Forums / The hangaround / perfect world

perfect world
07:48:49 Apr 22nd 09 - Pirate Lewatha:

struddle isn't talking about rappelz though, he's talking about perfect world...

I've played Rappelz till lvl 30 or so, than I got bored out and quit it :P

07:54:21 Apr 22nd 09 - Mr. Rambutan:

     Oh he's going Perfect world  :D   I haven't played in awhile (been into fps lately), but I liked perfect world a lot. I wish some of the cash shop items were available in other ways :(    but it's a very cool game

09:08:25 Apr 22nd 09 - Sir Spoon:

Remember to select the server Dreamweaver!

I'll be online tomorrow the entire day. Not today since I've got alot to do for work today.. -_-

16:30:13 Apr 22nd 09 - Sir Struddle:

I r joined meh name is Struddle ^_^ roflz

I r level 1 winged elf cleric weeeeeeee

17:25:00 Apr 22nd 09 - Mr. Midnight Kiss:

Mr. Millenium


4/22/2009 2:30:37 AM
rappelz is way better
Had a look, it sucks. Tons of grinding (most MMO's have that but still), crap graphics, crap PvP..

Mr. Innovator


4/22/2009 4:24:08 AM
heh :P nuubs :P >.< spownny :P  your lv 20? :P wtf >.<
<<< lv 70 axe BM >.<
My WF on MY-EN (official) was almost 9X when i quit (i stopped lvling when i bought my pheonix to lvl it up =/), my private server WF is lvl 111 =P (once again stopped lvling to farm for 8jun..).
Mr. Rambutan


4/22/2009 6:00:18 AM
     Priest healer huh?   Prepare to be blamed for every failed dungeon party you attend.

I would start with something easier if I were you, then again, I wouldn't play Rappelz at all if I were you  :P
Thats only if you go with *beep*s... And EP on PW is easy to play-buff party before then the only skills you need are blue ball, whist and occasionally puri, blue ball is automatic so just need to press it and leave, whist is just click WB/tanker and sp@m....

Mr. Rambutan


4/22/2009 6:54:21 AM
     Oh he's going Perfect world  :D   I haven't played in awhile (been into fps lately), but I liked perfect world a lot. I wish some of the cash shop items were available in other ways :(    but it's a very cool game
Private server.

Sir Spoon


4/22/2009 8:08:25 AM
Remember to select the server Dreamweaver!

Still sticking to my private server mainly, but might try PWI to see their new fairy's =O! (think their called genies?). Isnt Dreamweaver a PvE server though T.T?

19:28:28 Apr 22nd 09 - Sir Struddle:

I like PvP servers so i may change at some point cuz PvP is funnerer

19:49:01 Apr 22nd 09 - Mr. Midnight Kiss:

Sir Struddle


4/22/2009 6:28:28 PM
I like PvP servers so i may change at some point cuz PvP is funnerer
If im going to make a char on Int its definately going to be PvP =/. And if you swap servers you dont keep your char so you have to start over, so youll have to choose. Harshlands is apparantly their 'new' (only out for ~2 months) PvP server so ill make my char there when i finish dl...

19:54:35 Apr 22nd 09 - Pirate Lewatha:

I reckon it's better to play on pve first, no?

I mean, in pvp servers, can't you just be killed by any random player?

or how do they work?

20:22:27 Apr 22nd 09 - Mr. Midnight Kiss:

Pirate Lewatha


4/22/2009 6:54:35 PM
I reckon it's better to play on pve first, no?

I mean, in pvp servers, can't you just be killed by any random player?

or how do they work?

Lvl 1-30 you cant be pked, your name is blue which means you cant pk or be pked. After that theres name colours. Im not sure if PWI has the sheild option, which is after lvl 30, if you chose to, you can go back to blue, but if you choose to swap to white (can pk/be pked), you have to stay white for at least 10 hours.

If that has not been implemented, lvl 30+ you go white and can be pked, but you never lose any exp when killed by players and, unless you attack back (then your name goes pink), you only have a less than 1% chance to drop something in your inv (eq is safe). Basically, little happens...

If you kill a white named player your name goes red for 2 hours, depending on how many you kill how long your red for and what chances of you dropping are. If you attack a player or kill a red name you name goes pink. This is only for a few mins. Still 0% of eq dropping but chances of inv items dropping increases so generally, if your getting random pked, unless you have dolls or think you can kill them just run.. There are 'Safe zones' around all cities in which no pk can take place.

You can buy dolls (think they have a dif. stupider name in PWI, they renamed all the classes stupidly so probberly did the items to) though from the cash shop and that means instead of losing exp/items when you die you lose 1 doll meaning you can go as red as you want and not lose anything.

22:20:32 Apr 22nd 09 - Sir Spoon:

Okay, so we'll all be playing on the Harshlands server then instead of DW? :)

04:03:36 Apr 23rd 09 - Sir Struddle:

sure sounds like a plan to me i'll be starting my cleric over on Harshlands then :) it'll be the same name :)

09:20:44 Apr 23rd 09 - Sir Spoon:

Spoown, the lvl 3 Winged Elf Archer reporting for duty!

16:46:44 Apr 23rd 09 - Mr. Rambutan:

 lol  :D      it sucks not being able to fly for more than like 10 seconds without it eating all your mana

23:33:49 Apr 23rd 09 - Mr. Midnight Kiss:

White wings dont use up a ton of mana, just seems that way at low lvls lol... EP by lvl 10 should have enough int to mean that your mana regens faster than its used up by wings so wont drop (or at least not drop much). EA dont use int so it could be annoying till your able to get other wings (only lvl 1 white wings that EA/EP start with use mana, all other aviations dont).

Anyway, dl the game now, ill start playing tommorow. Had a look into the 'genies' i came here for, There not out yet!!! ><. Grrr my sources all give flawed info T.T... Look interesting though, shouldnt be long. And there cheap to lol...

More info on genies skills- And pics-

IGN is Chrysocolla btw. Made a WF (like always) =P.

16:26:02 Apr 24th 09 - Sir Spoon:

I'll be playing alot tonight! In about 4 hours I'll be online for quite a while! :)

21:20:47 Apr 24th 09 - Mr. Atreides:

Yay! I wanna play too!

21:31:32 Apr 24th 09 - Mr. Bragi:

i ownz an acc in there :P

23:27:04 Apr 24th 09 - Mr. Atreides:

I am the awesooome cleric, "Fedikyn"!

01:28:13 Apr 25th 09 - Sir Struddle:

at least we have two clerics that's a bonus takes some of the stress off me

08:54:15 Apr 25th 09 - Pirate Lewatha:

fine, harshlands than :(

/me starts her winged elf archer in harshlands

16:51:05 Apr 25th 09 - Mr. Midnight Kiss:

Pirate Lewatha


4/25/2009 7:54:15 AM
fine, harshlands than :(

/me starts her winged elf archer in harshlands

Sorry Lew =/.... Your name in game btw? Lvl 32 now with pheonix btw ^^. Out lvled all of you in 2 days =/? Aiming for 50 this time next week, dont know if ill make it... I always lvl fast then get bored... And after i get bored i get like 1 lvl every 2 weeks ><..

17:36:54 Apr 25th 09 - Mr. Atreides:

Y'all betta watch out...i'm a super-powerful lvl 7 now!

18:32:14 Apr 25th 09 - Sir Spoon:

Sorry, but I have a llife! I work 30 hours a week! :P
And my friends demand about 30 hours of attention per week aswell!
50 hours of sleep a week... Makes 110.
About 15 or 20 hours of school. Boohoo :(

The rest is eating and gaming! mmkay? :P

19:21:49 Apr 25th 09 - Mr. Midnight Kiss:

Sir Spoon


4/25/2009 5:32:14 PM
Sorry, but I have a llife! I work 30 hours a week! :P
And my friends demand about 30 hours of attention per week aswell!
50 hours of sleep a week... Makes 110.
About 15 or 20 hours of school. Boohoo :(

The rest is eating and gaming! mmkay? :P

You eat for 38 hours a week O_O? How much are you eating =O?

11:03:34 Apr 26th 09 - Sir Spoon:

'and gaming'! :D

But anyhow.. 30 mins breakfast. 30 mins lunch. 1 hour dinner.
x 7 = 14 hours.. Add the snacks, and it'll be 15 hours :P

23 hours of gaming! Including VU, oilempires and another game!

16:58:24 Apr 26th 09 - Duke Ralfardious Windscar II:


18:03:41 Apr 26th 09 - Mr. Midnight Kiss:

Sir Spoon


4/26/2009 10:03:34 AM
'and gaming'! :D

But anyhow.. 30 mins breakfast. 30 mins lunch. 1 hour dinner.
x 7 = 14 hours.. Add the snacks, and it'll be 15 hours :P

23 hours of gaming! Including VU, oilempires and another game!
Lvl30+ you get a daily quest called 'Stones of Madness' or something like that (havent learnt the PWI name for it yet =/). You can do it once per day (resets at a certain time for everyone, not 24 hours from when you last did it). It takes like 2 mins then you have to wait 10 mins after before you can accept the reward, and the exp/sp you get from it scales with your lvl so as you lvl you get more so its good. 90+ it only gives 1% (but thats alot then), but in the 30's it gives 20-25% each day so it helps.

Go on a diet and you might make it there Spoon ^^. And what is oilempires =/?

18:28:51 Apr 26th 09 - Sir Spoon:

Lame suckass *beep* game!

13:07:20 Jun 24th 09 - Mr. Fnaze:

anyone still playing this game? :) Im a lvl 57 cleric now. playing on dreamweaver server

18:35:04 Jun 24th 09 - Mr. Gawaine:

I just started, along with Sanoh. Lvl 15 human mage... >.<

21:43:57 Jun 24th 09 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

How are there more posts than views?

21:55:07 Jun 24th 09 - Mr. Sandoran:

if it is so perfect, why is there so much fighting..... PEACE people, PEACE! (VU should be perfect, no more fighting in vu :O)

09:30:38 Jun 26th 09 - Mr. Sanoh:

lol i made a faction in perfect world if anyone wants to join it. its called VisualU so that you guys could find it easily. im currently a lvl 24 blademaster and gawaine is a lvl 22 wizard. also we are on the server dreamweaver

23:00:14 Jun 26th 09 - Mr. Gawaine:

He is insomniacally challenged so he's up all night playing so he gets ahead of me in level, but not quest. We do quests together. =)

01:48:52 Jun 27th 09 - Duke Pikachu:

wow gawaine.. do you bum each other too?

04:39:30 Jun 27th 09 - Sir Sorra:


SO we have the whole VU community playing this now...

IS there a VU guild of some sort?

04:42:09 Jun 27th 09 - Mr. Sanoh:

yes there is... i made one. it is called VisualU

06:27:12 Jun 27th 09 - Mr. Gawaine:

xD Sorra read the post literally right above my last one. And Pikachu, I have no clue what that means. XD

15:53:46 Jun 29th 09 - Mr. Sanoh:

so who else is playing on the dreamweaver server?

20:07:54 Jun 29th 09 - Mr. Gawaine:

Umm, me, Sanoh,  Fnaze... but I have not found Fnaze yet.

08:44:23 Jul 4th 09 - Mr. Kratos Wolf:

I would play this game but... sadly... I gave up on this type of games because they are repetitive and bore me quickly.. Quest after Quest after Quest.. that is, if you ever want to be high lvl you gotta do a lot of Quests.. or, you can try the usually slower method, which at first looks fun but then gets boring too... Grinding, killing random monsters. Over, and Over, and Over again.

Another reason why MMORPG's get boring is because you develop no skills, it takes no skills to play them. (not in game skills) but player skills for example. In a shooting game like Call of Duty, or Halo.. you need to have good aim, quick reflexes, quick fingers lol.. and an overall skill on the game itself (because someone who is good in Call of Duty will not always be good on Halo, which is my status.)

Its cool to see a certain comunity, or group that you can play with though, like the VU comunity there, and even though it almost makes me want to download and start playing it... I wont because I know Im just gona get bored right after :P.. and then quit.

15:44:22 Jul 4th 09 - Mr. Fnaze:

Im called Fnazwe on perfect world.. first i did a blademaster but it su<ked that was named fnaze xD

oh lvl 61 now

17:44:07 Jul 4th 09 - Mr. Gawaine:

RE: I would play this game but... sadly... I gave up on this type of games because they are repetitive and bore me quickly..

It's really not repetitive, it involves some amount of skill, because with every class you get different skills and attacks as you level up, and you have to know (with most classes) when to use a skill or not to. Like me, I'm a mage and I have to know which spells work best against what.

P.S. You don't have to have good aim to be good at COD, your character does. ;)

05:37:38 Jul 5th 09 - Mr. Kratos Wolf:

No, In COD if you cant aim you simply suck :P.. your character just gets you better guns, which compliments your skills, or makes someone who sucks a slight bit better. To show that, if you suck at COD someone who is experienced can easily kill you with a hand gun, no matter what gun you have.

BTW, I know how MMORPG's work (skill wise) But still, someone 10 lvl higher can beat you no matter how "newb" the person is.. in COD (where there are levels) no matter how high lvl the person is, you can kill them over, and over, and over again.

Also, there are some RPG's that require skill.. Prince of Persia would make a great mmo... but thats not a good example.. hmm.. Mount & Blade, look it up. That game you have levels and all but the fighting resembles real mideval fighting... swing your weapon around, put your shield up.. run someone over with your horse, that type of things. They are making Mount & Blade multiplayer soon... so if its real good then I will bring it up again because so far the one play game its AMAZING... truly never seen such a good game, if you have played Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion, it plays kind of like that except no magic, weapon swinging is more realistic, and you can fight from the horse, also horse archery.

You also have soldiers with you on Mount & Blade, just look it up quick, Im not saying buy it because telling someone to buy something isent advised, I would if it was free but its not, just see it so you can get a feel of what I mean about "skills".

Also, you as mage ofcourse, get one spell against this and that, but in the end, it depends mostly on your characters skills rather than yours, you are just pulling the strings, playing COD or Halo feels more like the character is an extension of yourself, since it does exactly what you want it to... you know, jump and shoot like, even in Oblivion there is a lot of skill involved, I hope Oblivion was a multiplayer game.

05:40:56 Jul 5th 09 - Mr. Kratos Wolf:

^ Mount and blade is very realistic.. I didnt wear a helmet because I didnt have one and I had my shield up to block arrows as I advanced.. but some lucky, or skilled archer shot me right in the face.. dead.

Also, you guys make me want to play "Perfect World" but it just seems like the rest that I would just quit playing, UNLESS you all make a guild and start playing on a PVP server, all together and if there is atleast 5 people together then I will actually download it, because playing is more fun when you have friends that relate to you somehow, < like all VU players gives you something to talk about while you kill people.

05:50:13 Jul 5th 09 - Mr. Gawaine:

Yes, I know it is, I was going to get it a while ago but I have no way to pay for it. Me and Sanoh play, we have a faction, as it's called on there, and it's up to 9 members now. We aren't high enough for territory wars, which is basically where you pay money to attack a territory and invade it with your own character and so on, sounds very fun, but we can't do it until we're higher level because all the territory-owners are big league factions... We'd get crushed. But yeah, I wouldn't play Perfect World if there wasn't enough people in our faction to talk with.. There are times where I'm the only one on and it bores me, but I just log off and w8. ;)

05:51:34 Jul 5th 09 - Mr. Gawaine:

Also, that's why I just go paintballin'. ;) most realistic you can get without killing someone with a bullet. Lol

06:07:02 Jul 5th 09 - Mr. Kratos Wolf:

lol... you have money for painballing but not 20 bucks for a great game? :D

I wish I had money for painballing, I've never done so and I dont even know a place were to go to do a paintball fight I would love to do it someday with my friends If I had the money for it. But until then, I play football, which is free :P

06:21:20 Jul 5th 09 - Mr. Gawaine:

It sux when your holding the gun and the paintball hits you square in the knuckles, it tears em up lol. But yeah, I WOULD buy it, but it's not on a CD or anything like that, and I dun has a credit card.. >.>

06:39:42 Jul 5th 09 - Mr. Kratos Wolf:

It sux when you slip playing football... or if one of your fingers gets hit by a badly thrown ball, it jams your fingers :P.. But yea M & B is worth the bucks I have it, and when you get bored you can download a module for it.. which is awsome its like having a sequel, or an expansion pack for the game... for free, made by players so its actually good and not like Fable 2 :)

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