Forums / The hangaround / Vu Kingdoms Game
Vu Kingdoms Game | ||||
13:31:41 May 8th 11 - Ms. Arwen The Cougar: <3 | ||||
14:07:13 May 8th 11 - Mr. Newguy: </3 | ||||
17:01:02 May 8th 11 - Ms. Peach: We are talking ever. MAD does not stack up to what Legacy or Carnage
were. We are one of the strongest kd of this time but we don't stand out
at all. DS, HEX and MAD are all quite equal. We may have the odd good
era or streak but we were never able to classify as one of the greats
due to our inconsistency. But thank you for the compliment :P | ||||
11:51:08 May 11th 11 - Mr. Mielo: Noob Table! | ||||
23:06:47 May 12th 11 - Mr. Explicit: Legacy without a doubt. Though Agent Smith was EPIC. Sure Carnage, DB, No Pulse and KDs like that were good and powerful, but they were blips on the radar compared to how long LGC was around. There were a lot of powerful, dominating kingdoms, but most of them were more like fads. In my earlier days of VU, I just remember associating their banner with that "uh oh" feeling that came just before a nice, swift death. | ||||
14:12:37 May 13th 11 - Mr. Mielo: What about Templar Elites? <3 winner kd! | ||||
15:40:08 May 13th 11 - Mr. Revenge Poster: anyone that says anything other than LGC is a complete fucking idiot sure carnage/fate , abydos , NT , DB and the others like that were good, but lets be honest. LGC were and more than likely always will be the best kingdom the game has had. I was in a few good kingdoms in my time playing this game, one notable era was where we were fighting LGC, when I was in Fruit+Veg with TBL etc. TBL did some fantastic OOP STG and we pretty much trashed them the whole era, and got their main merge stuck in a corner. I remember playing in Abydos, in my first real top K/D. I have some good memories of this game. But by far LGC was the best. Have a nice day Also, swifty you suck huge fucking cock -- On another note, I am back playing this game semi serious. Im in Music right now on my main account, and will remain their Im sure its called Sir Revenge The Orgasmic: | ||||
15:42:18 May 13th 11 - Mr. Revenge Poster: i would post on that account, but it seems after 30 eras ZeTa still has me forum banned :) | ||||
18:52:24 May 13th 11 - Mr. Rebecca Black: Your parents dead yet, ginger scrub? | ||||
15:18:38 Jun 9th 11 - Ms. Wilberforce: *Revives this thread* | ||||
16:57:11 Jun 9th 11 - Mr. Aligreat: JUICY was by far the best. Best banner aswell. Fuck anyone that says otherwise =D | ||||
20:03:44 Jun 9th 11 - Sun Warrior King of The Mandalorians: Yeah Juicy was pretty sweet. They were beastly competitors. | ||||
07:48:05 Jun 10th 11 - Mr. Tactical Nuclear Penguin: Rev, was that the era you were feeding us (Juicy) info and screenies about TBL and Bling feeding Blings multi for the era win, and still didn't win? Juicy.... hmmm..... that name brings quite a bit of memories.... I remember they fed me quite a bit of land for the era win and thus, I won the era. Some of my most pleasurable moments in VU came from 100% killing of armies from overrated folks like Quietone, Arzun, Wilberforce, Dvsmasta, Revenge, Abaddon, Mielo, Oya, etc. Very few eras to rival that era for sheer personal ecstasy.... except maybe destroying DOA twice *snicker*. | ||||
10:45:51 Jun 10th 11 - Mr. Koss: there have been 10 great legendary kingdoms in visual utopia: | ||||
11:04:29 Jun 10th 11 - Mr. Backseatman: Define long ... | ||||
16:13:38 Jun 10th 11 - Mr. Tyrgalon Trollienus: Lol at Zeon and Carnage not being legendary XD | ||||
22:39:37 Jun 10th 11 - Mr. Koss: i count zeon because it was a really strong kingdom in its day even to rival mirror or peacekeepers in there day. | ||||
00:45:56 Jun 19th 11 - Mr. Heroix:![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() They kind a mix, 'couse my memory isn't that damn good and I didn't really care too much which kingdom who's core players were. But those are the ones I remember the most. | ||||
23:01:22 Oct 25th 11 - Mr. Lokey: Spaghetti is the best kingdom of all time in one aspect of the game. ![]() | ||||
23:15:50 Oct 25th 11 - Ms. Bloodrayne: I havent been around long enough to actually know who the Carnage or Legacy guys are, but in my VU time I have noticed a Kingdom being extremely gangbanged by three large kingdoms, cant remember which ones.Them three attacked this Kingdom and they managed to not only survive but kill all three other kingdoms which all had 20+ players. | ||||
00:07:21 Oct 26th 11 - Rottich (Mr. Normal): Zeon. | ||||
12:15:18 Oct 26th 11 - Mr. Ponsa: 01:53:05 May 1st 11 - The Architect: Moron? No need to call names here. I am Ender. When Carnage came along and wiped the floor with LGC you were as strong as ever, only after that did LGC's interests start waning because you couldn't so easily destroy everybody.
We took you down, several times, then you disbanded. If you are better than everyone, and we took you out, simple math says we win.
And DB doesn't count in the demise of LGC because at DB's heart was LGC members. They split off from LGC, long after Carnage came along, and formed DB to go up against them. That was a large hit to LGC as several very good players left.
1. No, you are not ENDER, you are just a namefaker. You can find the real one here at place 45. 2. My vote goes for LW (Legondary Warriors) who in the early eras completely dominated the world. Too bad they had to split up becuase of the leader.... | ||||
00:43:24 Oct 27th 11 - Wilberforce (Ms. Wilber The Derp): This thread is still around? Just seen a lovely post directed at me, from an old friend. 06:48:05 Jun 10th 11 - Mr. Tactical Nuclear Penguin: Rev, was that the era you were feeding us (Juicy) info and screenies about TBL and Bling feeding Blings multi for the era win, and still didn't win? Juicy.... hmmm..... that name brings quite a bit of memories.... I remember they fed me quite a bit of land for the era win and thus, I won the era. Some of my most pleasurable moments in VU came from 100% killing of armies from overrated folks like Quietone, Arzun, Wilberforce, Dvsmasta, Revenge, Abaddon, Mielo, Oya, etc. Very few eras to rival that era for sheer personal ecstasy.... except maybe destroying DOA twice *snicker*. Interesting, as I seem to recall you buying a large amount of BTs, and only getting into our core by using those BTs and a strong mage. Once inside, you got evicted, then went back and farmed and let the gang-bang reign on us again (remind me, was it 5v2 or 7v2?), before returning, CWing and walking through again. If you're talking about that era where you "100%'d us (I don't recall you EVER 100% hitting a main army of mine, you bounced them probably, sure), I will call your bluff. Many of those names were on the complete opposite side of the world. It's also interesting how you word all this, you're making it sound like you solo'd us, or even 1v1'd us with your KD. Name me 1 era where it was a fair fight and maybe I'll concede. When you have solid evidence, start spewing the "good-stuff" (using that term VERY loosely) like you used to. | ||||
01:06:07 Oct 27th 11 - Penguin (Mr. Thebornloser): BBMMB best kd ever. | ||||
14:50:13 Oct 31st 11 - Pirate Lewatha: Abydos Carnage (counting FATE as semi-carnage too) Mirror PHI In no order. Are the kingdoms that deserve to be on a list of Legendary. MAD , Zeon, BoW and PKS were around for a long time but never actually did well enough to be classed as "Legendary" in my opinion. I only started playing around era 20 so I missed out kingdoms like Mafia and Noob table and whatnot because I wasn't there to see them :) | ||||
09:51:29 Jan 16th 12 - Mr. Wilson: mafia was possibly one of the 2 best kingdoms ever seen in VU and it is the only kingdom that can truly be compared to legacy. | ||||
10:46:57 Jan 16th 12 - Mr. Mielo: Legacy | ||||
13:51:06 Jan 16th 12 - William Shitfaced (Mr. William Pinktoe): Mine is agent smith, simple reason is that my best era, or at least most fun, was fighting them. I never liked fighting Lgc nor DB as much as I allways dropped right next to them OOP and was pretty much dead before I had seen 100 ticks ;) This is just my experience, I don't say it was the best, it just was most fun | ||||
15:18:28 Jan 16th 12 - Orin (Mr. Orrises): one of the kingdoms that has some rep and still kicking around my vote is for Royal Order of Claidmore | ||||
18:44:18 Jan 16th 12 - Mr. Kay: not sure if any of you played like over 5 yrs ago and if you did then there was a kd named {guadians of destiny} that was arounf for about a year that never a era | ||||
19:50:38 Jan 16th 12 - Stirlin (Mr. The Real Stirlin): never heard of gaurdians of destiny... | ||||
22:44:06 Jan 16th 12 - Penguin (Clown Dexter Morgan): ELEMENTS | ||||
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