Forums / The hangaround / Open Letter to Admin

Open Letter to Admin
20:37:41 Nov 11th 08 - Ms. Psykee:

"Foul obscenities"...I must point out that you, yourself spew some foul obscenities.

20:39:28 Nov 11th 08 - Mr. Punny Monsta:

My grandmother died from cancer . 5 years passed its still hard to believe that she died... she was planning going out next day :( and she didnt wake up.... it was like may 22 my grandfathers bday and hers 25. she made granpas bday but not hers :( 

20:52:45 Nov 11th 08 - Mr. Evul Fakir Pimp:

My obscenities attack the individual. I will attack your dumb post, like Heiro's (sorry Ms Scarletts) threat to attack me with 20k swords. Game on there for insult.

Fritz thinks cancer is funny, fightalot who is an insignificant nobody with a dictionary in his posterior and wouldnt beat me in a month of Sundays ingame finds it amusing to continue the debate on a matter that is not debatable, and Psykee feels that she is justified in defending people who have blatantly cheated. Some things are fair game....some are not. I know the difference.

20:53:53 Nov 11th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

*Sigh* well after reading this...people need to learn to insult each other...not family members or stuff like that.  If you cannot insult the person in a 1v1 argument...don't insult others that cannot defend themselves.  Take your insults to The Hangaround and make a nice thread labled "Flaming/Insults for Zetamania" or something...

PS - I think Josef is Cobra...he thrives on this ;)

20:57:12 Nov 11th 08 - Mr. Ender Wiggin:

Just an off the wall aside to this convo...

Isn't Mr. Evul Mother*ucker a member of Burnt?

21:05:40 Nov 11th 08 - Mr. Evul Fakir Pimp:

No fear Charley...theres only one person to beat me in a flaming session and thats....oh theres not.

And for your Josef/Cobra character....I have zero fear of someone who thinks a child molester should be idolised by even mentioning his name. Bring him on on another forum.

21:12:15 Nov 11th 08 - Mr. Fitesalot:

   I've given up on making you understand that you cannot force people to play nice, oh well.
  fitalot who is an insignificant nobody with a dictionary in his posterior and wouldnt beat me in a month of Sundays ingame

  About the dictionary thing, I think I pointed out I don't do that often, maybe you missed that part, it would be suiting of you to skip over the facts that don't suit your argument to defend a point that isn't valid.
    Me being an "insignificant nobody", I won't even bother defending myself here, because once again, we don't know each other personally, although judging by your posts so far, I would say that if we met in real life, you would be silenced very quickly.
     As for the weird comment about Sundays, I'm not even sure wtf you're talking about. 


21:17:30 Nov 11th 08 - Mr. Evul Fakir Pimp:

Then go to school...get an education and spend some time in the gym cause you know nothing about me and you may get a surprise at what happens when peeps piss me off. In fact, *beep* post code is WA14 it *beep* for brains...I'm here waiting for your threat.

21:23:05 Nov 11th 08 - Mr. Fitesalot:

     Ok @sshole? you want it to come to physical threats? here's one for you:

   I'm a little over 6'2"   and weigh about 230 pounds, I bench press 315 (barely)   and I run 3-5 miles several times a week. Your stats? and don't try to e-thug it, these are my raw stats, not a lie.
  As for education the fact you can't spell the issues you so self-righteously defend speaks for itself.

21:26:27 Nov 11th 08 - Lord Wraith:

This is hilarious...

21:27:51 Nov 11th 08 - Mr. Fitesalot:

  I know right?  

  This would make the best Jerry Springer show ever. xD

21:29:22 Nov 11th 08 - Ms. Sloth The Girl:

Mr. Fitesalot


11/11/2008 9:23:05 PM
     Ok @sshole? you want it to come to physical threats? here's one for you:

   I'm a little over 6'2"   and weigh about 230 pounds, I bench press 315 (barely)   and I run 3-5 miles several times a week. Your stats? and don't try to e-thug it, these are my raw stats, not a lie.
  As for education the fact you can't spell the issues you so self-righteously defend speaks for itself.

I'm a little over 5'4"   and weigh about 330 pounds, I eat 23 Burgers a day (Easily)   and I shet 3-5 times a month. Your stats? and don't try to e-thug it, these are my raw stats, not a lie.
  As for McDonalds Education the fact you can't re-site all the Meals, is because I am far superior and eat more than you

No offence, got bored ^^

21:32:23 Nov 11th 08 - Mr. Evul Fakir Pimp: still here waiting.

21:33:34 Nov 11th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

lol@Revenge ! woot!

21:35:34 Nov 11th 08 - Mr. Fitesalot:

 sloth that was hilarious.  xD    

    As for you pimp?  I'm still waiting, I live outside Austin, Texas, let me know when you're on I-35, I can give you directions from there.

21:36:54 Nov 11th 08 - Ms. Sloth The Girl:

:D <3

21:46:44 Nov 11th 08 - Sir Ryan The Quiet:

LOL Mr Evul is just pissy because his last hope was whining to the mods, the only problem is that people in his own alliance started the momma jokes, we just didnt run whining to the mods.

Mr Evul, you internet gangsters are amusing, I have high doubts that you served in the gulf and your weak insults and predilection for running to the mods like a pulling child would seem to support my supposition. Talk is cheap little man. (I usually add cheap like your mom but I don't want you to add my name to your list while you apply lipstick.)

either way spend more time in game and less on here because you are getting owned. this is my first era LOL and already Im owning somoene like you that plays on the *beep* world to feel better about himself.

21:50:55 Nov 11th 08 - Mr. Evul Fakir Pimp:

Ryan the Quiet???? either way spend more time in game and less on here because you are getting owned


Your Kd and Mystics have lost over 200k troops to my 6k army. You havent even left your city. Feeling strong..send your army out to fight.

22:02:48 Nov 11th 08 - Mr. Evul Fakir Pimp:

I did my basics at ITC Catterick, and joined the 518coy div of the Pioneer Regiment stationed at Al left playschool yet kid?

22:20:00 Nov 11th 08 - Mr. Theophilus II:

Actually, free speech isn't earned. It is an unalienable right, because expressing myself aids in my pursuit of happiness.

If you don't like it, take it up with America's Founding fathers. I think they earned the right to make that rule.

All said, I am hurt to hear about your loss to your mother of cancer, though I am sure he was not directly insulting her memory, but simply insulting the person who reared you.

All said, I apologize on behalf of that person, and pray that you can find peace. Happy Veteran's day.

22:21:08 Nov 11th 08 - Sir Ryan The Quiet:

If thats true then why do you act like a preteen on here and in game? I worked as a security consultant for 3 years and any reg force people I met sure didnt speak or act like you.

as for what we lost, you are playing on a new player world, how many Eras have you played? and yet Dark which consists almost entirely fo people who came form another game, is not only growing but kicked you ass at hall and now in the west as well. save your BS for *beep*s who might believe it.

BTW I did fool you pretty well when I got you to not attack me, I only had 50 knights at the time LOL.

22:27:07 Nov 11th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

Ms. Sloth The Girl


11/11/2008 4:29:22 PM

I'm a little over 5'4"   and weigh about 330 pounds, I eat 23 Burgers a day (Easily)   and I shet 3-5 times a month. Your stats? and don't try to e-thug it, these are my raw stats, not a lie.
  As for McDonalds Education the fact you can't re-site all the Meals, is because I am far superior and eat more than you

No offence, got bored ^^

I am a little over 6'1" and weigh about 160 pounds.  I eat maybe 1-2 meals a day.  I could eat 4 huge meals and not gain a pound and may even lose one. Your stats? and don't try to e-thug it, these are my raw stats, not a lie.
Girls wish they were as slim as it!

22:31:51 Nov 11th 08 - Sir Wilber:

Lord Charley Deallus


11/11/2008 10:27:07 PM
Ms. Sloth The Girl


11/11/2008 4:29:22 PM

I'm a little over 5'4"   and weigh about 330 pounds, I eat 23 Burgers a day (Easily)   and I shet 3-5 times a month. Your stats? and don't try to e-thug it, these are my raw stats, not a lie.
  As for McDonalds Education the fact you can't re-site all the Meals, is because I am far superior and eat more than you

No offence, got bored ^^

I am a little over 6'1" and weigh about 160 pounds.  I eat maybe 1-2 meals a day.  I could eat 4 huge meals and not gain a pound and may even lose one. Your stats? and don't try to e-thug it, these are my raw stats, not a lie.
Girls wish they were as slim as it!

I am a little under 6 foot and weigh in at about 10 and a half stone (because i'm english and we don't use pounds, much!). I eat maybe 2-3 meals a day and snacks and not gain a kilo and maybe even lose one. Your stats? and don't try to e-thug it, these are my raw stats, not a lie.


22:35:32 Nov 11th 08 - Mr. Evul Fakir Pimp:

BTW I did fool you pretty well when I got you to not attack me, I only had 50 knights at the time LOL....

Because the 50% rule prevented me from taking over your cities fool...though you wouldnt know didly squat about it...and you got Hall on pure numbers....3 kd's totalling 41 players will give a 15 man KD a hard time...its sheer numbers. But on the left flank you have all been dished a hiding.



22:42:12 Nov 11th 08 - Mr. Justin:

Sir Wilber


11/11/2008 2:31:51 PM
Lord Charley Deallus


11/11/2008 10:27:07 PM
Ms. Sloth The Girl


11/11/2008 4:29:22 PM

I'm a little over 5'4"   and weigh about 330 pounds, I eat 23 Burgers a day (Easily)   and I shet 3-5 times a month. Your stats? and don't try to e-thug it, these are my raw stats, not a lie.
  As for McDonalds Education the fact you can't re-site all the Meals, is because I am far superior and eat more than you

No offence, got bored ^^

I am a little over 6'1" and weigh about 160 pounds.  I eat maybe 1-2 meals a day.  I could eat 4 huge meals and not gain a pound and may even lose one. Your stats? and don't try to e-thug it, these are my raw stats, not a lie.
Girls wish they were as slim as it!

I am a little under 6 foot and weigh in at about 10 and a half stone (because i'm english and we don't use pounds, much!). I eat maybe 2-3 meals a day and snacks and not gain a kilo and maybe even lose one. Your stats? and don't try to e-thug it, these are my raw stats, not a lie.


haha Wilber i beat you by 3 inches in height. And i weigh 190 and only eat dinner and i run 3 miles everymorning. I lift weights every day an hour before school, during weight training class and i go to the gym after school.Yes i know the 1 meal is bad but who cares. Not used to eating 3 so i dont really notice most the times.

22:46:55 Nov 11th 08 - Sir Stirlin:

justin must be hulk!

22:59:28 Nov 11th 08 - Mr. Fitesalot:

  Justin what time do you run your mile in?

23:01:44 Nov 11th 08 - Mr. Ender Wiggin:

Why would you run 3 miles???  Thats what we invented cars for... ;)

23:05:39 Nov 11th 08 - Lord Wraith:

So... 1 meal a day and you spend an hour lifting weights and you run 3 miles? All on 1 meal a day? Now thats one hell of a feat... ^.-

23:07:59 Nov 11th 08 - Sir Wilber:

Can't say its good for you either justin, but congrats is in order I guess.

23:14:59 Nov 11th 08 - Mr. Justin:

I get up a 4 am -8 time..... Well wraith when im a hunter and when the deer come in our back yard which we have 2 acres of we just shoot them with the .22 and there is our dinner. So the steaks, red skinned potatoes and corn or carrots i make for dinner hold me over a while. And no not the hulk i can just lift a lot. im at 411 squat, 300 bench and 225 clean.  But back to the topic at hand which is a little childish. but w/e.

23:17:01 Nov 11th 08 - Dark Lord Osiris:

Mr. Evul Fakir Pimp


11/11/2008 1:56:30 PM
I spent 2 years in the Gulf, 4 years in they pub trade in the toughest area's of London and Manchester, and know the big difference between banter and crossing the line. Os, if you think insulting a players mother is a joke, your role as a mod needs to be seriously looked at.


funny i visit a lot of pubs in london and some rough ones. i hear that kinda stuff every 5 mins in pubs.  then again you dont make the forum roles and you dont decide whos mod and whos not. have a problem ingame msg vu admin dont make a thread asking for something that is never going to happen.


if someone makes a joke you find offensive tell them. if they carry on Ignore them. there is no good (bad) old british PC here my friend. you dont have a right to not be offended.

23:22:19 Nov 11th 08 - Sir Wilber:

Pimp, theres more arguing against you, than with you. Please, give it up already.

23:26:01 Nov 11th 08 - Mr. Justin:

Besides Pimp/bling you have made some pretty bad flames in chat before. There are worse remarks made then about mothers dead from cancer(god rest her soul) and you do not have the right to get pissed off from it. You dont see me coming on here crying because of the crap Osi,Wilber or any of theothers had said to me. Get out of the corner. Stop sucking on your thumb and move on. Sh*t happens, now its time to grow up.

23:33:42 Nov 11th 08 - Mr. Fitesalot:

  You go hunting on 2 acres?  lol that's kinda small xD   I guess if it works though...
    btw where do you live? (general area)  you have to be pretty far out in the country to eat what you just killed in your backyard, instead of just buying some groceries.  (no offense meant though, I go wild boar hunting on my uncles property, and we cook those up xD)

23:36:05 Nov 11th 08 - Sir Wilber:

Me, insult you justin? I've done nothing of the sort :P

23:38:16 Nov 11th 08 - Mr. Justin:

The normal Washington state not Washington D.C.. But thats year round ordeal with the deer. we just shoot what we need. and with as expensive as everything is getting in todays world shooting a deer out of season is better then spending 100s of dollars on meat a year that adds up in the end when we can shoot a 150lb+ buck or doe and last us a couple months or more.

00:13:58 Nov 12th 08 - Lady Vampire Queen:

Oh yeah

Roosevelt Elk


00:20:00 Nov 12th 08 - VU Admin:

Thanks for the letter... Thread moved to the hang-around.

00:43:34 Nov 12th 08 - Sir Ryan The Quiet:

I poop bigger than some of you I am 6-5 330 and have big poops.

01:00:09 Nov 12th 08 - Mr. Blast of Darkness:

wat the hell!! Geez you seriouslyyy hav problems, people tell mother jokes every 5 seconds at my skl lol. And theres a 50% chance at least ONE will be aimed at you from a mate everyday. I mean obviously we all feel sry for u for loosing your mother but you shuda jus told the guy who sed it the situation an if he stil wantz to b an arshle u either tel admin, gather aloada peoplz to turn against him, flame him, ignore him, or kill him in-game. One of my m8s even had a "ur mothers" contest lol. It wuz during science lesson an wuz hilarious. But ye the difference is that our mothers are alive, we are jking, we both kno our mothers are alive an we r m8s. Tho rly people shudnt go to mothers jks unless its a proper m8 bt stil u jus need to learn to take it as a pinch of salt.

02:53:38 Nov 12th 08 - Duke Arzun:

Ms. Psykee


11/11/2008 10:16:24 AM
Last era, I remember you telling me to "get back in the kitchen where I belong" and to "let the men do the talking"
Mr. Evul Fakir Pimp


11/11/2008 10:25:25 AM
Sure. I also devil worshipped and ate all the kids candy. Please feel free to post the pm's here. Because Holly and Ryan felt confident enough to post it on the Zeta forum and PM insults to me. Im more than happy to present that. Difference between us....if something is wrong i will stand up and correct it, not lay down and accept it because its the norm. Just because it happens, does not make it right.

I actually remember you saying that, so don't try and deny that : )

And do you happen to be Mr. Dead1? ^^

06:26:26 Nov 12th 08 - Necromancer Apprentice:

Blast of Darkness after "wat the hell!!" i couldn't understand anything you wrote.. could you please right in English..

08:29:19 Nov 12th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

I would translate it...but I have enough of a life that it would be a waste of my time ;)

08:53:24 Nov 12th 08 - Prince Mielo:

lol arzun ... I'm not sure if it's him, after all we did not received pm's about what happened in his social surroundings?

09:33:09 Nov 12th 08 - Mr. Blast of Darkness:

lol why cant anyone on vu read slang..ITS NT EVEN PROPER SLANG DANGIT!!!!

Ok...Translation: What the hell? Dude you seriously have problems, people tell mother jokes every five seconds at my school. And 90% of the time they come from mates(friends). Of course we all feel sorry for your loss but you should have just told the person who made the comment about your situation. And if he/she refused to take the comment back then you have the following choices:

  • Gather people against him and flame every post he makes in every forum.
  • Ignore him.
  • Kill him in-game.
  • Or tell admin.

But he/she wasn't to know your mum died. Mothers' jokes are just a part of life now, one of me and my friends even had a "Your mom" contest lol. Eg. "Your mums so fat that she went on a cruise and the captain asked if they could use her as anchor". But obviously that situation was different because we're friends an we both know we are joking, but you still have to learn to take it as a pinch of salt.

09:54:44 Nov 12th 08 - Mr. Justin:

Blast of Darkness we have lives. We arent wangsters so drop the act and stop talking some BS slang. you got dat homey g?

10:11:32 Nov 12th 08 - Mr. Blast of Darkness:

lol i dnt talk like dat dumass, i jus cut letters out for convenience. Besides I TRANSLATED U RET*RD!!

16:45:39 Nov 12th 08 - Lord Wraith:

Elfy, shut up. You give a bad name to Turks everywhere!!! xD

18:53:42 Nov 12th 08 - Mr. Blast of Darkness:

lol i aint a turk u dang mexican!!! Go back to the spice stall where you came from!!

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