Forums / The hangaround / perfect world

perfect world
19:36:57 May 13th 08 - Sir Wraith:

Which server are you on? I'm going online now. =)

20:03:01 May 13th 08 - Sir Wraith:

I just noticed you guys are all on Delphi Server. I was in Oracle. Level 8 mage gone to waste.... :(

Bah, I'll restart it...

Name: IcyWrath (I like the water spells)

20:14:07 May 13th 08 - Sir Wraith:

Armours(tailor): Wraith
Weapons(blacksmith): Messiah, Bezza
Enchanting(jeweller): Atreidas, Seloc

Class - VU nick/PW nick
Warrior: Spoon (Spoown)
Sorcerer: Wraith (IcyWrath)
Werebeast(tank): Messiah(Moahaha)
Werefox: Atreidas(Darkpally)
Ranger: Seloc (Selocence)
Priest: Bezza(BeZaA)

21:10:07 May 13th 08 - Mr. Messiah:

Yeah, I made the same mistake xD. EVERYONE, REMEMBER TO JOIN THE DEPLHI SERVER!!!!!!

I'm lvl18 btw.

21:16:20 May 13th 08 - Mr. Spoon:


Potions(herbalist): Spoon
Armours(tailor): Wraith
Weapons(blacksmith): Messiah, Bezza
Enchanting(jeweller): Atreidas, Seloc

Class - VU nick/PW nick
Warrior: Spoon (Spoown, level 6)
Sorcerer: Wraith (IcyWrath)
Werebeast(tank): Messiah(Moahaha, level 18)
Werefox: Atreidas(Darkpally)
Ranger: Seloc (Selocence)
Priest: Bezza(BeZaA)

I think we should get that Ventrilo up and running, I bet it's ten times the fun, and I mean, who doesn't want to hear my sexy voice.. Rawr.

I got to level 6 before the server closed for maintenance, I like this game pretty much. It has like so much functions stolen from WoW =P
And Messiah, you were the tank right? Then I'll just go for fast damage with my character, and I hope I can create some sweet elixers that boost strength like a mad man.

What level is everybody? =)

21:26:35 May 13th 08 - Sir Wraith:

Spoon! Why didn't you answer my PMs in game? :(

And I'm level 4 now. I'll try hurry up and collect some stuff tomorrow to get production rolling. ;)

Oh and I'm going to specialise in Water Magic, then Fire comes after. Earth is my least favourite of the bunch. =P

21:40:38 May 13th 08 - Mr. Messiah:

Ya, I'm the werebeast with filthy high regeneration(got lvl2 of the skill now I think and it gives me +8hp reg/second). But I can also dish out a fair deal of dmg. I put almost all my points in strenght and constitution. Since you are also melee you should put some points in constitution as well, but also much more points in agility than I have and take those from strenght. Strenght gives melee damage and defence whereas agi gives ranged dmg, dodgerate, but for you much more interesting: increase chance to hit your target as well as increased chance of critical strike.

21:44:18 May 13th 08 - Mr. Messiah:

Oh, and when it comes to specialization I have pretty much ignored the shapeshifting *beep*. Instead I've focuse on diff special attacks with my hammers and the regenerationskill.

22:00:08 May 13th 08 - Mr. Messiah:

Another thing, our first party attack should be the wolf den, should be pretty simple(lower lvl chars can just stay behind me and make sure to kill the wolves before they tear me apart) and all party members are awarded 8k exp for killing the boss.

22:16:29 May 13th 08 - Sir Grover The Super:

Is it just me or is the site loading really slow? :-S

22:17:29 May 13th 08 - Sir Wraith:

They are doing an update for the next 6 hours (I think) so the server is down.

22:25:43 May 13th 08 - Mr. Plutonium:

the home site is very slow yes. it has heavy graphics and is located on a server in china. dont worry though, the game server is quicker and if u need information you can use the link I provided for the wiki or just ask here =)

00:08:40 May 14th 08 - Sir Grover The Super:

Can you make it so that when your mouse touches the sides of the screen the camera moves? This with rmb is kinda annoying :-(

01:51:04 May 14th 08 - Mr. Messiah:

use your right mousebutton to change view.

11:54:13 May 14th 08 - Sir Grover The Super:

rmb=right mouise button :P But Ive gotten used to it by now ;)

Ive got another question. Im an ElfArcher lvl 6 now and in the skill tree it says theres a skill for which your minimumlevel is 6 and max is 10. How can I learn this skill?

11:58:23 May 14th 08 - Sir Wraith:

Talk to the archer trainer. Not completely sure where he is since I'm a Human Mage... btw, whats your name in-game?

16:27:07 May 14th 08 - Duke Elmo The Opmonkey:

Facing towards elder she's on the right side off the pool.

16:42:57 May 14th 08 - Sir Grover The Super:

My in-game-name is SinThoras and I am a hottie :D

I like to fly!!!!!!!!!!!

17:34:55 May 14th 08 - Sir Wraith:

Does anyone have any idea what drops Cotton Thread? I had one on the other server but I don't know what drops it and its all I need to start crafting. Also, Shatter Jade (or somethin like that) is needed but not just yet...

Thanks :)

19:02:32 May 14th 08 - Mr. Midnight:

Downloaded and started playing. Sadly, didnt read this thread first so i went EA -.-". Nvm...

Currently lvl 6, IGN is Chrysol.

20:08:37 May 14th 08 - Sir Grover The Super:

Elf archer :O So am I! You are on Delphi right?

20:15:48 May 14th 08 - Mr. Midnight:

Yes. Lvl 8 now. We now have 3 archers though... Meh. Wings>All ;).

20:54:42 May 14th 08 - Mr. Spoon:


Potions(herbalist): Spoon
Armours(tailor): Wraith
Weapons(blacksmith): Messiah, Bezza
Enchanting(jeweller): Atreidas, Seloc

Class - VU nick/PW nick
Warrior: Spoon (Spoown, level 10)
Sorcerer: Wraith (IcyWrath, level 9)
Werebeast(tank): Messiah(Moahaha, level 18)
Werefox: Atreidas(Darkpally, level?)
Ranger: Seloc (Selocence), Midnight (Chysol, level 8), Grover (SinThoras, level ?)
Priest: Bezza(BeZaA, level?)

I'll go download Ventrilo right now. Lets see if I can do something with it =P


21:02:30 May 14th 08 - Mr. Spoon:

Ah, well, we need somebody who has got his/her computer running all the time. I don't have that atm.

21:28:01 May 14th 08 - Sir Wraith:

If there are 3 of you, why don't you each pick a different route to specialise in? For eg, Magicians have Fire, Water and Earth magic. I chose to specialise in Water Magic and use Fire Magic as secondary.

Since there are 3 of you, we'll be covered in all areas. :)


As a side note; what do you guys need to make weapons/whatever?

If you want armour then all I need is;

  • 1 Cotton thread, 1 JIron and 1 Jade Bolas for Grade 2 Heavy Armour.
    2 Cotton Thread, 2 Iron and 1 Orange Shatter Jade for Grade 3.
  • 1 Xylary Log, 1 Animal Hide and 1 Jade Bolas for Grade 2 Light Armour.
    2 Xylary, 2 Animal Hides and 1 Orange Shatter Jade for Grade 3.
  • 1 Xylary Log, 1 Cotton Thread and 1 Jade Bolas for Grade 2 Mage Armour.
    2 Xylary Log, 2 Cotton Thread and 1 Orange Shatter Jade for Grade 3.

Bring me the stuff and I make it there and then. And its even better than the standard stuff from the shop. (Seriously, it has bonuses or higher stats) :)

(I can also make Grade 4 Items)

21:28:31 May 14th 08 - Sir Wraith:

And Spoon, I'm level 10 now with 2 Tailoring and I did half of those quests xD

P.s. I have a set of Grade 2 Light armour for the first person to ask me. :)

21:51:12 May 14th 08 - Mr. Midnight:

Archers dont really have that. With archer, you can go tank, hybrid or pure.

Tanks are using agi/con and are best against warriors. They deal dmg mainly using the lightning skills since they deal fixed dmg and therefore they suffer less from the lower agi. We already have Messiah as a tank and a archer can never be as good as a WB so this isnt that useful.

Pures use just use agi more or less, and the only other stat they train is str in which they add just enough to be able to use their armour. Big dmg output and therefore good at pking but the hp thing catches up with them making them less useful for more organised PvP like guild battles, since their high dodge doesnt help since at higher lvls mages and archers have some skills with a 100% hit chance so they kill you in a few hits...

Then theres hybrid. Like pures, they only add enough str to use their armour. They also like pures put mainly in agi, though they add to con to giving them a higher hp and therefore more survivability...

Im going some sort of half hybrid. Going to be more or less pure for the first 16 lvls then start adding some con.

Do you know what drops those things? Ive got some of them already but i dont know what drops the Xylary Logs and Orange Shatter Jade for the light armour =(.

21:56:10 May 14th 08 - Sir Wraith:

Well, Xylary Logs are found by cutting them (like the herbs). But we already have me as an armourist and I can make all the stuff for you for free, if you get the stuff for me.

I have never seen Orange Shatter as a drop but it can be bought (I'll take care of that for you).

I also have a full set of Light Armour(Grade 2) at the moment which I can give to you as it clogs up my inven... Grade 3 armour is from level 12-16 so you're a bit low for it. :\

23:53:00 May 14th 08 - Mr. Atreides:

Thought I'd update my info for the list. Also, you should put up your current crafting levels as well.


Potions(herbalist): Spoon
Armours(tailor): Wraith, Atreides (2)
Weapons(blacksmith): Messiah, Bezza
Enchanting(jeweller): Atreides (2), Seloc

Class - VU nick/PW nick
Warrior: Spoon (Spoown, level 10)
Sorcerer: Wraith (IcyWrath, level 9)
Werebeast(tank): Messiah(Moahaha, level 18)
Werefox: Atreides(Darkpally, level 17)
Ranger: Seloc (Selocence), Midnight (Chysol, level 8), Grover (SinThoras, level ?)
Priest: Bezza(BeZaA, level?)

Oh, and imo it's best to collect ANY materials you find. Whatever it is, just grab it lol :p That's what I do. It's useful for leveling up your skills, and if you really don't need it, just sell it for the extraordinary price of 2k/material. That seems to be the average selling price, which is too damn high to just buy everything you need.

And armor/weps really aren't needed to craft in the early levels. The purple quests give you an equip of some sort. Usually with reduced level reqs and pretty nice stats.

00:16:37 May 15th 08 - Sir Wraith:

Maybe but you have to level up somehow. =P

And except for one bunch of missions at a low level, they tend to be jewellry.

00:26:22 May 15th 08 - Mr. Messiah:

I'm pretty sure urchins drops cotton threads. I have like 6-7 of it. I can give it to you, I was intending to use it to construct bows to raise my blacksmithskill, but I guess you need it better. If you have gravel, animal furs or iron I would be happy to take some off your hand(in that order of interestet).

Jade in all its forms are sometimes dropped but can be bought fairly cheap from the merchandizer.

And about raw material prices, I found some for 1.200 and bought it :P.. Really I should have opened a shop and sold it back but I just made a hammer instead xD

00:31:45 May 15th 08 - Sir Wraith:

Cotton thread is dropped by skeletons. Its ok, I can farm off them. Spoon and I discovered by accident after I posted but thanks anyway. :)

Do you mean gravel or sandstone? Whenever I mine gravel rocks I end up with sandstone.... If so, you can have it all. I don't need it. Animal furs I can only use for light armour and its not too hard to come by. Iron I have 7 but I need them since I can't find it that often. :(

Jade Bolas I tend to find from the level 10-11 monsters around the Stronghold (I think its called that). Its the rest thats the problem but a guy showed me that it can be bought. ^^

01:00:33 May 15th 08 - Mr. Atreides:

When I figured out they could be bought I was both happy and extremely pissed that I had spent so much time trying to find them :p

I think I have some of those materials. You can  have anything I can spare.
And don't neglect collecting plants. I'd think that some of those potions from the pharmacy are gonna be mad useful for pk/pvp.

01:44:47 May 15th 08 - Mr. Arvious V:

Cytrim, level 3 warrior, ready for duty.

15:21:01 May 15th 08 - Mr. Spoon:

I guess all monsters drop cotton thread.. Is the server down btw? And does anybody have a computer running 24/7 so we can host Ventrilo there? :P

21:18:21 May 15th 08 - Sir Wraith:

I got my first Shatter Orange Jade as a drop! :')

I also found Antenna (Spoon for that quest where you need tons of ingredients) I got it from a 'Cloudily Bewitched' at co-ordinates of 563,963 (In case you want to go there ;)  )

21:20:09 May 15th 08 - Mr. Spoon:

I just happen to have some quests atm, so I'll go there tomorrow! :-)

Oh, furthermore. I got to level.. 13 or 14. I totally forgot, lol. Well, anyways, 50k moneyz I has. So guild, here we come ;)

22:15:54 May 15th 08 - Sir Wraith:

Spoon want to know why I'm always out of cash? I just spent 5k on skills... and I only bought 2.... =S


01:21:11 May 16th 08 - Duke Elmo The Opmonkey:

Ok I'm back and rolling guys, it works alot more smoothly on my bros laptop. I'm now lvl 15, with lvl 2 jeweling still. Make sure you all add me cause I cant be assed adding you, I am Selocence.

13:15:03 May 16th 08 - Mr. Messiah:

I just reached lvl20 yesterday 0.o.. I am also sitting on above 50k.. I gathered a *beep*load of herbs, they are really easy to collect if you know the right places :P.. Was gonna sell them for cash, but then I used them instead! I am lvl3 blacksmith and lvl2 herbalist now.. Thinking about selling some stuff off and creating the guild..... Did we agree on a name yet?

13:20:09 May 16th 08 - Sir Wraith:

I have 8k gold. Sorry its so low but skills cost alot (Do they all cost 2.5k+??)

And what were the suggestions for names? =P

14:57:16 May 16th 08 - Mr. Spoon:

Spoon Rules, Warriors of Spoon, Spoon & Co and something with er... Zota.. Zete... OH! Zeta!

16:50:43 May 16th 08 - Duke Elmo The Opmonkey:

Messiah add me ingame I'll add 20k to that total, at least I think I still have that (bought some skills recently)

As for a name how about Music ()
or else you could have: Utopia Complex, Zeta's Own, Imagined Utopia, Visual Hell.

16:52:32 May 16th 08 - Sir Wraith:

I can add 20k aswell, possibly more - possibly less depending on how long it takes you to set it up. ^^

17:00:14 May 16th 08 - Mr. Spoon:

I'm sitting on 85k. I am pretty positive I'll have 200k by the time we meet eachother =P
Seriously, is warrior a gold farm class or something? ^^

23:18:23 May 16th 08 - Mr. Spoon:

130k now, level 18!
So I think we can fund the guild now :-)
I think I'll put like 75k in the pot. ;)

Potions(herbalist): Spoon, Messiah
Armours(tailor): Wraith, Atreides (2)
Weapons(blacksmith): Messiah, Bezza
Enchanting(jeweller): Atreides (2), Seloc

Class - VU nick/PW nick
Warrior: Spoon (Spoown, level 18)
Sorcerer: Wraith (IcyWrath, level 16/17? :P)
Werebeast(tank): Messiah(Moahaha, level 20)
Werefox: Atreides(Darkpally, level 17)
Ranger: Seloc (Selocence), Midnight (Chysol, level 12), Grover (SinThoras, level ?)
Priest: Bezza(BeZaA, level?)

Total money in pot: 165k :-)

12:03:14 May 17th 08 - Sir Wraith:

130k now, level 18!
So I think we can fund the guild now :-)
I think I'll put like 75k in the pot. ;)

Potions(herbalist): Spoon, Messiah
Armours(tailor): Wraith (3), Atreides (2)
Weapons(blacksmith): Messiah, Bezza, Wraith (1)
Enchanting(jeweller): Atreides (2), Seloc

Class - VU nick/PW nick
Warrior: Spoon (Spoown, level 18)
Sorcerer: Wraith (IcyWrath, level 16/17? :P)
Werebeast(tank): Messiah(Moahaha, level 20)
Werefox: Atreides(Darkpally, level 17)
Ranger: Seloc (Selocence), Midnight (Chysol, level 12), Grover (SinThoras, level ?)
Priest: Bezza(BeZaA, level?)

Btw, whats the point of level 3 tailoring if the only armours I have available to smith only need level 2??

12:34:00 May 17th 08 - Duke Elmo The Opmonkey:

To get to lvl 4..... duh.

12:38:54 May 17th 08 - Sir Wraith:

But then level 4 is still pointless....

12:41:47 May 17th 08 - Mr. Spoon:

Yeah, well, nobody is perfect in perfect world..

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