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POLL Passions
20:20:25 Aug 4th 09 - Mr. Lithium:


salmon fishing


01:07:08 Aug 5th 09 - Mr. Brett The Hitmanhart:


01:08:30 Aug 5th 09 - Sir Pubeguin The Hairy Cheezburger:

My Girlfriend
hanging out with friends

03:04:27 Aug 5th 09 - Mr. Lithium:

I used to love basketball, played in college but they basically told me I could lose 30 pounds and be a Basketball player or gain 20 and play football LOL. I still like to play occasionaly.

04:14:12 Aug 5th 09 - Ms. Kittie Arghhh:



02:11:59 Aug 6th 09 - Sir Pubeguin The Hairy Cheezburger:

@ryan, atleast you had a choice, i lost all my career to injury.... now my ex clubmates play in National Team and one guy made to my citys strongest basketball club which is strong europe team 2...

02:23:41 Aug 6th 09 - Mr. Lithium:

what did you injure man? thats terrible Ive seena  lot of good athletes sidetracked by injuries. I personally had worse injuries playing basketball (torn acl,mcl,pcl and lcl, and a torn achilles) than i ever got playing football (Torn labrum and meniscus). People dont realise how tough on your body Basketball really is.

12:32:07 Aug 6th 09 - Sir Pubeguin The Hairy Cheezburger:

my both meniscus is fucked up(left one was long time ago, operated , now right knee needs im waiting for winter, it heals better). i dunno if its right dont know in english got fucked up right knee joint cross ligaments.

in one of training session i got fucked up by hitting my knee 2 times in other guy.. ,  when i dived and jumped near basket.then joint cross ligaments like broke.. it like detached... it felt like something disconnected from my knee was a sh1ty feeling. and my coach was pissed and shouting 2 mins is only left dont bail on me....

20:51:27 Aug 6th 09 - Mr. Lithium:

lol thats shitty, mine came when I landed after dunking on a nerd, he undercut me and when i landed he pulled his leg out from under and my knee went sideways, tore every damn thing. it was a serious Owie.


gotta love coaches eh? mine actually said within earshot, "great there goes our championship season." LMAO as I am sitting on the stretcher looking at my sideways knee wondering if im ever gonna walk again. we ended up coming in second that year losing in the final to a team we demolished in the regular season. took me 2 years of rehab before I could run again.

23:58:11 Aug 6th 09 - Sir Pubeguin The Hairy Cheezburger:

yeah everyone loves coaches.... lol now im playing in amateur league , and only for school team... feel pretty useless... meh life sucks...

00:39:11 Aug 7th 09 - Lord Wraith The Bored:

1. Rugby
2. Martial Arts
3. Friends


And for the record; Football came first. "Soccer" is the American version of an ENGLISH Sport. American Football is NOT like Rugby and way lamer due to having to carry two and a half tons of armour before actually playing, compared to Rugby, where you go in with just a shirt, pants and your shoes :)

05:57:02 Aug 7th 09 - Mr. Lithium:

actually its quite simple.

We wear equipment because if we did not the style of play would mean more injuries. Football is a collision sport, Rugby is a contact sport, I played upback and loosehead prop for 4 years and still play semi pro american rules football so I know what im talking about. Rugby is more endurance oriented and football is more about quick bursts of activity. the physical demands are not the same but I will say this, I would much rather be tackled or dragged down by a 230 pound man than explosively tackled by a 300 pounder and most of the people I hit would say the same. the tackling is vastly different and the morons who say that wearing the equipment is wussy are people who have never played both. in Football the tackling is more head on and we use our heads and shoulders, in Rugby its more form behind and the side and few people use their heads.

10:36:29 Aug 7th 09 - Lord Wraith The Bored:

Are you sure you've played Rugby? You're not allowed to tackle from behind.... And a tackle from behind is more painful and more dangerous than a tackle from in front anyway.. Besides, a proper tackle in Rugby involves the shoulder as well.. thats where all the power comes from.

07:46:47 Aug 8th 09 - Mr. Lithium:

LOL since when is tackling form behind illegal in rugby? tackling in rugby is more of a drag down and fewer explosive tackles. I am not saying there is no hitting im saying the hitting is different and not as explosive.  as for rugby I played on a provincial rep team that played the all blacks youth team and only lost by 2 tries (which was good considering how few canadians play rugby), a club team and a school team. I was second man in the lineouts and played loosehead prop due to my size (im 6-5 and at the time was 280 pounds) I preferred playing with the backs tho as it was more fun and in 7's but when Rugby started interfering with basketball I quit.

I was trying to be nice, but honestly while rugby needed more endurance and cardio Football required far more skills , strength and power.

10:54:51 Aug 8th 09 - Lord Wraith The Bored:

"push in the back - Any tackle which forces the player forward and/or into the ground from behind. This is an illegal tackle and the penalty is a free kick."

Thats straight out of Wikipedia since I was too lazy to look for the official website. American Football (Get it right) does not require more skill and both sports require a lot of strength. They both require skill and Rugby is a much higher paced game than American Football. To be fair, I've never played American Football and it never appealed to me, especially the fact you need all that armour on you before you can play.

But hey, I accept the fact not everyone has the same tastes in sports and the like :)
Btw, I usually play Centre or Winger and I agree, it is more fun than playing forward ;)

20:42:24 Aug 8th 09 - Mr. Lithium:

as far as skill goes its not comparable, in Football its very specialised by position in Rugby a great player can pretty much play anywhere, I have very set moves i can use and its all about hands , leverage and explosion, in Rugby I got by by being bigger stronger and faster than other people. I guess I never noticed the push rule because i never had to hit from behind, I have seen most rugby tackles from the side or drag downs though.

Rugby is not  faster paced sport its just more free flowing with less stoppages, i compare it to hockey. Football is more stop and start but our players are much faster in short bursts.

21:57:53 Aug 8th 09 - Sir Penor The Overwhelming:

Wraith, you don't need armor to play american football. Rather than tackling, you just tag the people with 2 hands....

22:07:19 Aug 8th 09 - Mr. Lithium:

LOL Penor.

22:53:44 Aug 8th 09 - Sir Penor The Overwhelming:

I'm serious :/

03:37:22 Aug 9th 09 - Mr. Tycose:

... at schools maby. My kid just played his first football turny, hes 10, and he was doing full contact.

03:52:50 Aug 9th 09 - Sir Penor The Overwhelming:

Well, ya.
I thought he was talking about playing just recreationally

06:01:07 Aug 9th 09 - Demonic Abort Retry Fail:

1. Painting (Acryl vs. Canvas) / Writing Poetry (and short RP stories) / Photoshopping

2. Korfbal (Sports)

3. Computergames  (HoMM & FPS)

07:48:27 Aug 9th 09 - Mr. Lithium:

maybe I should stick to recreational football, just rebroke my friggin ribs lol.

07:53:08 Aug 10th 09 - Mr. Justin:


20:35:04 Aug 10th 09 - Mr. Lithium:

Justin what do you Hunt? at home up north we hunt Moose and elk as well as Caribou, we dont hunt grizzly but I have had to shoot a few when they decided they wanted to taste me.

03:35:26 Aug 11th 09 - Mr. Justin:

Mr. Lithium


11:35:04 Aug 10th 09
Justin what do you Hunt? at home up north we hunt Moose and elk as well as Caribou, we dont hunt grizzly but I have had to shoot a few when they decided they wanted to taste me.

Bear, Elk, Cougar and Deer in Eastern Washington. I use a .270 Winchester Boltaction thats also clip fed.

22:23:06 Aug 11th 09 - Mr. Lithium:

Salmon fishing, I havent gone deep sea salmon fishing yet but would like to try it.

23:14:20 Aug 11th 09 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

I went deep sea fishing for bass, I caught 6, friend caught 7. We ate fish for few months

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