Verll*


14:13:19 Oct 18th 07 - Lord Seloc:

Mr. Durza II


10/17/2007 8:42:38 AM

Yep seloc as in seloc as in soloc?? As in the seloc i owned last era...


untill i got owned by carnage .....

Ye the one from eragon!!! That how creative my mind is couldn't fink of a decent one lol

Firstly it's not Soloc it's Seloc as in Seloc.
Secondly I believe it was me that ended with your cities at the end of era.
Thirdly yes it is the Seloc you owned after he was owned by Music and Zeon.

17:50:39 Oct 18th 07 - Mr. Brannigans Law:

the same seloc who will NOT be getting owned this era

19:54:11 Oct 18th 07 - Mr. Durza II:

 " am back from the dead" 

*Whips out some shade magic on vengeance's ass, send's some firey dragon  after him*

 " Shoot that shizzle"

Ye seloc you got owned by zeon and music , but i was getting owned by carnage and that while you came, but it wasn't you that killed my army you just took the undefended cities lol. Oh and lets not turn this into a flame lol, keep old as old and new as new.

20:32:55 Oct 18th 07 - Mr. Vengence Returns:

*turns to face the dragon. puts whisky in his mouth and lights a match. blows. send out a plume of fire @ durza*

"I can breathe fire too!! MWAHAHAHA!!!!!!"


20:34:28 Oct 18th 07 - Lord Seloc:

I put a dent in that army know.......

20:37:11 Oct 18th 07 - Mr. Vengence Returns:

Y not turn into a flame????????????

22:42:11 Oct 18th 07 - Mr. Durza II:

Ye but i think you came of worse lol...


*Runs up and slaps vengence in the face with a fish, then runs away to hide behind his fire dragon*


"HA bet you didn't see that coming,  it's oldschool!"

22:54:06 Oct 18th 07 - Lord Seloc:

I had another 40k zerks again by the end of the era.

09:31:09 Oct 19th 07 - Mr. Durza II:

If carnage hadn't got me i would have had around 300k zerker's. As i had 150k in my HoH before it got killed by a merge, i had 50k down annoying you lot, i had 50k up in my base and then at the end i mustered another 50k when 250k of my zerk were dead..

13:55:45 Oct 19th 07 - Lord Seloc:

well I certainly glad they did kill you....

15:10:07 Oct 19th 07 - Mr. Vengence:

*runs up to the dragon, gets outa stick*


*throws the stick, the dragon chases after it"

20:16:46 Oct 20th 07 - Mr. Durza II:

"Stupid dragon, you're not a dam dog"

* Picks up the stick and throws it at vengence*

"The shade will rise again muahahahahaha"

*Dissapears for no reason*

20:34:59 Oct 20th 07 - Mr. Vengence:

*runs round in circles*


17:30:42 Oct 21st 07 - Mr. Durza II:

"sorry needed a cupa tea"


*does some complicated hand motions, and creates a large can of spam which he throws vengence*


"Thats shade style"

17:31:37 Oct 21st 07 - Mr. Vengence:

*grabs th spam*


*runs off to hide the spam

17:37:57 Oct 21st 07 - Mr. Durza II:

" New that'd keep you occupied, for now i need some achohol"

*dissappears and re-appear's in the pub"

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