Forums / The hangaround / Omfg what a BORING game

Omfg what a BORING game
23:30:18 May 12th 13 - Sir Veinan:

PKS isn't around. Any suggestions? I know the math behind the building, but  I don't have experience with fighting. I was the magic user back in 07.

23:38:01 May 12th 13 - Stirlin (Dark Prince Stirlin):

Immortals is a nice kd, stable leadership and need the numbers

07:01:30 May 13th 13 - Mr. Hecticpreet II:

getting off topic ^

09:43:38 May 13th 13 - SunWarriorKing (Mr. Liubeiofshu):

Why stay on topic? If you guys do not care about this game, why bother creating this topic? Seems like you just blow your time on doing pointless crap. 

01:27:34 May 14th 13 - Mr. Hecticpreet II:

Why stay on topic? really? did you really just say that? i'm not going to waste time explaining to you things a child could figure out

If you guys do not care about this game, why bother creating this topic? to voice opinions relating to what different kinds of people think about this game. this guy voiced his opinion on what he thinks about this game and why he (and other people) would not enjoy it based on its aesthetics (logical reasons that turn COUNTLESS people off from games). instead of accepting his opinion (i urge some of you to look into the definition of this word), you slander him. 

People have different interests. OP provided points of why HE doesn't like the game and why he would never play it. Instead of using this thread to provide something constructive and propose things to deal with his issues with this game... YOU the vu 'veterans' call him ignorant, troll, and stupid. you respond to his opinions with your own opinions... yeah, that's helpful.

hope this isn't vu's finest

01:35:55 May 14th 13 - Tyr (Sir Tyrgalon):

True, tho he did call people idiots and made claims about the game without even playing it, if you behave like that you have it coming lol.

01:59:25 May 14th 13 - Yukan (Mr. Rance):

Do the opinions of people who do not even bother to try VU before calling it a "stupid 2d map and 2d sprites, and stupid, boring, watered down gameplay that takes zero skill" even deserve to be treated kindly?

I don't think so.

"Instead of using this thread to provide something constructive and propose things to deal with his issues with this game"

There aren't any ways to deal with his issues... Unless you can make the maps & sprites "3D" or convince him to play so he can get owned with his "zero skill" gameplay :|

07:21:31 May 14th 13 - shyers (Mr. Shyers The Debaser):

sorry Veinan:, but it was new players learning the game that attacked you. they gotta learn some how. the vets in our KD have withstanded from fighting thus far. your KD mates are rebuilding you still have a fighting chance to learn how to build cities and fight. best bet is to only build two or three cites when you are really small, and boost your econ. if you build 4-5 cities under 200k income it makes it alot harder to grow quickly. dont give up. everybody loses when they learn. perhaps we can take you under our wing next era in latha

oh and this thread is getting dumb.

16:10:55 May 14th 13 - Mr. French Fries:


Jack Frost is playing on 



Death Dealers

And - he is getting spanked. NO wonder he's a hater. 

16:38:55 May 14th 13 - SunWarriorKing (Mr. Nostalgia):

That makes sense. He bad mouths the game because he sucks at it. Talk about a crybaby :)

17:16:35 May 14th 13 - Tyr (Sir Tyrgalon):

ohhh lol XD

19:43:07 May 14th 13 - Zond (Sir Dust):

omg what a boring thread

01:53:31 May 15th 13 - Mr. Smallfries The Small:

Jack Frost, thank him.

18:52:52 May 15th 13 - Mr. Jack Frost:

@ french fries, I have won 4 out of 5 battles(first loss being only 2 hours ago), and I have not lost any cities. How is that getting spanked? btw, I started late and had 31k gaia besieging as soon as I came oop. Maybe you took that as getting spanked? lol.

19:24:16 May 15th 13 - Pure (Mr. Hankys Souls):

Lol, I came oop with 45k gaia with a shorter protection time than you earlier in the era. 31k gaia should have been easy to defend from with the extra protection time.

Ps the only reason DD and zanashi are still alive is because I have been inactive.

19:31:08 May 15th 13 - Zond (Sir Dust):

I feel as if Pure is winning, so i must comment to even the odds and give you some fuel to the flame. I like a big flame, burns more ;)

So here it is.

@Pure, where was this amazingly skilled Pure when he played in MAD and they killed a lot? 

just so u know i rarely log if u havent noticed, but u also know i cant let you win ;) so boom! to lazy to type more or make it sound better.. just one of my few logs a week and saw this non sense.

21:47:19 May 15th 13 - ZeTa (VU Admin):

This thread is going off topic and it seems like Jack Frost is trolling ...

But I would like to thank you guys who write what you like about the game. It's good to know what aspects of gameplay you like and it also inspire me to work harder.

Just like Fancy Shoes and others I'm also tired of mindless clicking games that only care about your money. I feels like the big games now a days are dumbed down to just point and click.
Thank god there are Indi developers who still make amazing games. My favorite game right now is DayZ that was made by one person as a survival mod to Arma2 (a war simulator for nerds). 
Another awesome game that was made by one person is/was Minecraft. Although I don't like how it took a mainstream approach I don't blame him. It cold have become a missive multiplayer online game with one giant dynamic world. But he took the money instead =)

23:31:57 May 15th 13 - Stirlin (Dark Prince Stirlin):

20:47:19 May 15th 13 - ZeTa (VU Admin):

This thread is going off topic and it seems like Jack Frost is trolling ...

But I would like to thank you guys who write what you like about the game. It's good to know what aspects of gameplay you like and it also inspire me to work harder.

Just like Fancy Shoes and others I'm also tired of mindless clicking games that only care about your money. I feels like the big games now a days are dumbed down to just point and click.
Thank god there are Indi developers who still make amazing games. My favorite game right now is DayZ that was made by one person as a survival mod to Arma2 (a war simulator for nerds). 
Another awesome game that was made by one person is/was Minecraft. Although I don't like how it took a mainstream approach I don't blame him. It cold have become a missive multiplayer online game with one giant dynamic world. But he took the money instead =)

plz give me creadit for introducing you to dayz

23:49:49 May 15th 13 - shyers (Mr. Shyers The Watcher):

one of the best parts about this game is the people and that includes you Zeta. VU is always the first game i go to when i game, i was impressed by how many chances it took when i came back, and i'm quite certain i will always come back.

00:04:50 May 16th 13 - shyers (Mr. Shyers The Debaser):

ford got me stuck on battlefield heroes :-P

07:00:44 May 16th 13 - Electric (Ms. Gotha Warrior):

Battlefield heros sucks!

10:10:29 May 16th 13 - Pure (Sir Binh The Orc):

04:31:08 May 16th 13 - Zond (Sir Dust):

@Pure, where was this amazingly skilled Pure when he played in MAD and they killed a lot?

He was inactive due to being a senior in high school having to do stupid amounts of essays and study (And wanting to get good grades). :P

17:25:43 May 16th 13 - Mr. Smallfries The Small:


Despite Jack Frost's lies, he actually likes this game. Otherwise, he wouldn't be playing it. 

09:33:43 May 17th 13 - Zephyr (Marquess Esmeralda):

VU is a good game, despite the 2d map and the clicking and the sprites, its not focused around the whole idea of getting money like other games, also whats awesome about this game is that even a 90's pc can run it.

Ex. of other games:

Lumberjack will take 4 hours to finish. You can have it instantly built with 20 GameCoins which each cost around 3$.

Did I explain myself?

VU is simple and worthwhile. 

12:10:58 May 17th 13 - Tyr (Sir Tyrgalon):

The way its made up isnīt to complicated yeah, but playing it on a high level is another matter :P

16:39:23 May 17th 13 - Mr. Bad Bell Mate:

I love how ZeTa talks about games taking the "money approach", when he's tried on numerous occassions to do the same.

Except unlike the other games, nobody is willing to pay ZeTa $5-10k per update. :D

16:48:33 May 17th 13 - Tyr (Sir Tyrgalon):

True, tho he has done some good additions recently without any particular funding from what I know.

17:30:11 May 17th 13 - Mr. Smallfries The Small:

Hey, let's keep bashing Zeta. Maybe he'll get motivated and update everything! 

17:59:06 May 17th 13 - shyers (Mr. Shyers The Watcher):

um, servers arn't free last i checked. neither are BMWs cause thats what i'm sure he spends all those hundreds of thousands of dollars we send him, on the finer things in life. i personally wish we could send him enough money so all he has to do is improve VU as his carreer.

18:49:41 May 17th 13 - Mr. Frodo The Merchant:

You cant be serious? This game is nothing like other money oriented games. You see the difference in getting few bonus turns and custom title that you get when you pay for this game, and when you pay for other games that give you extreme advantages. Like someone mentioned, hey I have money to train 100k Pony Riders, I put them in training, and other games give you option - finish them all instantly for real money. This game gives you chance to speed it up few hours, thats all. You do not have such advantages that would run the gameplay. This is really not a game that requires money, thats why anyone can do well, without money. 

19:40:06 May 17th 13 - Mr. Icouldnotthinkofanewname:

The only real "bad" thing about VU is that it gets boring after a while, once you've played every race and played on every map, and played every race on every map, you've kinda done everything there is to "do". :P I know adding new features isn't "easy", but adding something new at least once in a while is needed to keep things interesting to us long time players.

20:07:39 May 18th 13 - shyers (Mr. Shyers The Debaser):

um, i stopped playing for 4-5 years, i feel like a virgin again.
maybe you should try skype, then you can talk to your friends about the size of your penor while you wait for tick change.the only thing that is boring about this game is if you cant survive to restart or if you have eaten the entire map and have no one left to beat. the fun of the game is whether your enemies know how to play and make it interesting. this game rely to much on the fact you are smart enough to play or interesting enough to talk to.

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