Forums / The hangaround / just popping in to say...

just popping in to say...
18:51:18 Sep 20th 07 - Mr. Arathorn:

i ban everyone because i got the 1000 post!!!!!!!!

18:51:59 Sep 20th 07 - Mr. Tabul:

I ban Arathon for spamming

18:55:35 Sep 20th 07 - Mr. Arathorn:

i ban tabul for saying i couldn't spam

18:57:38 Sep 20th 07 - Mr. Tabul:

I ba Arathon for saying i said that he couldn't spam waht is not true

19:53:19 Sep 20th 07 - Mr. Seloc:

I ban Tabul because I got the 999th post.

21:41:44 Sep 20th 07 - Mr. Tabul:

i ban Seloc for getting 999th post (why do you ban me for what you ahve did!?)

02:33:05 Sep 21st 07 - Mr. Arathorn:

i ban Tabul for spelling have as ahve

08:38:19 Sep 21st 07 - Mr. Seloc:

I ban Tabul for continuos bad spelling.

16:03:57 Sep 21st 07 - Mr. Andronicus Arthion:

I ban this thread for getting over 1000 posts

16:18:57 Sep 21st 07 - Mr. Tabul:

I ban Arthion for doing inpossible thins (ban a thread?!)

18:23:50 Sep 21st 07 - Mr. Seloc:

I ban Tabul for ban spelling.

18:49:11 Sep 21st 07 - Mr. Arathorn:

i ban seloc for being 2 people

18:50:54 Sep 21st 07 - Mr. Seloc:

I ban arathorn for not being less than 1 person

23:26:34 Sep 21st 07 - Mr. Opportunity:

I ban seloc for being two people but still not being as smart as one

05:57:06 Sep 22nd 07 - Mr. Applejuice:

I ban opportunity because he didnt get the opportunity to find a suitable boyfriend.. Wahaha... jkjk  =D

09:42:35 Sep 22nd 07 - Mr. Seloc:

I ban opporunity because although I'm two people I'm starter than 100 mwuahahahaha

15:12:29 Sep 22nd 07 - Mr. Bezza:

i ban seloc for making no sense

(i think i know what you mean just banning you anyway)

16:02:02 Sep 22nd 07 - Mr. Arathorn:

i ban bezza for making sense

16:36:16 Sep 22nd 07 - Mr. Seloc:

I ban arathorn for not having the name lookoverhere.

16:54:27 Sep 22nd 07 - Mr. Tabul:

I ban Seloc for not having te name Selocs

17:23:04 Sep 22nd 07 - Mr. Arathorn:

i ban tabul for having a U in his name

fine seloc you better look for lookoverhere

17:24:31 Sep 22nd 07 - Mr. Lookoverhere:

here i am

18:13:20 Sep 22nd 07 - Mr. Tabul:

i ban lookoverhere for not having the name Arathon

21:12:10 Sep 22nd 07 - Mr. Seloc:


I ban lookoverhere because either you just multied or you just pointlesses named yourself lookoverhere.

21:43:12 Sep 22nd 07 - Mr. Death Brinsbane:

no i was dead
i ban seloc for saying i multied
oh and i just accidentally deleted my account

15:05:16 Sep 29th 07 - Mr. Tabul:

i ban the multi for lying and acidentely deleting acounts

19:45:04 Sep 29th 07 - Mr. Seloc:

I ban death for not still having the name lookoverhere.

03:29:35 Sep 30th 07 - Mr. Kiro:

I ban seloc for having a name that has no meaning whatsoever

04:54:49 Sep 30th 07 - Duke Tiber Septim IV:

I ban Kiro for thinking that Seloc's name has no meaning! It is Coles backwards! He told be once!

10:06:12 Sep 30th 07 - Mr. Seloc:

I ban Kiro as Septim is perfectly right.

22:33:54 Oct 1st 07 - Mr. Brinsbane:

i ban seloc because he said "I ban Kiro as Septim is perfectly right."
when it should be I ban Kiro because Septim is perfectly right.

08:32:36 Oct 2nd 07 - Mr. Seloc:

I ban Brinsbane as

Mr. Brinsbane


10/1/2007 9:33:54 PM
i ban seloc because he said "I ban Kiro as Septim is perfectly right."
when it should be I ban Kiro because Septim is perfectly right.
when it should be.
Mr. Brinsbane


10/1/2007 9:33:54 PM
I ban Seloc because next he said "'As' is a perfectly valid to word to use instead of because, 'as' signifes an explaination."

16:03:34 Oct 9th 07 - Duke Tiber Septim IV:

I ban Seloc for being correct!

16:16:01 Oct 9th 07 - Mr. Raizen:

poo...... That's what I came in here to say...

16:21:39 Oct 9th 07 - Mr. Verll:

ban me....

16:37:51 Oct 9th 07 - Duke Tiber Septim IV:

I ban Verll and Raizen for not banning anybody in their posts!

05:27:09 Oct 10th 07 - Mr. Raizen:

I unban myself then ban Septim for banning me then I ban myself so that no one can ban me. Ban.

07:17:10 Oct 10th 07 - Duke Tiber Septim IV:

I unban myself, then unban Raizen, and then ban him again for thinking he had found a loophole!

11:25:21 Oct 10th 07 - Mr. Seloc:

I ban Raizen for currently absent reasons.

12:17:01 Oct 10th 07 - Mr. Raizen:

Bugger! I unban myself and ban myself then unban myself and ban again, and unban myself, then ban myself again to confuse you all!

13:56:46 Oct 10th 07 - Mr. Thomas IV:

I ban Raizen for banning himself

14:09:11 Oct 10th 07 - Mr. Acelnorst:

I ban everyone here for not calling me into this post before.

16:58:09 Oct 10th 07 - Mr. Kassius Xxi:

i ban ace for being nubishness

16:59:30 Oct 10th 07 - Mr. Verll:

I BAN EVERBODY, except me

17:28:31 Oct 10th 07 - Mr. Santa Claus:

I'm just popping in to say hello. Am I going to be banned because of this?

17:35:05 Oct 10th 07 - Mr. Verll:

I ban Santa Claus, for what he said

19:15:18 Oct 10th 07 - Mr. Raizen:

I ban because I GET banned.

19:22:47 Oct 10th 07 - Mr. Acelnorst:

I ban Kassius the twentyfirst for banning me without even bothering of figuring out who I am.

19:26:12 Oct 10th 07 - Mr. Dragonorc:

i ban the vu admin for iilegal use of bandwith (i still dont know what the hell that is)

20:09:50 Oct 10th 07 - Mr. Seloc:

I ban dragonorc as he's obviously got a bit confused with his name!

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