Forums / The hangaround / Rebirth declares on Revelation

Rebirth declares on Revelation
03:24:57 Oct 21st 09 - Psycho Puff Daddy Choo Choo:

heh,  I find myself agreein with the Chancellor and Random in this thread.  what a bizarro world...

03:25:51 Oct 21st 09 - Mr. Arthur Dent:


03:29:52 Oct 21st 09 - Lady Jade:

You have no idea what you are talking about Adam. I will say it one final time that we didn't want any relations with them at all.

03:31:06 Oct 21st 09 - Mr. Kool:

Rebirth you have done well to attack now... but lets all stop the crap on the forums and just war.. actions speak louder then words.. who cares what happened in the past this is the now.. btw to bad my main armies are on fant... cause id love to kick your asses  lol goodluck this era..  Mr Kool.. (Rvl's Koolest)

03:31:35 Oct 21st 09 - Mr. Melstatt:

Then whats the Big deal???? you didnt want relations with us we wanted something solid. you wouldent give it so its war case closed.

03:39:57 Oct 21st 09 - Chancellor Scrooge Mcduck:

OK Jade, what you call an assurance that your KD wouldn't attack theirs, then?

If it quacks like a duck, looks like a duck and waddles like a duck, doesn't matter what you CALL it, it's still a fkn duck.

03:50:40 Oct 21st 09 - Lady Jade:

Then nothing. They were afraid that we would attack. We didn't want a NAP so all we would do was tell them we would leave them alone.

04:02:31 Oct 21st 09 - Endless Death:

I'm not dead yet
wait, that's not true.. I died on the VU Survivor game :)

So.. what is this thread about again? Rebirth is fighting Revelation because they want to war and Revelation is upset because Fate's not dead yet and want them to wait? so, it's like a timing thing right?

04:16:06 Oct 21st 09 - Lady Jade:

Very funny Jules <3

04:25:26 Oct 21st 09 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

"If it quacks like a duck, looks like a duck and waddles like a duck, doesn't matter what you CALL it, it's still a fkn duck."

It could be a retarded penguin. :P

04:29:02 Oct 21st 09 - Endless Death:

LMAO @ Dent
"Ford," he said, "you're turning into a penguin. Stop it."
*looks warily around for a Penguin and sneaks off pretending I didn't just laugh*

"It goes like this. Let's see now: 'Protect me from knowing what I don't need to know. Protect me from even knowing that there are things to know that I don't know. Protect me from knowing that I decided not to know about the things that I decided not to know about. Amen.' That's it. It's what you pray silently inside yourself anyway, so you may as well have it out in the open."
Arthur: "Hmmm, Well, thank you - "
Old Man: "There's another prayer that goes with it that's very important, so you'd better jot this down, too."
Arthur: "OK."
Old Man: "It goes, 'Lord, lord, lord...' It's best to put that bit in, just in case. You can never be too sure. 'Lord, lord, lord. Protect me from the consequences of the above prayer. Amen...' And that's it. Most of the trouble people get into in life comes from missing out that last part.'" - Old Man Oracle's prayer given to Arthur Dent


<3  Mel

04:29:19 Oct 21st 09 - Psycho Puff Daddy Choo Choo:

04:31:50 Oct 21st 09 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

"There's an army of monkeys outside who want to talk to us about the script for Hamlet they've worked out." Rofl! Yes another fan! <3 D. Adams

04:32:52 Oct 21st 09 - Mr. Dead Oralive:

Backstabbing = creative classifying of carelessness

Now whats that saying about keep your enemies close or something......

08:54:16 Oct 21st 09 - Sir Aries II:

So who thinks who will win this war, or will be winning towards the end of the era? Rebirth or Rvl?? Any bets?

09:01:48 Oct 21st 09 - Sir Pure The Italian Lambo:

Sir Aries II


16:54:16 Oct 21st 09 So who thinks who will win this war, or will be winning towards the end of the era? Rebirth or Rvl?? Any bets?

ffs Rebirth haha. We have HIV attacking them as well I believe (I'm not on fantasia so not to sure but I'm pretty sure they are lol). But we got boom attacking us lol hmmm it fairly hard

09:04:14 Oct 21st 09 - Mr. Mavich:


09:05:18 Oct 21st 09 - Mr. Ruxbury:


ps u r all dumb (even the rvl-ppl who post in here)

09:11:07 Oct 21st 09 - Sir Aries II:

Hmmmm... KBW will own you all no doubt :)

11:26:52 Oct 21st 09 - Dark Prince Stirlin:

hanky panky = fail troll
even revenge is better

11:46:45 Oct 21st 09 - Mr. Crissxcross:

era will end before anything important will happen, so I don't understand the hole trouble here.

In my oppinion Rebirth is attacking RVL here for only one reason, scores in fantasia.
Rebirth tried hard to get through Fate blockers into fantasia and failed, I guese they even have chats from Fate about, that Rebirth will never be able to get through there and should seek another target if they want to fight on fantasia ^^.

So which other target is left, RVl and HIV, so because it was meaningless to get a peaceagrement with RVl, Rebirth made negotiations with HIV and now they declared war....

But well in my oppinion it is allready too late to change the era outcome, some1 from No pulse will most prob win.

So all what Rebirth is achieving here is a pissed off kingdom called RVL and some scores that few of their players will make it into hoh....

Oh and btw, I can understand RVL beeing pissed off, insteat of other kingdoms, they have been fighting in and for fantasia against Fate (and their allies) all the time, keeping Fate busy enough that now other kingdoms can jump to fantasia finding weekend blockers to enter in.
When I were right, there was another kingdom called Rebirth who was entering Fantasia even a little bit quicker. And I am pretty sure, Fate would have moved to Nirvana and killed Rebirth, if RVL would not have been attacking Fate from the other side, though RVL did it for pure selfinterests Rebirth kept alive because of that, in my oppinion.

And now Rebirth thinking they are smart attacking RVL and leaving the mass assault on Fate, but well, they missed the point that HIV allready made this smart move to justify their flank attack for hoh and what Rebirth is doing now is only a lame copy. Sry had to say it. If you guys would have showed up from the holes you have been hiding the last 4 weeks earlier, I doubt people wouldn't make so moch noise about it....

But well dinner is served, time to eat :D

11:48:29 Oct 21st 09 - Mr. Gauntlet:

Pimple, in spite of his forum grandstanding, did nothing to us.

12:26:16 Oct 21st 09 - Mr. Melstatt:

If rebirth was intrested in Fant Scores we would be going to Fant.

12:48:51 Oct 21st 09 - Sir Overcome:

lol, exactly Melstatt xD

@Crisscross: you have come up with your own theory here, but u wouldnt need one. cause the fact has already been posted. Rebirth needed another war to not get to bored and we decided to go for one big KD. since RVL didnt want a NAP, we went with them. it got absolutly nothing to do with scores, if it had then we would just had attacked Fate when they were down, and push for fantasia with HIV.

we dont give a crap about scores, due to inactivity, we just want to stay alive and have some fun instead of farming the rest of the era or kicking somoene who is already falling down.

12:55:50 Oct 21st 09 - Mr. Tyrgalon:

exactly, we didnīt want to keep warring fate since they already got like 4(?) kds against them, and have already pretty much fallen. And since RVL was the only kd resonably close, and didnīt want a nap, did we decide to war them.

12:59:28 Oct 21st 09 - Dark Prince Stirlin:

your logic us flawed, you cleary are blind. stop lying on a forum

13:08:08 Oct 21st 09 - Sir Overcome:

@Stirlin: thats like looking at someone with a blind fold and telling them they're ugly:P

14:14:35 Oct 21st 09 - Mr. Martinbert:

The overall situation suggests poor communication between both parties. If Rvl accepted the Nap with some conditions, this war wouldn't this war taken place.

But I recon this move won't be forgotten for several eras, and may hit Rebirth back some time.

Reminder: Don't rely on a mans word, get it on paper.   

Good luck to both of you, and pleace start the killing in the game and not in the forum.

14:34:16 Oct 21st 09 - Mr. Ezatious:

awww low blow guys tut tut ill remember!!

14:35:18 Oct 21st 09 - Sir Overcome:


and yeah, i guess you're right Martin;)

15:04:38 Oct 21st 09 - Prince Sprout:

I very surpized to see Rvl act like this over a war :P

 Also surprized to see many bad mouth rebirth for declaring, its a war game rvl  can surly handle things .. I mean they do own most  atm! And we all know who owns the most has the most to lose so ofc they are target!

15:39:00 Oct 21st 09 - Mr. Hanky Panky:

Dark Prince Stirlin


10:26:52 Oct 21st 09 hanky panky = fail troll
even revenge is better

only because you never can come up with a come back to anything i say ;)

i just prefer to own you on the spot rather than having a f*ck long arguement about something

15:46:24 Oct 21st 09 - Dark Prince Stirlin:

wut wut?

15:48:06 Oct 21st 09 - Mr. Hanky Panky:


16:45:58 Oct 21st 09 - Mr. Mcmax The Magic Troll:

Mr. Martinbert


14:14:35 Oct 21st 09

The overall situation suggests poor communication between both parties. If Rvl accepted the Nap with some conditions, this war wouldn't this war taken place.

But I recon this move won't be forgotten for several eras, and may hit Rebirth back some time.

Reminder: Don't rely on a mans word, get it on paper.   

A very good reminder. 

And specially since we couldn't get a straigth NAP with RVL, a good guess would be that RVL either wanted us as second target or would keep the option to attack us in case we actually got too much "luck" fighting with Fate on Fant.....

Speculation, theory, seeing "ghosts" etc.... well yes, maybe. But most likely there is a reason for most things, that happens - or don't happen. And often this feeling of being "uncertain" on others reasons lead to a war.

Any way, above is why I voted as I did. To go East and hit first.

16:58:23 Oct 21st 09 - Mr. Elit:

Well when Veteran try to farm new people and call for this second alliance because he is so n00b to do it alone its OK but when KD "A" declare WAR KD "B" here is huge drama. This game is really so "YAG". :P

HF to all ;)

17:47:37 Oct 21st 09 - Wolflord Karac:

Elit, no one cares bout your thoughts, continue somewhere else. Real people are busy talking in here.

18:02:06 Oct 21st 09 - Mr. Malius Ignis:

yes i do Karac

just farming and then attacking new players is just weak

18:13:16 Oct 21st 09 - Mr. Elit:

This time i can agree with you Karac. There is place for "real" people not for wolfs/dogs/cats or other cute animals....:P
I know you can be very good friend to people but every one need to know his place go back to zoo and whine how much you want ;)

18:37:46 Oct 21st 09 - Dark Prince Stirlin:

who is elit? is he one of them new guys that talk about topics they have no clue about?
i like them people, although i do prefer the new guys who actually knuckle down, learn the game and its community then pop up and talk about topics they do have a clue about :)

18:58:18 Oct 21st 09 - Dark Prince Stirlin:

you have animals, i have people infested with hiv!

19:45:09 Oct 21st 09 - Sir Guybrush Threepwood:

War more and talk less :-P

20:34:56 Oct 21st 09 - Lord Middle Earth:

And ignis, I could give a shit about ur thoughts, being a part of an unhonorable kd who doesnt even honor the 96 hr notice. You pathetic asses.

if this is about the city Mrakcuiq, then you have the right to say so... That is completely my fold, I did not remembered the 96h-thing anymore, and since u are MAPed with RVL and we are in war with them, I was just taking everything on my path...
Please do not blame my KD, its only me you should blame... :s

Im sorry...

20:37:26 Oct 21st 09 - Wolflord Karac:

You have no right to ignorance, as the agreement was discussed on EVERY PAGE OF THIS THREAD!


20:38:08 Oct 21st 09 - Dark Prince Stirlin:

thats a pretty silly mistake!
or perhaps a well executed action?
oh the drama

20:40:56 Oct 21st 09 - Lord Middle Earth:

if PHI have got an army close, plz take it back... (I dont read everything on this tread, only the last few posts)

Its up to the leaders of our  KDs now to make a discission

20:42:49 Oct 21st 09 - Wolflord Karac:

As I said to another rebirth member, I shouldhave used my 140k zerks on Nirvana to 'slip up'.

Yeah, take it back after 14k troops got killed, and your kd takes the upper hand. Yeah, I think I agree with Stirlin, well executed mistake.

20:45:09 Oct 21st 09 - Lord Middle Earth:

ask everyone who played with me before... I wouldnt do that (1 city vs a bad name, what do u think I would choose?)

20:46:48 Oct 21st 09 - Wolflord Karac:

Well, hindsight is 20/20. Unforutnately, I am just a lowly peon,sSo, its up to the PHI/Rebirth leaders now. I will await the answer.

21:03:08 Oct 21st 09 - Prince Charley The Kitten:

Elit and Karac, take your argument elsewhere.  Off topic posts deleted.

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