Forums / The hangaround / to every girl

to every girl
23:34:49 Dec 16th 08 - Mr. Blast of Darkness:

hirgon wat the fuk u talkin bout lol?

01:47:49 Dec 17th 08 - Mr. Hirgon:

Mr. Blast of Darkness


12/17/2008 12:34:49 AM

hirgon wat the fuk u talkin bout lol?

She knows now.  It is what is, and it will always be what is, and it will most likely always remain as it is, but at least she knows.

*nods sagely*

10:50:25 Dec 17th 08 - Mr. Blast of Darkness:

 *is gettin slightly pissed off*


On other news, a laughing helicopter recently emptied its gas tank as it flew out to sea to commit suicide. And we can say without doubt, that the trademark smile...cannot be seen. Laughing Helicopters all across the country have been speaking out for the first time, demanding action and recognition of their "culture", on threat of an extremist terroist group named LMAO, suiciding and brutally murdering innocents in the process. The LMAO are indeed a grave threat, but the parliament has yet to make its decision. More on that tommorrow, Good Bye! *programme ends*

11:17:45 Dec 17th 08 - Sir Jesus Left Toe:

A few more comments than u expected eh grim.... I wont offer advice.... it wouldn't help... u know the shambles my love life is in... lol...

17:37:06 Dec 17th 08 - Mr. Hirgon:

Mr. Blast of Darkness


12/17/2008 11:50:25 AM

 *is gettin slightly pissed off*


On other news, a laughing helicopter recently emptied its gas tank as it flew out to sea to commit suicide. And we can say without doubt, that the trademark smile...cannot be seen. Laughing Helicopters all across the country have been speaking out for the first time, demanding action and recognition of their "culture", on threat of an extremist terroist group named LMAO, suiciding and brutally murdering innocents in the process. The LMAO are indeed a grave threat, but the parliament has yet to make its decision. More on that tommorrow, Good Bye! *programme ends*

Hm?  I thought it was obvious.  I let her know after all, despite misgivings.  What else is there to know?

18:10:34 Dec 17th 08 - Sir Wilber:

Blast calm down.

I saw a girl today not "her" (by which I mean the girl who fails to see that everything she wants is in me!) but the main girl I like and man is she soo perfect. Pity I wont see her until january now.

19:25:11 Dec 17th 08 - Mr. Blast of Darkness:

er i stil dnt understand but watever lol. So far from reading back an thinking on it it seems you were asking if you should tell the girl you like that you want her, which you then did, and you're unsure whether or not you should have told her. Then again I honestly dont hav a clue...

19:31:04 Dec 17th 08 - Mr. Blast of Darkness:

Sorry for the delay but we at the Dog Shoots Man news studio are experiencing technical difficulties, and therefore will have to delay the show, we apoligize for any inconvenience and pray for you to turn on your telivision sets when the time arises. Cya soon!

20:01:09 Dec 17th 08 - Mr. Blast of Darkness:

STILL experiencing technical difficulties..

20:10:54 Dec 17th 08 - Mr. Blast of Darkness:

*programme turns back on*

Welcome back to the prestigious news show of "Dog Shoots Man". As I stated on the last show, the laughing helicopters are beginning to protest, and threaten mass destruction if their demands are not met. New worrying revelations on the issue today. The protesting Laughing Helicopters of the LMAO, also known as the Loopy Machines At Office, stated that unless their relgion is recognized as legitimate, and provided with state funding, they shall bomb half the country off the face of the earth. Today I was permitted to watch and record the goverment debate on the matter, but unfortunately, I dropped my video recorder on the way out. So instead I shall describe to you what happened on the issue of laughing helicopters.
In the speach by Alistar Darling,  Chancellor of the Exchequer, simply said "well where the hell do you expect us to get the money from, huh? The magical leprechaun!!?!? The countries bound to get bombed the hell out of eventually, so why not now?! Jus let the fkin country die dammit!!!"

In other news, the labour party have come up with a brilliant idea of how to stay in office. They have declared that by arresting all the conservitive party members, they can get rid of the opposition. When asked about this controversial idea, the leader of the labour party stated, "If Robert Magabe can do it, so can we!". We'll have more on the dangerous LMAO organization next at..DOG SHOOTS MAN!

Goodnight Everybody!

*Programme turns off*

20:23:47 Dec 17th 08 - Lord Cedric Deallus:

...I think you have too much time on your hands...write a novel

21:57:26 Dec 17th 08 - Sir Wilber:

Please, cease and desist writing those things. Its wasting your time and its wasting everyone elses time reading it.

I won't beat around the bush like Charley did.

Also your ruining a genuine, emotional and real thread.

22:59:44 Dec 17th 08 - Mr. Hirgon:

Mr. Blast of Darkness


12/17/2008 8:25:11 PM

er i stil dnt understand but watever lol. So far from reading back an thinking on it it seems you were asking if you should tell the girl you like that you want her, which you then did, and you're unsure whether or not you should have told her. Then again I honestly dont hav a clue...

Nope, has nothing to do with telling anyone I "want" them, and I wasn't thinking about doing anything.  Misgivings = timidity, not second thoughts as you suggested.  As to the rest...well, you'll notice I haven't really explained myself in this thread.

00:33:33 Dec 18th 08 - Mr. Blast of Darkness:

didnt mean u wanted her in the sex way lol, i meant like u sed u loved her bt im wrong anyways so nvm..But this thread was never that emotional in the first place wilber, lol. AT LEAST half the people laughed at some point. By the time i started postin crap the emotional side had gone out the window. O an reason why i write alot on forums is cus i dnt play vu anymre lol. Thats where my extra time comes from.

07:50:11 Jan 3rd 09 - Sir Hirgon Sadron:

Two seas and a desert.  Might as well be eternity.

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